Deleted member 4461

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Oct 25, 2017

For those not in the know, he defended Kanye by saying "black people don't have to be Democrats."

Pretty good response from him.


Oct 25, 2017
Not good enough he doesnt even mention Trump by name, he's just trying to save face it's a hollow response.


Oct 25, 2017
Not good enough he doesnt even mention Trump by name, he's just trying to save face it's a hollow response.

idk I see a trump namedrop there


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not too familiar with Chance so I don't know what his political statements are usually like but this seemed like a pretty good apology.

Not good enough he doesnt even mention Trump by name, he's just trying to save face it's a hollow response.

Uh he said he doesn't fuck with trump
Oct 27, 2017
Was obvious he was gonna backpedal. Still really fcking stupid of him to even put himself in the conversation, even if its a 'Chicago love' thing.

Be better, Chance.


Oct 28, 2017
Why is he even apologizing? Just clarify what you meant on why blacks don't have to be democrats because that still rings true.

Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm gonna post my thoughts from other threads, because I think it sums up how I feel well:

Chance means well, but he's a bit young and naive at times. He tries to be optimistic and positive, which I think is great and appreciated, but it's also sometimes at the fault of not doing justice to the very real challenges and pains in the world. His whole #blessed schtick sometimes comes across like he's not acknowledging the real struggle for so many people (and yes, I know he has done work with Flint and Chicago schools). It's a bit of a prosperity gospel at times. I like the dude (I waited hours to be in the front row of one of his shows), but it's time to grow up a bit. Him stepping into this was too close to trying to "all lives matter" the political arena, so personally, I think he deserves the pushback he gets. You can't do real damage to a movement because your friend is acting like an idiot. You show your cards then, friends over the little people that don't have a voice that you claim to stand up for.

I don't think he meant to do this. I don't think he thought it through. That's the problem, he didn't think it through. Hopefully he'll think a bit harder next time, but damage is done. He got sucked into the Trump vortex and, honestly, one of the only ways out is to go hard against it and my guess is his message of positivity isn't capable of doing that.


Oct 25, 2017
What he originally said wasn't even a problem for me, but it was a problem he was defending Kanye's bullshit. I live in Chicago and the Democratic machine doesn't do anything to help black people so I can see why he would make that statement. Had he made that statement like he was making it in his apology and not in defense of Kanye i don't think people would've been mad.
Oct 25, 2017
Why is he even apologizing? Just clarify what you meant on why blacks don't have to be democrats because that still rings true.

He does clarify what he meant by that in his statement, which he does not retract, when he refers to Democratic politicians in Chicago not caring about black lives in their jurisdiction. He also says it wasn't the appropriate time to say what he did.

Also, for those who think he's dodging the issue of Donald Trump, in addition to his rejection of Trump in this statement he also in a previous tweet quoted Trump's tweet mentioning him and said, paraphrasing, "That's not what this is about."


Apr 17, 2018

Gonna add some context: This is from Homeward Bound, an early 90's movie that follows 3 talking animals. Chance sees a porcupine and goes to check it out, gets stung. I didn't really think of the implication to comparing black people to dogs when I made the post, that would be super fucked. If anything I thought of it as a likeable character that gets hurt by inspecting a huge asshole.
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Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I'm with Chance on this one and didn't see his OG post as an endorsment of Trump. As mentioned, Chance heart is in the right place but he's young and he dabbled in the shortsightedness that comes with youth. He's 100% right about these half assed Democrats.

He could have been intoxicated while posting too lol, most of us have been there.


Oct 27, 2017
It's too late. Trump already used him to spread his racist "black awakening" propaganda.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
You can't allow a negative force to run wild with an unclear implication either. So good on Chance for at least taking that part off the table here.


Oct 25, 2017
Granted I missed the trump name drop...

He never said he doesn't fuck with trump though.

It's still a hollow ass response.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm with Chance on this one and didn't see his OG post as an endorsment of Trump. As mentioned, Chance heart is in the right place but he's young and he dabbled in the shortsightedness that comes with youth. He's 100% right about these half assed Democrats.

He could have been intoxicated while posting too lol, most of us have been there.
Dude is 25, everyone who saw his tweet knew exactly what would come from it. He's a completely and utter fool if he didn't understand what was happening at the time and if that's the case, then anything he says is of no merit because it comes from a fool. He showed his ass.


Oct 25, 2017
Monae said it the other day, you need to understand what you're saying. It can and will be used then to oppress minorities.

Chance, even if you want to give him the benefit, should of damn well knew how it was going to be used


Oct 31, 2017
I think it's a good apology overall, though the language is pretty weak. He totally played himself.


Oct 25, 2017
Not good enough he doesnt even mention Trump by name, he's just trying to save face it's a hollow response.

You were so excited to post that you forgot to read what he wrote I guess. At least you apologized. It just seems like folks don't even fuck with OPs anymore. Just hop in and post.

That aside. People of influence need to think before they get involved with these situations. I'm glad he apologized, but trump and co had no problem dropping his name as if he spoke for black people.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah i'm not gonna hold a grudge against a guy for trying to defend his buddy on Twitter and then realizing he needs to back off

He fucked up, he knows it, move on


Oct 25, 2017
You were so excited to post that you forgot to read what he wrote I guess. At least you apologized. It just seems like folks don't even fuck with OPs anymore. Just hop in and post.

That aside. People of influence need to think before they get involved with these situations.

In my defense I did read it, but not fully to see that he only mentioned him by his uncapitalized last name only.