
Nov 1, 2017
I can only assume people complaining about this started playing with New Leaf and got spoiled because console Animal Crossing has always being like that. And I think the Ds game too.

Maybe they'll find a way around having four (or 8 mayors)?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
So... Every Animal Crossing game ever.

Not really. Memory cards meant you reasonably got your own town in AC GameCube. The handheld games prior to this required buying a second copy of the game (because they reasonably had storage size issues that don't exist on switch), but at least it wasn't potentially needing a second console for either of those cases.

Hell, this game is going to have a significant price bump over new leaf by default anyway, the least they could do is make sure you get your own town(island).

The only game where you really were forced in to having a single town per console was Animal crossing Wii, which had tons wrong with it that caused it to be the black sheep of the franchise anyway, no personal towns is just one of many problems with the game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The cloud save is disappointing but seems to me a thing that can't be solved without making the game always online
I wish nintendo made an emergence cloud save for games like this. But I guess that is too much to ask considering the quality of their online services at the moment

No, the solution is actually really easy. It's the most casual ass game in existence. If people want to dupe shit or whatever by using cloud saves to cheat, you let them.

You don't take the cloud save option away from the other ten million players because some small proportion of people might get bells faster than otherwise expected.

I can't believe Nintendo is so ass backwards on this, restricting cloud saves from three of their games that would benefit the most from it (Pokémon, splatoon and now Animal crossing) because they made up a boogey man. What are we even paying for?


Oct 27, 2017
As with anything, there has to be an option to NOT share a town if its on the same Switch.

Actually town sharing should be hardware agnostic.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I'm pretty positive this is how it's been for every single animal crossing.
Only one town per system, and each user lives in it. At least it's not Wild World, and four players had to share a house together.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Why the fuck would you force this on people? Whats with Nintendo being so vehemently against providing players with options?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Just need them to announce a Switch Pro so i can just buy a second Switch. Then my wife and I can just have our own islands. This and Pokemon would be the games to make households into multi-Switch households. But i wont get another until they have the remodels.


May 9, 2018
The anti time traveling measures with no cloud saves/forced autosave is so weird. Why not just let people play how they want to? It's a multiplayer game, but it's not competitive like Pokemon or Splatoon.

There were some things in NL that were insanely tedious without TT'ing, like tracking down Gracie five times to get Nookingtons. Not looking forward to hsving to do everything the long way around. Some people just don't have the time to do that stuff.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Wonder if the auteurs at Nintendo are going to hold onto their artistic vision for this game or if they're going to budge to public pressure.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty positive this is how it's been for every single animal crossing.
Only one town per system, and each user lives in it. At least it's not Wild World, and four players had to share a house together.

Only one of the four previous games had the restriction at the console level, the Wii game, and it was crap there too, but nobody really cares about the Wii game in the first place.

With the DS and 3ds games you could buy a second game card and the GameCube one was as simple as swapping memory cards. While the others required some additional expenses per player, they were barely a tenth of the price of the switch and there were reasonably logistic reasons for them (I.e. the amount of space you could make writable for a DS/3ds game was limited, and a GameCube memory card was practically filled by a single AC save in the first place , to the point where a memory card was included as standard).

No such reasonable logistical reason exists for switch to not allow people to have their own Island on a single system if they so wish.


Oct 25, 2017
With the DS and 3ds games you could buy a second game card and the GameCube one was as simple as swapping memory cards. While the others required some additional expenses per player, they were barely a tenth of the price of the switch and there were reasonably logistic reasons for them (I.e. the amount of space you could make writable for a DS/3ds game was limited, and a GameCube memory card was practically filled by a single AC save in the first place , to the point where a memory card was included as standard).

No such reasonable logistical reason exists for switch to not allow people to have their own Island on a single system if they so wish.

I remember GC cards being somewhat prohibitively expensive to just buy like that.

Source? It filled up the memory card that came with the game, but iirc said card was far smaller than a standard GC memory card.

It allowed one save per memory card regardless of the size.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Source? It filled up the memory card that came with the game, but iirc said card was far smaller than a standard GC memory card.

What the heck do you mean source? It was a standard 59 block memory card that came with AC. If it was any smaller than the standard memory card, the game file literally wouldn't have fit. Same with Pokémon coliseum too. These were the majority of memory cards as at launch these were the only official cards that existed. At some point the 251 one came out and was... ok. It still took time, but I can't see a release date for it.
Eventually they released a 1019 block size one, but that was so late it might have even been after the AC launch even in Europe, let alone in America or Japan who had the game years earlier.

Not that it matters, if you wanted more than one AC save, you needed a second memory card regardless.


Oct 27, 2017
Just like with Miyazaki and his souls games more options would be great but its their vision for how the world should be. Vote with your dollars and maybe Nintendo will do something about if the sales are that bad.
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
One shared town/island/etc. is part of the game's design, and it's the way Animal Crossing has always been. I can see why some might find that limiting or annoying, but them making their own separate town would be playing the game in a way that's not intended.


Oct 27, 2017
But it appears New Horizons saves to the Switch itself, so no matter how many copies of the game you try, yo
Those who know more about how the Switch works can hopefully explain: how might micro SD cards affect the problem? Could you theoretically have your Animal Crossing save on your SD card, then insert a different one to play a new island on a different profile? It'd be similar to the GameCube workaround.
Oct 25, 2017
Those who know more about how the Switch works can hopefully explain: how might micro SD cards affect the problem? Could you theoretically have your Animal Crossing save on your SD card, then insert a different one to play a new island on a different profile? It'd be similar to the GameCube workaround.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure save data for all games is tied to the internal system memory, regardless of whether or not you have an SD card inserted.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't mind this. I was actually wondering how local multiplayer would work if each user has their own town but this completely explains how everything works out.

And it should come as a surprise to no one that this game will join the list of games not supporting the Nintendo cloud, for about the same reasons as Pokémon. No duping, exploiting etc. Unfortunately that puts the saves at risk. I guess the answer to this sometime in the future will be eventually online play only.

Deleted member 1238

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Source? It filled up the memory card that came with the game, but iirc said card was far smaller than a standard GC memory card.
It filled up a standard GameCube memory card. That's the reason it came with it's own.

Nintendo definitely released larger memory cards though. It's possible that they phased out the smaller ones once they released the larger ones. But the first memory card I had for my GameCube was the same size as the animal crossing one.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Not that is is confirmed, but if the village were shared I'd be ok with it. I honestly had a blast playing the gamecube animal crossing with my actual family taking up the other homes. That first game was magical and part of it was because I shared a village with 3 other people. It was like an active neighborhood complete with feuds over trees, what villager liked them the most, pitfalls and all sorts hilarity due to sharing the same space. Good times.


May 31, 2019
It filled up a standard GameCube memory card. That's the reason it came with it's own.
I had an Animal Crossing town and three Chibi-Robo saves on one card. Unless you mean it filled more than half, and that multiple would consequently not fit.

Wait, that's probably exactly what everyone means, and I'm being a duneman. Carry on

EDIT: dunceman can't even spell dunceman right

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
You've always shared the world unless you bought a new memory card or copy of the game. So no surprise.

And who plays separately anyways lol

Total Cereal

Oct 28, 2017
I don't think this is as bad as everyone is making it out to be. My brothers and I played the OG Animal Crossing in the same town and we absolutely loved it, then Wild World came out and we each had our own games with our own towns. It was way less fun because we all just wanted to live in the same town (which we could have done, but the handheld nature of the game made that less appealing). City Folk came along and we were all back in the same town and it was great, but then like a pendulum New Leaf came out and we were back in our own towns. Now, New Horizons is coming out and the only thing I'm bummed about is that I don't live with my brothers anymore so I won't be in their town. They'll have their own shared town and I'll be on my own.

I guess I understand why some people would want their own town, but it's just so much better with a shared town that I really don't understand why you would do that if given the option between the two.


Oct 25, 2017
PlayStation Home
This is fine.
It's been like this and was fine. Preferable in some ways. My little brother would play whilst I was at work and it was always cool getting home and seeing what he'd done for us.
8 separate islands would likely add up to some huge save files.
Oct 25, 2017
I think as long as everyone has equal footing in terms of what they can do, it's fine. In fact, it's actually a lot of fun when you share with family/friends... Sending letters and gifts to each other, planting trees and flowers, pulling weeds, etc. My brother and I had a blast doing this back on the GC and probably one of the reasons the 3DS version was a bit hollow (but still fun in its own way) was the fact that it was very much a solo experience. Sharing an island/town is far more engaging than visiting other people's.

I do think the option to not do it is something Nintendo should consider, but I also think those who are opposed ought to consider giving it a try. It really elevates the experience.


Jan 9, 2018
I was worried we wouldn't have a shared town across multiple profiles so this is a relief.

Not sure how this is in any way similar to the Mario Maker 2 thing in which a staple feature of basically any online game was omitted for who knows what reason. This is business as usual for Animal Crossing. I imagine any control freaks that don't want to share their town with their family would also have their own Switch that they don't share with anyone.


Mar 26, 2019
Guess further clarification is needed.
It also reads like each game is an island, up to 8 users on the same Switch can only play (not share) the same island not each on a different island, but each has a different save.
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't see the issue here. In fact the only issue I'm seeing are gamers getting really entitled lately about every design decision in every game. Every Animal Crossing game has been like this and this decision will most likely affect families with children to young teens who share a console anyways. I'm sure 90% of the players who want their own island, own their own Switch and wouldn't have to share either way. It's becoming such a pain to read the complaints of everyone on the daily.

With that said, I can see them releasing a tablet only Switch SKU along with this release for those who absolutely cannot fathom a shared island with someone else.
Oct 25, 2017
This is fine.
It's been like this and was fine. Preferable in some ways. My little brother would play whilst I was at work and it was always cool getting home and seeing what he'd done for us.
8 separate islands would likely add up to some huge save files.

It's not fine. Just because it doesn't effect you doesn't mean it should be mandatory. An option will not prevent you from enjoying it how you want.
Nov 18, 2017
Wait.. does this mean I can create a character on an island - and then hand the Switch to my partner and they can create a new character on the island, and we can swap between the two characters at will?

Because that would be great.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
That's cute.

Weird to see people talk about forced. You're not... you're not forced to play the game.


Jan 22, 2019
This is fine, like any other console AC. The idea of sharing a town was always part of Katsuya Eguchi's vision for the previous games, and I am happy to be able to share the island with my wife.

Also, I am glad that you will only have one island in the game (as it seems). Everyone gathered and interacting in the same place, with no need to micromanage different islands or have to deal with a sparse population. I am also okay with their stance on saving and time travel.


Sep 2, 2018
I like this personally

Do any other switch games not have different saves for every account?


Oct 25, 2017
I hope you can make a statue of yourself. I want everyone in my village to know that I gave them everything that they take for granted.