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Nov 16, 2017
So today I was walking and walked by a group of 4 guys, they were all talking loudly and referring to each other as nigga multiple times. They were not black, but they were minorities (hispanic). They seemed to be friends. I was disgusted by their usage of the word, but I obviously was not going to start anything with them. It surprised me by how casual they were using the word, and frankly, how loud they were talking while using that word.

Some might say that those guys are using the n-word out of ignorance of what the word means, therefore lack of education is to blame. On the contrary, I believe they know exactly what it means and are just using it because they want to be edgy and rebellious. Either way though, the intent is not necessarily malicious.

Overall, how common do you see non black people using the n-word casually? And how big of a issue is it, in the grand scheme of things? I see it as an issue, but not too big compared to other racial issues that actually exist.

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
If you're non-black and use the n-word you're categorically a loser.

If you use it when singing songs, less so, but still a loser.


Jun 3, 2018
In the Bay Area its really common to hear Chicanos say the word out and about. You got clowns like Tekashi 69 not getting slapped in the mouth saying the word, its become way too casual for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
Hailing for the Greater Toronto Area, I can't go a day without seeing this. We have a significant South-Asian population, and significant amount of them are deeply immersed in hip-hop culture, including casual use of the n-word ("a" as opposed to "er" though). It generally isn't meant to be used maliciously, but rather as a term of endearment, not that it means its okay to use.

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
Hailing for the Greater Toronto Area, I can't go a day without seeing this. We have a significant south-Asian population, and significant amount of them are deeply immersed in hip-hop culture, including casual use of the n-word ("a" as opposed to "er" though). It generally isn't meant to be used maliciously, but rather as a term of endearment, not that it means its okay to use.

It's honestly so embarrassing.


Oct 25, 2017
No one but a black person should be using the word. That's all.

We've had threads upon threads about this. Just search "n-word" (hint, people still type n-word because they know they can't actually use it but can't help but ask anyways) and you'll see.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
I find it so embarrassing and awkward. I usually just pretend I didn't hear it, because my white ass isn't going to convince anybody of anything to do with the word.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh UK
Never heard a white person use the word in all my time in the UK.

Infact I have never heard a black person use it either weirdly enough.


Oct 27, 2017
In my experience if you're not white you usually get a pass
Depends on the region. Uusually, it's the hispanic/latino populations that get a pass because their plight in the US closely resembles that of black people. Cultures live side by side and intertwine in some areas, so there's blending and people get a pass. It's not a blanket pass, though, and depends on where you're from.

It's why you hear Fat Joe say it and no one bats an eye. Well, most of the time they don't.

Anyone else who says it thinks they get a pass because they listen to rap and hang out with black people sometimes.

Pretty much, as long as you're from New York or SoCal or are associated with those regions, you've got a buffer to get away with it.


Oct 28, 2017
Its common here in Miami. I'm Hispanic and i grew up saying that word as did my brothers and my close friends to this day still say it casually. I try not to say it because the word is moronic but it is what it is.


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Oct 25, 2017
Super common among Hispanics here in Texas. Not my thing but I don't care if a non-white person uses the word. I've seen black people let it slide or not think much about a Hispanic using the word.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
I have a younger brother who uses the word frequently around black friends. They're seemingly okay with it. Only time I commonly hear it.

He's only half white, but he hardly looks like it.
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Drain You

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I had one friend growing up that would always be like "MY N-word" whenever he saw me and it immediately would make me regret seeing him for a moment. Stop using the word, you have no reason or right to. FYI I'm white and so was he.


Oct 30, 2017
My friend visited South Korea and checked out the PC Bangs and apparently the teens there use the N-word like fifty times a minute while playing games lol

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Tbh they look stupid as fuck using it. The ship has sailed though, everyone wants to be so hip.

It's a lost cause and a shrug from me, though I do get very annoyed when those asshats don't even have the decency not to say it around old Black people.


Oct 25, 2017
I see Asian/South Asian, and other Hispanic/Latino people usin it out here in Brooklyn. And no one bats an eye.
Word to life, everybody says it. From Asians to white guys, Indian dudes and Arabs too.

I refrain from saying it because I substitute it with "my guy, dude, bro, boss". Get called it bout a million times a day tho.
Oct 25, 2017
Like I get it when your in HS or some shit and you think its hip and no ones ever told you otherwise

but if your 19 and up and still think saying n***a to a friend as an endearment, even ironically (this is a big one), you need to grow the fuck up

Like it sucks that I, in my early 20s, still have to sit someone down and tell em to stop being an idiot. Just use some other terms like scrub or pleb, etc, as replacements.


May 8, 2018
My brother (German) plays online games with people around the world (UK, Canada, Mexico, etc). And even if I don't live with him, there was a point where I noticed that he was using the word "nigger" more frequently. When I addressed this, he said that it is common and fun and that everyone is using it online.


Jan 17, 2018
I remember a few years ago when I was in highschool (which was about 70 percent black) most latinos and even some whites used it super casually and no one even batted an eye. This is purely anecdotal but a lot of younger people, young blacks included don't really seem to care who uses that word, it almost feels like it's lost some of its meaning among the younger generation and just become a slang word instead of a slur.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone wants a piece of the culture but basic respect is too much to ask for in return

Illithid Dude

Oct 26, 2017
In the UK the N word was historically used as a derogatory term for Indians. I feel like it's ok for any non-white marginalized ethnic minority to use, though being a nice little jewish boy, I'm obviously no expert.

Slash Ess

Nov 5, 2017
My brother (German) plays online games with people around the world (UK, Canada, Mexico, etc). And even if I don't live with him, there was a point where I noticed that he was using the word "nigger" more frequently. When I addressed this, he said that it is common and fun and that everyone is using it online.

hope you told him to stop


Oct 25, 2017
My ex's side is Native American and her and her friends and brother use it all the time. I asked her not to use it and she got mad at me and said I was jealous (I'm white) and said she could use it because Native Americans were treated worse the Africans and African Americans. I just dropped it.

I do make sure our daughter at least tries to understand why she shouldn't use it, whether she wants to identify as white or Native. But this is one of those areas where I dont get to involved since it isn't my word and I have no place to use it or really ask people not to use it.

Deleted member 42102

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Apr 13, 2018
Me and my friends (all black except for one Indian guy) are unapologetic with our use of it and we use it a loooooot. But there's this unspoken rule among us where if we're in party chat with people that aren't black, or in the presence of the elderly we just don't say it at all. It's practically a verbal tick for us at this point. However, one time I heard my mom say it and I just started saying son instead because my mother ruins everything for me LOL.

Then again, I'm from New York and all through middle school my Cuban best friend said that shit more than I ever did. Same thing happened in High School, I'm from uptown which is like predominately Jamaican and there was this one white girl in my entire school that said it more than all of us combined, and she'd make skurt noises and shit. Son I wanted to die whenever she was in my class. She's partially the reason I barely use the word anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego-ish
My friend visited South Korea and checked out the PC Bangs and apparently the teens there use the N-word like fifty times a minute while playing games lol
They most likely weren't saying it. Foreigners often confuse the Korean words nega (I) and niga (you) with the n-word . People have even got their ass beat over it. There's a popular video showing such a situation.


Oct 29, 2017
Just to preface, I live in New Zealand, which makes the situation is a bit different, as there are very few Americans here.

The native maori population tend to say it a lot. They've sorta adopted black culture, so it actually feels kinda normal.
I know many south-indian people say it too. Usually the ones into rap. That one is a tad weird, but I suppose the history oppression of indians by the british is pretty similar to what happened with africans.

I don't use it myself, but I try not judge other people for using it as long as it's being used positively.
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