
The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Epileptic PSA: There are reports that animations and flashing lights in this game can cause seizures. Read this article for more information

Why is there controversy surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077?

CD Projekt Red has a history of transphobia. This is well documented at this point and not a matter of debate. Due to this context there is particular concern about transphobic or insensitive content in Cyberpunk 2077 itself, such as the decision to tie gender to voice in the character creator, and trans fetishization in illustrations in the game—and these are just examples from prerelease footage. Additionally, there have been concerns about racist imagery and stereotyping. This article goes into depth about some of these issues.

What incidents of transphobia have occurred surrounding the game and the company, and why are they hurtful?

This list will be updated over time as more examples come to light, especially as the game releases and more content is uncovered. If you wish to have something added to this list, please send me a DM and get my attention.

Why is ResetEra allowing an official thread for this game?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether there should even be an official thread for Cyberpunk 2077, and many points of view were considered for this decision. Ultimately, a thread like this can serve as a platform for minority concerns to be aired and discussed respectfully, and given appropriate attention. We've also heard from minority members, including some trans members, who have asked for a space where they can talk about the game without needing to worry about trolling and bigoted posting. We expect all posters in the thread to extend the consideration and empathy to give them that space. We will be moderating as strictly as necessary to make sure they do.

What can I do to help fight transphobia?

Transphobia exists in many aspects of our lives. From casual discrimination such as the continuous misuse of a person's preferred pronouns, to more serious ramifications such as housing being denied, legal rights being taken away, and being discriminated in the legal system. Every trans person either has experienced transphobia in their lives, or will experience transphobia at some point.

Moreover, transphobia is a systematic issue that is present in every level of our society. Politicians fight to take away our rights. Celebrities use coded language and religious justifications, if not outright hostility, in order to continue to deny our existence. Media continues to portray us as the butt of a joke, or acts like we're something to be fascinated by, rather than treated with respect.

Actions speak louder than words: Become active in your local politics, donate to transgender causes, stand up for these issues wherever they arise, and if you know transgender people in your life be there for them and support them.

Here are some pro-trans organizations around the world where you can make a donation and show your support
  • For those of you in the US, The Trevor Project is one of the leading LGBT organizations. They are dedicated to crisis intervention and suicide prevention for people who are in need of support, love, and care.
  • For those of you in the UK, Mermaids is dedicated to the support of transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse children, young adults, and their families. They have been around since 1995, and have been one of the most vocal voices speaking out against transphobia in the UK, including showing the dangers that transphobia imposes upon our youth.
  • If you would like to donate to CDPR's native country of Poland, you can find the Trans-Fuzja Foundation website here. The Trans-Fuzja Foundation has been around since 2008, and is dedicated to the support of transgender people in Poland in many aspects of life and society, including politics.
We are your friends. We are your family members. We're your coworkers. We're the people you meet on the street. We're the essential workers who keep society running in a pandemic. We're everywhere. We're not some sort of freak or joke, and we're not going away.

I want to give major thanks to Uzzy for lending her talent, time, and effort in putting together graphics and material for this official thread. Without her, this would not have been possible on such short notice. I would also like to give a shout out and thanks to Kyuuji for allowing me to use images and links from her own thread for this posts.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how you can keep repeating this when you have DF saying the exact opposite as well as other people playing it.
Tell me I'm wrong:


Nah it looks amazing.
Does it?

I swear people are drunk on hype with this game


Oct 25, 2017
based on very non spoiler research it sounds like that all 3 are that way. they are just your back story and some flavor text sometimes
I mean maybe it's my fault for expecting something more but the way they've been going on and on about picking one of these paths... And perhaps I had something like White Orchard in mind...

I think it was literally 30 minutes.


Apr 2, 2018
Yeah i'm not feeling the texture work on PC at 1080p at all. It currently doesnt look anywhere as good for the performance i'm getting. There is nothing NG about it either, lighting seems nice in certain spots but it should be running alot better for what its showing.

Also i've seen comments about the blurriness, i concur. There is something making it blurry when in motion and ive turned off the all the screen efx crap cause they just make it worse.

I wouldnt wanna play this on a base console... simply not worth it.


Nov 2, 2017
I mean maybe it's my fault for expecting something more but the way they've been going on and on about picking one of these paths... And perhaps I had something like White Orchard in mind...

I think it was literally 30 minutes.

With all the pre-release reviews, I thought the opening 6 hours WAS your unique story path...guess I was very wrong lol.


Oct 27, 2017

1440p - RTX 3080 - get about 60-70 fps in the open city like the pic above and about 70-90 indoors. Everything on ultra, rtx on ultra with DLS on auto.


Oct 27, 2017
Another question, what's the default PC key binding for holstering your weapons?

I swear there are missing key bind options for the likes of accessing Inventory menus etc.


Oct 25, 2017
I decided I'm returning it. I can't get this running at a steady framerate. I'll just get it when I get a 3080 and by then, the game should be patched into something workable.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone got any idea where the photos taken in photo mode on PC get saved? Seems like you hit space for "Take Screenshot" but not actually seeing where.


Oct 29, 2017
Sorry. Even with all RT enabled, I find this game to be mediocre looking at best.

The design aesthetic not working for you? I'm playing the PS4 version on a PS5 so it's not a fair comparison to a decent (let alone top shelf) PC, but I'm not as into the aesthetic of this specific world as I thought I would be.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I feel scammed that the ray traced reflections is still like 50% screen space.


Dec 8, 2017
This game encapsules everything that is wrong with modern gaming.

"gamers" show again how dumb they are while being in an endless hype cycle despite being shown very little, 3 delays and still a bug riddled mess including gamebreakers

reviewers gushing and raving like it is the second coming of the gaming jesus handing out the 9s and 10s while sitting on their cyberpunk chairs despite it being a 7/10 game that could maybe climb to an 8 with adequate bug fixes

juvenile writing and dumb jokes lauded as some next level step for storytelling while in reality it is sleep inducing.
no next gen versions at launch, yet people rushing out to play a last gen game at 1080p on their shiny new consoles. unfinished game that needs a full game download patch to run like ass, been here done that gameplay that is nothing special.

this game is peak embarrassment and just does one positive thing: it shows the real faces of gamers, reviewers and publishers.

Lmao the Cyberpunk 2077 chairs that game journos were sitting in were quite silly thinking back at it.


Oct 25, 2017
Knives sure are out for this game. On the flip side, insane hype, fanboys, and hyperbole. Lacking? Nuance.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone playing on PC with the DS4? How do you get DS4 settings on the PC version? All I'm seeing is the Xbox controller.

Hud Hastings

Jul 1, 2018
Running an RTX3070 and Ryzen 2600x.

My performance is pretty garbage with any RT on. Is this CPU bottlenecked somehow? RTSS is telling me that my CPU is running around 60% and my GPU doesn't seem to be maxed out either, it's really odd. I can run it at 1440p with everything on Ultra (ray tracing off) and Quality DLSS with a stable 60fps so far, but any kind of RT and the FPS tanks even at 1080p.

Any ideas?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I gotta be honest, I'd take Witcher 3's image quality/art direction over whatever this is trying to do any day.
Easily. It's not even close. And Witcher 3 didn't even have any kind of TAA, its textures were bad, and its lighting was pretty mediocre in any situation that wasn't direct sunlight.


Oct 31, 2017
Running an RTX3070 and Ryzen 2600x.

My performance is pretty garbage with any RT on. Is this CPU bottlenecked somehow? RTSS is telling me that my CPU is running around 60% and my GPU doesn't seem to be maxed out either, it's really odd. I can run it at 1440p with everything on Ultra (ray tracing off) and Quality DLSS with a stable 60fps so far, but any kind of RT and the FPS tanks even at 1080p.

Any ideas?

Weird, I did have an issue where when I turned DLSS off and on it tanked FPS. Maybe do a restart with DLSS on Performance and see how it goes, seems to be a bit buggy