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Oct 27, 2017
Murderer Rowan Baxter ambushed his estranged wife and held a knife to her throat inside her car before he lit a match and burned his family to death, according to reports.

But not before Hannah Clarke, 31, made a final bid to save her three young children.

Ms Clarke and Aaliyah, six, Laianah, four, and Trey, three, burned to death after Baxter, 42, set the Kia Sportage on fire on Wednesday morning.

Until now, it hasn't been clear how Baxter – who was under a restraining order when he committed the brutal acts – managed to get into Ms Clarke's car with a jerry can of petrol and set them alight.

According to the site, despite suffering burns to 97 per cent of her body, Ms Clarke reportedly managed to give police at the scene a detailed statement about how the attack unfolded as she went to take the children to school from her parents' home in Camp Hill.

"Rowan must have been lurking somewhere close, either hidden around the side of the house or in the neighbour's driveway," Mr Clarke told the outlet.

Her shattered father Lloyd Clarke has pieced together the horrific timeline of events that led to the tragic loss of four lives and Baxter's suicide, the Daily Mailreports.

According to the site, despite suffering burns to 97 per cent of her body, Ms Clarke reportedly managed to give police at the scene a detailed statement about how the attack unfolded as she went to take the children to school from her parents' home in Camp Hill.

"Rowan must have been lurking somewhere close, either hidden around the side of the house or in the neighbour's driveway," Mr Clarke told the outlet.

"His car was found down the street, this was definitely premeditated."

Ms Clarke put the children into the car and walked to the back seat to buckle Trey's seatbelt as the girls could do their own.

"He was very quick, being an ex-athlete. So as she's doing that, he's run into the passenger seat and held a knife to her throat and told her to drive,' Mr Clarke said.

"She got down to the corner here, turned left, and saw a neighbour washing his car and drove towards him to get help."

According to witnesses, Ms Clarke stopped the car next to Michael Zemek, and yelled "he's poured petrol on me". Baxter immediately lit the fire while he was still inside the car, the Daily Mail reports.

"When he gets trapped in a corner, he has no empathy so he would have just gone ''OK, that's it, light it, boom, gone'," Mr Clarke said.

"In a way I hope he poured it (the petrol) on the girls because that would have been quicker."

Moments later, Ms Clarke jumped out of the car as her skin melted off her body. Mr Zemek tried to help by dropping to the ground and rolling then extinguishing the flames with his garden hose.

Ms Clarke died from her injuries in hospital a few hours later. Mr Zemek was treated for minor burns to his upper body and face.

Baxter was declared dead on site after emergency crews attempted to revive him

In early January, a Brisbane magistrate granted the police application for a domestic violence order (DVO) to protect Ms Clarke and their children, 7 Newsreports.

More at the link:

This has to be one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever read. How could someone be such a piece of shit that they would burn their own children to death? I can't even begin to imagine the pain that poor woman must have gone through in her final moments.
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