
Oct 27, 2017
Oh shit he's Finnish. I feel so embarrassed. He belongs in some asylum or maybe in jail for inciting & wanting to do violence towards minorities.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Ahh, what a fine day today. Time to murder my career so brutally that it's reduced to a fine mist.


Nov 6, 2017
Regarding the population as a whole, it sounds dissonant, but from my perception it sounds reasonably average in gamers. This courageous and later fearful behavior is very common in the corners of the Internet that talk about games. It is something I discuss a lot with close friends about the behavior of racists, how brave they are only under anonymity or with the use of other people's strength. When confronted in the real world, they tend to flee, deny or claim it was all a joke.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Im just super happy the indie collective I ended up being in (or at least I like to think I am) absolutely is not fine with this shit. #indieworldorder you guys and girls are alright :)


Nov 6, 2017
mods of the official discord have decided to block any discussion about it and ban or mute anyone mentioning it.
What makes sense if it's true. This behavior resonates very well with the gamer community, especially the most dedicated and hardcore. Sometimes we are surprised by behaviors that seem to be the exception, but are the rule in certain groups. Since the gamer gate the pandora box has opened.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
He looks like an edge lord meme


Oct 27, 2017
This does not represent who I am, I am sorry you all feel offended but I am European and we don't do racism well, I Will strive to be a better man. I have a black friend, his name is Tyrone, he is blacky black black.


Oct 27, 2017
We call this a "terroristic threat" in the US. Not sure how lenient Finland is, but that sure looks like specific criminal intent to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Arctic Circle, Finland
Finnish and a lawyer
Basically it says that he wants "All n-word and other animals out of the Finland, quickly and instantly saatana".

Last bit works in Finnish, not as much in English and saatana is just saatana (swear word). Basically "ASAP".

This could be investigated for 10 if not 10(a). Finns Party member in parliament is under investigation for...10 I think as he referred to immigrants as "foreign species that should be driven out".
It was a request to start it, but due it to happen inside parliament during parliament's working hours, it needs the approval of the parliament, which won't happen because Finns party is going to block it during the vote. Other notable parliament member cases are f.ex. Päivi Räsänen (lol).

For people wondering, during past few years (2015-2018) there has been only 4 cases where people got actual jailtime for this, and average jailtime was 1 month. If this would really go to court, he would get out with just fines. Around 300-700€ would be my estimate based on the averages, but it's completely dependant on his income.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
We call this a "terroristic threat" in the US. Not sure how lenient Finland is, but that sure looks like specific criminal intent to me.
That's a good question. Let's see what we can find out:
There has been considerable debate over the definition of "hate speech" (vihapuhe) in the Finnish language.[28][29] If "hate speech" is taken to mean ethnic agitation, it is prohibited in Finland and defined in the section 11 of the penal code, War crimes and crimes against humanity, as published information or as an opinion or other statement that threatens or insults a group because of race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or conviction, sexual orientation, disability, or a comparable basis. Ethnic agitation is punishable with a fine or up to 2 years in prison, or 4 months to 4 years if aggravated (such as incitement to genocide).[30]

Critics claim that, in political contexts, labeling certain opinions and statements "hate speech" can be used to silence unfavorable or critical opinions and suppress debate. Certain politicians, including Member of Parliament and the leader of the Finns Party Jussi Halla-aho, consider the term "hate speech" problematic because of the disagreement over its definition.[29]
Huh, so could this possibly be a take so bad that you go from being a CEO of a gaming studio to being in prison?


Oct 29, 2017
Sometimes social media can be a blessing when these kind of people just out themselves. Hopefully this will come back and hurt him like hell. However since we're talking gamer culture I wouldn't be surprised is this actually boosted their sales because of "muh free speech".


Nov 6, 2017
Sometimes social media can be a blessing when these kind of people just out themselves. Hopefully this will come back and hurt him like hell. However since we're talking gamer culture I wouldn't be surprised is this actually boosted their sales because of "muh free speech".
And I feel that this behavior resonates positively with most gamers. How fast these threads are subjects die shows how conniving silence is the norm. Unfortunately our hobby is mostly made up of racists. Be explicit like that boy or implicit like everyone who does not express indignation and repudiation.


Oct 28, 2017
Finnish and a lawyer

It was a request to start it, but due it to happen inside parliament during parliament's working hours, it needs the approval of the parliament, which won't happen because Finns party is going to block it during the vote. Other notable parliament member cases are f.ex. Päivi Räsänen (lol).

For people wondering, during past few years (2015-2018) there has been only 4 cases where people got actual jailtime for this, and average jailtime was 1 month. If this would really go to court, he would get out with just fines. Around 300-700€ would be my estimate based on the averages, but it's completely dependant on his income.
Thanks! Exactly what I wanted to know.
Oct 26, 2017
The guys who grew up in the environment that was cultivated around video games are now making their own video games.
"Gamer culture" created these pieces if shit.


Oct 27, 2017
We call this a "terroristic threat" in the US. Not sure how lenient Finland is, but that sure looks like specific criminal intent to me.
From what I understand, Finland has stricter hate speech laws than US. Even "subtle" "we should do something to all these pesky black people" type speech can be punishable, if it implies people should take action into their own hands. Trump would probably have committed tons of hate speech crimes (there are politicians who have been condemned, though not any jail time IIRC)


Feb 21, 2019
Ah, if only every rich CEO was this brutally honest about how they feel towards minorities...

Can't wait to see his publisher's response.


Oct 27, 2017
Racists in Europe are having a tough time keeping their mask on these days. Fuck this dude and everyone like him.


Nov 1, 2017
Damn. Dude is straight up a terrible person. I hate to see stuff like this, because the development team may not share the same ideas, but the guy in charge can make the entire company look terrible.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Ah, if only every rich CEO was this brutally honest about how they feel towards minorities...

Can't wait to see his publisher's response.

Something something the views expressed by xyz are not reflective our company values something something our company comprises of people from a diverse background something something we believe diversity and its creativity potential.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
I don't think that is entirely true. I might not be familiar with the Finnish law, but Wikipedia gives me this

I think section 10(a) can be applied here.

Yea I was looking for this too, this should definitely be taken to authorities by someone.
Never heard of him, hope he faces consequences.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Fuck him! Wanted all the smoke than ran away when shit got real; thank goodness I never heard of this shit stain and own none of the games he's made.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking monster.

So is there a humane resource yet for avoiding devs/pubs who are pieces of shit? These days, there are more and more indies (a good thing) but that makes it harder to make the average consumer aware of horrid folks like this bigot.

I feel like there should be a quick, easy, ubiquitous resource for documenting bigoted devs/pubs for consumers who aren't glued to communities like Era.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Don't know how this company is operated, if it can just dump the CEO, but it really ought to try to get rid of this gross, deranged fucko ASAP.

Apparently they're just three people, with only two of them working full time and as game developers. Those two have worked together for probably at least 8 years. I would wager that he will remain in his position and they'll hope this blows over and leads to increased sales.

I doubt this will hurt sales. People who've never heard of them or their games before are now aware, and if anything this attention is bound to get them sales from other racist assholes. Business relations though...I think they could run into problems there. This racist extremist shitbag ought to get shunned out of the industry.


Oct 28, 2017
Another studio I won't buy games from. Ohhh well. Hate speech is not cool and should not be protected. When you are advocating violence you are a piece of shit.