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The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
We have over an hour worth of footage and less than just over 1 min of tp-cutscene. Priority and direction was fairly obvious.
We have zero clue how much third person cutscenes were intended in the game. You can't just say the entire game was always intended to be done only from first person when at some point there clearly was plans to have some parts in third person.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
That interview was done on June 22, 2018 or before. The 2018 demo was released after that.
What exactly do you think happened when they were planning out cinematics and mocapping sequences? Like, considering that at this point we've seen more first person cinematics than third and that's by a long shot, it's not at all inconceivable that the focus was always on being in fp as much as possible. The idea that they wanted to have a shit ton of 3rd person cutscenes is the one that makes very little sense.

We have zero clue how much third person cutscenes were intended in the game. You can't just say the entire game was always intended to be done only from first person when at some point there clearly was plans to have some parts in third person.
We got less than two minutes, again, it's very likely that the majority of sequences were planned, shot, and animated for first person. Like, these things require a metric fuckton of planning before they even get to the mocap stage.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno about this.

First-person cut-scenes really aren't good in general, unless your animation is godtier. And the animation in this game isn't that.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Well, the hype is getting downgraded for me personally then.

I am a huge sucker for customization of character appearances in my RPGs, if this game is so hellbent of not giving me that then yeah, the hype is down bigly.


Nov 12, 2017
Nothing is more immersive than jumping around in first person while you wait for the characters to stop talking.

I'm fine with this if it's executed well. If it's just the same as a third-person cutscene where you can't move around, that is going to suck.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
What exactly do you think happened when they were planning out cinematics and mocapping sequences? Like, considering that at this point we've seen more first person cinematics than third and that's by a long shot, it's not at all inconceivable that the focus was always on being in fp as much as possible. The idea that they wanted to have a shit ton of 3rd person cutscenes is the one that makes very little sense.
The decision to make all cutscenes first person was clearly decided either later that year or this year. There's zero evidence to say the entire game was to be made from first person perspective until this thread happened. The focus was always fpp but at some point some tpp cutscenes got axed.


Oct 27, 2017
Essentially that since their goal was to maintain immersion and provide as seamless an experience as possible they eventually cut 3rd person cinematics.

Which means less animations to do and less work doing camera angles. So I'm not sure why exactly you're trying to muddy the conversation but that's what it means when they switch the 3rd person cinematics to first person.


Oct 27, 2017


Jul 10, 2018
We have zero clue how much third person cutscenes were intended in the game. You can't just say the entire game was always intended to be done only from first person when at some point there clearly was plans to have some parts in third person.
Some parts are still there. Vehicle sections are in third person. I understand that it wasn't obvious but it seems like they would not have made many tp-cut scenes for the game given how rare they were in what we have seen of the game (which is a lot by industry standards of holding back gameplay footage).


Oct 25, 2017
That sucks if true. Character customization doesn't mean much anymore, unless the clothes and other stuff give some kind of buff or something.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Right now you can see them in third person while driving a vehicle, in the mirror and in the pause menu.


Nah, that's still pretty terrible. Especially in a game that focuses so much on creating and styling a unique, badass character.
This reminds me of Soul Calibur 5 scrapping in-game cutscenes for your created character, when SC4 still had those, and it was so cool to see your own character in cutscenes. I created tons of characters and played like a thousand times through that mode only to see them in those cutscenes. That incentive completely vanished in SC5.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Which means less animations to do and less work doing camera angles.
No it genuinely doesn't. Which of these scenes four scenes do you think took the least amount of effort?
The ones where the cutscene changes based on what the player chooses to do like choosing specific dialogue while also featuring no camera cuts and multiple characters on screen all of whom are mocapped including V herself to some extent:




or this static scene that plays out the same way regardless:

3rd person cutscenes do not inherently=more work and they specifically went with a system that increases the amount of work per scene. BOTH require a ton of work to achieve.

The decision to make all cutscenes first person was clearly decided either later that year or this year. There's zero evidence to say the entire game was to be made from first person perspective until this thread happened. The focus was always fpp but at some point some tpp cutscenes got axed.
It's highly likely, considering that in a year they had a 50 minute demo out entirely from first person, that it was made early instead of late. We the public have not seen the game as much as the press. So we're talking at least two hours of uncut gameplay sessions with a ton of cinematics and less than two minutes in third person.


Oct 27, 2017
No it genuinely doesn't. Which of these scenes four scenes do you think took the least amount of effort?

The one where you no longer have to make facial animations for 1 of the characters in the scene is less work than one where you do. As an animator lets just say I disagree with you and move on.

EDIT: Just to expand on that a little using your own example:


In this clip you don't have to worry about what your characters legs are doing at all, they're not visible for most of the scene. It's way less work than having to animate the whole body.


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if Netflix makes a Cyberpunk 2077 series and it's all first person like the Gregory Horror Show anime, would be beat.


Oct 27, 2017
Wish there would be an option for third person viewing cutscenes. Seeing my character that I customized his/her appearance to talk, interact, in full body action and emotion with other characters, environment and the scene would be great.

It might be just another layer of hard work for them and more resources required to optimize the cutscene to work in both FP and TP, but if they somehow can or willing to do that, I would be extremely appreciate for such option.


Oct 26, 2017
What exactly do you think happened when they were planning out cinematics and mocapping sequences? Like, considering that at this point we've seen more first person cinematics than third and that's by a long shot, it's not at all inconceivable that the focus was always on being in fp as much as possible. The idea that they wanted to have a shit ton of 3rd person cutscenes is the one that makes very little sense.

We got less than two minutes, again, it's very likely that the majority of sequences were planned, shot, and animated for first person. Like, these things require a metric fuckton of planning before they even get to the mocap stage.
How much Keanu have we seen in this game? None on the hour long demo and just a few words in the deep dive video. Yet he is supposed to have the second most amount of dialogue next to V. Just because we haven't seen much of him doesn't mean there isn't much of him in the game. Just like the fact we have seen a few bits of third person cut scene doesn't mean that is representative of the whole game.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The one where you no longer have to make facial animations for 1 of the characters in the scene is less work than one where you do.
Yes so we should ignore the part where there are more characters and an unbroken long shot due to the perspective. Just because V's face isn't animated means the scenes require less work. That's how workloads work. 🙄

As an animator lets just say I disagree with you and move on.
I'm an animator which is why i'm baffled that people are claiming that FP=less work.

How much Keanu have we seen in this game? None on the hour long demo and just a few words in the deep dive video. Yet he is supposed to have the second most amount of dialogue next to V.
They've intentionally held back showing footage of him to avoid spoilers. Note, they've held back showing US, they've shown game journos.

Just because we haven't seen much of him doesn't mean there isn't much of him in the game. Just like the fact we have seen a few bits of third person cut scene doesn't mean that is representative of the whole game.
In this case it quite literally did.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Aren't we supposed to respect and accept developers vision when it comes to video games?

What happened to that gospel?


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I'm personally way too mindful of Dunning-Kruger to ever make a statement about which type of perspective takes more work.

I do think it's interesting to see the number of people who immediately believe that this must be a cost-cutting measure and can't possibly be the result of something more in line with the studio's vision or ambition for the game.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
It's highly likely, considering that in a year they had a 50 minute demo out entirely from first person, that it was made early instead of late. We the public have not seen the game as much as the press. So we're talking at least two hours of uncut gameplay sessions with a ton of cinematics and less than two minutes in third person.
How can you begin to argue this when we have an interview with staff saying they intended on at least some cutscenes being third person?
In response to a question about the possibility of a third-person camera being an option, Rowley flatly (but kindly) replied "No. The game is exclusively first-person, outside of cutscenes so you can see yourself in third-person and vehicles, we also have a third-person perspective camera."

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
How can you begin to argue this when we have an interview with staff saying they intended on at least some cutscenes being third person?
Yes some, but the most footage spoke volumes about how much would be in first vs. third. It was clearly not a significant portion if not breaking the immersion took priority and it was feasible to axe them completely.

To see your character in mirrors like in real life because immersion. That's why we play games right? To emulate real life and immersion and stuff?
As if gamers don't complain about a ton of things that break their immersion.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
But it kinda does. This way they don't have animate V's face, the character that will surely have the most dialogue in the entire game.
They don't have to animate V's face but animating V's face at the end of the day likely requires less work than what they're aiming for with the game's cinematics. Y'all are acting like V had a Hellblade tier rig and they just saved themselves a ton of work when they have so much to worry about during cinematics as a result of their game design.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Yes some, but the most footage spoke volumes about how much would be in first vs. third. It was clearly not a significant portion if not breaking the immersion took priority and it was feasible to axe them completely.
We have no clue what the breakdown of FPP to TPP was, especially in relation to cutscenes. You're stating your opinion as if it's fact on this. At some point there was a shift in design principles or they're running out of time. This was absolutely not the plan from the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
I could've sworn that this was already known, going back to E3 2018.

I do kinda feel it makes all the strides they made with the non-binary character creator all for naught.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes some, but the most footage spoke volumes about how much would be in first vs. third. It was clearly not a significant portion if not breaking the immersion took priority and it was feasible to axe them completely.

As if gamers don't complain about a ton of things that break their immersion.
I am not the guy for that response. Immersion is my least favorite thing about gaming aside from whatever negative social issues arise. If someone complains about immersion being broken, I cant relate.


Jul 10, 2018
The ones where the cutscene changes based on what the player chooses to do like choosing specific dialogue while also featuring no camera cuts and multiple characters on screen all of whom are mocapped including V herself to some extent:



I really want CDPR to come out and 100% confirm this news. They would've made great cut scenes but what they're aiming for looks more ambitious and immersive.


Oct 25, 2017
Aren't we supposed to respect and accept developers vision when it comes to video games?

What happened to that gospel?

I can accept that they're doing it. I don't have to agree with the choice however, especially when it's a decision that sorta goes against the point of all the customization they're putting in the game for you to engage in, as well as limits how they can tell a story

I mean, I hope I'll play the game and go "you know what, not having any third person cutscenes was the right choice, I'm glad CDPR did it like this". I certainly like the way the game looks in first person. I just would also really have liked to high quality third person cutscenes where I could have gotten to see the character I've created on full display
Last edited:

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I really want CDPR to come out and 100% confirm this news. They would've made great cut scenes but what they're aiming for looks more ambitious and immersive.
They're aiming for both.

I am not the guy for that response. Immersion is my least favorite thing about gaming aside from whatever negative social issues arise. If someone complains about immersion being broken, I cant relate.
Immersion can be important for an experience. There are lots of ways developers immerse us into the experience and it's not solely about realism.


Oct 26, 2017
In this case it quite literally did.

You can't just keep claiming that as fact when we are all speculating based on the same bits of information. Unless you have some insider knowledge you really can't claim how much third person cut scene was in the game or was planned and scrapped. It's possible there was a lot and it's possible there was little but you can't claim either as fact because we don't have that kind of information.

EDIT: It could also be possible they didn't show whole lot of 3rd person cutscenes to avoid spoilers.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I really want CDPR to come out and 100% confirm this news. They would've made great cut scenes but what they're aiming for looks more ambitious and immersive.
Yea I mean if they feel like it makes their game better and there is no real reduction in cut-scenes and such, not a problem.

It is what it is, regardless. Not like armchar concern here is going to change the game or whether anyone here buys it.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Eh... not only does this ruin character customization, but I also think it severely limits how you can tell a story. Third person cutscenes allow for different angles and shots that can change the mood accordingly. I get the whole immersion angle, but I still think this is a really bad move

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
You can't just keep claiming that as fact when we are all speculating based on the same bits of information. Unless you have some insider knowledge you really can't claim how much third person cut scene was in the game or was planned and scrapped. It's possible there was a lot and it's possible there was little but you can't claim either as fact because we don't have that kind of information.
I'm gonna go with the most logical explanation based on what they've shown to the press. As in, at least two hours of gameplay, a ton of story scenes, with only one instance, (does that elevator even count considering how quick it is?), in a demo that explicitly stated that it did not represent the final product.

This is disappointing if true. Deus Ex HR/MD showed that it works.
There were actual aspects of Deus ex that were janky as a result of the third person perspective.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Eh... not only does this ruin character customization, but I also think it severely limits how you can tell a story. Third person cutscenes allow for different angles and shots that can change the mood accordingly. I get the whole immersion angle, but I still think this is a really bad move

Hopefully the next Witcher comes out sooner rather than later, at this rate.


Oct 27, 2017
They're aiming for both.

Immersion can be important for an experience. There are lots of ways developers immerse us into the experience and it's not solely about realism.
That last sentence is what makes me disagree with the whole first person is more immersive thing that people say, as a rule.

I can totally get why it is. I'm not crazy. Life is in first person. But a first person perspective will not completely engross everyone in the game in a "I'm in the game" kind of way.

Shit I've been more attached to mmo characters I've created and those are typically third person games with species that aren't real.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
That last sentence is what makes me disagree with the whole first person is more immersive thing that people say, as a rule.

I can totally get why it is. I'm not crazy. Life is in first person. But a first person perspective will not completely engross everyone in the game in a "I'm in the game" kind of way.

Shit I've been more attached to mmo characters I've created and those are typically third person games with species that aren't real.
It doesn't work for everyone but for this type of game when done well it can do wonders.
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