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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
I think it's a stretch to hate this unreleased game you have no real info about and a development team based on a Tweet sent out by one person who may have been ignorant towards how offensive that tweet truly was. I don't think any sane person would tweet that out in this day and age with malice as intent on a company account.

I'm glad there is some sort of an apology albeit a shitty one...

Generalizing is never a smart thing. For all we know there are trans people in the studio who are currently taking action about this or others in that office that took issue with said tweet. This is not the mistake of CDPR. This is a mistake of one employee who probably didn't mean any harm and didn't understand the joke. Let's be aware of the harm and power our language can hold and be a little more cognisant of what we say.

bro why are you reaching? No one is hating the game. We're taking a stance with what we believe in and declaring that we won't be buying the game in the future because of this response. Who are you trying to fool?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that CDPR does have a history of this. Their pro-GamerGate tweet from a few weeks ago, or their poor stereotypical representation of Indian people in the upcoming game, shows enough of a running trend here.
I wasn't aware of this. Was this the same "tweeter"? If so, then the individual needs to be let go, and of course the apology with a donation to a charity. With respect to Indians in the game, have we even seen enough to make that determination? Im not going to jump to conclusions about any sort of representation in games before we know the full context.

My thoughts exactly. Educate the person who made the mistake, make some sort of charitable gesture or similar to back up an apology, and ensure it doesn't happen again. This was an ill-advised "joke" made in poor taste by someone who should have known better, but it's still just a mistake, not a sweeping declaration of transphobia by the entirety of the company, and I expect an apology on a similar scale.
Right, Im not ready to declare in my mind that an entire company is transphobic for some numbskull dumb tweet.


Oct 25, 2017
Why do these apologies ALWAYS end up the EXACT same:

"sorry if we offendeded anyone"

If you really do care don't come with that weak shit and express something more genuine and not cookie cutter.


Dec 28, 2017
North California
I'm not certain anyone here who is condemning this has said anything to that effect. You're the one jumping to Z.
multiple users in this very thread have stated as such.
If cdpr doesn't actively cause genocide we should all obliged to buy game, I agree.
ok this is just ridiculous. be grateful for me even quoting you.
With their history, we're at least a few more letters in than B.
now that I didn't know. sounds like they really do need to get their shit together.

I didnt know they were based in Poland, I think that explains some of it.

edit : that apology is pretty half-assed.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still amazed at the number of people saying it's just a joke in the early part of the old thread. A little googling will tell you that it's a well used 'joke' meant to diminish the trans community.

Im not even trans and in fucking offended by the joke.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a stretch to hate this unreleased game you have no real info about and a development team based on a Tweet sent out by one person who may have been ignorant towards how offensive that tweet truly was. I don't think any sane person would tweet that out in this day and age with malice as intent on a company account.

I'm glad there is some sort of an apology albeit a shitty one...

Generalizing is never a smart thing. For all we know there are trans people in the studio who are currently taking action about this or others in that office that took issue with said tweet. This is not the mistake of CDPR. This is a mistake of one employee who probably didn't mean any harm and didn't understand the joke. Let's be aware of the harm and power our language can hold and be a little more cognisant of what we say.

whew you got a lot of rope to give there

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a stretch to hate this unreleased game you have no real info about and a development team based on a Tweet sent out by one person who may have been ignorant towards how offensive that tweet truly was. I don't think any sane person would tweet that out in this day and age with malice as intent on a company account.

I'm glad there is some sort of an apology albeit a shitty one...

Generalizing is never a smart thing. For all we know there are trans people in the studio who are currently taking action about this or others in that office that took issue with said tweet. This is not the mistake of CDPR. This is a mistake of one employee who probably didn't mean any harm and didn't understand the joke. Let's be aware of the harm and power our language can hold and be a little more cognisant of what we say.

Noone is hating the game. They take a stance against buying the game like every consumer is allowed to do.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate 'apologies' like this. Saying 'to those offended' shifts blame to the people justifiably upset and angry that a company would make a shitty and damaging 'joke'. It's basically 'we're only apologizing because some were offended'. Fuck off.
Yup. It's fucking disingenuous.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Generalizing is never a smart thing. For all we know there are trans people in the studio who are currently taking action about this or others in that office that took issue with said tweet. This is not the mistake of CDPR. This is a mistake of one employee who probably didn't mean any harm and didn't understand the joke. Let's be aware of the harm and power our language can hold and be a little more cognisant of what we say.
It becomes CDPR's mistake when they tweet a half-assed "apology" as a follow up. Gender fluidity and trans identity is a core tenet of the cyberpunk setting; they need to demonstrate a deeper, more inclusive understanding of the genre they're working with and a commitment to ensuring their employee base is consistent with that mentality.


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't aware of this. Was this the same "tweeter"? If so, then the individual needs to be let go, and of course the apology with a donation to a charity. With respect to Indians in the game, have we even seen enough to make that determination? Im not going to jump to conclusions about any sort of representation in games before we know the full context.
The character is also directly taken from the source material. The tweet from the OP was shitty and the apology lackluster but I'm not about to throw the whole company under the bus


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
The best reponse by uneducated white boy critism is always "ummmm actually we need full context to the transphobia and racism displayed on their Twitter account and video game before I make a decision"


Oct 25, 2017
What I find sooooo incredibly disappointing in this, is that the genre of Cyberpunk can host so much discussion about gender fluidity and post-humanism that goes WAY beyond making a mocking meme-joke for gamergaters - it's so much money spend on projects feeding the impulses of trolls, while disregarding any kind of actual engagement with the topics their projects are about.

If I'd be a writer for a cyberpunk game, and my company social media representative vomits out a transphobic joke, I'd be SUPER-pissed and very very very disappointed.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't aware of this. Was this the same "tweeter"? If so, then the individual needs to be let go, and of course the apology with a donation to a charity. With respect to Indians in the game, have we even seen enough to make that determination? Im not going to jump to conclusions about any sort of representation in games before we know the full context.
The other tweet came from the GoG account, so no, a different tweeter, I assume (unless the same person handles all of them). Regardless, they've already been in hot water once, you'd think they'd be more careful. Unless there's a systemic pattern of this in the company, and things like this are easier to slip by as a result.
As for Indians, what we have seen is all we have to go by, and it's frankly tiring, As an Indian man myself, seeing Indians always be reduced to store clerks, call center agents, or taxi drivers (usually with thick accents) is tiresome to me, and CDPR's decision to lead with that (even if it's not the totality of representation of Indians in that game) strikes me as further lazy perpetuation of a harmful stereotype.


May 27, 2018
I wonder how many of these accounts are from the one person, or if it's a group trying to brigade.

It's awfully suspicious how they seem to make an appearance as soon as any lgbt/poc/minorities related threads appear and post right after each other with the same tripe with slightly different wording under the guise of 'just asking questions'.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Downplaying transphobic comments.
I first thought the tweet message was related to character creation.... Meaning that in this world of Cyberpunk you would not be able to define an exact genre or whether you could be any genre including a trans-gender character. Though, checking the real meaning of it and where this comes from, I can now understand the offensiveness of it..

Although, I still think it is quite extreme to call a boycott to this game just for one PR person who has no idea what he was doing and the consequences he could cause.

Do whatever you like, ain't dropping this game for just one silly tweet, this is still DAY ONE for me. And if someone here call me a shitty human being for disagreeing in part with all this "boycott outrage" (looking at the past three threads's history related to this subject)..... Heh.. I actually dated a beautiful trans woman, I still thinking about her.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how many of these accounts are from the one person, or if it's a group trying to brigade.

It's awfully suspicious how they seem to make an appearance as soon as any lgbt/poc/minorities related threads appear and post right after each other with the same tripe with slightly different wording under the guise of 'just asking questions'.

I lurk KiA, and they definitely do a lot of brigading, they get banned here and then go there and claim someone silenced their FREEZE PEACH.


Oct 25, 2017
The craziest part of this to me of all of this (besides the transphobia which is obviously the biggest part of this) is that you have people who get hired to run these accounts whose exact job is to not do shit like this but fail at it so often.

You know maybe this makes sense for some joe schmoe who didn't know the offensiveness of the "joke" and made it on a personal twitter and then apologized, but the fact is these folks that run these twitter accounts one job is to talk about the game and not get their team in trouble but they cant stop making these "jokes" that do nothing but hurt and offend people.

If you do shit like this you failed your one job so yeah I think its fine if the person running this account gets in trouble with their bosses and have a long conversation about what is and isn't acceptable. I don't get why they need defending.
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Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I am arguing with a friend for the last 2 hours about transgenderism and he is saying trans people have a psychological problem and the fact that indicates that is that even in countries in which their condition is accepted the suicide percentenge is at 40% for trans people. He concludes saying that, as a society, we should not embrace their psychological problems and "accept them", but actually help them with psychological treatment. He also compared it to schizophrenia when confronted with something I said, stating that it is not because the people that have schizophrenia thinks he sees something that we should keep feeding those visions he had, like... his comparasion was in the sense that it is not because trans people believe they are not their born gender that we should be supoorting that, since it is a psychological disorder.

Thing is, he is one my best friends. And I also really dont think he is a bad person.

That said... he is being a jerk, right?

Also I am not finding the 40% stuff he said. Is he lying?

Your friend is transphobic as fuck


Oct 27, 2017
When I read "To all of those offended" or hear "if you were offended" I assume they mean "To all of those this statement/joke was directed towards or to those who care for someone that this statement/joke was directed to"

But I also understand how this can be interpreted as "It was a joke, if it offended you I'm sorry you can't take a joke"


The Moyes are Back in Town
Oct 25, 2017
Businesses using twitter..................

I'm convinced they'll never learn how to not fuck it up


Oct 27, 2017
My 1st impression of Cyberpunk with that image of a bathing suit wearing hot chick on her knees in front of a male protagonist was they would just do Gerald in the future going around boning hot androids (all female looking ones). Subsequent showings improved my impression (you can customize you PC for ex) but this tweet and the non-response to it by CDPR just erased any interest I had in the game and I'm not even going to bother to follow anything about it anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what in their right mind made them think "Yeah, this "joke" will go over well with people on Twitter!". That non-apology doesn't help them either...the comments on there though...eesh.

Despicable, they should issue a proper apology.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
I was really looking forward to this game...but their handling of this whole situation has been weak sauce and disappointing.

How hard is it to give a genuine apology? They seem so freakin tone deaf


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ I went back and searched for the locked threads on this topic. People who think this is a "joke" have a serious empathy problem.


Oct 26, 2017
I know this is going to piss off a lot of people.....

But i honestly didn't know that statement was used or being used (and taken) as an offensive joke.

I think that's fine. I didn't know "we wuz kings" existed and was a white supremacist meme until I saw it in a crowbcat video and someone pointed it out. I think the first few pages of people rushing to put the cape on instead of listening to why that shitty meme is offensive as hell is the real problem.
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck this political correctness and all this shitty leftist agenda.

Being genuinely concerned about people who are overrepresented in murder and suicide statistics is now being "politically correct", eh? Here's politically correct for you: Eat shit and fuck off, you turd of a human being.

They're banning folks just for saying that they'll buy the game regardless, so yes.

No, they are banning people for using that tactic to dismiss legitimate concerns relating to the topic at hand. It is an attempt at derailing at best, which is a bannable offense as per the TOS. Maybe you should know what you're talking about before attempting to concern troll.


Oct 25, 2017
multiple users in this very thread have stated as such.
But enough to assume that's the baseline on anyone upset at this?

I just want to see CDPR do more to distance itself from this statement and make sure nothing like it happens again. If not? That's a problem, not one with the game itself. Just how they handle themselves publicly. They're from a different country so the social issues at the forefront of their minds aren't the same ones happening elsewhere.

Blowing them up with my disappointment over this isn't exactly saying "I won't be buying this game." The folks saying they won't be buying the game are so few and far between.

They're banning folks just for saying that they'll buy the game regardless, so yes.
No. That's not why they're being banned. You're acting like the TOS about derailing threads doesn't apply to shit posts trying to hit and run with "lol controversial stance, will buy still" content.

Master Smurf

Jul 21, 2018
User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing and tone policing concerns regarding transphobia. Account still in junior phase.
Would you be saying the same thing if the joke had been at the expense of black people? Would that have been a teachable moment as well?

I'd damn well expect the company to bend over backwards to distance themselves from those views in that case, what makes jokes at the expense of trans people any different?

I am black, I am fat, I am also Christian.

I have heard racist jokes and racist comments - Some I am outraged about and some I just shake my head and move on. I have played many games that have had in racial stereotypes and sit through many movies that dont represent black people well.

Being overweight - people have had to tolerate jokes and comments for most of their lives. Thank the Lord for women like Beyonce and Jlo that open the door for women to have curves and now for social media to empower much more to combat against body shaming - but guess what, it still happens.

I like Bill Maher but guess what, he takes pleasure in dissing persons of faith (unless their his friends) as lost or mentally inferior but I still watch many of his shows because I like his comedy and views on other subjects.

What I learned from this situation is that the meme / comment is a much more derogatory thing than I ever knew but at the same time please realize the context. This wasnt a core part or philiosophy in the game, the devs didnt come out and state a preference for a certain way of life etc etc. If you are going to say the sky is falling for every little thing then when major things happen are the masses going to believe you?

This is the situation now with the backlash on political correctness and the popular outrage action against most things outside of the liberal viewpoint. You may have a point but claiming that people should be fired and apologies should be to a certain stard for every incident turns off many people. Again please take this as an observation from someone who is a bit older, living in a part of the world that is a fair bit more conservative and speak with persons who dont necessarily see these situations as cut and dry.

I am all for not offending and to be as inclusive as possible but I realize that my upbringing did give me some biases I have to unlearn and that others may not care to hold those viewpoints - does that mean they should lose their livelihood or should have to always speak in a PC bubble so all can purchase their content with a clear conscience??? I dont know - life here on this planet isnt that easy.
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