
Resettlement Advisor


Dec 19, 2017
Whichever one they went to New York City, that one really fell flat and I think it was the first 'bad' episode to me. I think season 9.


Oct 27, 2017
probably a dozen+ episodes across season 1 - 4 i could pass on easily, most from season 1 and 2 though


Oct 25, 2017
For the anti-Lisa posters, what about Lisa on Ice? Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy? I Love Lisa? Lisa's Rival? Lisa's Wedding? I know Summer of 4 ft 2 was named but come on y'all. And yes, she is my favorite character followed by pre-Jerkass Homer.

My vote goes to The Otto Show. Just wasn't fond of it.

Edit: Fixed it a bit to avoid confusion.
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Dec 22, 2017
Lisa on Ice? Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy? I Love Lisa? Lisa's Rival? Lisa's Wedding? I know Summer of 4 ft 2 was named but come on y'all. And yes, she is my favorite character followed by pre-Jerkass Homer.
Lisa is your favorite character and you don't like some of her best episodes??

Lisa's Rival is objectively the best episode and anyone who disagrees is primed for the most traumatic hose soaking of their life.


Oct 25, 2017
Lisa is your favorite character and you don't like some of her best episodes??

Lisa's Rival is objectively the best episode and anyone who disagrees is primed for the most traumatic hose soaking of their life.
Sorry, those epsiodes were meant for the anti-Lisa faction to counter their point about her episodes being weak. I can see where that may be misconstrued.


Nov 2, 2017
Going back and rewatching Simpsons on Disney+, any episodes of Homer acting like an inconsiderate, boorish jerk to his family and then gets off the hook at the end.

Paper Wario

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
Season 7 is where things start to fall apart. It's still got some classic episodes, but it gets a bit shaky and ends with two of my least favorite episodes from the era, Homerpalooza, and Summer of 4 ft 2 (this episode does have some moments though).

Yeah, while I do like some Lisa episodes, there's definitely a good chance that if it's Lisa focused it's not the best.
Whattt?! I've only ever seen praise for Summer of 4ft 2. It's a top-10 episode for me


Oct 27, 2017
Don't really like Bart vs. Australia outside of the 'Knifey Spoony' joke and the stuff before they go to Australia proper.

Outside of Homer Cubed (which is phenomenally good), Treehouse of Horror VI is also bizarrely mean-spirited and not very funny imo (Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores and Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace).


Jun 29, 2019
Honestly the only non season 1 episodes is the Love Clipshow. It shows how cheaply it was made with the constant reuse animation, like Marge grabbing the sink is shown three times in the episode in multiple scenes. It a clip show, take it or leave it and it not the worst one, as Gump Roast is the worst of those but that in the 'dark age'' which honestly I don't mind episodes beyond season 11, but at that point it gets to be cherry picking and less watch everything.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
There are a lot of "not great" episodes between 1-8 (I'm not including season 9, that is the cutoff for good Simpsons, there are a lot of bad ones in there).

I have to mention the Summer of 4 ft 2 episode though. It's not bad necessarily, but didn't work for me.
Admittedly, this probably comes from back when I was a kid and my family recorded every episode from TV on VHS. Somehow the season 7 finale was never recorded, and seeing it on random reruns I had assumed it was post season 9. Meh.

Season 7 always ended at Homerpalooza for me, which is a silly episode but has always been fun.


Oct 27, 2017
Golden age is 1-2, 3-4 are the decline and 5 onward is unwatchable trash.
I thought I was hardcore. Something tells me you aren't into the Conan O Brien style of jokes. I can identify, as much as I like them, they took the show down a very different road.

I consider Who Shot Mr Burns as a demarcation point of when I stopped loving it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Homer's Enemy constantly gets raved about as one of the best episodes ever, and I've never much cared for it. It's needlessly cruel and the focus on how Homer fails upward in everything he does makes him incredibly unlikable.
Homer's Enemy from season 8.

Apparently, it's a very highly rated episode that a lot of fans like...

It's the Simpson's episode that I hate the most - I stopped watching the show when it was no longer good.

I empathized with the character of Frank Grimes, a guy who was dealt a shitty deal from the start but persevered and fought for everything he got, only to have life continue to screw him over until he had enough, vented it all out, and died.

And even at his funeral the show disrespected him.

So... I don't get the love for this episode at all.

Good comedy punches up, not down, and this episode was all about punching down a guy who got repeatedly screwed over his whole life.

What am I missing?
This is spot on. I mean, what S-Wind said could have been directed lifted from things I've said in the past, it is so on point. Homers Enemy is far and away my least favorite episode of a show I used to absolutely adore.


Nov 27, 2017
I'm glad to see so many votes for Secret War of Lisa Simpson. That, moreso than Prinicpal and the Pauper, is the first indicator that the Golden Age is over.


Jul 13, 2019
Pretty much anything from season 3-9 is worth watching for me, so it is hard to pick an episode I trly hatr

I suppose were I to take an ep from that era I would say Lisa the Simpson.

That's the one where Lisa believes she is losing her intelligence and is doomed by simpson genetics to become stupider as she gets older. Now interestingly enough it has some amazing gags and jokes, especially since this was when the simpsons were starting to decline. Homer and bart jousting with pots and pans will never not be funny.

It's the resolution that makes he hate the episode. As i sad before, lisa fears that she has some kind of simpson specific alzheimers that makes one lose intelligence rapidly as their childhood goes on, dooming them to a life of mediocrity and failure. Then we find out it only affect the men in the simpson family. So only homer, bart and the literally dozens of simpson men we meet in the episode are doomed to failure for reasons entirely beyond their control. But precious lisa is safe.

I saw my grandfather lose a fight to parkinsons. I watched him lose his faculties over a period of years through no fault of his own. That shit ain't funny. Suggesting I should be happy because only one gender is affected? Fuck whoever wrote that ending with the space needle. That Lisa is overjoyed to find out that only her father and brother's lives will be ruined by genetics and not hers also cements my hating her as a character, because say what you want about homer and bart's nearly nonexistence family skills, they never in a million years would have pulled that shit. It's essentially the momet where lisa completed her metamorphosis form the moral center of the show to Wesley Crusher (and to be clear, not First duty or The Game Wesley, who was actually tolerable. I mean full on, Journey's End wesley)

Now to get off topic and talk about futurama...I will say that I absolutely cannot stand Jurassic bark.

It has very few jokes and only a couple really memorable least one of which was a series long running gag. There's a weird subplot about amy and leela wrestling or something. It takes the normally quite good continuity of the series and trashes it in order to invent a character for fry to be sad about because the writers dind't have the guts to go through with their original idea involving fry's mom(which they would do years later in a much better episode.)

Also, if you try to make me sad by putting a small child or adorable animal in peril, I instantly lose respect for you as a writer. That shit is like jump scares in a horror film. It's cheap and you didn't earn it. Homer's mother and mister bergstrom work because the characters and their relationships felt real and we spent an entire episode seeing the effect they had on others around them. Fry's dog is a dog. one he never mentioned before that episode and whose death he cheered in the pilot.

Luck of the Fryrish? Good episode. Earned feels. Jurassic bark? Bad episode.


Oct 30, 2017
Pretty much anything from season 3-9 is worth watching for me, so it is hard to pick an episode I trly hatr

I suppose were I to take an ep from that era I would say Lisa the Simpson.

That's the one where Lisa believes she is losing her intelligence and is doomed by simpson genetics to become stupider as she gets older. Now interestingly enough it has some amazing gags and jokes, especially since this was when the simpsons were starting to decline. Homer and bart jousting with pots and pans will never not be funny.

It's the resolution that makes he hate the episode. As i sad before, lisa fears that she has some kind of simpson specific alzheimers that makes one lose intelligence rapidly as their childhood goes on, dooming them to a life of mediocrity and failure. Then we find out it only affect the men in the simpson family. So only homer, bart and the literally dozens of simpson men we meet in the episode are doomed to failure for reasons entirely beyond their control. But precious lisa is safe.

I saw my grandfather lose a fight to parkinsons. I watched him lose his faculties over a period of years through no fault of his own. That shit ain't funny. Suggesting I should be happy because only one gender is affected? Fuck whoever wrote that ending with the space needle. That Lisa is overjoyed to find out that only her father and brother's lives will be ruined by genetics and not hers also cements my hating her as a character, because say what you want about homer and bart's nearly nonexistence family skills, they never in a million years would have pulled that shit. It's essentially the momet where lisa completed her metamorphosis form the moral center of the show to Wesley Crusher (and to be clear, not First duty or The Game Wesley, who was actually tolerable. I mean full on, Journey's End wesley)
That's a very interesting take, thanks for sharing that story. I had kinda forgotten about that episode, and I do mostly agree with you on it. It starts out great with what's seems to be a very serious self-reflection Lisa story, but then we get to the ending and everything is just too silly for me to take seriously. Not only is the whole "Simpsons Gene that only affects men" weird enough, but were did all these relatives come from?

I also have to agree with the people mentioning "Secrets of a Successful Marriage". The humor in the first two acts is gold, but everything in the end is awful. Homer gets off the hook way too easy and the resolution is not satisfying by any means. It really feels like a prototype of what Homer will become in later seasons.


Nov 25, 2017
i'll probably get crucified for this but I always skip the monorail episode, I don't hate it but for some reason I don't enjoy it.


Oct 25, 2017
i'll probably get crucified for this but I always skip the monorail episode, I don't hate it but for some reason I don't enjoy it.
Oct 25, 2017
Did they ever do some weird return to the way the first seasons were? Homer was not Homer as we know him obviously, but I thought they could somehow address that.

Marge was probably as well written as ever in some of the real early ones.

The movie essentially calls out a lot of flaws the classic era had, i still don't think I've watched it through completely though.


Nov 21, 2017
I never liked Homer Goes To College. It has some good jokes but Homer is by far the most boorish, annoying and unlikeable he had ever been up to that point in the series and it signifies what he would later become.


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe not quite in the spirit of the question but I have a hard time going back to any episodes from Seasons 1&2.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
I don't think Season 9 can be considered golden era. It is definitely the clearest sign of decline, despite having some great high moments, it also highlights the change in the show's attitude where Homer just is stupid to be stupid.

I remember the exact moment I realized The Simpsons as I loved it was never coming back. In "Lost Our Lisa," Homer says the following:

This might not seem like a big thing but it's sort of a culmination of Homer's new essence, which is to just be as outrageously stupid as possible at all times.

Dr. Nick Riviera

alt account
Apr 30, 2020
I never liked Homer Goes To College. It has some good jokes but Homer is by far the most boorish, annoying and unlikeable he had ever been up to that point in the series and it signifies what he would later become.
That's, like, the entire point of the episode. Homer's acting like a character in those 80s teen movies that he's seen.

I don't think you got the concept. Or you've never seen Porky's, Meatballs, Joysticks, Zapped, Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House, etc.
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Oct 25, 2017
I was SHOCKED to find out the future Lisa episode was pre season 10. Season 6 actually. I thought it was season 11 or something.

What a garbage tier episode.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"Homer the Heretic" never sat right with me. Neither did the one with Lisa and "Thou Shalt Not Steal." Basically any of the ones that were pro-religious.

Dr. Nick Riviera

alt account
Apr 30, 2020
"Homer the Heretic" never sat right with me. Neither did the one with Lisa and "Thou Shalt Not Steal." Basically any of the ones that were pro-religious.
I love Homer the Heretic, specifically for this line at the end:
Rev Lovejoy: Homer, God didn't Set your house on fire. No, but he was working in the hearts Of your friends and neighbors... when they went to your aid... be they Christian, Jew or... miscellaneous.

Apu: Hindu. There are 700 million of us.

It's a message that God is YOUR God, however you picture him/her, or choose to worship (or not).

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Dec 22, 2017
Season 7 has a couple iffy episodes, and is where the decline was becoming apparent. Sideshow Bob at the airshow is a bad one.

An episode I always thought was overrated was Homer the Great. I am actually shocked that was in six. Feels more like 8.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I love Homer the Heretic, specifically for this line at the end:

It's a message that God is YOUR God, however you picture him/her, or choose to worship (or not).


I get what it was shooting for in that regard but it still doesn't work. Like, Homer finds spiritual empowerment outside of the church but this is treated as him just being a lazy ass, which is what is awkward about it for me as an atheist, but also what makes it awkward is that, in the beginning, the episode portrays this like a good thing, like Homer finding his own path away from a religious structure that does nothing for him. The episode kind of bungles its own message because the moral is for Homer to get his ass back to church and believe in something.


May 1, 2018
I think the only episode pre season 9 I don't really like is "Marge be not Proud". It's not a bad episode, it just feels uncomfortable all the way through. Only real jokes I liked in it were the credits and the Thrillhou bit.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of season 1 and season 2 stuff doesn't quite click for me, but that's due to the show not finding its footing.

After that though...uh... Homer vs. Patty & Selma always seemed like one that could be skipped.