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Jan 21, 2018
Sony's official stance
Haha oh man, that gif never gets old
Nov 14, 2017
Did Call of Duty not announce recently crossplay between PS4, Xbox and PC. If this is true, then Sony has moved significantly and more big games on PS4 and Xbox will be crossplay?

I can see what they have not moved yet to allow it on Google Stadia. Microsoft and Sony have effectively teamed up to battle Google in the game streaming arena.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, you can.

Sony was reached out to the same time as Microsoft and Google.

They decided not to approve it. Whether or not they do in the future isn't a factor. They are -- factually -- holding it back at this very moment.
You use the words factually but state zero facts, unless you know every corporations process and have them on hand, please do tell us as I'm fascinated how you can state something as fact when you dont have anything to back that up?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Cross-save actually would hurt a platform holder much more than crossplay, especially on a F2P title. If someone purchases microtransactions on another platform, does Sony get a cut from that when the player logs in to their PS4? Probably not.

Cross-play just means you can play with friends on other platforms. Cross-save means potential money lost from active players.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, you can.

Sony was reached out to the same time as Microsoft and Google.

They decided not to approve it. Whether or not they do in the future isn't a factor. They are -- factually -- holding it back at this very moment.
You have a funny definition for "fact". Anyway, if Sony come out today and outright says, "We will not allow cross saving....period", what would you call it then?
Pending = holding back
No = holding back?

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
Did Call of Duty not announce recently crossplay between PS4, Xbox and PC. If this is true, then Sony has moved significantly and more big games on PS4 and Xbox will be crossplay?

I can see what they have not moved yet to allow it on Google Stadia. Microsoft and Sony have effectively teamed up to battle Google in the game streaming arena.

Except Microsoft is allowing cross saving with Xbox.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Yeah sure, Sony is gonna lose the lead because 15 people are whining on a forum..
One could argue it's a canary in the coal mine. Discontent over the launch XBox ONE started at forum bitching, and ended with a massive sales gap.

That said, it's silly to be declarative over the future of consoles that do not yet exist, and won't have full public reveals for 1yr+.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
I dont think they locked destiny 2 down for 10 years. Activision did...and that worked out just fine.
All it'll do is make people not want to invest into their ecosystem. Why would I purchase a GaaS title that encourages long term time and monetary investment into an experience if I'm literally trapped on a single platform?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Updated thread title to better reflect the wording of the announcement.


Nov 1, 2017
Pretty sure Yoshida has repeatedly said MS has been the roadblock for FFXIV not being on xbox. About 5 times now i think, but people continually ignore that for some reason.
No, he didn't.

Yoshida underlined that he'd like "as many to play as possible", in an interview with VGR. The Japanese producer admitted having "ongoing" discussions with all three console manufacturers (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) to try and release a title on Switch and Xbox One that would be able to cross-play with pre-existing PC and PS4 versions.

Don't even bother reply if you want to play dumb


Oct 27, 2017
Sony is losing their lead next gen and it starts with losing good will with people, calling it now. They are slowly reverting back to their proud 2006 version of themselves. These companies never learn.

So, Sony is not going to be the console sales leader in Generation 9 because *checks notes* "Cross-saving for the PlayStation 4 version of Destiny 2 is pending".


Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
Pretty Yoshida has repeatedly said MS has been the roadblock for FFXIV not being on xbox. About 5 times now i think, but people continually ignore that for some reason.

He's said it once (maybe twice) and that was ages ago. He now just says that they are talking to the companies and nothing else. SE have a good relationship with Sony that they wouldn't want to jeopardise by blaming them for anything.

It most likely is both Sony and Microsoft stopping it. Sony not wanting cross-play with Xbox and Microsoft wanting people to have Xbox Live Gold to play the game.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sony's gonna have to cave at some point, we're getting way too close to next gen announcements for them to keep fucking around

only a matter of time imo but how long it takes them to cave could end up being crucial


Oct 25, 2017
this is what happens when Sony doesn't play ball. they lose sales(from me), perhaps for all future multiplatform games...



Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
The only reason to put that out there in this way is to try and leverage public opinion. So I think it's pretty clear that Sony doesn't want this.


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly don't believe you guys saying this actually believe it.
At least he understands basic English. Its typical of some people to fly off the deep end because a line of text said something is pending. Jesus Christ stuff is pending all the time, like you know your payments from your bank and direct debits or your latest download is pending.

This place is a parody at times.
Nov 2, 2017
Pending is deciding not to approve it? I didn't know pending meant no.

While it's pending, the answer is no. Treating this as if this is a just some pending short delay as if Sony just got the request yesterday is to also ignore the history of Sony trying to prevent cross-play by pretending that they have some beta for a cross-play process when the actual roadblock to cross-play isn't anything on Sony's end except telling developers "It's OK, you can do that." Which happens to be the only roadblock also blocking this.


Oct 25, 2017
When u put in a request for something and it says pending approval it's means under review and it could either be a yes or no, not a definite no like your framing it.

it's always a no until otherwise stated.

I don't understand why a bunch of you are having difficulty with this. Pending approval doesn't make it a partial yes. It's a no, with a possibility of being a yes... but it's still a no.

The fact is everyone else has said yes, sony has not. So because it's a no until it isn't, Sony is holding it back. It's pretty simple.


Oct 27, 2017
When all other platform holders have said "yes" a single "pending approval" can definitely be taken as a no until further notice.
Are all companies the same? Everyone one has a way of doing shit , just cause 2 platform approve doesn't mean shit for the other, their business aren't run the same , Sony not just going to approve without reviewing shit first hence pending review. They could very well come out and say no after the pending approval is over, as for now it's under review.

So people can cry as they see fit or wait and see. me personally don't give a fuck only play on 1 platform but hope they say yes for other people not like me


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks this just cements my position to not buy third party games on my PS4. RIP my Titan character );


Oct 25, 2017
Cross-save actually would hurt a platform holder much more than crossplay, especially on a F2P title. If someone purchases microtransactions on another platform, does Sony get a cut from that when the player logs in to their PS4? Probably not.

Cross-play just means you can play with friends on other platforms. Cross-save means potential money lost from active players.
they need to weigh that lost revenue against people straight up not buying games due to idiotic polices like this. It also works both ways, Xbox has just as much risk of losing money due to the cross-save feature.
May 17, 2018
I'm still baffled as to why this is such an issue for some people.

I mean, sure, having more options is great, but, when you buy a game on any platform, isn't the expectation to play it on that platform? Why am I concerned about being able to play this game on PC/Xbox/Stadia if I'm buying it on PS4?
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