
Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona



Oct 26, 2017
Chris-Chan used to harass a friend of mine that worked at The Game Place (hobby shop he was banned from). While I don't think he deserves all the shit that was thrown his way, I can't muster up much sympathy for him.
It's the interesting thing about the guy, his biggest fuck ups are actually completely separate from the online harassment they got.
People were massive dicks to Chris, but he's really not a pleasant person.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's the interesting thing about the guy, his biggest fuck ups are actually completely separate from the online harassment they got.
People were massive dicks to Chris, but he's really not a pleasant person.

I have a cousin who follows his antics religiously and tells me stuff from time to time, which is how I found out about it.. It's a weirdly complicated situation, but the more I learned about it, the more I came to a conclusion that there were no good people in that story. There's not a single person who I can point to and say, "this person is in the right." It's like a perfect storm of everyone involved making the worst and most asshole-ish decisions possible. Which is actually why I find it so fascinating. Also, it's the perfect cautionary tale when it comes to not sharing your whole life on the internet.


Oct 28, 2017
Saw this a while ago but forgot to post it:

This never failed to make me cringe.


Its 2018 and gamers still act like they're a persecuted minority.
All right, here we go.

Fuck these gamers. This stupid, asinine ideology that playing video games as your core hobby makes you some sort of enlightened, life fulfilled super awesome guy is stupid. Or that you're a persecuted demographic. You've lived many lives? Sounds like your escapism prevents you from living the one you have. "Gamers are an archetype?" The fuck is this? "We're super badasses because of this thing we do with probably the same amount of proficiency as anyone else. That makes us special."

That's only mentioning the dumb bullshit attached to these images. Not even counting the other shit that consistently pops up within these types of people. What the fuck are "fake gamers?" This goddamned elitism over a toy. Shit.

Rant over.
Hey guys, remember this dad joke?

The creator of this can go straight to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect any amount of money. Straight to whatever the darkest, blackest possible hell exists.


Oct 27, 2017
All right, here we go.

Fuck these gamers. This stupid, asinine ideology that playing video games as your core hobby makes you some sort of enlightened, life fulfilled super awesome guy is stupid. Or that you're a persecuted demographic. You've lived many lives? Sounds like your escapism prevents you from living the one you have. "Gamers are an archetype?" The fuck is this? "We're super badasses because of this thing we do with probably the same amount of proficiency as anyone else. That makes us special."

That's only mentioning the dumb bullshit attached to these images. Not even counting the other shit that consistently pops up within these types of people. What the fuck are "fake gamers?" This goddamned elitism over a toy. Shit.

Rant over.

The creator of this can go straight to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect any amount of money. Straight to whatever the darkest, blackest possible hell exists.
Hahaha, you ok man?



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
All right, here we go.

Fuck these gamers. This stupid, asinine ideology that playing video games as your core hobby makes you some sort of enlightened, life fulfilled super awesome guy is stupid. Or that you're a persecuted demographic. You've lived many lives? Sounds like your escapism prevents you from living the one you have. "Gamers are an archetype?" The fuck is this? "We're super badasses because of this thing we do with probably the same amount of proficiency as anyone else. That makes us special."

That's only mentioning the dumb bullshit attached to these images. Not even counting the other shit that consistently pops up within these types of people. What the fuck are "fake gamers?" This goddamned elitism over a toy. Shit.
But what if the barbarians are at the gate? We didn't study the blade (at least I assume you haven't like me) so we are going to have to go to them for help.


Oct 25, 2017
All right, here we go.

Fuck these gamers. This stupid, asinine ideology that playing video games as your core hobby makes you some sort of enlightened, life fulfilled super awesome guy is stupid. Or that you're a persecuted demographic. You've lived many lives? Sounds like your escapism prevents you from living the one you have. "Gamers are an archetype?" The fuck is this? "We're super badasses because of this thing we do with probably the same amount of proficiency as anyone else. That makes us special."

That's only mentioning the dumb bullshit attached to these images. Not even counting the other shit that consistently pops up within these types of people. What the fuck are "fake gamers?" This goddamned elitism over a toy. Shit.

Rant over.
I think the worst line in there for me is "Laugh in the face of "impossible" odds because it makes it fair".
As though video games weren't explicitly designed to be beaten.


Oct 27, 2017
All right, here we go.

Fuck these gamers. This stupid, asinine ideology that playing video games as your core hobby makes you some sort of enlightened, life fulfilled super awesome guy is stupid. Or that you're a persecuted demographic. You've lived many lives? Sounds like your escapism prevents you from living the one you have. "Gamers are an archetype?" The fuck is this? "We're super badasses because of this thing we do with probably the same amount of proficiency as anyone else. That makes us special."

That's only mentioning the dumb bullshit attached to these images. Not even counting the other shit that consistently pops up within these types of people. What the fuck are "fake gamers?" This goddamned elitism over a toy. Shit.

Rant over.

What's really embarassing is how many of them are full grown adults.

It's perfectly fine to be enthusiastic about your hobbies but you shouldn't define your life through your media consumption. You certainly shouldn't believe your preferred choice of entertainment makes you superior to other people.

Nerds can be pretty self-righteous and up their own ass. I mean, I recently read a post in one of the many Star Wars threads on Era saying people weren't ready for the first intelligent Star Wars film in regards to The Last Jedi.


And for a "marginalized" group like self-described Gamers, they sure can be a bunch of judgemental, snide, vindictive, immature, hateful, sexist assholes.
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Oct 25, 2017
If you want to waste 3 hours of your life, and also feel really bad about yourself, someone made a shockingly well researched documentary on Christian Weston Chandler (Chris Chan). I only watched the first 10 or so minutes before giving up.

This is way, way more put together than it has any right to be.

I hope it's not a repost, sort of lost track

My thought process as I scrolled: Well, yeah, these are pretty weird, but he looks mostly normal, might just be a phase, just needs some more socialization, he could be al...(gets to last pic) RIGHT, OH SHIT WHAT NO!