
Nov 15, 2017
I personally think the benefits outweight the negatives by a lot, but I'm very easily annoyed by screen space artifacts, particularly with reflections, so Global Reflections on High is a must to me. I'll drop any other setting before even going with Medium Global Reflections.

It's not as much about how good it looks as it is about it being less distracting than reflections just disappearing as I slightly move my camera. I tend to play games slowly, walking around, looking at things, and reflections or shadows fading in and out of view while I do that is extremely distracting. Much less so if you tend to play at a faster pace and focus more on combat.

And the visual difference is so hard to spot that I'd honestly recommend setting it to medium even for people who are already getting stable 60. Just in case things get heavier later on so you don't need to waste time tweaking settings halfway through the game.
Thats right.
Here are more detailed instructions on how to do the two Hex editor mods successfully:

First of all, use the HxD editor. I've tried a few editors and this is the one that gave me the best search results.

Always make a backup of the files you are about to edit first. Also I recommend doing a backup of your save files just in case (especially for the Bonus stuff unlock)... You can find your save files here:


To disable the Motion Blur:

Credit to Rose for the addresses to change.

For DX12 Mode:

Open the file renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll in HxD. Hit Ctrl-F to open the Find window. Switch to the "Hex-Values" tab and search for 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 and replace it with 02 00 00 00 01 01 00. Saves the change.

For DX11 Mode:

Open the file renderer_rmdwin7_f.dll in HxD. Hit Ctrl-F to open the Find window. Switch to the "Hex-Values" tab and search for 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 and replace it with 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 00. Saves the change.

To unlock the Bonus Content:

Credit to tet666 for the addresses!

Open the file Control_DX12.exe or Control_DX11.exe in HxD. Hit Ctrl-F to open the Find window and switch to the "Hex-Values" tab.

First, search for value 74 43 by hitting the "Search All" button. You should get a bunch of results in the search box at the bottom. Scroll through that results list until your find the line with the "Offset" value of 11D4D6. Double-click on that line to jump to it and then modify the 74 43 to 90 90.

Second, search for value 74 3D by hitting the "Search All" button. You should get a bunch of results in the search box at the bottom. Scroll through that results list until your find the line with the "Offset" value of 11D4DC. Double-click on that line to jump to it and then modify the 74 3D to 90 90.

Save the changes
Thank you,time to use that astral dive suit.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Does control have any way to downscale resolutions?
the scaler on my 4k tv has broken so i can only use 4k native or the picture will flicker on and off randomly, i would like to play in 1440p since i only have a 1080 ti and i doubt it will survive 4k.


Oct 25, 2017
Does control have any way to downscale resolutions?
the scaler on my 4k tv has broken so i can only use 4k native or the picture will flicker on and off randomly, i would like to play in 1440p since i only have a 1080 ti and i doubt it will survive 4k.
Yes, you can set resolution and rendering resolution separately.


Aug 31, 2019
I had the game hard crash on me today. It has been fairly stable until now, but I guess stuff happens. PC version.


Oct 29, 2017
Really struggling to get a stable 60 fps on my rtx2070 at 1080p.

Honestly I feel dumb as heck as I haven't kept up to date with all the stuff - no clue if i should use DLSS or not, it seems to look like trash to me when I turn it on. No clue about the raytracing on or not. The reason I bought this card was so i didn't have to worry and just press play! Which up until now has been the case.

Anyone got idiot proof settings I can try?


Oct 27, 2017
Really struggling to get a stable 60 fps on my rtx2070 at 1080p.

Honestly I feel dumb as heck as I haven't kept up to date with all the stuff - no clue if i should use DLSS or not, it seems to look like trash to me when I turn it on. No clue about the raytracing on or not. The reason I bought this card was so i didn't have to worry and just press play! Which up until now has been the case.

Anyone got idiot proof settings I can try?
I have an RTX 2070 and generally tolerate a bit of stutter pretty well (I am playing it in gsync, FYI). To that end I have most things to high, Global Reflections on Medium, RTX to medium, and output res. at 1440p with DLSS on. Typically running in the 50-75 FPS range.

After going through the previously linked Nvidia performance article I decided to do some tweaking, found that while DLSS was ok I really like the crispness of the native 1440p a lot more so I turned DLSS off. The performance hit to render at 1440p basically was a 1:1 trade with RTX, so with that off I'm consistently >50, typically over 60, with MSAA at 2x, global reflections and SSR at medium, everything else topped out. I also turned film grain effect off because I didn't like it as much with the higher resolution.

I wish there was an easy way to put a 60 fps cap while still in gsync. I think I could probably get by with at least one RTX feature running at 1440p (probably RTTR) but it runs a little up and down currently. Not trying to go past 60 might fix that. I'm probably going to try turning up the juice on my 2070 and trying RTTR on later today/tomorrow, I'll post an update if that works out well.

If you're looking for just plug and play rock solid performance though you could either go with DX11, which will disable RTX and when I did that it was rock solid >60 at native 1440p, or you could just use GeForce Experience and Nvidia's pre-set specs will get 90% of games to a good balance of performance v. picture quality for you.
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there are any special tricks. You could try turning off MSAA entirely, if you haven't already. I think the game already has an always-on temporal AA, so the extra AA isn't crucial.

But I'd just go with the 1080p internal res rather than further sacrifice settings, personally. That's what I'm doing on my GTX 1080. With the Nvidia sharpening filter applied, it looks alright.
Yeah 1080 might be the way to go

But boy does it look NICE in 1440p


Oct 25, 2017
cannot for the life of me get this running like I want it to. using DLSS to scale up to 1440p is basically there, but then I get the DX12 stutter during combat. native 1440p in DX11 is fine until combat starts. rendering at 1080p gives me pretty similar results. have MSAA turned off and reflection quality at medium.

2070/i7 9700K btw


Oct 28, 2017
how's rtx performance with a 2070
I can get 1440p 60fps with everything including ray tracing maxed out if I use the lower DLSS setting for reconstruction. Feels great to play, and the image really doesn't remotely look like the native resolution it's reconstructing from. Definitely blurrier than native, though. There are occasional drops in really intense areas but that can mostly be ironed out with some light settings tweaking, you're really not missing much by dropping lighting to medium, for instance.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I ended up just slapping everything on low, except for Textures (Medium) and MSAA (2X)

Game still looks good to me and now i'm getting 60-70FPS with Vsync turned off. Might try and bump up the Textures High and see where that ends up.
Decided on this since I don't have an RTX card and going through the Nvidia Link that was posted. The difference for a lot of the stuff seemed pretty negligible if no RTX was present.


alt account
Jun 22, 2019

I have mine a couple ways. Using the dlss 960p, it stays above 60fps with everything else maxed, including the RT. Without dlss enabled, 1440p native, everything maxed, I run 45-60fps. Using gsync, it is still pretty smooth without issue in that regard.
Why is dlss 960p? Won't this destroy the iq?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The only way to get this game to run at a steady 60fps on a RX 570 is to make it render at 768p. Kinda shitty, but I'll take the resolution hit. I'll convince myself that it's not that big a deal considering the game's grainy and blurry aesthetic. :P


Oct 25, 2017
The 431.60 driver allowed me to try RTX with my 1080ti and the game not crash. Playing on a 1440p monitor, I set the rendering resolution to 1080 and left all the other non RTX settings on high as they were in DX11. I only have on two RTX features, the transparency reflections and the first reflection setting (the name slips me at the moment). FPS seems to average around 30 but I've seen as high as high 50s (and higher) in large areas without many reflective surfaces. I'm using G-Sync so even with the low frame rate, it looks so good that I played for over an hour and it didn't bother me. Granted there isn't input lag or V-sync to make it feel sluggish.


Dec 3, 2018
Ok so the game was running buttery smooth for me on my 2080Ti and all of the sudden, I stepped foot into the Maintenance area and it's STUTTERING CONSTANTLY. Like, unplayably bad every 2 seconds. What in the wide wide world of telekinesis is goin on here?!


Oct 26, 2017
Wow, I just got hit by the upgrade bug. Tried building the Charge gun twice, and the game took twice my materials and I still have no Charge form lol. I'm also still missing the ability to upgrade Pierce. Fortunately we should be able to use trainers/cheat engine as workaround.


Oct 30, 2017
Why is dlss 960p? Won't this destroy the iq?
That's how DLSS works. It's upscaling from that lower res to native res using deep learning to increase performance. Native res would be sharper. There are some comparison videos and pics comparing DLSS and Native res and DLSS does a pretty good job in this game.
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Mar 9, 2018
Any RTX setting on my 1080ti crashes the game, surprised there isn't a hotfix out for this as the game seems playable with RTX settings on older Nvidia drivers.


Jan 31, 2019
Played the DX12 version for a couple hours, to see for myself how it would affect the gameplay, regarding stutters and load times.

Didn't notice any stutters in DX12. No "fixes" applied, I just used RTSS's Scaline Sync function with SyncFlush "1". Also didn't notice any difference in load times. All within the 10-15s range - same as with DX11. Game is installed on a Samsung 970 Evo 1TB NVMe SSD.

If people are interested, I can do a write-up on how to use Scanline Sync. That feature has been a godsend for me, since I've been using OLED TVs as monitors for a while (no G-Sync).

Lastly, I can't decide between rendering the game in 1080p with all settings maxed out, or 1440p with Dictator's optimized settings. Those are the only alternatives to achieve a locked 60fps with my 1080 Ti. Playing on a 65" LG C9 (4K display). What do you all think?


Dec 9, 2017
Yea, DX12 is really good and smooth for me. Game has been pretty much flawless, except for the weird black expanding box bug that eats the screen lol.

Also, this is by far the best implementation of DLSS Nvidia has created. It's the first game to use a new algorithm which they said will continue to be improved and worked on for new upcoming games. At 4K (1440p internal res) it's almost indistinguishable... especially on a TV sitting on the couch. Really impressive stuff, and it makes me with they would go back and implement this new algorithm into the previous games that support it. Maybe they'll do it via a driver update?

Anyway, here's a comparison I made. IMO if you're playing this game, and have an RTX card, you're stupid to not use it at higher resolutions. All settings maxed and RT on High:

Native 4K

DLSS (1440p)

There's still work for them to do obviously... but it's coming along quite nicely.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Here are more detailed instructions on how to do the two Hex editor mods successfully:

First of all, use the HxD editor. I've tried a few editors and this is the one that gave me the best search results.

Always make a backup of the files you are about to edit first. Also I recommend doing a backup of your save files just in case (especially for the Bonus stuff unlock)... You can find your save files here:


To disable the Motion Blur:

Credit to Rose for the addresses to change.

For DX12 Mode:

Open the file renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll in HxD. Hit Ctrl-F to open the Find window. Switch to the "Hex-Values" tab and search for 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 and replace it with 02 00 00 00 01 01 00. Saves the change.

For DX11 Mode:

Open the file renderer_rmdwin7_f.dll in HxD. Hit Ctrl-F to open the Find window. Switch to the "Hex-Values" tab and search for 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 and replace it with 02 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 00. Saves the change.

To unlock the Bonus Content:

Credit to tet666 for the addresses!

Open the file Control_DX12.exe or Control_DX11.exe in HxD. Hit Ctrl-F to open the Find window and switch to the "Hex-Values" tab.

First, search for value 74 43 by hitting the "Search All" button. You should get a bunch of results in the search box at the bottom. Scroll through that results list until your find the line with the "Offset" value of 11D4D6. Double-click on that line to jump to it and then modify the 74 43 to 90 90.

Second, search for value 74 3D by hitting the "Search All" button. You should get a bunch of results in the search box at the bottom. Scroll through that results list until your find the line with the "Offset" value of 11D4DC. Double-click on that line to jump to it and then modify the 74 3D to 90 90.

Save the changes

Pls don't credit me i just reposted the addresses from another board (which i cannot post here), the user infogram there found them, i should have clarified that sooner i guess, rly sry i didn't really think about it.

Here are a few more he posted, mostly experimental stuff :

infogram said:
Offsets are file offset / memory offset, use file offset if hex-editing, memory offset if using a cheat app.

DLC Unlock (unlocks PS4 DLC & digital-deluxe outfits)
0x11D4D6 / 0x14011E0D6: 74 43 -> 90 90
0x11D4DC / 0x14011E0DC: 74 3D -> 90 90

(Also in case anyone is wondering, I'm not tet666, don't know why ResetEra is crediting that guy for this DLC fix, all he did was repost my info...)

Enable developer menus (unlocks "Missions" option on main menu, and "Restart Checkpoint" on pause menu)
0x24F571 / 0x140250171: 00 -> 01

Allow expedition start with no tokens
0x17BA6D / 0x14017C66D: 0F 84 0F 02 00 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90
0x585BE0 / 0x1405867E0: 40 57 48 83 EC 40 -> B8 01 00 00 00 C3

Change countermeasures menu into expeditions (opening "Board Countermeasures" from a control point will open expedition menu instead)
0x5274B1 / 0x1405280B1: 15 -> 17

If anyone wants to look into the expeditions, you can change the map it tries loading by setting a breakpoint on "?startLoadingLevel@ServerGameSession@coregame@@QEAAXAEBV?$InplaceString@$0EA@@r@@00_N1@Z", when it hits go to the address in r8 to change the map name, r9 to change the jump point.
Last edited:


Jan 31, 2019
Forgot to add: I really, really hope that Remedy introduces a "dynamic" HUD option for the health bar. Disabling the entire HUD makes combat extremely difficult, as the other indicators only appear when you're already too low on health, and leaving it on displays the health bar even when it's full and there are no enemies around (except for the main hub area and a select few combat-free scenarios).

That's a nightmare for OLED owners.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Texture loading issues for me are fixed since i rolled back the driver to 430.86 i also get a bit lower gpu usage/better performance so try that if you have blurry textures and are not on a RTX card.


Feb 20, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
Anybody else having problems with their graphic settings not saving or changing? Seems it keeps reverting back to DLSS for me all the sudden. Feel like this started happening after I modified the exe for the extra outfits.

Edit: None of my settings are even making a difference now. I can even try to turn of RTX and it's still on anyway. This is weird.

Serious Sam

Oct 27, 2017
This is the only fix which has helped stopped all the stutters for me. Thank you.
Glad it helped you and others but I'm leaving these quotes from Reddit cyber security pros so people disabling CFG know what they are getting into.

Quote 1:
This setting is used to deal with memory corruption vulnerabilities and basically controls where your computer executes code from. Turning this off your basically letting your computer execute code from wherever it wants and that could be dangerous since your online where hackers dwell. Just a bit of advise from your neighborhood cyber security pro! Cheers

Quote 2:
No one should do this and this is terrible advice. CFG (Control Flow Guard) is a very important exploit mitigation technique which stops certain kinds of exploits from working and greatly increases the difficulty in exploiting a computer. Disabling this will downgrade the security of your system massively, opening you up to attacks that could infect your computer simply by browsing to a website. (No I'm not being dramatic).

CFG adds checks that specify where a program is allowed to execute what are called indirect calls, which stops them from being hijacked by memory corruption bugs. Basically any time a program that has CFG enabled calls a function through an indirect call it checks to make sure no one has modified the computers memory in a way that could trick it into running an attackers code.


May 5, 2018
Changed my tv to 50hz. This with medium settings, all rtx on and 1440p dlss gives me almost a smooth game on my 2070 super. I'm also using cfg. Game looks great with these settings so I'll just play now lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Does control have any way to downscale resolutions?
the scaler on my 4k tv has broken so i can only use 4k native or the picture will flicker on and off randomly, i would like to play in 1440p since i only have a 1080 ti and i doubt it will survive 4k.
This is an even better argument for every game having an internal res slider than sexy native UI lol

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't recommand to anyone to disable CFG by itself. It's quite dangerous and it can open said user up to many exploits, including simple browser hijacks.

It's also used in dealing with memory corruption vulnerabilities and is in charge with deciding where your computer executes code from.

Be very careful.

Deleted member 21996

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Completed the game and most of the side content, so take this as pretty reliable.


1080ti @ 2Ghz
6700k @ 4.5Ghz
16Gb RAM
GSync 165Hz
Latest driver


DX11 (some hitching with DX12)
2560x1440 at 100% resolution
In-game settings all maxed except MSAA x2 and Film grain off
VSync off (in-game)


A surprisingly consistent 45-60 fps, rarely higher or lower. Lowest was the intensely lit pit area, bottoming out at 40. GSync earning its money at these framerates, experience never unpleasant.

Zero crashes, only texture loading issue that stood out was the P7 lettering on Jesse's back that took a couple of seconds to resolve. Bugs: rebinding keys meant I couldn't accept side missions without going into menu. Camera regularly centred behind Jesse and blocking my aim, reset by switching stance.

First game to give me RTX envy. GPU upgrade coming soon!


Dec 3, 2018
Played the DX12 version for a couple hours, to see for myself how it would affect the gameplay, regarding stutters and load times.

Didn't notice any stutters in DX12. No "fixes" applied, I just used RTSS's Scaline Sync function with SyncFlush "1". Also didn't notice any difference in load times. All within the 10-15s range - same as with DX11. Game is installed on a Samsung 970 Evo 1TB NVMe SSD.

If people are interested, I can do a write-up on how to use Scanline Sync. That feature has been a godsend for me, since I've been using OLED TVs as monitors for a while (no G-Sync).

Lastly, I can't decide between rendering the game in 1080p with all settings maxed out, or 1440p with Dictator's optimized settings. Those are the only alternatives to achieve a locked 60fps with my 1080 Ti. Playing on a 65" LG C9 (4K display). What do you all think?
Im also playing on an LG OLED with a 2080Ti, what's this scanline thing you mentioned?


Nov 10, 2018
Played the DX12 version for a couple hours, to see for myself how it would affect the gameplay, regarding stutters and load times.

Didn't notice any stutters in DX12. No "fixes" applied, I just used RTSS's Scaline Sync function with SyncFlush "1". Also didn't notice any difference in load times. All within the 10-15s range - same as with DX11. Game is installed on a Samsung 970 Evo 1TB NVMe SSD.

If people are interested, I can do a write-up on how to use Scanline Sync. That feature has been a godsend for me, since I've been using OLED TVs as monitors for a while (no G-Sync).

Lastly, I can't decide between rendering the game in 1080p with all settings maxed out, or 1440p with Dictator's optimized settings. Those are the only alternatives to achieve a locked 60fps with my 1080 Ti. Playing on a 65" LG C9 (4K display). What do you all think?
Please do the write-up.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Played the DX12 version for a couple hours, to see for myself how it would affect the gameplay, regarding stutters and load times.

Didn't notice any stutters in DX12. No "fixes" applied, I just used RTSS's Scaline Sync function with SyncFlush "1". Also didn't notice any difference in load times. All within the 10-15s range - same as with DX11. Game is installed on a Samsung 970 Evo 1TB NVMe SSD.

If people are interested, I can do a write-up on how to use Scanline Sync. That feature has been a godsend for me, since I've been using OLED TVs as monitors for a while (no G-Sync).

Lastly, I can't decide between rendering the game in 1080p with all settings maxed out, or 1440p with Dictator's optimized settings. Those are the only alternatives to achieve a locked 60fps with my 1080 Ti. Playing on a 65" LG C9 (4K display). What do you all think?
I would love for you to do a write-up on Scaline Sync if you have the time, it would be very much appreciated from my end at least.

OLED gamer here with 2080 Ti. Also get occasional stutters with DX12 that aren't visible with DX11, usually a very short (like 100ms) pause just when intense action begins, almost like it's a short pause whilst it loads something from my (NVMe) SSD or RAM or something, rather than GPU/CPU demand. Don't get any of that with DX11, but obviously I want to use RTX.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
So the Control Flow Fix did not help my stutters at all really Serious Sam , but curiously, I noticed less stutters when I utilised

This helped a bit - but I was still getting stutters. The game is perhaps not freeing memory correctly, or windows is not?
If you haven't already, try closing all open applications. Specifically all web browsers. I get little to no stuttering when I do so. I'm not sure if Firefox/Chrome might be doing something weird, but yea. I have 32GB of ram and I'm nowhere near full in system or vram, but I get the same stutters seen in you guys' video when I have Firefox or Chrome open.

Played the DX12 version for a couple hours, to see for myself how it would affect the gameplay, regarding stutters and load times.
Note: Most of the stutter doesn't start happening until several hours into the game for most people who see it.

It happens to me as well, also on an NVME and most are undoubtedly on SSDs of some kind. It's not a storage performance issue.


Nov 10, 2018
is it possible to play this game at 4k60 frame with some stuff at low-medium and at least the rtx debris ON with a 2070 super?