Jeff Albertson

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah she fucked up before but cancel culture needs to fuck right off, she's been followed constantly by the press since. The Johnny Depp case shows us we have no right to be judge, jury and executioner when it's nothing to us and we don't know the facts.

Look at Jameela Jamil there's people on Twitter doing whatever they can to hound her and 'cancel' her for any reason they can just to knock someone down

We need to be better
Dec 2, 2017
Lawyer for her family confirmed suicide according to the bbc. Geeze. I loved her on strictly. And regardless of her trial and whatever, she didn't deserve to go like that.


Jan 29, 2019
Can we have info in the OP of who this person was, or some kind of context, or something?


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah she fucked up before but cancel culture needs to fuck right off, she's been followed constantly by the press since. The Johnny Depp case shows us we have no right to be judge, jury and executioner when it's nothing to us and we don't know the facts.

Look at Jameela Jamil there's people on Twitter doing whatever they can to hound her and 'cancel' her for any reason they can just to knock someone down

We need to be better

Let's be honest, that's not just abuse for the sake of celebrity. There's a very specific agenda, there.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
Absolutely disgraceful to see outlets like The Sun deleting the bile and hit pieces they'd put out over the last month now in an attempt to cover their tracks as they try to "lead tributes". Scum.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
She wasn't a pedophile, he was 16. Frown upon it for sure but legally she did nothing wrong.
To be fair, the law does not equal morality. In the US, you can walk around yelling slurs and it's totally legal. A person could groom a child and have sex with them the minute they hit legal age and that may not be illegal either. We only look to the law to tell us society's base expectation of not being sent through the judicial system, not to decide what it right or wrong.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
I'm totally on the outside and only see the bigger news events but, what is it with the UK press? It seems like they just literally run people into the ground mentally. Meghan getting out probably will save her life.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
I'm totally on the outside and only see the bigger news events but, what is it with the UK press? It seems like they just literally run people into the ground mentally. Meghan getting out probably will save her life.
Worst press in the world, or at least a very close 2nd.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
Almost certainly suicide. And after the assault she probably knew she would get found guilty and her career would be over. And she was someone who grew up on TV so could probably not see a way out


Oct 26, 2017
There were articles on her history of being volatile and relishing in winding neighbours up with early morning music after coming in, she may have been a shitty person at times but we all can be. Nobody knows the full story, nobody knows why she struggled wih mental health, least of all the tabloids and the selfrightious assholes on social media looking to vilify someone once again and get a cheap thrill off of 'cancelling' them.
The poor woman took her life,she had an obvious mental health problem and already people are out in their droves mocking and passing judgment. As others have said the Jonny Depp situation should have taught people to not jump to conclusions and jin birgading/bandwagons etc

RIP Caroline, i hope you found some peace


Oct 28, 2017
Tabloids are a disgrace and hound people like in this case. It's always been like this. But now you have tabloids and social media to deal with. It's desperately sad. She was clearly a troubled woman
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
Gutted to hear this, she has been through a real rough patch thanks to the scum media here in the UK. She was a beautiful women who has left the world far to young, may she Rest In Peace.
Last edited:


May 11, 2018
To be fair, the law does not equal morality. In the US, you can walk around yelling slurs and it's totally legal. A person could groom a child and have sex with them the minute they hit legal age and that may not be illegal either. We only look to the law to tell us society's base expectation of not being sent through the judicial system, not to decide what it right or wrong.
To be fair he was legal and knew what he was doing.
Oct 27, 2017
Tragic. I don't know all the facts but it's very sad to see anyone take their own life. I'll never understand why successful people like her don't just walk away from everything before it comes to suicide, but they must have their reasons (and share of serious problems).

Let's be honest, that's not just abuse for the sake of celebrity. There's a very specific agenda, there.
What did she do? Apart from committing the crime of being the worlds most beautiful woman. Didn't know she was being hounded for something.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Police would have to have a lot of evidence to prosecute without a witness. So I am siding on the she did do something. That doesn't mean I don't think the press and social media spewing hate and abuse about her is right, she didn't deserve to get abuse.



May 11, 2018
Police would have to have a lot of evidence to prosecute without a witness. So I am siding on the she did do something. That doesn't mean I don't think the press and social media spewing hate and abuse about her is right, she didn't deserve to get abuse.

Doing something and the things leading to that something are different things.
I used to hate Tommy Lee for hitting Pamela Anderson, until I read his book.
Fights go too far, and it's clear she needed help but blame doesn't help.


Oct 27, 2017
The Sun shouldn't be allowed to get away with deleting online stories that were trolling and harassing her.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Doing something and the things leading to that something are different things.
I used to hate Tommy Lee for hitting Pamela Anderson, until I read his book.
Fights go too far, and it's clear she needed help but blame doesn't help.
I didn't "hate her" I didn't know her. All i am saying is the police would have had loads of evidence to go with a vicitmless prosecution for it to get the go ahead. The abuse from social media and press was fucked up. It just shows once you are hated by the press they can turn ppl on you easy. Flack got mad abuse but so many other far worse people get a pass.


May 11, 2018
I didn't "hate her" I didn't know her. All i am saying is the police would have had loads of evidence to go with a vicitmless prosecution for it to get the go ahead. The abuse from social media and press was fucked up. It just shows once you are hated by the press they can turn ppl on you easy. Flack got mad abuse but so many other far worse people get a pass.
Didn't say you hated her.
I don't disagree on the police, but they can be wrong and if she was onto self-destructive cycles she may have admitted it.
Don't need much proof then.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, and I thought things were trending towards being okay for her after reading recently that Love Island was open to bringing her back


Oct 27, 2017
Tragic. I don't know all the facts but it's very sad to see anyone take their own life. I'll never understand why successful people like her don't just walk away from everything before it comes to suicide, but they must have their reasons (and share of serious problems).

What did she do? Apart from committing the crime of being the worlds most beautiful woman. Didn't know she was being hounded for something.

She's of south Asian descent and doesn't have the common courtesy to dress like it.

That's plenty of reason for a lot of people.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
I don't think it's a coincidence that Caroline had just returned to social media either yesterday or the day before.


Oct 27, 2017
One day the red tops will be held responsible for the shite they spew, but I doubt it.


Oct 27, 2017
Very shocking news. So sad that she felt the need to take her own life after being vilified by social media and the press.