Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The past week my cat has started meowing at night and it is keeping me up every night. I'm a light sleeper so even with the door closed, it wakes me up. It's not due to being hungry or litter issues. I've eliminated those. The only thing I can think of is she is just bored. We have another cat but he is 8 years older and basically goes to bed with us when we do. Not really sure what to do but I haven't had a good sleep in a week. Any advice? Worth going to vet for this?

True Underdog

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Assuming she's spayed and not in heat, try playing with her to tire her out before bed, followed by a meal.

I got a kitten a few months ago and my other cat is 7 and not always receptive to playing with him, so I try to give him a good play session before bed.
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A friend is worth more than a million Venezuelan$
Oct 25, 2017
Could be a thyroid (hyperthyroidism often cause them to howl in the night) issue (or lots of other things).


Apr 23, 2018
One of my cats has been meowing a bunch lately too, both in the day and at night. She does it during the day when she wants to get into a room of the house I keep locked because it's full of stuff that cats shouldn't get into, and at night because I don't let her sleep in the bedroom because she wakes me up.

I've been thinking I need to invest in a spray bottle and just spray water at her and tell her no when she does this stuff, it usually doesn't take long for them to learn to stop, cats are smart animals.


Oct 25, 2017
When my cat does this typically she's play hunting. Sometimes she'll bring me the toy she "caught" for me.


Sep 22, 2020
Assuming she's spayed and not in heat, try playing with her to tire her out before bed, followed by a meal.

I got a kitten a few months ago and my other cat, who is 7 and not always receptive to playing with him, so I try to give him a good play session before bed.
This is great advice OP.

How old is your cat? I'd also get a couple not too loud toys that they can use by themselves without human interaction. Keep them away until the moment you go to bed and put them away in the morning. Avoid catnip or other stimulants around bedtime.

You could also consider CBD, assuming it's legal where you leave and you can get cat stuff, if things get too extreme but only after checking with the vet.

Edit: also, have there been changes in your own routine lately like being more at home or sleeping at different times that the cat may not be used to yet?

Edit 2: I believe you can get banned from ERA for making a thread like this without cute cat pics.
Oct 28, 2017
Many things you can try here. I'd combine several. Playing until you wear kitty out, followed by a treat of some kind. Leave many safe for solo-play toys about. Might want to consider wearing an old tee all day (sweat in it if you can), and putting that on a pillow or stuffed toy for kitty in the place where kitty relaxes/sleeps. Best solution might just be getting another kitty that's close in age.

My cat does this when she's lonely but she hates all other cats and people, so I try to give her a good petting session and change her food and water before I go to sleep. She's getting up there in years and doesn't "play" too much anymore but I still go through the whole routine.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to be a downer, but to echo a couple of previous posters that was an early sign of hyperthyroidism in both of my (older) cats.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Think I'll try to tire her out tonight and see what happens. I noticed my other cat has become a lot less active at night than he used to be so I really do think she is just bored.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
Hopefully it is just bored which is likely. I have two kittens (maybe 10 months old now) and one always wants to play when I go to bed. She'll constantly bring one of her favorite toys in my bed and want me to throw it for her as soon as I lay down.


Oct 25, 2017
When this happened with one of my cats, she had a growth inside her that was pressing on her digestive system, making it hard for her to go to the bathroom. She was just generally in a lot of pain. It progressed to the point where she could no longer eat or drink (after dropping 1/3rd her weight) and that was that.

As long as the cats behavior doesn't suddenly change in terms of using the litterbox or things like seeking out dark, quiet places more than usual, your cat might just be bored.
Jan 4, 2021
How funny, the last few early mornings (I'm up at 4am for work) a cat has been wandering through my property wailing then this thread pops up


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Get some soft food and add some water. Cats are notoriously bad at hydration, so it could be an issue with urination.

But also: take your cat to a vet if you can.
Nov 9, 2017
My 2 year old cat was doing this, but we found out she wasn't drinking enough water and had a uti infection. Was able to resolve it with otc medicine and a cat water fountain that she loves.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Check the surroundings to see if there's any strays new to the area or other animals that your cat can see.

That could be it too. they do have pretty sensitive hearing, so maybe there is a cat meowing outside at night, (or in a neighbors place if you're in a condo), that your cat can hear, but you can't. I think one of my cats started doing this a bit at night when some cats moved into the condo below us. She doesn't do it anymore though. It only lasted a week or two max. She was only meowing for maybe half an hour or so in the middle of the night too...not all night. I'm not a vet. If it persists, go get your kitty checked out.
Oct 27, 2017
The past week my cat has started meowing at night and it is keeping me up every night. I'm a light sleeper so even with the door closed, it wakes me up. It's not due to being hungry or litter issues. I've eliminated those. The only thing I can think of is she is just bored. We have another cat but he is 8 years older and basically goes to bed with us when we do. Not really sure what to do but I haven't had a good sleep in a week. Any advice? Worth going to vet for this?

are they spayed? Could be in heat
Oct 27, 2017
did you try to get another cat? it might solve that issue.


Lucky 77!

I went through a hell of a time with my kitten until I realized I waited a bit too long to get him fixed. 8 months or so-he was becoming a chadly asshole. After the neutering, it was fine

Anyway, the point of the story is that I was told second cat like 5 times along the way lol


Oct 27, 2017
Northern California
When my cat does this typically she's play hunting. Sometimes she'll bring me the toy she "caught" for me.

One of my cats does this too. As soon as all the lights are off and I get in bed, I hear her crying from across the house (which she otherwise never does) and then when I get up in the morning she's left me one of my pens or another small object from my office.


Oct 25, 2017

Lucky 77!

I went through a hell of a time with my kitten until I realized I waited a bit too long to get him fixed. 8 months or so-he was becoming a chadly asshole. After the neutering, it was fine

Anyway, the point of the story is that I was told second cat like 5 times along the way lol
when the strays we found. i didn't know anything about cats. i had to google everything just to figure out how to tell if they had balls or not lol. at that time i didn't know their age. when i took them to the vet idk but they marked them both as 2 years old. lol also it was lucky that both ended up being boys.


Oct 25, 2017
what is the cat doing while it is meowing? Is it looking at something, always standing in the same place? Random?


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Out of curiosity, why is the cat locked out of the bedroom at night when the older one you have sleeps with y'all? I'm wondering if there may be a little separation anxiety going on there since the door is closed. Perhaps try leaving the door open for a night or two and see if the behavior changes?
Oct 29, 2017
The past week my cat has started meowing at night and it is keeping me up every night. I'm a light sleeper so even with the door closed, it wakes me up. It's not due to being hungry or litter issues. I've eliminated those. The only thing I can think of is she is just bored. We have another cat but he is 8 years older and basically goes to bed with us when we do. Not really sure what to do but I haven't had a good sleep in a week. Any advice? Worth going to vet for this?

I am not a vet, but I have had cats for years and my wife works directly in the animal food industry:

What kind of food are you feeding them?

Something I've learned is that cats obtain most of their fluid intake from their food, and don't naturally gravitate to drinking from water bowls/bodies of water. So if your cat is on a primarily kibble/crunchies diet then it may actually be somewhat dehydrated, even if you do have a water bowl for it and you see it drinking every so often (it may even be drinking a lot, if it is getting dehydrated).

The light dehydration itself may not be a huge problem but it can lead to urinary tract infections in cats. If that happens then it is likely very uncomfortable, which could result in it meowing for attention a whole lot more than you are used to.

If you aren't already, I'd advise trying to feed them a wetfood diet for a little while and see if this behavior stops. Monitor their litter box too, check if there is any blood in the urine or anything like that. Not all cats are the same, we have 2 and one of them eats a diet of primarily crunchies and drinks enough water to not dehydrate. Our other cat absolutely needs a diet of primarily wet food, or she is very susceptible to UIs.

If they are already eating a diet of wet food, disregard this and yeah take them to a vet (which if it's been a while since you've taken them to a vet anyway you may just want to take them for an exam of sorts, and let the vet know of their behavior).


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Help i have 76 cats they're all meowing


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Oct 26, 2017
You know we got my cat fixed a couple weeks ago and I thought that would stop him from meowing to be let out and staying out all night long. But it seem to make him want to leave the house even more


Nov 16, 2017
Mine been doing that too but she is just bored and wants to play.

She sucks at playing though and just does hide and seek and waits under the table until I leave and then starts meowing again lol.


Jan 24, 2018
My cat Gizmo started to get very vocal recently, but I'm pretty sure he's just hungry. He'll scream until I follow him to the kitchen, and then he'll run to eat as he makes sure I'm watching.

Its weird.


Feb 13, 2018

Is it anything like this? We had an old cat that eventually just started screaming every 20min or so for a few hours and then would go back to sleep. Happy otherwise. Was difficult primarily due to newborns in the house trying to sleep. End result was investing in sleep machines. Vet checkup was fine and they lived for a few more years like this before they reached a point where their body couldn't sustain life anymore and it began consuming itself because it refused to die.