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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Renmyra definitely doesn't bathe with a mindset like that lmfao, "they're gonna ban Cyberpunk discussion!!!!" lmfao
''Ooooh noooo, not a ban on discussion of just one more game out of thousands released every year. How dare those trans people fighting for their right to live ruin my fun!''


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
A shitty apology from the social media team isn't enough for me anymore.

This needs to be CEO level and a proper clean out of the whole social media team and an attempt to change the culture. If that means hiring a whole new social media team from another country then do it.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
the games don't have any of those themes, it's only the guy who manages the twitter account.

The first time "the twitter guy" post something like this, you can chalk it up to human error.
The second time, you can chalk it up to the company giving "the twitter guy" a second chance.
The third time is when you need to accept that the company doesn't see a problem with it.


Oct 25, 2017
It's quite simple guys. Stop using GoG and don't buy Cyberpunk 2077 on sale. Whining on here or on Twitter will do nothing in comparison to disappointing sales for their big budget release.

I have a feeling everyone posting in this thread will be cross referenced with the eventual Cyberpunk 2077 OT in order to form the new "Modern Warfare 2 boycott" Steam group picture.
Unless ResetEra bans the OT here.


Oct 26, 2017
Aren't this guys Polish? I live in Germany and there are living many polish people here. I sincerely can say I have never met a polish person personally who was not a homophobe/anti lgbt...they are very conservative people so this shocks me not.

I don't say they are non progressive polish people, I juts never came across one and I met many of them.
I'm really curious but where in this post are they dismissing transphobia? And how is pointing out that a lot of people from a very conservative country hold very conservative views (a.k.a being anti trans/anti lgbt) racist? Could someone explain this to me? Because I'd rather not catch a two week ban myself.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
Really tasteless to co opt a social movement to try to sell shit. What were the previous tweets that were transphobic?


Oct 28, 2017
I agree that this tweet is wrong and the author should get fired.

But I also have to add that some points are unfair. I'm Polish myself and my family always worked hard for human rights and started projects with people of all colors, with homosexuals and transgenders. My father founded in Berlin an influential Polish club, supporting artists of all sexes and origins.

Also I met this and last year as an editor for video games the CDPR staff at the Gamescom and I'm convinced that at least most of them are open minded, progressive young people, that criticize the Polish government as much as I do for their conservative views.

It's extremely ignorant and hurts me personally to read how people are generalisising about CDPR staff and Polish people. I know that Poland is in a horrible state right now but the US and Europe in general are also conquered by right wing, conservative parties. We have to criticize these movements and also we have to criticize CDPR for those tweets but we shouldn't close a door without knowing who's actually behind it.

(Sorry for my English. I'm not a native speaker obviously.)

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
they should, people having those ideas are getting money from members here. that shouldn't be encouraged

It wont because then the forum would be banning a lot of companies. Hell SE employs a homophobic music producers who think gay folk dont deserve to live and had been on record saying absolutely horrible shit and yet SE is still discussed and praised. And DQXI had several threads. Best bet is to not buy the game and tell others.


Oct 25, 2017
You can be Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Blizzard, Valve, CDPR...keep pushing against human rights issues and your ass should get burned quicker than it'll take your ashes to scatter within the wind. You are not immune, CDPR. I know y'all reading.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (Permanent): History of inflammatory attacks on staff
i encourage mods to ban all cdpr and cyberpunk discussion.

this forum shouldn't be a place where actively transphobic people and their products get promoted.

Mod team couldn't care less about taking a stance on discussion revolving games if it's by a regressive company


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
I've overlooked a lot of shit behavior and gone ahead and purchased games after controversies that irked me, but honestly this time? I'm not purchasing their games anymore. This is absolutely ridiculous, and they aren't as clever as they think they are. Three times? Nah. Sleep on Cyberpunk.


Oct 25, 2017
It's more like I'm willing to separate political beliefs when spending my money.
"Separating art from artist" is an out for people who are too weak-willed and cowardly to stop enjoying entertainment from immoral sources. And it falls completely apart when you are discussing contemporary, premium entertainment, which requires you to give money to the offending entity, and thereby directly support their continued ability to exist.

CD Projekt owns one of the best developers in the industry. CD Projekt is tacitly condoning a culture of misogyny and transphobia. By buying game from them you are supporting GamerGate and transphobia. Full stop, any protestation to the contrary is literally a lie. The only way that would ever change is if CD Projekt wrote a sincere apology for this tweet tomorrow, fired the GOG community manager, and took a good hard look at itself and the culture brewing under its roof. There are no magic words you can say to distance the company from the entertainment product you paid them for and hold in your hands. The company has to change.

And don't act like the burden imposed on you is great or disruptive. We are literally living in one of the greatest times in gaming history. There are multiple critically-acclaimed titles coming out each and every month that are not being sold by this company. There are games of the same genre, setting, and even the same budget. I'm sitting on almost a dozen titles myself right now, that's how many games there are to play. There are plenty of options to entertain yourself. You don't even have to do anything; you, literally, just have to not go out of your way to do something. Can you do that, privileged person with enough disposable income to buy games? Can you do this one fucking thing? For human rights?

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
When PR speak publicly in a fashion multiple times, with no correction, you have to accept it as a company position.
all these
"the social media guy got to go"
"get your shit together cdpr"
"how are they letting this happen"
posts are complete bullshit. when it's happened this many tims, it's completely fucking obvious this aligns with the companies politics as a whole


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
What did CDPR do / say about those older incidents?

this is what they sad about gamergate

So yeah, I'm Konrad from that Reddit thread. Hello everybody!

This is kind of a spot-on interpretation of what happened. "The game is so crude so hey, let's go with this." Out of the two people who regularly work with our social accounts, neither of us was aware that it's far more deliberate and loaded imagery than just your run of the mill, bone-cutting, piss-on-journalism edge.

I gotta say, what gets me the hardest is stuff like "Oh, you guys took a stance but got bullied into apologizing".
I mean no – I'm sitting right here and it's not what happened, there was no stance, only a careless tweet. The outcry did make us aware of the implication. Good. Now we know and we're better for it.

this is all they said about the cyberpunk tweet



Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
where's the CDPR tweet?

GoG has very little to do with the cyberpunk development team, i would imagine.

All the social media team need some training, that's for sure.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Didn't see this in the OP but how does CDPR tweet using Twitter account...?

Oooh... CDPR owns GoG, thank you!


Mar 22, 2018
It's quite simple guys. Stop using GoG and don't buy Cyberpunk 2077 on sale. Whining on here or on Twitter will do nothing in comparison to disappointing sales for their big budget release.

I have a feeling everyone posting in this thread will be cross referenced with the eventual Cyberpunk 2077 OT in order to form the new "Modern Warfare 2 boycott" Steam group picture.
I fail to recall any exemple of contreversy where not buying a game (provided you actually wanted to buy it in the first place) coming out years after the facts has ever achieved anything.There's no memo attached to your non-purchase that magically informs the publisher as to why he's not getting your money. Letting said publisher know that people in large enough numbers are unhappy with the current situation and that it's hurting their reputation has proven to be relatively effective so far.

I'm also not sure what that MW2 meme has to do with anything. I don't think anyone's going to call out people for not boycotting a game they never said they were going to boycott.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
Nov 3, 2017
User Banned (3 days): Advocating Piracy
Huh, guess I'll pirate a game for the first time in years.

Thanks, CDPR, you daft cunts :)

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Please please tell me that the mods and admins of ResetEra are under serious discussion of actually banning OT threads and discussions of games from CDPR. Pls. I think the site owes it to our sizeable trans community here.

I would actually be amazed if they banned the OT or discussion of Cyberpunk considering they never banned that Kingdom Come game considering the lead behind it was a white nationalist.
However, that would be a tall order anyway considering it is one of the most anticipated games, would they just blanket warn or ban people who even start talking about it?
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