
Apr 18, 2018
They specifically said at the beginning that the gameplay is edited due to spoilers, so why all the complaints about edits?
Oct 26, 2017
Watched the deep dive on YouTube and the stream quality was poor.

Not gonna jump on the downgrade train until I see raw PC gameplay.


Jul 10, 2018
Last years demo was in Watson.

This is in Pacifica.

People claiming downgrade from a stream really need to open up their brains a little bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Although I believe these problematic representations of race in the game are worth discussing, be prepared for the majority of discussion on CP2077 now shift towards "DOWNGRADE!"

It sucks.

The race representation is an exactly how the tabletop game is, the creator is also African american and wanted this in the game. You can google this whole thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I was listening to a Twitch streamer the other day who said they cut this "Deep Dive" to around 15 minutes as they had lukewarm feedback while showing it off behind closed doors and they didn't want to release another 50+ minute video like previously so they chopped it up.
I remember nothing but hype from the media during E3 (except the one RPS article), this was 15 minutes edited from that I think. Multiple best of E3 awards, I don't know where the idea of "lukewarm" comes from.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't fathom someone watching that and seeing how cool the world/setting/gameplay is and get so stuck on the graphics.

Very seldom is a downgrade like this meaningful to the enjoyment of the product.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah it is nice and everything but that was cut too much to feel the flow of the game and quests.
Feb 10, 2018
It looks good. It doesn't really leave me dreaming of possibilities the way the first demo did. Most of what we see here is pretty standard features.

Yes. But to be fair the first demo that wowed me was the npc realism and quantity, also the fedelity was more impressive.
Hopefully the final game will have these qualities and exciting missions that are really unique to the cyberpunk world and take advantage of the realism of the world.
I don't think it will reach even rdr2s level of realism and 'alive' feeling, but I would love to be proven wrong.

Not the best demo, showing a lot of me too stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Prized possession or not, compared to the last video this looked bad. Are you saying this one was PC gameplay. Whoa dude are you sure?
It was on PC at E3 and Gamescom this year, doubt they'd suddenly show this on a Console.

And for reference, the PC running this at E3 had a Titan RTX with an i7-9700k and 32 GB of RAM.

They specifically said at the beginning that the gameplay is edited due to spoilers, so why all the complaints about edits?
This demo was open to the public at Gamescom. The spoiler thing rings pretty hollow.

I just think this was a poor way of showing off the game. Far less effective than last year's showing. And based on descriptions from E3 and Gamescom, this "deep dive" left out a lot of the most interesting parts of the full demo.
May 26, 2018
The character isn't nude anymore during character creation? Downgrade!

What kinda disappointed me is that character creation still uses a really limited number of "pieces" instead of sliders. There won't be any "ugly for funsies" characters or celebrity lookalikes, or... really anything outside the narrow range you're provided with.


Alt Account
May 12, 2019
DF says it wasn't downgraded, and yet here we are with everyone saying it is...

If DF didnt think that was a downgrade from the original video, then they need to get their eyes checked. That did not look anything, like the original video. should have known it wouldn't, since they did put a disclaimer sayin
Oct 26, 2017

Decent showing, but DL2 demo was wayyy better.
Oct 31, 2017
Looks fantastic, don't know where all this "downgrade" talk is coming from. It's running heavily compressed on YT and I'm still impressed with the graphics. It's going to look even more fantastic running on my PC (and PS5 next year).


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
As someone who saw the full demo at E3, my initial off-the-cuff take is that this editing is too heavily focused on combat. It would have been nice to see a full dialogue tree play out, some vehicle traversal (outside of some quick contextless motorcycle edits), visting the shop to see the gear/stat options and cosmetic changes (again, outside of just a quick shot of Male V looking in a mirror), etc.


Jul 1, 2019
I can't fathom someone watching that and seeing how cool the world/setting/gameplay is and get so stuck on the graphics.

Very seldom is a downgrade like this meaningful to the enjoyment of the product.
this, i really couldn't care less about a slight graphical downgrade. graphics are not everything. And to take a guess, that Keanu clip they shown at e3 was a cutscene.
Feb 10, 2018
I find the "alive" city, and exploring it, more exciting then the combat missions.

I love that feeling in games of going into the unknown. Shooting guns and using plasmids is a means to an end, I hope the story is excellent.


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
So, As a person who saw both demos in 2018 and 2019, let me say few things.

I don't think there is any downgrade. Of course we're gonna see this when the game comes out. But I think the visuals are the same when CDPR revealed the long demo last year. Do not compare this with the reveal trailer at last years Xbox conference. That one was game engine.

I don't think these a true next gen visuals. But, CP2077 has a tremendously level of detail. Try to catch them all and pay attention. The world is full with mechanics going on in the background. There is so much depth and freedom, I don't think any AAA game had this before.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
It was on PC at E3 and Gamescom this year, doubt they'd suddenly show this on a Console.

And for reference, the PC running this at E3 had a Titan RTX with an i7-9700k and 32 GB of RAM.

This demo was open to the public at Gamescom. The spoiler thing rings pretty hollow.

I just think this was a poor way of showing off the game. Far less effective than last year's showing. And based on descriptions from E3 and Gamescom, this "deep dive" left out a lot of the most interesting parts of the full demo.

I trust it was PC gameplay just shown, but watching on youtube it looked bad. Compressed and streaming I know etc, but the last video was good. Il wait for raw direct feed, but something has changed. Il supress the downgrade rage button for now.


Jul 1, 2019
As someone who saw the full demo at E3, my initial off-the-cuff take is that this editing is too heavily focused on combat. It would have been nice to see a full dialogue tree play out, some vehicle traversal (outside of some quick contextless motorcycle edits), visting the shop to see the gear/stat options and cosmetic changes (again, outside of just a quick shot of Male V looking in a mirror), etc.
maybe they will release the full video at a later date on youtube?


Nov 19, 2017
jesus christ dude you're trolling at this point if you think the animals are a gang of bloodthirsty black savages who you gun down in a white supremacist fantasy
Your words....
I merely pointed out the narrator said you can take this big gun and go deal with the animals, then proceeds to show a bunch of black/mostly black characters getting shot.
Tone fucking deaf PR piece or deliberate?
Who knows, either way I was taken aback by it.