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Oct 25, 2017

Covid vaccination: Los Angeles' Dodger Stadium 'closed by protests'

Protests by anti-vaccine and far-right groups forced the closure of Dodger Stadium, local media report.

Around 50 protesters stalled motorists who had been waiting for hours.
The demonstrators carried placards decrying the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Protesters told people to "turn back", while one man shouted: "You're a lab rat", the Los Angeles Times reported.
The Los Angeles Fire Department closed the entrance to the stadium around 14:00 local time (22:00 GMT) as a precaution.

"This is completely wrong," German Jaquez, who had been waiting for a jab, told the Times.
"I've been waiting for weeks to get an appointment. I am a dentist; I am taking a big risk being around patients. I want to be safe for my patients and for my family. The vaccine is the only way to beat the virus."
The stadium was eventually reopened around an hour later.
California has been one of the worst-hit states in the US, with around 3.2 million cases and more than 40,000 deaths.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I would literally fight these people if they did this to me and my family.

Holding an "END THE LOCKDOWN" sign, preventing people from ending the lockdown. Fuck these scum.
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