
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, we can rightfully be mad at Manchin and Sinema, but you're lying to yourself if you think removing them would fix this fucked up system. They're not the only Democrats tied closely to corporate interests, though I'm sure a lot of Dems are happy they're the one being so brazen/blamed for it.
Yeah, I think there are at least 15 more Democratic senators that will gladly grab all the attention, money and career bosting that comes from being a Democratic senator obstructing progressive legislation.

As long as the carrot is this big and the stick against doing this is non-existent, this will not change, and I don't think you can get a big enough Democratic majority for that to not be an issue. Like they have won bigger majorities in the not so distant past.


Oct 26, 2017
And now when these two infrastructure deals do pass, if they do, which are still massive achievements and the largest investment in the public sector in ~55 years, the first reversal of the conservative stranglehold on the public sector since most of our parents were born in the 1960s, they're not enough, they're disappointments, they're nothing to write home about, they're reduced to "But no college loan forgiveness? or "but only $1400?" It's frustrating, and I get worked by the playbook as much as anybody, you get the government that voters deserve.

This is what vexes me. The whole damn thing annoys me, but its the way all the positive progress fucking vanishes in the eyes of so many on the left when something isn't achieved somewhere. Now despite everything in this economic plan that WILL still go through, apparently its already "nothing" to some people. Same thing happened with that last large bill that passed. Literally had people in the thread going "This means nothing" as others mentioned how much it helps them.

I just hope the reality wins against the narrative. We DO need those fucking seats. And yes, winning them would matter. Period.

At some point you aren't being a trendy realist, you are just being unbearably cynical. And its not a good look.

General Zod

Oct 27, 2017
Sigh. We're never going to fix climate change, are we? If the Democrats won't, who will? Republicans? Hah, pigs will fly.

Mother Earth is fucked and it's all thanks to a precious few idiots in a world of billions.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
Almost two *trillion* dollars and they can't offer a few years of free college and some green energy mandates? What the hell is even in the rest of it?


Oct 27, 2017
People came out in record numbers during a pandemic to hand the Democrats every lever of power available and they still cannot get shit done. I want to say they deserve to get obliterated in the midterms but I know that means a hellish 2 years and a very viable path for Trump or someone even worse if possible in 2024.

I'm just fucking sick of it all. We vote and it doesn't mean shit. We sit it out and we concede all the "progress" we've ever made on the left. It just feels hopeless as a millennial. All these old fucks that will be long dead when the shit rolls down on us just screwing us over for decades. And the country is too apathetic for any kind of revolution so we're stuck here until the bottom falls out completely

Trafalgar Law

Nov 6, 2017
Man it's weird and from an outside perspective
It always seems like the dems at times are the ones who try and make it work when the republican enter power but the republicans go full scorched earth when they're even a minority and dems in control


Aug 1, 2018
Absolutely awful.

Did they ever reverse Trump's tax cut?


Last I saw, they plan wasn't to reverse them fully but to bump up the rates.

Excuse my ignorance, but I thought states already had free community college? I know TN was the first to do it so I just figured others followed suit.

They aren't in Texas. It depends on the state. Though, they seem to be moving in that direction.

This is what vexes me. The whole damn thing annoys me, but its the way all the positive progress fucking vanishes in the eyes of so many on the left when something isn't achieved somewhere. Now despite everything in this economic plan that WILL still go through, apparently its already "nothing" to some people. Same thing happened with that last large bill that passed. Literally had people in the thread going "This means nothing" as others mentioned how much it helps them.

I just hope the reality wins against the narrative. We DO need those fucking seats. And yes, winning them would matter. Period.

At some point you aren't being a trendy realist, you are just being unbearably cynical. And its not a good look.

It's progress. It's completely fine to ask for more of our politicians especially when they promised more.

And now when these two infrastructure deals do pass, if they do, which are still massive achievements and the largest investment in the public sector in ~55 years, the first reversal of the conservative stranglehold on the public sector since most of our parents were born in the 1960s, they're not enough, they're disappointments, they're nothing to write home about, they're reduced to "But no college loan forgiveness? or "but only $1400?" It's frustrating, and I get worked by the playbook as much as anybody, you get the government that voters deserve.

They aren't enough and are disappointments. That doesn't mean they aren't a good thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Just to keep things in perspective- The '3.5 trillion' was over *ten years*.

In that same time span, the US government will spend between 6-8 trillion on the military alone.

We can use that money to kill people, but not help our own citizens. There were a lot of missed opportunities in the messaging battle, to be sure, but ultimately Manchin (and possibly Sinema) were never going to play ball.

What's worse, Manchin isn't going to budge on getting rid of the filibuster for the voting rights act either. What a despicable piece of shit.


Nov 14, 2017
You know, I've never been that religious of a person but these last few months have made me hope that there's a Hell for people like Manchin and Sinema.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man it's weird and from an outside perspective
It always seems like the dems at times are the ones who try and make it work when the republican enter power but the republicans go full scorched earth when they're even a minority and dems in control
Republicans don't do anything, they just watch everything burn and stir the coals a bit as necessary

Democrats have already passed several times more major legislation in 9 months than Republicans did in 2 years


Oct 26, 2017
It's progress. It's completely fine to ask for more of our politicians especially when they promised more.

Asking for more is fine. Thats not what usually happens. Theres a big difference between asking for more and outright calling things in this economic plan that will pass "Nothing". Saying that "They just maintained the status quo" considering whats been passed in the previous 9 months is not "asking for more of our politicians" its outright being dishonest. Theres a difference. I don't have a problem with us all wanting CC to pass. We all wanted that. I hate it being a segway into defeatist hyperbole from "Nothing changed at all" to "Whelp there goes the midterms" (even though data doesn't suggest this at all). But honestly Im upset enough about this getting cut, Im not gonna rant for the 10th time about the way the media and people view this stuff. Its more exhaustion than its worth.
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Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Now to try and keep the house and elect enough democrats to make Machin and Sinema meaningless.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm so glad we elected Manchin President. And who needs climate programs? A solid infrastructure will help people leave coastal cities as they sink, and allow people to feel wildfires and excessive heat. Everyone wins.


Oct 30, 2017
Asking for more is fine. Thats not what usually happens. Theres a big difference between asking for more and outright calling things in this economic plan that will pass "Nothing". Saying that "They just maintained the status quo" considering whats been passed in the previous 9 months is not "asking for more of our politicians" its outright being dishonest. Theres a difference. I don't have a problem with us all wanting CC to pass. We all wanted that. I hate it being a segway into defeatist hyperbole from "Nothing changed at all" to "Whelp there goes the midterms" (even though data doesn't suggest this at all). But its really not worth the energy. But honestly Im upset enough about this getting cut, Im not gonna rant for the 10th time about the way the media and people view this stuff. Its more exhaustion than its worth.
agreed. Not to harp again but left-leaning parties always have this issue. There is nothing that can be done because the party consists of a lot of interests.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Just to keep things in perspective- The '3.5 trillion' was over *ten years*.

In that same time span, the US government will spend between 6-8 trillion on the military alone.

We can use that money to kill people, but not help our own citizens. There were a lot of missed opportunities in the messaging battle, to be sure, but ultimately Manchin (and possibly Sinema) were never going to play ball.

What's worse, Manchin isn't going to budge on getting rid of the filibuster for the voting rights act either. What a despicable piece of shit.
How insane is it that we spend 2x the amount of this bill on our military every year? And no one bats an eyes. Dems even vote to increase that spending recently.


Oct 25, 2017
Really feels like the end game for Dem leadership is to use anger towards Trump and the GOP to line their pockets and increase voter turn out so that they can just maintain a status quo. The hand wringing over the student loans thing was such a clear example of this. If the DNC gets crushed in 2022, or if Trump wins again in 2024, it just gives them another angle to raise money from and we're back in this same cycle. The people with the power have no real skin in the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Extending the CTC a year would be $3600 in our family's pocket. If they can keep the 7% daycare cap that would be another $5k or something.

Smaller bill now and get two Senate pick ups next year and pass something significant at that point.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
"I voted in a presidential election and one midterm and things didn't change enough!" is the new "I voted in a presidential election and things didn't change enough!"


Oct 29, 2017
People overreacting don't remember the last dozen years?

This is how it works with 1 party that completely sucks. Liberal policy bill = no Republican votes. A balanced bill = no Republican votes. A bill where conservatives have to compromise a little = no Republican votes.

So it basically comes down to whatever compromise the outliers of the Democratic party want.


Oct 25, 2017
This is what vexes me. The whole damn thing annoys me, but its the way all the positive progress fucking vanishes in the eyes of so many on the left when something isn't achieved somewhere. Now despite everything in this economic plan that WILL still go through, apparently its already "nothing" to some people. Same thing happened with that last large bill that passed. Literally had people in the thread going "This means nothing" as others mentioned how much it helps them.

I just hope the reality wins against the narrative. We DO need those fucking seats. And yes, winning them would matter. Period.

At some point you aren't being a trendy realist, you are just being unbearably cynical. And its not a good look.

Problem is, it's do or die for climate change. We literally can not afford to wait and get better numbers in Congress, even if that was possible.

2C is already baked in, and anything more is society crushing change. We have run out of time, and Manchin doesn't give a flying fuck.


Aug 1, 2018
Asking for more is fine. Thats not what usually happens. Theres a big difference between asking for more and outright calling things in this economic plan that will pass "Nothing". Saying that "They just maintained the status quo" considering whats been passed in the previous 9 months is not "asking for more of our politicians" its outright being dishonest. Theres a difference. I don't have a problem with us all wanting CC to pass. We all wanted that. I hate it being a segway into defeatist hyperbole from "Nothing changed at all" to "Whelp there goes the midterms" (even though data doesn't suggest this at all). But its really not worth the energy. But honestly Im upset enough about this getting cut, Im not gonna rant for the 10th time about the way the media and people view this stuff. Its more exhaustion than its worth.

Some of what the administration has done is the status quo. Immigration, for example. Biden is still using Article 42.

I think one of the reasons people feel this way is because they were promised so much and they are watching it all disappear before their eyes. Their frustration is completely understandable.

"I voted in a presidential election and one midterm and things didn't change enough!" is the new "I voted in a presidential election and things didn't change enough!"

It's understandable why people feel slighted by this especially minorities. They've been told that their time is coming soon and every time, they get let down.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Really feels like the end game for Dem leadership is to use anger towards Trump and the GOP to line their pockets and increase voter turn out so that they can just maintain a status quo. The hand wringing over the student loans thing was such a clear example of this. If the DNC gets crushed in 2022, or if Trump wins again in 2024, it just gives them another angle to raise money from and we're back in this same cycle. The people with the power have no real skin in the game.
Democrats weaponize identity politics.

I mean, we just had a thread about conservative strategy based around lying and playing into fear, but Democrats absolutely fear monger, especially when they need your money.


Oct 27, 2017
US Senate system needs an overhaul.

We need to just end the Union, we are a failed state at this point. Try and divide the country up into regional nations before we fall into civil war or total collapse. Any hope I had when the Dems took control in 2020 is just gone, they had an 18 month window to try and get stuff done and prevent the GOP from rigging the country and are just face planting. This country is doomed. We should just accept reality and start the division process now.


Sep 15, 2020
God forbid poor people have access to education. Of course it's one of the go to cuts to deal with these DINO's.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Just scrap the whole plan at this point. Its been so gutted there is barely anything left


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
We were never going to get everything. I'm surprised that people around here were disillusioned enough to believe that anyway. If you want everything, then make sure we have at least 50 Dem Senators that you can count on. So rather than complaining about those two idiots, what are you personally going to do to support Dem Senate candidates next year?


Oct 30, 2017
I hope this gets through and we take another angle for climate change and education. Keep the ball rolling and legislation coming out.


Aug 1, 2018
We were never going to get everything. I'm surprised that people around here were disillusioned enough to believe that anyway. If you want everything, then make sure we have at least 50 Dem Senators that you can count on. So rather than complaining about those two idiots, what are you personally going to do to support Dem Senate candidates next year?

Nothing most likely. My Senators aren't up for reelection.

I'd rather help people on the ground with my efforts.


Oct 25, 2017
Climate change is never going to be meaningfully addressed in any capacity. Death is not enough to overcome party lines anymore.


Oct 26, 2017
Wish we could just cut the shitty states that hold everyone else back out of the union. Sorry to the non idiots in those states but this has gotten so old. Same BS my entire adult life


Oct 25, 2017
None of these fucks give a single damn about any of our lives. None of them. There is no best deal. There is no good faith. America would burn before any power or comfort was relinquished to the people. Voting isn't going to change shit.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Take solace in this- One fucking asshole did all of this. One. Person.

The majority of the party (and it's leaders) wanted everything in this bill and then some.

To think, we were one Susan Collins-less Maine away from making it happen. That should harden your resolve, my friend.
At the same time, it's absolutely insane that it only takes one person to do this & screw everyone over for their own pockets.