
Oct 25, 2017
I guess if gamers complaining can get Devotion removed it's only fair they can get Cyberpunk removed too.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Here I thought I was having a rough week. Holy fuck. At least I'm not at CDPR right now.


Oct 28, 2017
New York



Jan 2, 2020
I bought it physically, and have a ps5 and it hasn't been very bad so far. Just wild to see that this has happened, but it is a good thing none the less. Nobody should have to stomach a broken game if they are having problems.
Oct 25, 2017
GTA 5 ran extremely well on an Xbox 360 / PS3 relatively compared to how Cyberpunk is running on a PS4 / XB1. I don't recall the 360 version of GTA 5 having character models stuck as polygons for 10+ seconds at a time or the endless amount of bugs that are plaguing all versions of Cyberpunk.
Ran extremely well, okay.

The broader point is CDPR is dealing with two issues a buggy release and the fact that this cannot run on last gen hardware. The buggy release will be fixed, nothing is going to make this run well on last gen hardware (GTA didn't run well either). I think numerous parties are to blame here hardware/software. I hope it all gets resolved because I think CDPR has a great IP that they need to fix.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, GTA 5 is not the example to bring up here.

That game ran like a (relative) dream.

Granted I haven't played Cyberpunk yet but just based on the videos, the game looks to freeze, crash, glitch, etc. frequently enough to be pretty gamebreaking.


Sep 22, 2018
I had been been enjoying this on my PC, but all of this news has left me feeling a little icky about supporting a company that clearly knew it was unleashing a product that wasn't ready for consumers. Good for Sony. I probably would seek a refund on my Steam version in solidarity if I wasn't already past the point of no return :/ Won't buy a new game from CD Projekt Red in the future until well after the launch date.


Oct 27, 2017
I have no idea why after all the delays that they really decided to release the game as is. Mind boggling that they instead would have it come to this rather than taking another bullet on a further delay. The game industry needs to wake up and stop releasing unfinished games to the masses.

I think management just got drunk on its own success with Witcher III. They believed their own hype about being the company that everyone loves and because they didn't feel they had anything to prove any longer, they fell victim to shareholder thinking and prioritized making sure their 2020 financials looked good.

They probably just believed that "You're only as good as your last game" proverb and figured Witcher III would carry the momentum for this game, even if the technical standards weren't there.

Except now, Cyberpunk 2077 is their last game. So that's trouble.


Apr 13, 2019
Man I wish I understood exactly what is behind fixing a game or optmizing it to a specific hardware, etc.

Like, really what could they have done or they can do to fix the pop ins for instance? The hardware of ps4 is static, so what can they do to avoid the slow rendering of enviroment, etc?

At this point I think that even if they had another year, really, what can they do to fix this game in older consoles?


Mar 12, 2018
Paraphrasing that old Square meme "HD Towns are Hard". There's a reason that St. Denis is the benchmark for RDR2. And why Boston runs 10 times worse than everything else in Fallout 4. There has not been an urban environment this dense, at this fidelity, on consoles. And that's probably for a reason.

And the Elder Scrolls aren't a great example considering if any game deserved to be delisted more than Cyberpunk it was the PS3 version of Skyrim.

What about the Assasins Creed games or the Batman games?


Oct 28, 2017
Weird. The doc posted online said that we would keep it, but my license was revoked after refunding and the downloaded copy was locked.


Oct 28, 2017
Ran extremely well, okay.

The broader point is CDPR is dealing with two issues a buggy release and the fact that this cannot run on last gen hardware. The buggy release will be fixed, nothing is going to make this run well on last gen hardware (GTA didn't run well either). I think numerous parties are to blame here hardware/software. I hope it all gets resolved because I think CDPR has a great IP that they need to fix.

I still fail to see the comparison between "everything works but the framerate struggles because last gen" and "textures won't load, animations are broken, NPC's warp out of existence." This game CAN run on last gen without major issues if they had time.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this one of the biggest launch fuckups in history? Did CDPR throw all the goodwill and rep gotten from Witcher and just thrown it down the shitter?


Oct 27, 2017
It's not really about the game being "broken" it's more about CDPR telling people to ask Sony and MS for refunds instead of them. Sony is just sending a message here and also putting MS in a tight spot since they have a marketing deal for cyberpunk.
I am so confused how this quote, from another thread, is here 😳🤷🏻‍♂️


Oct 25, 2017
The hell it did. Andromeda had buggy cutscenes and character animations, occasionally. AI routines were fully implemented, and the game could be completed from beginning to end with nary an issue on all platforms, not just one like is the case right now.
I said Cyberpunk is far worse, just that there are bugs with this game that were also very common with Andromeda. Performance wise Andromeda was fine.
And there were more than just visual glitches with Andromeda. CDPR fucking up like never before isnt an opportunity to revise history.



Oct 25, 2017
Ran extremely well, okay.

The broader point is CDPR is dealing with two issues a buggy release and the fact that this cannot run on last gen hardware. The buggy release will be fixed, nothing is going to make this run well on last gen hardware (GTA didn't run well either). I think numerous parties are to blame here hardware/software. I hope it all gets resolved because I think CDPR has a great IP that they need to fix.

Yeah I think they could have survived either but not both. Janky ass game that runs and looks decent? It's just a meme generator and you are looking at an Andromeda situation at worse. Reasonably polished and bug free game that happens to be stuck at 20 fps on base PS4 and XBO (but runs decently on Pro and One X)- minimal complaints as well with lots of talk of "can't wait for the free upgrade when I get a new console".


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
Wow. Good move for Microsoft to delay Halo, this has been an absolute disaster of a launch. Haven't seen anything like this in quite some time.

They should've delayed the last gen versions to next year


Sep 22, 2018
Is this one of the biggest launch fuckups in history? Did CDPR throw all the goodwill and rep gotten from Witcher and just thrown it down the shitter?

Witcher 3 wasn't perfect at launch either, so perhaps memories are shorter than we'd think, but, yeah, this is company-defining stuff right here I think, especially in the context of the crunch culture that had been reported on.


Apr 15, 2018
And the Elder Scrolls aren't a great example considering if any game deserved to be delisted more than Cyberpunk it was the PS3 version of Skyrim.
Nah. Skyrim was playable on PS3. The issue was the save file got corrupted the bigger it got, usually around a 50-hour mark. 50 hours is more than enough time to finish the game. Many of my friends platinumed Skyrim on PS3. The state of the game was nowhere near as bad as Cyberpunk's.

Deleted member 51848

Jan 10, 2019
Lol. I await the inevitable flood of YouTube videos in my timeline. Also - good on Sony. I would love to have been a fly on the wall during some of these high level conversations.


Dec 8, 2017
Wow I'm just realizing that people with digital PS5's can't even buy the game? Or can they with a digital code from like third party websites?