Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is less about Star Wars and more behind the scenes fuckery about the sad state of diversity in big budget movies and TV.

Fiege has to look after Marvel movies, TV, and comics. Where is he gonna find the time for Star Wars? I can see him being in charge of one movie but not a whole new trilogy.
The tracking number in those clickbait titles is 200 million. I would love to you spin how a 200m OW domestic is bad.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
No, the topic was about it being the lowest opening weekend of the new trilogy -- with a range of $180m - $225m, which would still be one of the biggest films of all time. But that topic was closed because it was a clickbait nonsense story as it's too early for valid tracking.

No. That isn't one of the reasons. Stop spreading baseless nonsense. Episode VIII was critically acclaimed and divisive among some of the more vocal "fans," a term I use loosely.

Solo was a perfect storm with numerous reasons as to why it failed:

- Both the general public and fandom had little to no interest in a Han Solo film where Solo wasn't played by Harrison Ford.
- Months of bad press and behind-the-scenes drama, including directors being fired and the lead actor being scrutinized with rumors that he needed an acting coach.
- The trailers were not received well enough to overcome the behind-the-scenes drama and some felt as if they were trying to hide the actor playing Han.
- A very questionable release date for a number of reasons, one of which is that Disney incorrectly thought that Star Wars could be handled like the MCU but movie audiences don't see the franchise that way. A November/December release date likely would have been better.
- While reviews were generally positive (70% on RottenTomatoes), they were a noticeable step below the well received Rogue One (84%) and the critically acclaimed sequel trilogy films (93% for TFA, 91% for TLJ).

"People didn't like TLJ so they didn't see Solo," is projecting your own personal opinion of one film onto another but there is little to no evidence or logic to back it up. The Last Jedi was one of the best reviewed films of 2017 and audiences largely enjoyed it.



"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Anecdotally I know people who didn't like Endgame. Endgame is a divisive movie confirmed.
It wasn't that I know some people who didn't like it, but that I realised no one I know directly thought highly of The Last Jedi. I think it's a diamond in the rough but it was a sobering thought that everyone I know picked at it in some way that they generally wouldn't. Like even my old dad liked Solo and Endgame and generally likes any old crap but he's kinda indifferent to TLJ which is odd for me.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Because Filoni has never directed a movie. RJ has directed a bunch of films, all of which have critical acclain. He is reliable. They won't hire someone who hasn't directed a live action film before to direct their major blockbuster franchise.

Oh that is bullshit and you know it. Since when is Filoni unreliable? He has consistently produced amazing content for Lucasfilm. Both Rebels and The Clone Wars are among the best shit Star Wars has ever produced and they're better than any of the movies to boot.

It's even more ridiculous to say Disney wouldn't let him make a movie because he's never done one before. Or did you forget that Benioff and Weiss never directed a movie before, either? Disney isn't quite as absurd as you when it comes to who they'll give a shot too.

Oh right, sorry, I forgot - we should just want Ryan Johnson to make Star Wars movies every other year and fuck anyone else having a shot at the franchise ever again.

Rogue Blue

Oct 27, 2017
Long time Lucasfilm insider source is hinting with D&D shown the door that Rian Johnson's trilogy might be the next project now.




The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Oh that is bullshit and you know it. Since when is Filoni unreliable? He has consistently produced amazing content for Lucasfilm. Both Rebels and The Clone Wars are among the best shit Star Wars has ever produced and they're better than any of the movies to boot.

It's even more ridiculous to say Disney wouldn't let him make a movie because he's never done one before. Or did you forget that Benioff and Weiss never directed a movie before, either? Disney isn't quite as absurd as you when it comes to who they'll give a shot too.

Oh right, sorry, I forgot - we should just want Ryan Johnson to make Star Wars movies every other year and fuck anyone else having a shot at the franchise ever again.

Producing and directing are different skill sets, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never understand this "TLJ isn't divisive" argument defence force.

You liked the movie, and that's great. But if we spend hundreds of pages arguing "is it divisive" that makes it divisive in its own right.

Name a single other movie debated as much here, or online in general, in recent years.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm not saying it's good, everyone has their own opinion that they're entitled to. But saying the film isn't divisive and there's only actually one single reaction to it is completely disingenuous.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh that is bullshit and you know it. Since when is Filoni unreliable? He has consistently produced amazing content for Lucasfilm. Both Rebels and The Clone Wars are among the best shit Star Wars has ever produced and they're better than any of the movies to boot.

It's even more ridiculous to say Disney wouldn't let him make a movie because he's never done one before. Or did you forget that Benioff and Weiss never directed a movie before, either? Disney isn't quite as absurd as you when it comes to who they'll give a shot too.

Oh right, sorry, I forgot - we should just want Ryan Johnson to make Star Wars movies every other year and fuck anyone else having a shot at the franchise ever again.

D&D didn't deserve to direct Star Wars either, but they did at least have live-action directing experience from a decade's worth of GoT. Filoni has never touched a live-action production in his life before the Mandalorian. And hopefully he's learned a good bit from it because I would definitely like to see him involved in a movie someday, either as a writer or director.

However, it's also an increasingly Bad Look to hire unqualified white men for these directing positions. Despite Lucasfilm's commitment to diversity, every single person they've hired and/or fired for a Star Wars movie has been a white man and many of them are white men with little to no blockbuster directing experience.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh that is bullshit and you know it. Since when is Filoni unreliable? He has consistently produced amazing content for Lucasfilm. Both Rebels and The Clone Wars are among the best shit Star Wars has ever produced and they're better than any of the movies to boot.

It's even more ridiculous to say Disney wouldn't let him make a movie because he's never done one before. Or did you forget that Benioff and Weiss never directed a movie before, either? Disney isn't quite as absurd as you when it comes to who they'll give a shot too.

Oh right, sorry, I forgot - we should just want Ryan Johnson to make Star Wars movies every other year and fuck anyone else having a shot at the franchise ever again.
D and D weren't ever going to direct a Star Wars film. What are you talking about? They were hired to write and produce. They were never going to direct them.


Nov 21, 2018
Thank goodness. These guys suck balls. They need to thank Martin every day for his great source material.


Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars seems to have a lot of unforced errors. The MCU had Ant-Man and Thor 2 diverge from its public plans, but The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi seem to be the only two modern Star Wars movies that have stayed the course of their stated plans.


Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars seems to have a lot of unforced errors. The MCU had Ant-Man and Thor 2 diverge from its public plans, but The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi seem to be the only two modern Star Wars movies that have stayed the course of their stated plans.

Officially TFA went fine, but unofficially the production was a complete disaster, with a finished script being written only weeks before shooting started, writers getting hired and fired, massive rewrites and reshoots as late as a couple months before release, constant narrative changes, Harrison Ford's injury, and Abrams nearly quitting the project several times. TFA was almost as disastrous behind the scenes as Rogue One.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I'm definitely going to see it but you can't deny the fact that EP9 is basically SW9 retcon the previous movie. It's a little hard to go in to detail without going in to full spoiler mode.

If EP8 really was that well received that would not have happened
Or if JJ wasn't a super boring director it also wouldn't have happened.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
However, it's also an increasingly Bad Look to hire unqualified white men for these directing positions. Despite Lucasfilm's commitment to diversity, every single person they've hired and/or fired for a Star Wars movie has been a white man and many of them are white men with little to no blockbuster directing experience.

Well yeah that's another issue that I'd like to see addressed. For all the talk about diversity and feminism, we still haven't had a Star Wars movie directed by a woman and the first reaction anyone here seems to have is "let's replace two white dudes with another white dude".

My point was that I'd like to see Filoni make a movie at some point, not that he should be up for one next, but folks like Cheebo don't want that and don't believe he deserves an opportunity to make a movie. They just can't stop riding Rian Johnson's dick long enough to consider someone, anyone, else having a shot at making a Star Wars movie.

He makes one Star Wars movie they liked and suddenly he and Disney should just drop everything to appease them and make more. If it were up to them we wouldn't get legitimately good stuff like Looper or Knives Out from Johnson any more, just more bloody Star Wars.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
However, it's also an increasingly Bad Look to hire unqualified white men for these directing positions. Despite Lucasfilm's commitment to diversity, every single person they've hired and/or fired for a Star Wars movie has been a white man and many of them are white men with little to no blockbuster directing experience.

Deleted member 42105

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
RIP D&D's trainwreck, it would've been a wild fun hilarious ride.

Here's hoping Feige and Favreau get to next gig so they can blow us away with their solid 7 movie. I'd take that any day over another RJ one.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
Oh sure, "too busy" to do the thing that had them mentally checked out on the show they're actually known for. Definitely not Disney getting cold feet after seeing the reaction (and swift murder of a fandom) caused by their original work on Game of Thrones!

You guys are embarrassing yourselves at this point.

Disney doesn't give a shit about the opinions of the self entitled fanboys who hate watched GOT. Neither does Netflix. And rightly so. Businesses should never pay attention to man children who all but scream "this show didn't end the way my fanfic did so I hate it."


Oct 27, 2017
You guys are embarrassing yourselves at this point.

Disney doesn't give a shit about the opinions of the self entitled fanboys who hate watched GOT. Neither does Netflix. And rightly so. Businesses should never pay attention to man children who all but scream "this show didn't end the way my fanfic did so I hate it."

They definitely pay attention to industry reactions to people and any associated financial risk, though! Remember when Josh Trank was supposed to make one of these movies?

C'mon you really think these two decided working for Netflix was more important than being signed to do a Star Wars trilogy? Disney got cold feet, just like they did with the other ten projects/directors they announced and then killed.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
You guys are embarrassing yourselves at this point.

Disney doesn't give a shit about the opinions of the self entitled fanboys who hate watched GOT. Neither does Netflix. And rightly so. Businesses should never pay attention to man children who all but scream "this show didn't end the way my fanfic did so I hate it."

It's far more than "fanboys who didn't like Game of Thrones." The reaction to the final season of GoT was overwhelmingly negative on a massive level. It went beyond fanboys and into the mainstream viewing audience.

On top of that, they have made some very questionable comments recently as well.

We certainly can't say for sure if Disney pushed them out at all but it's ridiculous to tell someone they are "embarrassing themselves" for believing that might be the case.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
You guys are embarrassing yourselves at this point.

Disney doesn't give a shit about the opinions of the self entitled fanboys who hate watched GOT. Neither does Netflix. And rightly so. Businesses should never pay attention to man children who all but scream "this show didn't end the way my fanfic did so I hate it."
People are still using this disingenuous argument? Lol

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They definitely pay attention to industry reactions to people and any associated financial risk, though! Remember when Josh Trank was supposed to make one of these movies?

Would you let him near a franchise after what he did with Fantastic Four? Plus he was working with Kinberg on that Star Wars movie, who we all know is a joke.


Oct 25, 2017
Officially TFA went fine, but unofficially the production was a complete disaster, with a finished script being written only weeks before shooting started, writers getting hired and fired, massive rewrites and reshoots as late as a couple months before release, constant narrative changes, Harrison Ford's injury, and Abrams nearly quitting the project several times. TFA was almost as disastrous behind the scenes as Rogue One.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't "disaster in production" the story for nearly every Star Wars film? I remember watching a documentary saying all movies faced a significant amount of production trouble but it was in the view of Star Wars fans so it could have been biased.


Oct 27, 2017
Josh Trank self sabotaged his own career.

I don't think you can compare him to two guys who turned an unfilmable novel series into a hit TV series... without the novels being finished.

I sincerely doubt any Disney execs are nodding along in furious agreement to some seething Reddit post about how badly D&D messed up Game of Thrones but you're kidding yourself if you think they aren't aware of the critical thrashing and total pop culture death of GOT after the finale.
Oct 25, 2017
Resuming my petition to get Justin Lin behind a Star Wars movie/ trilogy

However, it's also an increasingly Bad Look to hire unqualified white men for these directing positions. Despite Lucasfilm's commitment to diversity, every single person they've hired and/or fired for a Star Wars movie has been a white man and many of them are white men with little to no blockbuster directing experience.

Amen. So far LF's diversity only goes one direction.


Oct 25, 2017
I like how people are going "Disney never cares about fans opinions" when the whole James Gunn fiasco happened because of alt-righters exploiting that very concept.


Oct 30, 2017
Why tie yourself down to a single franchise when there's so many other franchises out there to ruin.