
Oct 25, 2017
"I don't like him, Trump is right about Pelosi!"
"Even a blind squirrel.."
"A broken clock..."

There. I beat you to your stupid hot takes. Now...
That's not what this is about. Please focus on the actual story, which might require you to read it. Horrible, I know.

Looks like he's really, legitimately starting to crack under the pressure. Democrats met with Trump after the bi-partisan vote to not remove troops from Syria. I guess it could be putting Trump in a compromising position with his overlords. Story is still breaking. Hopefully we'll have a copy of the transcript soon.

Congressional Democratic leaders offered a remarkable readout of a meeting with President Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying that the President called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a "third-rate politician" in what they described as a "meltdown."

"He was insulting, particularly to the speaker. She kept her cool completely, but he called her a third-rate politician," Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer told reporters, describing the interaction. "This was not a dialogue, it was sort of a diatribe. A nasty diatribe, not focused on the facts."

Pelosi added, "What we witnessed on the part of the President was a meltdown, sad to say."

The Democratic leaders were at the White House for a meeting on Syria.

The meeting came shortly after the House overwhelmingly passed on a bipartisan vote a resolution opposing the Trump administration's Syria troop withdrawal.

Pelosi said that she believes Trump was "very shaken up" by the vote.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland, said there were "very offensive accusations being made by the President of the United States."

"I have served with six Presidents. I have been in many, many, many meetings like this," he said, "never have I seen a president treat so disrespectfully a co-equal branch of the government of the United States."

Source: CNN
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Oct 25, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
You want them to vote on the articles of impeachment now? The investigations only began a few weeks ago.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
You've never had the Speaker of the House come out in front of cameras and just say it.

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
They dont need to why give him what he ask for looks like he's controlling the narrative let him stew in his demise slowly until they are ready to vote while getting more evidence


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
That bipartisan resolution must have shook the hell out of him. Or I suppose it could be a myriad of things. lol
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Oct 25, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?

This is a little different. It's not people reporting anonymously on his moods. It's democratic leadership immediately coming out of a meeting and providing a readout of what was said in that meeting to the media. They've had contentious meetings in the past, but this has never happened.


Oct 25, 2017
You want them to vote on the articles of impeachment now? The investigations only began a few weeks ago.

I know where you're coming from on that. The whole thing's weird. Stuff like this is just posturing, though, and that's what gets me. We hear about trump "melting down" every other week. He's always batshit insane. He was this way before he was voted into office.


Nov 3, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?


Oct 27, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
You don't vote on impeachment now. You turn this into Trump's Benghazi in order to ensure A) that you have the most favorable facts possible on your side; and B) that media discussion of Trump is always ensnared in credible scandal. Republicans want early vote so neither happen.


Jun 28, 2018
It's like... every meeting Democrats take with him, no matter the subject, ends up being an utter and complete waste of time. Every "negotiation" he sabotaged ahead of time. Dumbass was never going to listen to them (or anyone else) about Syria. There was never going to be a dialog. He's just gonna bitch and moan and air his petty grievances and attack anyone who isn't sucking up to him. They're still trying to do their jobs, but the president* isn't interested in doing his. Ever.
Oct 25, 2017
I know where you're coming from on that. The whole thing's weird. Stuff like this is just posturing, though, and that's what gets me. We hear about trump "melting down" every other week. He's always batshit insane. He was this way before he was voted into office.

There's going to be like 7 articles of impeachment. It is going to take a while.


Oct 28, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
One and fucking done.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina


Oct 25, 2017
There's going to be like 7 articles of impeachment. It is going to take a while.
They also won't be limited to Trump.
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
Do you think it's impossible to remove Trump from office prior to the election?


Oct 26, 2017
Paris, France
It is 100%, 200% sure that a large majority of Republicans from the Senate are wondering what they should be doing with Trump. They know he is now a danger.


Oct 28, 2017
Nah. It would be idiotic to give the GOP what they want right now. A quick vote. Evidence mounts every day. More and more. Meanwhile, under pressure he makes terrible decisions that divide his own party.
Oh yeah I actually agree on that part. More so I was quoting that for the first part talking about how this is just par for the course for Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
We get these articles about how "Trump is melting down" or he's "breaking at the seams". Guess what. He's not. He's been like this since the 2016 Debates. There is no low. We've been there forever.

The question is why hasn't the house just voted on impeachment yet?
Let him squirm.


Jun 28, 2018
It is 100%, 200% sure that a large majority of Republicans from the Senate are wondering what they should be doing with Trump. They know he is now a danger.
If not to the country/world, then at the very least to their re-election chances. Things are worse now than they were during the midterms.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like he's really, legitimately starting to crack under the pressure. Democrats met with Trump after the bi-partisan vote to not remove troops from Syria. I guess it could be putting Trump in a compromising position with his overlords. Story is still breaking. Hopefully we'll have a copy of the transcript soon.
I don't really buy that. He's been cracking for ages.
Jun 22, 2019
Trump has at least one meltdown every damn day.

Holding Trump accountable also doesn't rest whatsoever on how Trump acts. Nothing Trump does will be the end of Trump. It's what other people do in response.


Oct 26, 2017
Trump has at least one meltdown every damn day.

Holding Trump accountable also doesn't rest whatsoever on how Trump acts. Nothing Trump does will be the end of Trump. It's what other people do in response.

Yeah it should be quite clear by now that his shitty conduct is not extraordinary in any sense even if he runs around the WH smearing diarrhoea all over.

The issue is how are you going to hold him accountable.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
I would honestly love to witness one of these Trump meltdowns. Maybe I'm just weird. lol


Oct 25, 2017
Listen I'm not a Pelosi fan at all but it's hilarious coming from him. He is projecting so badly.


Oct 25, 2017
I bet constant meltdowns are bad for his heart l... It would be sad for him to have at least one meltdown per day... Sad...


Oct 25, 2017
In trying to tear her down.... he tweets out a photo of her commanding the attention of everyone in the room.

Yeah, that matches the transcript and letter.


Apr 1, 2019
It is 100%, 200% sure that a large majority of Republicans from the Senate are wondering what they should be doing with Trump. They know he is now a danger.

If not to the country/world, then at the very least to their re-election chances. Things are worse now than they were during the midterms.

I think it's far too late for them to get rid of Trump now.

They're in a lose-lose scenario: If they refuse to remove Trump, then the majority of the public will vote them out.

If they do remove Trump, then Trump's base will turn on them & vote them out.