
Oct 25, 2017
its even better than that, "hes not bigoted against non binary people, he just doesn't want to interact with them or even acknowledge their existence. Which is totally okay" was basically the messaging with the Buck apologia.

she literally says his attitude towards (his perceived) difference between transsexual and transgender people, and willingness to distance himself from transgender people (who he views as a distinct category of individuals from transsexual people), is Extremely Bad, Actually, and she wishes he'd actually listen to those criticisms.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Her "cancellation" is of a different nature than someone like, say, Dave Chapelle. Her argument that, as a marginalized person, the way cancellation hurts her is not necessarily in her ability to earn a livelihood, but in alienating her from her support network a person who needs one to help her deal with the general challenges she faces in life as a trans person.

If she needs support she should avoid shitting on a further marginalized group.

This is emotional manipulation. You can't hold me accountable for my actions because I need support to live.


Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Ignoring staff post; dismissive behaviour in a sensitive discussion.
Please don't lump those who are deeply uncertain about watching a new 100 minute video from someone who platformed a toxic asshole and then doubled down/deflected when criticised about it with doxxers/harassers, thanks.

Many of the responses in this thread are my exact problem with the rhetoric around "cancel culture", it just turns into "never criticize, never hold people to account, don't have standards"
You post sounds dumb because she never doubled down. She quiet clearly apologized some of the hurtful things she said. But not only that, she went into detail explaining how things have lead to this and to justify the stupidity she showed in the past. You are clearly part of the mob she mentioned extensively in the video. You have already made up your mind about her. This is what the video is about to some extend.

Have you considered the possibility that some of the people in this "mob" are the people that have felt hurt by the stuff she's said?
She talked about this in detail in the video. I think what she said was thoughtful, and she actually did apologies unlike some people here would suggest. I also think she articulated very well the choices she made that lead to all the drama and not in a way to justify them. She never intended to hurt anyone by it. Nor is she a transcum or that she hates on binary people. When the issue came up in her previous video I did give Natalie the benefit of the doubt because I have seen tons of her content, I seriously doubt she actually believed in whatever shit people said about her. Just like the other poster I quoted above.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I think there are much more posters on here who didn't watch the video then people who did. While the video is too long, I can't help but see how there a surprising amount of people in here who are part of the mob she extensively references in the video. Nothing Natalie can do to fix things with them. And I seriously doubt this is even related to helping the people who actually felt hurt what she said in the past.

I mean the thing that all this cancel culture discourse misses is that the communities complaining about the bad shit done include groups outside the target audience for their content because that shit often targets entire vulnerable communities. The most charitable interpretation toward the so-called cancelled is that it easy for misinformation to spread about the specific nature of the issue and thus hard to craft a proportional response. In this specific instance, though, and despite my groans here and on twitter, I have not been part of the audience for most ContraPoints videos. I do not see any need to engage in personal right-wing deprogramming, and since I was not planning to become a regular viewer, any forgiveness I could offer also is mostly irrelevant anyway.

I would be remiss to ignore the corollary to the charitable interpretation: her audience consists largely of right-wing folks who are pre-disposed against broad swathes of trans identities, and trying to maintain credibility with that audience on the basis of what still reads to me like respectability politics. This is why her grousing about callouts rings hollow; her audience has had no compunction against going after her critics in just as virulent a manner as they say she has received.

Similarly, you're not really supposed to look at, for example, the dinner party scene in the Netflix Tales of the City series and think that the racism of the older group is acceptable on account of the social collapse that they had to fight against.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Also believe that to appreciate the video and wider concerns you need to have understanding of the months-long wider context within which it's all sitting from a perspective other than Natalie's.

Agreed. She does actually plug two other videos that critique her and the situation in the video itself and list them in the description. Would be useful in the OP maybe.


spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
If she needs support she should avoid shitting on a further marginalized group.

This is emotional manipulation. You can't hold me accountable for my actions because I need support to live.

That's not what she says or how it's framed, but ok. I guess you don't want to watch the video, and I'm not interested in representing her points for you. I don't even entirely agree with her.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
its even better than that, "hes not bigoted against non binary people, he just doesn't want to interact with them or even acknowledge their existence. Which is totally okay" was basically the messaging with the Buck apologia.

Oh please. She literally explicitly says that Buck's tendency to distance himself from NB people is one of the things that Buck does that in fact DOES rub her the wrong way and one of her main criticisms of him and later acknowledges that there are probably some NB people that still probably don't trust him and that she feels that is a valid way to feel about him.

I'll even give you a time stamp. 30:38 and 32:33


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
It's a 2 hour video.

2 hours of time is actually a lot to ask for what could be addressed in less than 10% of that time

The length is mainly because of the context build up. This video is lacking in a lot of the flourish that normally goes with a contrapoints video (for obvious reasons). That said, the length is honestly a big ask and it will definitely prevent a lot of people from watching it which is understandable, but I don't believe she could have, or should have, done it without a lot of the context she adds.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a 2 hour video.

2 hours of time is actually a lot to ask for what could be addressed in less than 10% of that time
tbh if you have no interest in watching the video you shouldn't be posting thoughts in a thread about the video. it's the reason i haven't. i haven't watched it. how can i comment? to respond to others interpretations? i have no context. neither do you. watch the video then come back. if you can't don't act like you can speak about it with any authority.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
tbh if you have no interest in watching the video you shouldn't be posting thoughts in a thread about the video. it's the reason i haven't. i haven't watched it. how can i comment? to respond to others interpretations? i have no context. neither do you. watch the video then come back. if you can't don't act like you can speak about it with any authority.

We generally have a rule actually that long video ops are supposed to have decent summaries


Oct 25, 2017
I watched the whole thing and liked the video overall.

There's an increasingly frequent take I come across that "Cancel Culture doesn't exist" or that "Cancel culture is okay because nobody's life ever actually gets destroyed". It's refreshing to see that rather cold and reductive reasoning get completely dismantled. She makes a pretty good argument that the people who are most hurt by cancellation are those that are the most vulnerable -- people who don't have a support network outside of the internet communities that would want to ostracized them. There's also the solid point that cancellation's goal is not necessary someone's death or financial ruin, but an attempt to remove, isolate, and ostracize them from any kind of community, and that this is often done in the most harsh, cruel and vindictive ways ("trashing") that generally do not jive with the supposed intention of trying to bring out social goodness or justice.

At the same time there's a knowing acknowledgement that a lot of the complaints about Cancel Culture are just deflections from people who can't take criticsm. As with many of her videos, Natalie seems like she is conflicted and of two minds about the subject. Cancellation can and is powerful and helpful in some instances, but pushed too far it just becomes a way for petty, hurt people to collectively lash out at someone in a way that is disproportionate to the offense they have caused.

I laughed and smiled when she said she's going to try and stay alive as long as possible, purely out of spite and contempt.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
You post sounds dumb because she never doubled down. She quiet clearly apologized some of the hurtful things she said. But not only that, she went into detail explaining how things have lead to this and to justify the stupidity she showed in the past. You are clearly part of the mob she mentioned extensively in the video. You have already made up your mind about her. This is what the video is about to some extend.

In addition to cancel culture, I'm beginning to hate the word "mob" as well.

she_esh's post does not promote violent attack ContraPoints. she_esh's post doesn't promote rallying people to stop watching ContraPoints. And Natalie is not entitled to she_esh's time or forgiveness.

This isn't mob mentality. This is one person on an internet forum expressing a goddamn opinion. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Sep 12, 2018
You are clearly part of the mob she mentioned extensively in the video.
This is an absolutely ridiculous statement given how I've literally never posted about this until today. Accusing me of being part of the mob that harassed her just shows how much the term cancel culture is often sensationalist bad faith nonsense used to deflect critique. You can respond to the actual claims I'm making instead of sliding completely baseless and insulting accusations my way.

And she absolutely did double down in the private Patreon post, defending her Buck Angel cameo and very much doing some boogie2988esque centrist handwringing around his views.
Sep 12, 2018
In addition to cancel culture, I'm beginning to hate the word "mob" as well.

she_esh's post does not promote violent attack ContraPoints. she_esh's post doesn't promote rallying people to stop watching ContraPoints. And Natalie is not entitled to she_esh's time or forgiveness.

This isn't mob mentality. This is one person on an internet forum expressing a goddamn opinion. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Thank you!

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
Oh please. She literally explicitly says that Buck's tendency to distance himself from NB people is one of the things that Buck does that in fact DOES rub her the wrong way and one of her main criticisms of him and later acknowledges that there are probably some NB people that still probably don't trust him and that she feels that is a valid way to feel about him.

I'll even give you a time stamp. 30:38 and 32:33
she literally says his attitude towards (his perceived) difference between transsexual and transgender people, and willingness to distance himself from transgender people (who he views as a distinct category of individuals from transsexual people), is Extremely Bad, Actually, and she wishes he'd actually listen to those criticisms.
Except she also thinks we shouldn't hurt his feelings by saying things like he's a bigot or not associate with him because of this. If she acts like we shouldn't shut him out cause we might be able to save him from himself she doesn't actually think its that bad. She doesn't like it but in the same way any other lib doesn't like their friends saying the n word but will actively protect them when someone calls them out on it.
Oct 27, 2017
We generally have a rule actually that long video ops are supposed to have decent summaries
having a rule that long videos need to have a summary are very obviously meant so that people can make informed decisions regarding whether or not they want to watch it, at least that should be obvious. beyond what the *rules* say - common sense should say that if there's a topic explicitly about a video, watching the video - regardless of length - should be a logical prerequisite.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I was mistaken when listening to the video, but painting people as a mob seems kind of part of the essentializing that Natalie speaks against in the video.

I think she'd rather people at least try to address points before the escalating.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
Maybe I was mistaken when listening to the video, but painting people as a mob seems kind of part of the essentializing that Natalie speaks against in the video.

I think she'd rather people at least try to address points before the escalating.
I mean she implies people who are upset with her are misguided or unreasonable multiple times in the video. Pretty sure this is the desired effect of this video


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
You are reframing her argument which I paraphrased, in an attempt to make it sound worse than it is. Abstraction, then essentialism.

No I'm just being curt.

You aren't entitled to having people support you.

She's said shitty things, she's supported and platformed shitty people, at best her response to Buck Angel would be no different than if Buck Angel was a virulent racist that she still wants around because his trans activism is important.

It's really not relevant if she thinks his bigotry is bad because she clearly still wants him around.

I disagree with him in that situation means squat.

Turning around then and saying that her being held responsible for this is a threat to her support system that she needs to survive is emotional manipulation, it's asking people to not say anything when she hurts people because while it won't hurt her fame, money, or media influence and platform, it will rob her of her support network.


Oct 28, 2017
i'm about 20 minutes into the video and, as someone who has been very critical of her, i do plan to finish it.

but it's baffling that she seems not to understand that the statement (direct quote) "I can't believe we're going to Africa today omg what if we get Ebola?" is racist


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Friendly reminder to those being aggressive
Maybe I was mistaken when listening to the video, but painting people as a mob seems kind of part of the essentializing that Natalie speaks against in the video.

I think she'd rather people at least try to address points before the escalating.

Was literally about to post this. I feel the TLDR of the video portions on cancel culture itself is to cool down, remember that many are reacting out of emotion instead of critique, and deescalate. The heated defenders may want to keep this in mind. Hell I think the whole of Era could use some of these guidelines for debate/critique. I always have to remind myself to walk away for a moment if I'm too heated in any conversation.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Going by this thread it sure sounds like this video is less an apology or explanation to those she upset and is more for the people that already didn't care.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Maybe I was mistaken when listening to the video, but painting people as a mob seems kind of part of the essentializing that Natalie speaks against in the video.

So the people going on and on yelling "Watch the video" didn't even take the message of said video to heart?


What is it about this woman that causes her defenders to become the very mob she was complaining about?


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
No I'm just being curt.

You aren't entitled to having people support you.

She's said shitty things, she's supported and platformed shitty people, at best her response to Buck Angel would be no different than if Buck Angel was a virulent racist that she still wants around because his trans activism is important.

It's really not relevant if she thinks his bigotry is bad because she clearly still wants him around.

I disagree with him in that situation means squat.

Turning around then and saying that her being held responsible for this is a threat to her support system that she needs to survive is emotional manipulation, it's asking people to not say anything when she hurts people because while it won't hurt her fame, money, or media influence and platform, it will rob her of her support network.

Isn't the entire section about her support network that she doesn't rely on the public community or public in general for support because it harmed her in the past when she did and that as a result she is doing ok explicitly because she has a support group outside of the public?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean she implies people who are upset with her are misguided or unreasonable multiple times in the video. Pretty sure this is the desired effect of this video
I feel like she only intended to address that to people actively harassing her in the video

However it feels like in her attempts to address that and harassment that she also doesn't really address the people who were speaking reasonably about this. I could be wrong about this; it was a long video.

this is why I mentioned before that I'm growing skeptical of long form videos like this in general with weighty matters. I feel like I need someone in the video with her to bounce ideas direct or I'm getting drawn into just one piece of things (however well defined)


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't the entire section about her support network that she doesn't rely on the public community or public in general for support because it harmed her in the past when she did and that as a result she is doing ok explicitly because she has a support group outside of the public?

How is that anyone else's responsibility though?

Like if the shitty things she says and does loses her irl friends how is that anyone else's responsibility but her own


Oct 25, 2017
Oh please. She literally explicitly says that Buck's tendency to distance himself from NB people is one of the things that Buck does that in fact DOES rub her the wrong way and one of her main criticisms of him and later acknowledges that there are probably some NB people that still probably don't trust him and that she feels that is a valid way to feel about him.

I'll even give you a time stamp. 30:38 and 32:33

Kind of sad we have to hand out timestamps like this now from people screaming and hollering and weren't ever interested in a discussion in the first place.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Friendly reminder to those being aggressive

Was literally about to post this. I feel the TLDR of the video portions on cancel culture itself is to cool down, remember that many are reacting out of emotion instead of critique, and deescalate. The heated defenders may want to keep this in mind. Hell I think the whole of Era could use some of these guidelines for debate/critique. I always have to remind myself to walk away for a moment if I'm too heated in any conversation.
Something to question is even just why binary defenders are heated or being snide/mocking and feel justified in doing so at the expense of non-binary concerns. The emotion is obvious on one side with NB folk but the other - not so much, other than an Internet personality they like being disregarded on a forum topic. People speaking about self awareness while equating a forum discussion to twitter harassment. Speaking of following the cool kids while posting purely to mock non-binary users in defence of a massively popular and influential youtube personality they follow.

When you're there calling the same group a mob as right-leaning personalities that (suddenly, now) view her as 'one of the good ones' you've no place to ask others to look inward.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I mean she implies people who are upset with her are misguided or unreasonable multiple times in the video. Pretty sure this is the desired effect of this video

Saw caps going around of people whose actual personal photos are being used as their profile pics kept as part of their screenshotted tweets during the bit about an hour in. Seems to me that, especially since many of these accounts are pretty highly-visible (and fairly recognizable) transgender folks themselves, this is irresponsible behavior that only serves to further drive a wedge in the community and enable the sort of behavior she's purportedly making this video to decry. If the problem is WHAT is being said, not WHO is saying it, then do your damn due diligence. She's had more than enough time to prepare.

Isn't the entire section about her support network that she doesn't rely on the public community or public in general for support because it harmed her in the past when she did and that as a result she is doing ok explicitly because she has a support group outside of the public?

I was going to say earlier that I think if she's looking to get away from virulent harassment that the best thing she could do for herself is to get away from Twitter because she doesn't need to have a functioning support network, but I think this makes the argument for that better than anything I could have said.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
I feel like she only intended to address that to people actively harassing her in the video

However it feels like in her attempts to address that and harassment that she also doesn't really address the people who were speaking reasonably about this. I could be wrong about this; it was a long video.

this is why I mentioned before that I'm growing skeptical of long form videos like this in general with weighty matters. I feel like I need someone in the video with her to bounce ideas direct or I'm getting drawn into just one piece of things (however well defined)
Honestly I've been wanting lefttubers to do that for awhile, not just for the discussion but also because the way they tend to shout out other creators is usually via credits for voices either during credits or in the description rather than proper inclusion in the video which seems to be a very effective tool that the right uses in their content and is one of the few tactics they use which is actually not inherently shitty. I feel like it could improve the quality of the content and help boost the community in general
Saw caps going around of people whose actual personal photos are being used as their profile pics kept as part of their screenshotted tweets during the bit about an hour in. Seems to me that, especially since many of these accounts are pretty highly-visible (and fairly recognizable) transgender folks themselves, this is irresponsible behavior that only serves to further drive a wedge in the community and enable the sort of behavior she's purportedly making this video to decry. If the problem is WHAT is being said, not WHO is saying it, then do your damn due diligence. She's had more than enough time to prepare.
Yeah this is definitely not a good move on her part, I don't think Contra intended any harm from this but it was incredibly irresponsible on her part


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
i'm about 20 minutes into the video and, as someone who has been very critical of her, i do plan to finish it.

but it's baffling that she seems not to understand that the statement (direct quote) "I can't believe we're going to Africa today omg what if we get Ebola?" is racist
She does though, the point in that section was that an apology for that joke was fine because he had no history of making similar remarks and didn't immediately go back to doing it. One joke in a tweet doesn't make someone a racist in that case (even if the joke was racist and probably just got posted without much thought) but it kept being used as evidence for him being one.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
No I'm just being curt.

You aren't entitled to having people support you.

She's said shitty things, she's supported and platformed shitty people, at best her response to Buck Angel would be no different than if Buck Angel was a virulent racist that she still wants around because his trans activism is important.

It's really not relevant if she thinks his bigotry is bad because she clearly still wants him around.

I disagree with him in that situation means squat.

Turning around then and saying that her being held responsible for this is a threat to her support system that she needs to survive is emotional manipulation, it's asking people to not say anything when she hurts people because while it won't hurt her fame, money, or media influence and platform, it will rob her of her support network.

This is really pointless without you watching the video, but she actually makes the argument that, even when criticism against one are valid, when they're a public figure, the sheer volume of criticism, which tends to keep escalating in intensity as more people pile on (especially when some of them are just there to pile on), can be extremely damaging to a person. She isn't saying "don't criticize people". She is saying "a large amount of concerted criticism can come together and have an impact much greater than the sum of its parts".

I think if you are this invested in this topic, you should just watch the video, because otherwise this conversation is going to be a continuous stream of arguments from you based on your assumptions of what she says, then people just quoting back bits of the video to you. This is a pointless game of telephone.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
This is really pointless without you watching the video, but she actually makes the argument that, even when criticism against one are valid, when they're a public figure, the sheer volume of criticism, which tends to keep escalating in intensity as more people pile on (especially when some of them are just there to pile on), can be extremely damaging to a person. She isn't saying "don't criticize people". She is saying "a large amount of concerted criticism can come together and have an impact much greater than the sum of its parts".

I think if you are this invested in this topic, you should just watch the video, because otherwise this conversation is going to be a continuous stream of arguments from you based on your assumptions of what she says, then people just quoting back bits of the video to you. This is a pointless game of telephone.
I've seen this argument every time the concept of cancel culture comes up amongst the online left, what exactly can be done to prevent meaningful criticism from escalating to a point where people of bad faith can join in and dogpile? Cause the only one I can think of, outside of properly curated spaces which twitter definitely isn't, how can we prevent this other than just not criticise the person which isn't a great option?


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
This is really pointless without you watching the video, but she actually makes the argument that, even when criticism against one are valid, when they're a public figure, the sheer volume of criticism, which tends to keep escalating in intensity as more people pile on (especially when some of them are just there to pile on), can be extremely damaging to a person. She isn't saying "don't criticize people". She is saying "a large amount of concerted criticism can come together and have an impact much greater than the sum of its parts".

I think if you are this invested in this topic, you should just watch the video, because otherwise this conversation is going to be a continuous stream of arguments from you based on your assumptions of what she says, then people just quoting back bits of the video to you. This is a pointless game of telephone.

I'm watching

Her presentation is excruciating and takes forever to get to the point.



May 27, 2019
So the people going on and on yelling "Watch the video" didn't even take the message of said video to heart?


What is it about this woman that causes her defenders to become the very mob she was complaining about?

Contra's the de-facto "token trans voice" for a lot of people, and therefore can speak on behalf of those people and can Do No Wrong.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
I've seen this argument every time the concept of cancel culture comes up amongst the online left, what exactly can be done to prevent meaningful criticism from escalating to a point where people of bad faith can join in and dogpile? Cause the only one I can think of, outside of properly curated spaces which twitter definitely isn't, how can we prevent this other than just not criticise the person which isn't a great option?

I don't know, I don't think anyone has a good answer to that. I'm actually surprised the right isn't doing more of this to disrupt leftist spaces. But again, Russia did this in 2016 and it seemed to work, so it's a question that should be on everyone's mind this year.


Oct 28, 2017
also: she pretty much directly says Buck Angel has never invalidated nb identities and that if he had, she would have seen it


Oct 25, 2017
Look guys you don't the point that they're making! You need to watch this Jordan Peterson I mean contrapoints video fully to understand!


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
How is that anyone else's responsibility though?

Like if the shitty things she says and does loses her irl friends how is that anyone else's responsibility but her own

She doesn't say that she is losing her irl friends so I'm not sure she is saying that is anyone's responsibility. That is unless I missunderstood something. I thing she is being most defensive about the personal attacks. The more complicated part would be her critique of the individual NB community members issuing ultimatums to her breadtube peers as "being too far". That is a topic that probably takes a deeper dive.

Something to question is even just why binary defenders are heated or being snide/mocking and feel justified in doing so at the expense of non-binary concerns. The emotion is obvious on one side with NB folk but the other - not so much, other than an Internet personality they like being disregarded on a forum topic. People speaking about self awareness while equating a forum discussion to twitter harassment. Speaking of following the cool kids while posting purely to mock non-binary users in defence of a massively popular and influential youtube personality they follow.

When you're there calling the same group a mob as right-leaning personalities that (suddenly, now) view her as 'one of the good ones' you've no place to ask others to look inward.

Yeah, I believe I know what you're inferring here and have definitely been leaning in agreement. That specific subject is something I've wanted to talk about before on here but moderating hot threads like that obviously are not my forte haha. Not sure who could keep that thread unlocked for more than an hour.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I've seen this argument every time the concept of cancel culture comes up amongst the online left, what exactly can be done to prevent meaningful criticism from escalating to a point where people of bad faith can join in and dogpile? Cause the only one I can think of, outside of properly curated spaces which twitter definitely isn't, how can we prevent this other than just not criticise the person which isn't a great option?
It's why people are very quick to take someone talking about harassment and use it to beat down people doing nothing more than posting in a (otherwise random) topic on a video game forum.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
she absolutely does not. i just rewatched that section. she basically says she can see how the joke might be seen as insensitive but it doesn't demonstrate racism
I didn't remeber the exact thing she said so, fair. But I guess I took it as someone saying something that could be construed as bigoted when they're thinking it's a stupid wordplay joke that they got rightfully called out on doesn't mean the intent is inherently racist. It is on it's own, not a sign that someone is 'a racist.' even if though it's in poor taste no matter what and it's very easy to see a racist angle in it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen this argument every time the concept of cancel culture comes up amongst the online left, what exactly can be done to prevent meaningful criticism from escalating to a point where people of bad faith can join in and dogpile? Cause the only one I can think of, outside of properly curated spaces which twitter definitely isn't, how can we prevent this other than just not criticise the person which isn't a great option?
Yea this is another thing that feels missing from the vid (which I doubt she knows herself).
She mentions later in the video that she was able to speak sense to some people in face to face conversations and get them to retract some bad things they've did but like, okay, not everyone *can* do that, nobody *should* be obligated to that, and it's a hit or miss approach with people even in the best situation.

i don't know either what could be done outside of everyone being anesthetized before speaking