
Nov 7, 2017
I like the idea of playing, but it's been too difficult to play lately. It's very frustrating to get instant hs meanwhile I miss everything.


Dec 29, 2017
When is panormamammamamama?

What about some sort of game mechanic updates of substance? Matchmaking has been stagnant even before I quit playing. They don't want to do anything with seasons, or make new maps matter, or make rank mean anything, or do anything to improve the casual experience past 10v10 dust2 wars. At least back in the 1.6 days there were prominent servers dedicated to fun modes (iceworld/snow/pool_day/awp_lego/infinite timelimit 16k maps/default spawn csdm) Community servers in GO are basically jailbreak, surf, bhop, dust2 csdm. That's about it.


Oct 25, 2017
What about some sort of game mechanic updates of substance? Matchmaking has been stagnant even before I quit playing. They don't want to do anything with seasons, or make new maps matter, or make rank mean anything, or do anything to improve the casual experience past 10v10 dust2 wars. At least back in the 1.6 days there were prominent servers dedicated to fun modes (iceworld/snow/pool_day/awp_lego/infinite timelimit 16k maps/default spawn csdm) Community servers in GO are basically jailbreak, surf, bhop, dust2 csdm. That's about it.
Dude they added bullets to the silenced m4 WHAT MOR CAN THEY DO!?


Nov 7, 2017
Liquid were on the winning side of several rounds with incredibly tight margins against Na'vi. Even though it's a 2-0, the rounds on the maps were so close.


Oct 25, 2017
Just happy eleague didn't hire dumb & dumber, it's nice watching the desks when the idiots aren't there.


Oct 27, 2017
Machine has always been the best host in CS:GO. I do miss Anders and Semmler casting though.


Oct 27, 2017

Welp, there goes our OP.

Just got FACEIT and finally got some kills during a pistol round. Still can't seem to win any games though, so I'm stuck at level 1. :"D


Oct 25, 2017

Welp, there goes our OP.

Just got FACEIT and finally got some kills during a pistol round. Still can't seem to win any games though, so I'm stuck at level 1. :"D

Kid was always shady, honestly not surprised if anyone was the first to the ban it was him. Not sure anyone here really liked him tbh.

How was that? We love you overdozzzzzzzzzz

Inv to faceit pugs when?


Oct 25, 2017
So, showcasing my flip knife in panorama UI showed an animation that I've never seen. I thought the panorama UI is completely in-game engine? Did they make new animations just for the menu?


Nov 7, 2017
Definitely. All the various poses are new animations. Pistols, rifles, knives, and C4 all are different.

I wonder why there's only Nuke as a backdrop though. You'd think there would a few backgrounds to choose from. Similarly, you can only pick between Phoenix, leet krew, and SAS as character models. Those three probably have the highest fidelity, being recently updated, but the other factions would be cool to see.


Oct 25, 2017
Very surprising. I'll be missing him on the desk, always enjoyed his analysis. No clue how he will do as a coach, but I am very interested in seeing what he'll accomplish.

Pure cash-in, don't see it helping. Team was screwed as soon as TACO left
Wasn't expecting that either, but I think they needed to do something different and that could be it. They are no that tactically dominant team they were in 16' and relying only on skill like they did in 17' is not working out anymore.

Hope it works out, otherwise it might be the end of the Fallen/Cold/Fer core.


Oct 25, 2017
ynk was a shit pro on a shit team, not sure where this idea that he's a cs mastermind comes from


Dec 29, 2017
Consider the following:

SK makes playoffs at FACEIT, at most. (Or very likely doesn't qualify for playoffs)
Drops the very first bo3 they're in
Coldzera bails

Who do they replace him with? I think that if I'm FalleN, I realize that the ship is going down fast and you better start milking these T2 tournaments while you can because they aren't whiffing the top3 HLTV for the rest of his CS:GO career while you're running a non brazilian core lineup.


Oct 25, 2017
There is some good young talent in Brazil right now, guys like yuurih, kscerato and chelo. If I'm Fallen I'm doing what I did with Kabum/Keyd/Luminosity, bring these guys under my wing, teach them my system.

Fallen is a professor, I think he is best when you give him talented but raw players, so the can help to shape their game.
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Oct 25, 2017
There is some good young talent in Brazil right now, guys like yuurih, kscerato and chelo. If I'm Fallen I'm doing what I did with Kabum/Keyd/Luminosity, bring these guys under my wing, teach them my system.

Fallen is a professor, I think he is best when you give him talented but raw players, so the can help to shape their game.
i really dont get the tarik pick up with that talent that is in brazil. The thing is however some of those brazil players could have been in NA by now but just arent. There's lots of talent down there but they dont mesh well with each other. Teams that do well just dont stick together long.


Oct 25, 2017
i really dont get the tarik pick up with that talent that is in brazil. The thing is however some of those brazil players could have been in NA by now but just arent. There's lots of talent down there but they dont mesh well with each other. Teams that do well just dont stick together long.
yeah, I saw the tarik add as kind of a desperate move, but I understand it. They are in a win now mode, coldzera has been #1 player for 2 consecutive years, fer is getting older and slowing down, so a long rebuild process is something they wouldn't welcome. I think it was the best option at the time tho.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Provo, Utah
Was looking into booking a flight and hotel for IEM Chicago, and for the first time, I look at the prices and took a big OOF.

Why is everything in the Momorick area so fucking expensive. Most hotels near the arena would cost me $2,000 for the flight and 5 nights. x(

Not sure it's worth flying out to JUST watch 3 series, 2 Bo3 and a Bo5 isn't worth that much money.

Least Oakland I had family in San Francisco, so the trip had double purposes. Chicago would just be lonely for me.

Anyone here from around the Chicago area/been to Chicago? Is it a nice place? Worth spending the money and going for the first time?