Jan 10, 2018
You cant both sides global warming. But you can both sides legislation designed to combat it. For example Canada has a carbon levy which sounds good on paper. Until you realize it actually only affects Canadian companies which means the government has essentially given foreign companies a leg up competing against local businesses.

There is no willingness to adress or ackknowledge climate change on one side. You can't both side it in America
Dec 23, 2017
I give him credit for trying something. The sad part is politics in this country is about the party over the people. I wish one day we had a political system where nothing mattered but make the country better for the citizens.


Oct 28, 2017
Chris for President 2020!



Oct 25, 2017
there's more than two sides on literally every single issue, and i do mean literally in the strongest sense

the issue with BOTH SIDES nonsense is twofold

one, it turns every single issue into a false dichotomy and erases any and all ambiguity - shockingly, complicates issues can't be boiled down into binary choices

two, not all viewpoints are equally as justified nor do they all have the same level of empirical evidence and philosophical backing behind them, so once again any and all nuance is erased in attempt to make the falsely presented binary choices appear equally palatable

the real problem is people chasing after the false appearance of wisdom with foolish platitudes like BOTH SIDES instead of actually thinking for themselves
Semantics. There is never just two sides to an argument. That's not what this is about at all.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Like government itself, it's a solid idea that will be ruined by people. And eventually, it will be accused of bias no matter how impartial the take.

Also, some of you guys are flat out ignorant. "OMG, THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES" - the point is to give an unbiased take on each side of an issue. That doesn't mean giving them equal value, it means giving them equal ability to present their side so people can decide.

I swear, it says something that we're so far gone that the idea people should hear unbiased takes is considered evil.

The problem is that it's impossible to be unbiased. Even organizations like polifact have their own biases .


Oct 25, 2017
i love when people go online to post on websites they hate

then again i have a Twitter so i guess i can't make too much fun of you
Who said he hated this place?

Edit: Welp, I guess he hates this place. But maybe if it was a bit more inviting to discourse they would feel differently. I'm not talking about race or sex debates.

Just another hot take here folks. Either you agree completely or you hate everything. No middle ground. No "both sides" here folks. Back and white. Love and hate. Check the box and move along folks.
Jan 10, 2018
Have you met this place?

This community - hell the "internet gaming community" at large - eats, sleeps, and breathes cancel culture.

Could you please stop writing like someones alt account?

Liberalism doesn't offer many compelling solutions for climate change. There are certainly many sides to it, just not from the Conservative part of the spectrum.

You adressed the elephant in the room with the second half sentence, said soemthing agreeable with the first half sentence and revealed what your real issue is with the first sentence.

Thanks for the ride.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Liberalism doesn't offer many compelling solutions for climate change. There are certainly many sides to it, just not from the Conservative part of the spectrum.

"Liberalism" may not, (whatever that is) but scientists have proposed solutions for climate change and only one side (the right) is ignoring them. Liberals and leftists typically believe the scientific consensus. So no, there is the side that acknowledges reality, and the side that don't. Not many sides
Oct 25, 2017
Semantics. There is never just two sides to an argument. That's not what this is about at all.

it really is what this is about, because it's in the context of the American two-party political system and pretending both parties are playing by the same rules

there's this motte-and-bailey fallacy in play where the motte is "we need to listen to and understand opposing viewpoints" and the bailey is "we need to present BOTH SIDES of every issue as equally worthy of respect"

people say BOTH SIDES meaning the latter, but they retreat back into the former when challenged

maybe if we stopped using this nonsense BOTH SIDES framework it would be possible to talk about ideas without them being implicitly tied to the culture war - which, need i remind you, has real consequences for people who's human rights are back on the table as a BOTH SIDES issue


Oct 25, 2017
I basically have two separate critiques aimed at two different types of positions here, and one I think we can all agree with.

a. It requires privilege and a strong belief in the status quo to feel comfortable staying within your bubble and refuse to learn about other viewpoints.
b. There's no such thing as an political belief without some ideology and values attached. Centrism is as much an ideology as left and right, and isn't necessarily virtuous.
c. We already have Republican and Democratic party politicians and pundits summing up their views to bite sized chunks. It's called cable news, and it sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I took the L if you look at my post/edit. But it just reinforces what I'm saying. Internet culture takes reasonable people and puts them on one side or another.

Just like you were so happy to point out I was wrong. I bet you would never do that to me if you knew me, or said that to my face. But hey, it's cool to push allies to the other side just so you can be a dick.
Oct 25, 2017
Where are people getting the idea that this will include fact-checking? He wants to set up a site that presents both sides of an argument unmolested.

"He tells members that he will send them a list of questions covering dozens of issues, and that he will allow them to choose the questions they want to answer and then attach two or three links that the members provide for viewers to do further research."

This reads like they won't vet the source. Equal weight will seemingly be given to some very bad sources if he follows through with this.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Just another hot take here folks. Either you agree completely or you hate everything. No middle ground. No "both sides" here folks. Back and white. Love and hate. Check the box and move along folks.
How would you explain to an LGBT person, a Black person, or a Mexican immigrant that they should listen to Republicans' side?


Oct 25, 2017
You adressed the elephant in the room with the second half sentence, said soemthing agreeable with the first half sentence and revealed what your real issue is with the first sentence.

Thanks for the ride.
I don't really know what you mean? Of course I revealed what my issue was. That's part of stating an opinion and I'm not trying to hide anything.

"Liberalism" may not, (whatever that is) but scientists have proposed solutions for climate change and only one side (the right) is ignoring them. Liberals and leftists typically believe the scientific consensus. So no, there is the side that acknowledges reality, and the side that don't. Not many sides

Acknowledging that there is a problem, diagnosing the the underlying causes, and prescribing a treatment leaves a lot of room for disagreement even among people who take that first step.
Oct 25, 2017
How would you explain to an LGBT person, a Black person, or a Mexican immigrant that they should listen to Republicans' side?

after all, "the people who think you're an abomination against God and a serial bathroom predator have some good ideas too!" is a VERY hard sell

thankfully, i continue to waste far too much of my time repeatedly verifying that those people, in fact, generally do not have good ideas

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Sexual assault/rape

(Not enough people on the) Left: different people have different thresholds for being made uncomfortable and as a general rule you shouldn't touch someone no matter how good your intentions are. There is a reasonable level of physical interaction that should be adhered to depending on how close you are. If you do something that is considered crossing the line, acknowledge it and admit you were in the wrong. Too many women are ignored about their claims of being assaulted.

Right: if women don't want to be raped they should stop wearing short skirts and tight dresses. A lot of women who claim rape just realized they didn't want to have sex with some ugly guy. Once it starts you can't say no. The metoo movement is just a way to ruin men's lives.

I'm here all night you both-sides fucks


Oct 25, 2017
How would you explain to an LGBT person, a Black person, or a Mexican immigrant that they should listen to Republicans' side?
Jesus Christ. What part of race and sex is not a debatable issue do you not understand?

It's so easy for you to fall back on these issues to make everyone out as evil. If you hate any of those groups there is no argument to fact that will change your mind. We know this. Stop using it as a crutch.

You do realize that your taking the red meat on these arguments just as the racists and the homophobes are as well, right?

You've taken a discussion about debating policy issues into one about basic human rights. Which then lowers the debate to the lowest common denominator and the initial discussion can never take place. Which is the whole entire purpose of those who are trying to distract you.

I don't want to say that you are part of the problem, but dam, you are part of the problem.


Jan 11, 2018
Am I crazy or has this existed for years? I remember my school back in the mid 2000s having a computer lab class day dedicated to exploring a website that presented the common arguments of different political groups about contentious issues. Does anyone else remember this?
Oct 25, 2017
Have you met this place?

This community - hell the "internet gaming community" at large - eats, sleeps, and breathes cancel culture.

what you're actually seeing is that there are A LOT of predators who were shielded for far too long, and now that we're finally cleaning house it turns out A LOT of trash has piled up

it feels like some gaming communities have a person a week exposed for past misconduct involving minors, to put it euphemistically

(this is also the availability heuristic at work: to use random bullshit numbers, 52 predators out of 520,000 is still just 0.0001% of the general population being "cancelled")
Jan 10, 2018
I don't really know what you mean? Of course I revealed what my issue was. That's part of stating an opinion and I'm not trying to hide anything.

Acknowledging that there is a problem, diagnosing the the underlying causes, and prescribing a treatment leaves a lot of room for disagreement even among people who take that first step.

Based on your writing, your issue are those who don't adress the problems enough, not those who are not willing to ackknowledge the problem and do everything to make the problem worse.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really know what you mean? Of course I revealed what my issue was. That's part of stating an opinion and I'm not trying to hide anything.

Acknowledging that there is a problem, diagnosing the the underlying causes, and prescribing a treatment leaves a lot of room for disagreement even among people who take that first step.

No, the problem and cause are clear. The scientific consensus that the current climate change is happening and it's due to human activity. The only part without consensus is the implementation. But one side won't even acknowledge your first two points. You should read "the Republican war on science" because this "debate" has been settled in the scientific community for decades and republicans are intentionally trying to stop meaningful climate change legislation and sow disinformation and fake counter-studies. For decades
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ. What part of race and sex is not a debatable issue do you not understand?

It's so easy for you to fall back on these issues to make everyone out as evil. If you hate any of those groups there is no argument to fact that will change your mind. We know this. Stop using it as a crutch.

You do realize that your taking the red meat on these arguments just as the racists and the homophobes are as well, right?

You've taken a discussion about debating policy issues into one about basic human rights. Which then lowers the debate to the lowest common denominator and the initial discussion can never take place. Which is the whole entire purpose of those who are trying to distract you.

I don't want to say that you are part of the problem, but dam, you are part of the problem.

you should try telling the people who want to debate race and gender and sexuality this

i think they might be the actual problem

tell them to shove their "bathroom bills" and any equivalents back up their ass while they're at it, because social issues and policy are inextricable from one another

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory false equivalence + Community generalizations. History of infraction.
what you're actually seeing is that there are A LOT of predators who were shielded for far too long, and now that we're finally cleaning house it turns out A LOT of trash has piled up

it feels like some gaming communities have a person a week exposed for past misconduct involving minors, to put it euphemistically

(this is also the availability heuristic at work: to use random bullshot numbers, 52 predators out of 520,000 is still just 0.0001% of the general population being "cancelled")
It's not just about sexual predators though.

Anyone with differing views, especially political, is completely disregarded.

That is the literal definition of bigot.

Which is ironic, because that's the word people love to use, especially here, to describe the people they disregard. I see this every single day.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Imagine thinking gaming has a cancel culture when basically the overwhelming majority of the community is insanely toxic. Lol.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
It's not just about sexual predators though.

Anyone with differing views, especially political, is completely disregarded.

That is the literal definition of bigot.

Which is ironic, because that's the word people love to use, especially here, to describe the people they disregard. I see this every single day.
Oh man, lmao.

So much for the tolerant left.


Oct 25, 2017
Sexual assault/rape

(Not enough people on the) Left: different people have different thresholds for being made uncomfortable and as a general rule you shouldn't touch someone no matter how good your intentions are. There is a reasonable level of physical interaction that should be adhered to depending on how close you are. If you do something that is considered crossing the line, acknowledge it and admit you were in the wrong. Too many women are ignored about their claims of being assaulted.

Right: if women don't want to be raped they should stop wearing short skirts and tight dresses. A lot of women who claim rape just realized they didn't want to have sex with some ugly guy. Once it starts you can't say no. The metoo movement is just a way to ruin men's lives.

I'm here all night you both-sides fucks
I think you should have a tag on this site called fish. Because you just love taking the bait.

That's not a both sides argument. It's bait. Because anyone who actually participated in that discussion loses.

Go Gators.
Oct 25, 2017
It's not just about sexual predators though.

Anyone with differing views, especially political, is completely disregarded.

That is the literal definition of bigot.

Which is ironic, because that's the word people love to use, especially here, to describe the people they disregard. I see this every single day.

dude, the number one subscribed gaming YouTube channel (and number two overall, hehe) is Pewdiepie

getting criticized by some leftists online often times doesn't have any material outcome, even if there should be

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017

Republicans; palestine doesnt exist

Democrats: palestinians should be nicer and maybe they'll be given a state


Oct 28, 2017
I don't mind this approach too much because I've seen that when it comes down to it, Evans has little patience for and routinely calls out alt-righters and other white supremacists and fascists unambigously.
Oct 25, 2017
I think you should have a tag on this site called fish. Because you just love taking the bait.

That's not a both sides argument. It's bait. Because anyone who actually participated in that discussion loses.

Go Gators.

i think YOU actually need to try interacting with and reading the opinions of conservatives

the Kavanaugh hearing was LAST YEAR and all those exact nonsense arguments was plastered across the right-wing news

people ACTUALLY BELIEVE that, and we know this because they EXPLICITLY SAY IT