
Jan 22, 2018

This 1000 times. I even read the book with his backstory. Just a total tool.

He should have been a squadmate option in ME2 in the same vein as Morinth. Only recruitable if you're playing Renegade and are willing to do something horrific to earn his "loyalty".

He still betrays you either way for the Illusive Man, but it would have been better then how they introduced him and presented him in 3.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
He's not really played straight though, is he? The game makes it pretty clear from the start that his "raaughh I'm a hero" schtick is like nails on a chalkboard, especially to Hope.

Not gonna lie, I finished it but I zoned out on most of the game but I do remember Snow convincing Hope's mother to fight with his people. I'm basing my post on him constantly believing he's a hero.
Yes, though you may enjoy what they did with him in the sequels. I hated him in 13 but I really liked how in 13-2 they showed how his hero complex accomplishes nothing and in the end just ends up hurting the people he wants to protect. By lightning returns he finally realizes what a moron he has been and it leads to his depression in that game. I genuinely felt bad for him at that point

Crazy! I play 13-2 but barely remember anything of him in that. Lightning Returns does sound depressing for him. But that really was how I felt about him in the first game.
His actions caused more harm than good especially for Hope's mother's fate in the beginning. Totally forgot this was Troy Baker.

Ronnie Poncho

Oct 27, 2017
Raiden in MGS4. So lame.

I actually liked him in MGS2 as well, not as a badass but as a normal incompetent person


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
No, I thought his expansion was the weakest of the 3 by far for a lot of reasons but he is up there for one of the big reasons. Just a bad character.
but he's gonna be sooooo coooooool

girls want to be with him, guys also want to be with him. he is the most interesting man in eorzea

I was already super meh on the idea of an edgelord scythe class to begin with, and them attaching it to Zenos pretty much cemented it in my mind as being utterly hateable, lol
honestly i saw something like this coming the moment they had a necromancer boss in hero's gauntlet and it ended up exactly as i feared


Oct 28, 2017
This fucking loser right here:


Anyone who's played FFXIV knows what I'm talking about. Except the developers.

I'll give you another quote for this lameo. I know they managed to rescue the Ascians, but they were basically a blank slate except for "Doing something evil for some unknown reason they're convinced is important". I have little hope they'll salvage this guy.

Should have stayed dead and used his 'after death' stuff with a different character.

If they do somehow salvage this guy I'll happily declare it the greatest feat of videogame writing ever.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No, I thought his expansion was the weakest of the 3 by far for a lot of reasons but he is up there for one of the big reasons. Just a bad character.
More like greatest character. He's the end result of an omniscient effort by demi-gods to cull entire mortal worlds, completely off his leash. Not every villain needs to have the tragic intrigue and moral complexities of Emet Selch to be worthwhile and interesting. Zenos is fucking boss.


Jun 22, 2018
I feel like a lot of people aren't getting this thread and posting characters meant to be goofballs

Dante is weirdo who despite being badass, is bad with all his insults and his friends make fun of him

Leon is a really strong champion but the game throws a ton of jokes his way about not having any sense of direction and just being a himbo

Alder is past his prime and that's why he lost to N


May 19, 2020

Captain Flameheart in Sea of Thieves. He (or his crew/captains did) created a lot of the stuff we have in the game: Forts, Ashen Lords are his captains, his ghost fleet, cursed cannonballs. His ghost fleet event, seen above, is hilarious. He basically shit-talks you the entire time but also gripes he's losing ships. He even says you're supplies must be running low. Yet, you get more supplies when you sink his ships. He was made to be this big-baddie to retake the Sea of Thieves. But...

With the new Pirate's Life tall tales he was basically written off as a failure already and the new group will take his spot in trying to take over the seas....

We shall see, I guess.

Also, his son sank with in minutes of getting a ship and turned into a skeleton lord...


Community & Social Media Manager
Oct 23, 2019
Came in this thread to say Cloud, and "dork" was the exact descriptor I was going for.


Hu-uh heh uhuek

Maybe would have been cool in my teenage years. Now I'm older, absolute dork unit. The rest of the Avalanche crew, whose style he's constantly cramping on, are way cooler than he is.

Isn't his whole point to be a cringy try-hard though?


Oct 27, 2017
Necalli in Street Fighter V.

Looks badass but can't win a fight in story mode.
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