
Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
Does every candidate have an army of spin artists (like whoever posted the reddit video) and I just don't notice them?

Hi. I posted the video. It wasn't spin. It wasn't a defense. It wasn't an argument. It was a fucking joke because I couldn't believe Bernie was actually walking around with polling papers pre-emptively ready to counter the media (whether his counter was actually valid or not). It was just a funny observation. People then rushed in to fact-check Bernie's claim, and that's when all the polling nonsense ensued and I foolishly got caught up in it, making errors of my own.

So this 'spin army' you're asking about has nothing to do with why that video was posted.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Warren stole his buzz, he had one chance and that was in 2016

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
I was talking about whomever originally posted it.

And that's just one example, of a phenomenon I don't see for other candidates in the primary.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
Yeah, but for whatever reason I don't see those exported all over except for Sanders'.

I believe it! Not all the candidates have the same level of enthusiastic support (nor the same amount of support period).

Biden's supporters, for instance, are not very likely to be visible online, but obviously they exist or Biden wouldn't be the front-runner right now.


Nov 22, 2017
I was talking about whomever originally posted it.

And that's just one example, of a phenomenon I don't see for other candidates in the primary.

It's odd to see a disparity of enthusiastic support between candidates. We should have a scientist research this phenomenon!

The moderate democrat stole Sanders buzz and not Warren? Great logic there

Ben Shapiro off the top rope with the LOGIC!



Nov 7, 2017
^ as the post above me demonstrates...

The moderate democrat stole Sanders buzz and not Warren? Great logic there
You really think most people have a deeper political awareness than name recognition and perhaps a desire to beat Trump?

Bernie was the old familiar white guy/father figure, who was seen as possibly equipped to carry home some swing states; alas his polling has been sliding ever since Biden announced, thanks to the media fellatiating him on an hourly basis, and making him seem ~ E L E C T A B L E ~ TM.

It has almost nothing to do with who's moderate or progressive.

Lv99 Slacker

Oct 27, 2017
Warren stole his buzz, he had one chance and that was in 2016
Isn't healthcare the number one issue for most Americans? You know who has been church silent on this issue? Warren. You won't even see any mentions of the issue of healthcare on her website. Kamala Harris used to say she was for M4A, until she was pressed on the issue and was exposed as a fraud. Similarly, Warren needs to be pressed on this issue, because she really hasn't. She's in the top 3 for now, but if she's perceived to be as insincere and inauthentic on this issue as Harris (not to mention, presenting a M4A alternative that is as convoluted as Harris's plan), it could be an issue for her.
Oct 25, 2017
That's not what I'm saying. I will admit that I should have been more prudent about the fact that the video was out of context and so I shouldn't have assumed that Bernie and Axlerod were talking about the same polling. However, it was a lapse in judgement and not one you'll see me make often, so the whole side-comment about me needing to make sure that I verify my sources more often doesn't really correlate with my post history. Plenty of people on this forum would vouch for me on that; my post history is available for everyone to see. But if you want to gloat for pointing out my error, then by all means, go right ahead.
Which reddit did you pull it from? Specifically. Because it was all just a joke, anyways. Sourcing matters, since we'll seldom ever see your lapses in judgement, should you make them.
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Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
It's in the opinion section. So yes, unrelated.

And even still there are positive Bernie articles in the opinion section and you have to dig through to find the Biden articles (I'm trusting it's not a complete lie but it's not immediately viewable when you first get to the opinion page on the website).


Oct 27, 2017
And even still there are positive Bernie articles in the opinion section and you have to dig through to find the Biden articles (I'm trusting it's not a complete lie but it's not immediately viewable when you first get to the opinion page on the website).

What's important is that you can find evidence to support your spin, and isn't that all that matters at the end of the day?


Oct 25, 2017
We gonna do this song and dance?

That's Hugh Hewitt, a conservative, that wants Sanders to be the nominee because he thinks Sanders is too extreme for the electorate and it'll mean victory for Trump. The point of the article is to call out what he argues is democrats' fake concerns with climate change (if you really think climate change is a danger, you'd be forced to support Sanders).


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
That's Hugh Hewitt, a conservative, that wants Sanders to be the nominee because he thinks Sanders is too extreme for the electorate and it'll mean victory for Trump. The point of the article is to call out what he argues is democrats' fake concerns with climate change (if you really think climate change is a danger, you'd be forced to support Sanders).

There are more.

Negative articles on Biden's gaffes

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Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
To be fair, it was also only ever posted to r/wayofthebern. So, it takes a certain threshold to pass barrier to entry.


The link I provided is from the Sanders4President subreddit, which is a reddit I have in my feed to make it easier to follow news about Sanders' campaign activity. There isn't even an argument being made in the original reddit post; just a report of what happened (in the form of a video title and youtube link).
Oct 25, 2017
It is incredibly frustrating to genuinely try to get to the heart of a conversation only to be met with responses like this one. Like, I'm sincerely trying to understand the point of this conversation, so if you could make that clear I would appreciate it.
I said it was posted at two places on reddit. r/sandersforpresident and r/wayofthebern. I said also. What is your question or is ??? supposed to mean something?


Oct 27, 2017
I said it was posted at two places on reddit. r/sandersforpresident and r/wayofthebern. I said also. What is your question or is ??? supposed to mean something?
Not sure if you are aware but your last couple posts were incredibly vague and seemed to be trying to point something out or imply something, possibly going over a lot of peoples heads.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
I said it was posted at two places on reddit.

Well, the wording you used here:

To be fair, it was also only ever posted to r/wayofthebern.

wasn't quite as clear as what you're saying now, so I was a bit confused. Even still, I don't get the implication of 'barrier to entry'. Are you suggesting that because I got the link from a pro-Sanders sub-reddit that by default I'm making some kind of defensive or antagonistic argument in favor of Sanders? Because that doesn't make any sense to me, which is why I was asking for clarification. Again, I posted the video because I thought it was funny; I wasn't making an argument.

What is your question or is ??? supposed to mean something?

'???' is a stand-in for 'huh?'. Basically, it's a way for a person to express that they're confused by what they're responding to.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean DUH. Have you seen the headlines for every fucking article from the Times or WaPo concerning Bernie?! Either you yourself are biased due to their ad hominem or are just ignorant/blind to it all.


Oct 26, 2017
This is a classic case of cherry-picking a number from a scientific study and twisting it to make a political point.

Sanders's statements — "500,000 people go bankrupt every year because they cannot pay their outrageous medical bills" and "500,000 Americans will go bankrupt this year from medical bills" — are unambiguous. He's saying medical debts caused those 500,000 bankruptcies. However, correlation is not causation, and the study he's citing doesn't establish causation for all 500,000 bankruptcy cases.

One of the authors sent us rough estimates showing that Sanders might be on target, but those numbers deserve scientific scrutiny before they can be taken as fact.

In the meantime, the statistic Sanders's campaign cited includes bankrupt debtors for whom medical expenses may have been a minor or relatively small contributing factor. A different, peer-reviewed study arrived at a much different conclusion, suggesting the medical bankruptcy rate is far lower, although it measured only hospital patients and not all types of medical debt.

The omissions and twists are significant enough to merit Three Pinocchios for Sanders.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Imagine a defense while seeing the evidence clearly laid out multiple times throughout this thread

The above example is just as bad their "Sanders claims that millions of people have to work multiple jobs to survive is a lie because its' only' 8 million people", yet you'd have the same people dismiss them out of hand.

We already have direct stories of the media out of hand dismissing stories they should be covering due to conflicts of interest. Its pretty much a joke