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UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
You jumping on MY Territory!!



Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Hurts sounds done to me. Safe bet that Tua is going to be the starter and Hurts will transfer once he graduates at the end of the year.


Oct 25, 2017
Hurts sounds done to me. Safe bet that Tua is going to be the starter and Hurts will transfer once he graduates at the end of the year.

Yeah, man. I get his annoyance at rumors flying around when nothing he did over the spring or summer indicated that he was trying to bounce, but he gotta chill on expressing frustration with the coaches. Especially after the comments his pops made over the offseason.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, man. I get his annoyance at rumors flying around when nothing he did over the spring or summer indicated that he was trying to bounce, but he gotta chill on expressing frustration with the coaches. Especially after the comments his pops made over the offseason.

Express all he wants. He ain't getting paid for this shit like all of the Bama coaches.


Oct 25, 2017
Just mean it isn't doing him any favors if he wants to win the team and the job.

I don't think there's anything wrong with what he said in a vacuum.

EDIT: Oh, Lane.

I don't disagree but Saban was already fucking him over. He was put in a loose loose situation IMO, and then gets fucked due to transfer rules.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't disagree but Saban was already fucking him over. He was put in a loose loose situation IMO, and then gets fucked due to transfer rules.

I don't think Saban fucked him over. I think Jalen's just miffed at a lack of communication between him and the coaching staff. Saban saying "I have no idea [if Jalen will be on the roster or not]" was probably annoying for Jalen given he's been pretty committed and kept his mouth shut.

And transfer rules are on Jalen's side; he can redshirt this year and transfer wherever he wants. Not really in a lose-lose situation; either he wins the job back or he doesn't and can have a two years clean start elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Why the fuck should he have to redshirt?

NCAA fucks all players that they can't move wherever they want whenever they want no strings attached.


Oct 25, 2017
Why the fuck should he have to redshirt?

NCAA fucks all players that they can't move wherever they want whenever they want no strings attached.

He graduates in December and has made it clear he wants to finish getting his degree at Alabama above all else.

He could always transfer now, but then he'd have to sit out a year (which I agree is trash). But he doesn't want to; he wants to stay and try to win his job back. Assuming that isn't decided one way or another until after the opener, by then, what good does transferring do him? He's not gonna go anywhere else and instantly pick up a new offense and start with the season underway, even if he didn't have to sit out a year. He'd be better off sticking around, training in the best program in the country, finish his last couple of credits, and then he'd be free to go literally anywhere in the country.

Jalen's sitting kinda pretty right now, compared to others in similar positions. And any disadvantage he has is more the NCAA's doing than it is Saban's.
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Oct 25, 2017
Not sure I'm ready to call him denying anything proof that her side is any less aligned with the truth.


Oct 27, 2017
Q: What did he say to you when he asked you what happened?

A: He was not happy at all, obviously. He asked me, "What the hell happened? What's going on right now?" I explained the whole story of what the accusations were, that I voluntarily went to the police station to basically provide a statement on anything they had or anything they wanted to talk about so I could make sure this didn't turn into a witch hunt. I told him all about that interview. He looked at me and said, "All right, I'm going to let investigators do their job and investigate this but I swear to God if you hit her, you're fired." I said, "Coach, I already know that and I didn't hit her, so I'm fine."
This sounds like bullshit honestly, it is almost too convenient for Urban.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers

Side note- I want to have a discussion about Big & Rich's discography. Save a horse.

Didn't mean to interrupt that discussion above though.
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UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
Based on which version of their reports?

There's a ton of questions out there, I think the sealing of the reports for 3 years fucked with a lot of things. Most peopls have already made their minds up on this entire situation, so it won't matter for a lot. But the truth, no matter what side, needs to get out so for that family and the kids can start to get everything back in order


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Columbus dispatch interview with Zach smith.
There's always going to be his side and her side then somewhere in between is the truth. Hopefully we can get to that middle soon.
It's not really that though. Let's think about what we have. We have documented reports of incidents involving the Smiths in multiple instances. We have screenshots of texts with coaches wives regarding the incidents. We have photos. We have him admitting it in text screenshot to her.

What against that do we have? Zach Smith saying he didn't do it, and the absence of charges. Neither of which mean shit.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
It's not really that though. Let's think about what we have. We have documented reports of incidents involving the Smiths in multiple instances. We have screenshots of texts with coaches wives regarding the incidents. We have photos. We have him admitting it in text screenshot to her.

What against that do we have? Zach Smith saying he didn't do it, and the absence of charges. Neither of which mean shit.

I think just a couple months ago Buck or one of the other tOSU fans were talking about how former and current tOSU football players are treated like kings in Columbus. I imagine the majority of the Columbus PD are huge Buckeye fans that don't want to stir the waters with some domestic abuse investigation involving a coach. They are just as capable of "mishandling" an investigation as the Tallahassee PD.


UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
Apologies. It's all yours. I just had some spare time this morning.

I was just giving you some shit, I had some ideas for this years ones and making it an auto update tableau site. But I have the old one already built from last year I can clear out if it doesnt work out.


Oct 25, 2017
There just hasn't been anything released about this that gives me any reason to doubt she's telling the complete truth. There isn't a middle to reach here.

That makes me sad and disappointed in the coaching staff.

Yeah, I absolutely believe they could've bungled that.


Oct 25, 2017
I was just giving you some shit, I had some ideas for this years ones and making it an auto update tableau site. But I have the old one already built from last year I can clear out if it doesnt work out.
Now you're talking my language. Can you share the Tableau workbook with me? Where were you going to host it? Where you going to dump data from the google doc or use direct links to another site?

We are in the middle of a Tableau Server POC and are probably going to use Tableau to replace Obiee. I have been getting my hands dirty learning both sides of the tool but would love to see a cool example. We are going to have to show to some execs that the performance and capabilities are better than going Power Bi/Azure/On Prem gateway stuff. Powerbi is so inexpesive but I am not convinced it is as good as Tableau

I'd like us to use a yahoo pick em league since it is more automated and easier to track if we aren't going another direction.

ryseing Did you end up getting the hdden text to work? Whats the link you have now?


UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
Probably just host it on the public tableau site I have a designer license for it. Ill PM you a guys public workbook that works with me that shows some really cool shit in tableau. Ill probably just a run a data dump from the google doc, it theoretically makes sense in my head on how to build it but I need to go in and mess with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably just host it on the public tableau site I have a designer license for it. Ill PM you a guys public workbook that works with me that shows some really cool shit in tableau. Ill probably just a run a data dump from the google doc, it theoretically makes sense in my head on how to build it but I need to go in and mess with it.
sweet. I have a full license and they gave us a server to play with so I want to create some cool stuff. We are trying to build a social media dashboard that pulls and aggregates data from our company twitter and fb too.

Can't to see what you come up with


UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
I think everyone knew about 2009, I think the main question is the 2015 stuff and who knew what and when they knew it.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
Probably just host it on the public tableau site I have a designer license for it. Ill PM you a guys public workbook that works with me that shows some really cool shit in tableau. Ill probably just a run a data dump from the google doc, it theoretically makes sense in my head on how to build it but I need to go in and mess with it.

I'm looking forward to seeing it. Apologies again for intruding on your territory.


UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
IDK whats going on behind the scenes, but if Saban even has doubt Jalen will be the starter he owes it to him to tell him.


Oct 25, 2017
IDK whats going on behind the scenes, but if Saban even has doubt Jalen will be the starter he owes it to him to tell him.

I can't tell if that's the issue or if it's just that he never spoke to Jalen directly about it. He's been adamant with the media that it's a competition either kid could win, so Jalen knows what that means. But I know Saban has a way of talking to players through the media and could believe he doesn't do as well coming to them to discuss shit on occasion.

I hope this stuff doesn't sour any relationships, but it sounds like that's already happened.

On the bright side, the ESPN series is gonna be a lot more interesting I guess lmao
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Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell if that's the issue or if it's just that he never spoke to Jalen directly about it. He's been adamant with the media that it's a competition either kid could win, so Jalen knows what that means. But I know Saban has a way of talking to players through the media and could believe he doesn't do as well coming to them to discuss shit on occasion.

I hope this stuff doesn't sour any relationships, but it sounds like that's already happened.

On the bright side, the ESPN series is gonna be a lot more interesting I guess lmao

I think this shut is getting blown away out of proportion honestly.

Savannah doesn't have to tell him shjt, and looking at the last 12 years of him coaching Bama one thing sticks out to me, he expects you to do your job whether you are the starter or not. He expects you to ignore the outside noise. He doesn't believe he needs to talk to you beyond that.

If Jalen needed to be comforted he should have reached out to his coaches. I don't sit around waiting for my bosses to say anything to me. I constantly seem out feedback and training and knowledge. I kind of believe Savannah runs a similar show.

Glad Jalen spoke for himself, just wondering why or if he addressed it with his coaches first


Oct 27, 2017
IDK whats going on behind the scenes, but if Saban even has doubt Jalen will be the starter he owes it to him to tell him.
I can't tell if that's the issue or if it's just that he never spoke to Jalen directly about it. He's been adamant with the media that it's a competition either kid could win, so Jalen knows what that means. But I know Saban has a way of talking to players through the media and could believe he doesn't do as well coming to them to discuss shit on occasion.

I hope this stuff doesn't sour any relationships, but it sounds like that's already happened.

On the bright side, the ESPN series is gonna be a lot more interesting I guess lmao
We are all talking about how Saban has lost his team until he is yet again in CFP.


UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of the 2016 squad that was completely disjointed because they refused to name a starter early enough. Hopefully, for bama's sake, they dont do the flip flop shit like we did.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of the 2016 squad that was completely disjointed because they refused to name a starter early enough. Hopefully, for bama's sake, they dont do the flip flop shit like we did.
Well 2016 wasn't much different for us either. Jalen ended up beating Cooper and Blake early on but we still couldn't hold on in the title game.

it was LSU that year that kind of figured how to keep Jalen from beating you and it showed off a lot of his weaknesses


User requested ban
Oct 24, 2017
NCAA fucks all players that they can't move wherever they want whenever they want no strings attached.
Do you even like the sport of college football? Because what you're talking about here is the end of the sport.

Loosen up the transfer rules, if you want. But there's a world of difference between what we have and what you're proposing there.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this shut is getting blown away out of proportion honestly.

Savannah doesn't have to tell him shjt, and looking at the last 12 years of him coaching Bama one thing sticks out to me, he expects you to do your job whether you are the starter or not. He expects you to ignore the outside noise. He doesn't believe he needs to talk to you beyond that.

If Jalen needed to be comforted he should have reached out to his coaches. I don't sit around waiting for my bosses to say anything to me. I constantly seem out feedback and training and knowledge. I kind of believe Savannah runs a similar show.

Glad Jalen spoke for himself, just wondering why or if he addressed it with his coaches first

Who says Jalen wants to be comforted? The last thing that nigga seems is soft enough to need that.

Being annoyed at the coaches not at least talking to him about his future is another thing. Comparing you, a grown ass adult, seeking out feedback from your boss to a kid feeling slighted doesn't make any sense. Saban's the adult here, and his job isn't just to win football games, it's to raise up men and be there for them.

Never reaching out to him after the natty is pretty damn trash. Acting like he didn't know if he'd be around after Jalen told him he'd be there is pretty trash. Him being the best coach in the history of the game doesn't mean he can't be criticized.

We are all talking about how Saban has lost his team until he is yet again in CFP.

Who said he lost the team? Lmao

Do you even like the sport of college football? Because what you're talking about here is the end of the sport.

*eye roll*


User requested ban
Oct 24, 2017
*eye roll* all you want to, but allowing players to leave *whenever* they want to is one of the most knee-jerk suggestions I've heard. Not named the game 1 starter? "Fuck it, I'm transferring over to this team that had their starter get injured in the off-season."


Oct 25, 2017
*eye roll* all you want to, but allowing players to leave *whenever* they want to is one of the most knee-jerk suggestions I've heard. Not named the game 1 starter? "Fuck it, I'm transferring over to this team that had their starter get injured in the off-season."

Sounds more like that'd just be extremely inconvenient for you. Not like an end to the sport.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like they already made up their mind, they're just waiting for it to blow over. OSU is scum.


Oct 25, 2017
*eye roll* all you want to, but allowing players to leave *whenever* they want to is one of the most knee-jerk suggestions I've heard. Not named the game 1 starter? "Fuck it, I'm transferring over to this team that had their starter get injured in the off-season."

This is the exact kind of shit why players have been getting fucked for years. Like to a T while Saban can leave anytime he wants on a dime while banking 8 mill a year.

Yet giving the players some kind of bone is this omfg death of the sport.

Doesn't help that many in the South still hold this view


due to other long held beliefs which go hand in hand with racist undertones still held down here. I know cause I've heard this before IRL and it's too easy to connect the dots (at least where I live in GA).


UCF Super fan! Go Knights!
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like they already made up their mind, they're just waiting for it to blow over. OSU is scum.

If proper procedures were or weren't followed it would be easy to find and follow. I assume they already have this information together one way or the other.
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