
Oct 28, 2017
I... think they're mostly good? (for a corporation, they're not our friends) I've always liked their games, and I don't have a Switch so I'll take OP's word for it and say they're indeed being unjust with their Switch-Tax in Europe, I hope that changes.

That said, I hope they don't change much aside from some GaaS related issues, their games are one of the big reasons as of why I still love gaming today.


Oct 27, 2017
They openly shit on large parts of their fanbase depending on what their focus is. As EU Switch gamer is difficult to not feel some kind of way about them.

They published their handful of Vita titles on their own as physicals....but can't justify doing the same in Switch, even though it performs quite strong in Europe ?

Pretty much all their Switch releases sold and met expectations or even exceeded them. They are being stubborn as hell if you think that they could figure out away to have themselves or a partner distribute physical releases of the Switch titles...they really can't make REmake or RE4 - as their fan favorites work ?

Dropping all 3 titles on the same day, price hiked without any marketing or information and digital only. I mean come on.

When you have Mega Man featured in Smash and had to apologize in public for missing out with the Legacy Collections on Switch.....but still decide to not release a physical MM11 Switch version on the market but a Xbox One version ?

Well maybe we are wrong but it seems to me that Capcom physical support in Europe because NoE dropped their ass...while other partners like SE still get that support.
What exactly about their release policy in Europe?
No disc versions for old ass games is a bummer, but that's about it.

The Switch tax isn't a Capcom thing. Just take a look at Final Fantasy XII, it costs 47€ over here, while you can get the PS4 version for 15€ or even cheaper.
It's a damn PS2 title and even things like the Bioshock trilogy were cheaper at launch.
Stop comparing MSRP prices for unreleased games with sales prices.

Also FF XII is priced the same in Xbox One - making your "Switch tax" argument event more ridiculous.
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Jun 19, 2018
Give me more quality games, and you're allowed to raise the jerk factor in the context of this thread as much as you want, Capcom.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah they're Capgod to me right now, sucks to be a Switch user though, I have 2 Switches but it isn't my primary platform outside of exclusives since it's a weak console so I don't care that much. Just wait for sales, not that it's hard personally since there are great games left and right 2 of them are from Capcom


Feb 12, 2019
This seems a more localised issue towards the switch and even that it's just Capcom trying to make money and nothing malicious or "jerk" worthy. As long as they keep releasing games like MHW and RE2 remake, I don't really have a problem with them.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

Various things they've done over the years:

- Console exclusivity for previously multiplatform games (Dead Rising 3, Street Fighter V)
- Multiple smaller things they've done with Street Fighter V (fight money, skins etc.)
- Erratic localization behaviour (Dai Gyakuten Saiban, Dragon's Dogma Online, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate)
- The treatment of the Switch in general but especially in Europe with missing retail versions, fucked up pricing and so on

Just to mention a few


Oct 27, 2017
This seems a more localised issue towards the switch and even that it's just Capcom trying to make money and nothing malicious or "jerk" worthy. As long as they keep releasing games like MHW and RE2 remake, I don't really have a problem with them.
I doubt it just about making money.
There is no physical Capcom presence on the Switch and that's quite the statement. Europe is a big market and Switch is a strong performing console.

You really think RE4, REmake or MM11 wouldn't have performed well enough to justify physical releases ?

Capcom isn't a small publisher - yet we have random indie titles getting physical versions left and right....while RE4 on Switch is too risky ? It doesn't really add up.

Capcom is the only publisher/dev that is treating the Switch that way in Europe.

Those are separate issues can still call them out on their behaviour but appreciating great content their deliver.
I doubt withholding physical Switch releases is what allows them to release great PS4/XB/PC titles lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Capcom isn't a small publisher - yet we have random indie titles getting physical versions left and right....while RE4 on Switch is too risky ? It doesn't really add up.

It does add up. Firstly Capcom isn't a big publisher as it's competitors in Japan (although they are releasing better quality titles) and they don't want to release physical for old games in Europe due to the cost of Switch cartridges. Besides, their digital releases in Europe are performing well so I doubt this will change in the future.
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Oct 27, 2017
It does add up. Firstly Capcom isn't a big publisher as it's competitors in Japan (although they are releasing better quality titles) and they don't want to release physical for old games in Europe due to the cost of Switch cartridges. Besides, their digital releases in Europe are performing well so I doubt this will change in the future.
Yeah exactly. If the games are meeting expectations on digital where they have a higher profit margin there isn't a huge need for them to release physical. From a corporation stand point it makes sense when their main development focus is the other platforms. They aren't jerks, it's just the strategy they are running with as a company. The question is if its a good one.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
Considering another publisher did an AMA on 8Chan this week,


Oct 27, 2017
It does add up. Firstly Capcom isn't a big publisher as it's competitors in Japan (although they are releasing better quality titles) and they don't want to release physical for old games in Europe due to the cost of Switch cartridges. Besides, their digital releases in Europe are performing well so I doubt this will change in the future.
There are plenty of partners they could team up for publishing the physical versions. It's not some new concept...there are plenty of smaller pubs/devs with games that sell much less that can manage physical Switch releases.

Can you name a single pub of Capcoms size that is able to ignore physical releases completely on a mayor plattform ?

Even freaking EA can justify a Unravel 2 port and physical release....or every other pub outside Capcom - you are free to believe that narrative but it doesn't add up when you consider what games they were willing to distribute in the past.

It would be easier to understand if we were talking about games with mixed reception or that could be a gamble...but RE4 ?


They are probably already happy with the money they make off Switch in Europe - since people are more it less being pushed towards digital purchases.

That's okay - since this results in higher margins and less overhead and maintenance for Capcom.

But that's it - let's not act like it's unreasonable for customers to have certain expectations for a publisher like Capcom. If they are more comfortable ignoring them ...that's okay - but card prices aren't the reason why the categorically won't release any Switch physical version regardless of the sales potential.


Alt Account
Feb 19, 2018
Companies aren't your friends. Don't buy Nintendo products for 3rd party support.


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
Nothing stops Capcom from using those partners for physical distribution ....they were fine using Nintendo for that as well into the past

Sure, but why bother if your digital games are already doing good?
The digital cut is always higher than the retail one and that's important for lower MSRP games.

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
option for physical is nice i guess but honestly I dont really care and they make great games so they are fine in my books.

(it was real rough for a while tho lol)


Oct 27, 2017
Sure, but why bother if your digital games are already doing good?
The digital cut is always higher than the retail one and that's important for lower MSRP games.
I'm not disagreeing....but you also gotta understand why this night piss some fans off ?
There are plenty of moved that publisher can do that results in more money and less work for them - doesn't mean we have to co-sign it. This was pretty much the core of the Xbox One reveal messaging and the no-used games.

You have a publisher that has titles that would sell enough at retail but completely shuts down that market.

Doubt we would have the same energy in this topic if they would decide to run their PS4/XBO releases that way.

Skipping physical releases for niche titles like Onimusha or Okami is one thing....but for fan favorites RE titles..when you are raising the prices at the same time ? Come on.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They make some questionable porting decisions (both between regions and consoles) but if that's the worst you can say about a company I think "jerk" is unfair.

They're consistently making good games
They're releasing games from a wide variety of old and new series
They're not adding in huge bs season passes or a million different versions of games
They are still porting old games as remaster, even if this is where they are weakest

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
Terrible (and i can't stress this enough) support on Switch, but they're great elsewhere.

It hurts cause so many Switch users bought the system expecting their games among other things and instead Capcom gave us the middle finger. Don't buy their games if that matters so much for you.

I don't understand the people who defend this, because Capcom had their scams here and there like that USFII port at 40 dollars, nobody should give a pass to that.

For me it all comes down to the single releases: i bought Revelations on Switch because it was a great port at a decent price, and because there weren't other horror games at the time.

I don't have any interest on touching their other releases there: i was interested on REmake but at 30 euro, it's a big fat NO.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't personally agree with Capcom's approach to the Switch RE ports or Switch physical in general, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with Kat's response. She gave the person an easily understandable response (as opposed to the usual PR speak), which was not only completely true but also supported with a recent real-world example.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone that doesn't live in Europe or particularly care about physical Switch games, I'm not inclined to give Capcom shit.

Not after they've supported Monster Hunter World for over a year with no season pass or lootboxes.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Are people just looking for reasons to shit on Capcom now?


Oct 27, 2017
Are people just looking for reasons to shit on Capcom now?
...No ?

Talking about the legit reasons brought up like the lack of physical versions - not the tweet though.

Actually quite brave for her to even adresssing it since the user seemed quite pissed and it probably would have been easier to just ignore it.

Capcoms messaging with those latest RE Switch ports could have been better though. Next to know information or footage, yet they they are up for preorder at a premium price compare to other systems.
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Oct 28, 2017
That twitter response is hardly indicative of being a "jerk" (which is a silly thing to say about a company in the first place and hardly "harsh.")


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing with wrong with the Twitter response. They've been pretty good lately, releasing plenty of good new games and supporting them well.


Oct 26, 2017
We might not get every retail copy in Europe, but we got the superior Collector's Edition of Resident Evil 2, so it's not that lopsided.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing with wrong with the Twitter response. They've been pretty good lately, releasing plenty of good new games and supporting them well.
This reminds me of people defending Sony blocking cross plattform multiplayer support in games because they have done so well this generation and their games have been critically acclaimed.

Obviously Capcom in general is in a very good place that they have earned....even when people shit on them from time to time their Switch ports have been all quality ports. Looking and performing the way they should perform.

But that's the thing....if everything you are doing is quality work and people champion you - whenever something feels off it will stick out more.

When pubs start shitting on a part of their audience the moment they are doing better… that's never a good look.


Oct 25, 2017

When I head "jerk as a company", I was expecting a lot worse. We just had a gaming publisher literally joke around with pedophile nazis, and a bit before that another fired 800 employees.
Yep, this is probably a stealth switch port begging thread.


Nov 16, 2017

When I head "jerk as a company", I was expecting a lot worse. We just had a gaming publisher literally joke around with pedophile nazis, and a bit before that another fired 800 employees.

Cant even be bothered with stuff like this as complaints.

Way bigger problems in the industry now.


Oct 25, 2017
Various things they've done over the years:

- Console exclusivity for previously multiplatform games (Dead Rising 3, Street Fighter V)
- Multiple smaller things they've done with Street Fighter V (fight money, skins etc.)
- Erratic localization behaviour (Dai Gyakuten Saiban, Dragon's Dogma Online, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate)
- The treatment of the Switch in general but especially in Europe with missing retail versions, fucked up pricing and so on

Just to mention a few
These are terrible examples. Here's some better ones

*Cancelling MML3 and blaming the fans
*Whatever the fuck Breath of Fire 6 was, and giving it a numbered title
*"The Capcom Test" on Wii (and now Switch apparently)
*Swearing RE4 would never leave gamecube, then immediately changing course
*Terrible track record working with western studios


Oct 27, 2017
Capcom turned me to a Capcop thanks to Street Fighter V, DMC 1-5, Megaman franchise and Megaman X franchise, etc.....


Jan 11, 2018
Sega is worst though I can't still understand why they are scared of giving us PSO2. It's been years and I'm still upset about it.


Nov 16, 2017

I forgot - we can only adress one issue at the time.

Nah, feel free to speak on your mind on what you think is important.

Im just saying the "jerk of a company" label doesn't fall on my register just because they don't offer physical copies. Ill save that for bigger offenses done by companies.

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes, just because Capcom is overselling three products on switch they're a ''jerk company''.

Got it.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah. They're a jerk company because they still refuse to localize all of their games.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So the problem the OP has with Capcom is that they aren't releasing physical versions of Switch games in Europe?

Then make some noise. Tell Capcom this is important to you on their social media pages. Organize other people to tell Capcom about this.

Capcom aren't doing this because they're spiteful towards European Switch owners. They're doing this because they (rightly or not) believe it won't make them money to release the physical versions. If enough people tell them otherwise, you can expect this practice to change.

Just don't expect to convince people that "Capcom's a jerk" for this in an industry full of much more malicious and hurtful behavior by major publishers (including, at times, Capcom themselves!).
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