
Nov 16, 2017
The actual news story here is:

Prosecuting the Klu Klux Klan as a terrorist organization has never been a platform object on a presidents plan until now........

(Even as Performative as it is for Bunker Boy)

The fucking KKK, who have killed hundreds of thousands of us and still do today, maybe possibly even millions....

What the fuck does that say about America? What the fuck does it say that even the first Black President didn't ever come out and say "we'll make efforts to eradicate the KKK"
Oct 27, 2017
Wait, is "prosecuting the Ku Klux Klan" not already a thing? And why name it so it sounds like some kind of online subscription?

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
I'll never understand what some people have against an anti-fascist. They're against fascism. That's a good thing.
There are actually a lot of people who find the idea of a strong man that supports all their beliefs who comes in and is in with complete control to be very appealing.

Honestly your average person probably wouldn't be able to describe what a fascist government looks like only that it is bad and an insult people use. Or if they do describe it would paint a picture of italin and communist governments of the 40s and 50s ignoring the politics of the time, which Fascist governments were using to attain power.


Oct 26, 2017
He had multiple chances to do it since 2017 but didn't and like the Puerto Rico thing, he's literally trying to bribe people to vote for him.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
The actual news story here is:

Prosecuting the Klu Klux Klan as a terrorist organization has never been a platform object on a presidents plan until now........

(Even as Performative as it is for Bunker Boy)

The fucking KKK, who have killed hundreds of thousands of us and still do today, maybe possibly even millions....

What the fuck does that say about America? What the fuck does it say that even the first Black President didn't ever come out and say "we'll make efforts to eradicate the KKK"
Honestly this is weak. He needs to say ALL white supremacists. Not just the KKK.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Branding it the "platinum plan" literally sounds like he went to an ad firm in the early 90s and asked how to appeal to an "urban" demographic. Within a week he'll have Ben Carson required to make all public appearances wearing no fewer than 8 platinum chains, and the Trump merch store will be selling pairs of PLAT PLAN brass knuckles.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
The actual news story here is:

Prosecuting the Klu Klux Klan as a terrorist organization has never been a platform object on a presidents plan until now........

(Even as Performative as it is for Bunker Boy)

The fucking KKK, who have killed hundreds of thousands of us and still do today, maybe possibly even millions....

What the fuck does that say about America? What the fuck does it say that even the first Black President didn't ever come out and say "we'll make efforts to eradicate the KKK"

I mean we know why, and we know especially why the first black president couldn't say shit (remember when even a benign reference to police brutality by him ie Henry Lewis Gates, was a controversy).

And the sad thing is that even your alt-right/modern white supremacist movements HATE the klan, and most out and proud bigots would see this and say to themselves, "Good, because they are diluting the movement".
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Vault Boy

Nov 2, 2017
I take it as a promising sign that he's willing to make this pathetic Hail Mary pass basically a month out from the election.


Oct 25, 2017
prosecuting...Antifa as terrorist organizations

nice, laying the infrastructure for an authoritarian power grab where people protesting injustice are suddenly labeled and treated as terrorists and passing it off as a plan for Black Americans

great stuff


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Trump's cynicism and I-don't-give-a-fuck-just-throw-something-at-it quality is always at its most transparent when he's trying to appeal to The Blacks™.

This "plan" won't be worth the blank papers he'll pose in front of while "signing" it.

Also, not on this earth or any of its alternates will Trump prosecute the KKK. They're his biggest followers, after all.


Oct 28, 2017
VanIsle, BC
"See black people love flashy things, my kids put me onto this hip term called 'bling'. So like, lets call it Platinum! Like I think I heard Jay-Z say that once in a song " - GOP Marketer
Literally can't wait until crushing desperation sets in and reports come out how his handlers floated an ad idea where Trump spits dope rhymes as Pence beatboxes while Melania and Ivanka white girl twirk on desk in the oval office then finishes with Eric and Don Jr electric slide past the camera yelling "WOOOOOORLD STAAAAAAAAAR"


Nov 29, 2017
I'll never understand what some people have against an anti-fascist. They're against fascism. That's a good thing.
Right wingers are obviously afraid of left wingers who are more radical. At the end of the day fascists are nothing but cowards. These are people who can dish it out but not take it. Remember when that POS Ted Nugent came out with the message that we should all calm down and sit down and discuss things when a GOP Senator was shot at. Prior to that he was all NRA and hate rhetoric, and no apologies etc etc.
The actual news story here is:

Prosecuting the Klu Klux Klan as a terrorist organization has never been a platform object on a presidents plan until now........

(Even as Performative as it is for Bunker Boy)

The fucking KKK, who have killed hundreds of thousands of us and still do today, maybe possibly even millions....

What the fuck does that say about America? What the fuck does it say that even the first Black President didn't ever come out and say "we'll make efforts to eradicate the KKK"
The Klan hasn't killed anywhere near hundreds of thousands of people, even adding all incarnations of it together.

The US has never had a legal mechanism for designating domestic groups as terrorist organizations, because both right- and left-wing civil rights organizations have had concerns about how that power would be used. The KKK, for that matter, isn't even a significant organization anymore; it's a rump that looms much larger in the American imagination than in reality. There are other, much more significant white supremacist groupings these days.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly this is weak. He needs to say ALL white supremacists. Not just the KKK.

Even giving this plan consideration as "legitimate", he can't even do this. He needed to say "every single white supremacist group and racial militia group in America is a terrorist group and will be prosecuted/removed from all organizations in the country"...but he wouldn't do that.

Anyway, this clown had 4 whole-ass years to do something like this, and now he thinks people are stupid. Fuck this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Republican "outreach" to Black America is just white people extolling to other white people and then clapping each other on the back for how great they are.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Even giving this plan consideration as "legitimate", he can't even do this. He needed to say "every single white supremacist group and racial militia group in America is a terrorist group and will be prosecuted/removed from all organizations in the country"...but he wouldn't do that.

Anyway, this clown had 4 whole-ass years to do something like this, and now he thinks people are stupid. Fuck this shit.
Yeah. Black folks aren't swayed by any of this especially what we've seen lol. It's gross.


Oct 25, 2017
"Our Platinum Plan will offer a TRIPLE MATCH on ALL Black wages!*"

*Triple Match only offered in Trump Resorts credits, which expire after 6 months of non-use.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
So, the guy who just issued an executive order telling schools to downplay black history last week is making his big play for the black vote, huh?
Wait wait wait, wait a minute

We don't already prosecute the KKK as terrorists?!
Members of the Klan are prosecuted for any criminal conspiracies or acts that they engage in.

But US law has no counterpart to the laws around designating foreign groups as terrorist organizations, so merely being a member of the Klan is not a crime. It's questionable whether such a law would hold up to constitutional scrutiny to begin with, but even if it would, there's been a lot of opposition across the ideological spectrum to creating such a law -- not because of organizations like the Klan, but because of how it might be used against more marginal cases (which you can see here, with Trump's lumping the KKK together with whatever "Antifa" exists in his head).