
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Those assholes just need to go away. I have neighbors who are all in with making Alberta into a standalone Republic, it fills me with shame every time I drive by their house.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

Ottawa has authority to free Meng Wanzhou now, former justice minister, Supreme Court justice say - The Globe and Mail

Government has options, says legal opinion obtained by former Supreme Court judge and backed by ex-Liberal justice minister

Someone really wants this out there, they went and dug up some former JMs too.
I'm sure they do. To bad that wanting something doesn't mean they'll get it. I want a 3990X but i'm not getting one for my next PC build.


Oct 25, 2017

Senate ethics committee recommends rescinding suspension of Senator Lynn Beyak - The Globe and Mail

Earlier this month, Ms. Beyak apologized to Indigenous peoples and senators for the hurt she caused by posting letters to her website deemed to contain racist content
The Senate should rescind the suspension of Senator Lynn Beyak ordered in February, says the standing committee on ethics and conflict of interest for senators.

The recommendation is the latest development in a drawn-out controversy for the Ontario senator who posted letters to her website that the Senate committee found contained racist content.

In a report released on Monday, the ethics committee issued new recommendations to the Senate including that its standing committee on internal economy, budgets and administration take any appropriate actions to facilitate her return and that pensionable service for Ms. Beyak be reinstated when its report is adopted by the chamber.

Apparently all you need is a 4-day course and you're certified non-racist.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure they do. To bad that wanting something doesn't mean they'll get it. I want a 3990X but i'm not getting one for my next PC build.
It helps when you are a 20 year UN diplomat and have a rolodex of people to call. Also when you can get a full interview segment on the CBC that forces both the Canadian and Chinese governments to react.

Not that I blame her for using her connections and her privilege, particularly when you don't see any action otherwise, but it is what it is.


Oct 25, 2017

Senate ethics committee recommends rescinding suspension of Senator Lynn Beyak - The Globe and Mail

Earlier this month, Ms. Beyak apologized to Indigenous peoples and senators for the hurt she caused by posting letters to her website deemed to contain racist content

Apparently all you need is a 4-day course and you're certified non-racist.
The senate doesn't have to follow through right? She needs to be removed by whatever means the senate has.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

IMD World Competitiveness Ranking 2020: showing strength of small economies - IMD News

The eagerly anticipated data on economies’ competitiveness has gone live, opening discussions on changes in the hierarchy on a national, regional and global level. The annual rankings, now in their 32nd year, have been released unlocking a wealth of data on the performance of 63 economies across...

For the second year in a row, the USA failed to fight back having been toppled from its number one spot last year by Singapore, and coming in at 10th (3rd in 2019). Trade wars have damaged both China and the USA's economies, reversing their positive growth trajectories. China this year dropped to 20th position from 14th last year.
Canada moved up to 8th from 13th. This rise is centered around improvements in measures related to its labor market and in the openness of its society. It led the North American sub-region.



Oct 25, 2017

Canada’s forgotten universal basic income experiment

Amid wide unemployment during Covid-19, basic income schemes have gained fresh relevance. A successful Canadian scheme that's over four decades old could provide a road map for others.

Interesting article about "mincome"(not quite UBI) experiment that was done in Manitoba in the 1970s. They dug up the results not long ago.

They recently released the final results, which showed the nature of the jobs that people got once they received a basic income was changing," says Forget. "So instead of taking on precarious part-time work, they were much more likely to be moving into full-time jobs that would make them more independent. I see that as a great success."

You can see the success and why people benefited.

I could see employers not liking people turning down precarious part-time jobs as a reason it wouldn't fly either.


Oct 25, 2017
The whole problem with the SRO debate is that it threatens to throw the baby out with the bath water. Often schools have counselors, advisors, SLPs as well as SROs -- and they all fill specific roles in a school setting. Not to mention that SROs aren't beat cops -- it's a community policing role that's highly vetted to even get into the position in the first place.

SROs are necessary because many schools, especially high schools, in the city are small cities already.

No. No armed cops in schools. In fact, no cops at all.
If you want those sorts of roles filled get civilian specialists. I've seen enough videos and articles about "highly vetted" officers in high schools assaulting black and indigenous children to be 100% against it.

Armed cops with with their powerful unions and structural racism are oppressors that aren't necessary for anything except actual armed response when it's required.


Oct 25, 2017

Asked about systemic racism in RCMP, Lucki discusses different heights of officers

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki was put in the parliamentary hot seat on Tuesday when MPs repeatedly pressed her for answers over systemic racism in the RCMP — and she struggled to come up with an example, at one point referencing the disparity in officers' heights.

I'm having some doubts about the RCMP Commissioner /s.

She's either clueless or intentionally giving dismissive answers.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

Asked about systemic racism in RCMP, Lucki discusses different heights of officers

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki was put in the parliamentary hot seat on Tuesday when MPs repeatedly pressed her for answers over systemic racism in the RCMP — and she struggled to come up with an example, at one point referencing the disparity in officers' heights.

I'm having some doubts about the RCMP Commissioner /s.

She's either clueless or intentionally giving dismissive answers.
Knowing what I do about the RCMP and their recent responses, I am airing on the side of the latter.


Oct 25, 2017
You can see the success and why people benefited.

I could see employers not liking people turning down precarious part-time jobs as a reason it wouldn't fly either.
Or I suppose the compromise would be forcing people to take shitty part time jobs but they would only need one instead of several.

It would have prevented the massacre in LTCs in Ontario and Quebec, for example.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

The Liberals are enjoying support they have not seen since their post-2015 election honeymoon and would very likely secure another majority government if an election were held today, according to the latest projections from the CBC's newly re-launched Poll Tracker.

The problem for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is that the global pandemic that has helped boost his party's support is also one of the things preventing him from sending the country back to the polls in order to regain the majority he lost in the 2019 federal election.

According to the Poll Tracker's aggregation of all publicly available polls, the Liberals have the support of 40.3 per cent of decided voters, an increase of just over seven percentage points since the October vote. The Conservatives, under outgoing leader Andrew Scheer, trail with 28.4 per cent, a drop of six points.

This swing between the two parties now puts the Liberal lead at 12 points, wider even than their margin of victory in the 2015 election that first brought Trudeau to power.

Accordingly, the Poll Tracker estimates that the Liberals would be able to win around 186 seats if these support levels were replicated at the ballot box, more than the 170 needed to form a majority government. Their chances of winning at least that many seats with these levels of support are estimated at nearly four-in-five.

The Conservatives would be reduced to around 101 seats, a loss of 20 compared to their current standings in the House of Commons, with virtually no hope of coming out ahead in the seat count.

As the Liberals have surged and the Conservatives have slipped, the other parties have held steady. The New Democrats are at 15.6 per cent support and the Greens (who will choose a new leader in October) are at 6.1 per cent, virtually unchanged from where they stood on election night.

The Bloc Québécois has fallen about three points in Quebec and stands at 29 per cent in the province. The party likely would win around 27 seats with this level of support, with the NDP taking 22 seats and the Greens two.



Oct 25, 2017

A long read, but an oh so satisfying one!
Look, if he really thinks grinding the CPC to a fine powder with his actually fascist, racist, sexist playbook is what is best for the party and the party agrees, who am I to tell them otherwise? Mind, we don't really have a competent left at the moment, but Harper is the specter haunting the CPC, I say let him keep doing it. It will eventually lead to the split Mulroney had in the 90s


Oct 25, 2017
How many of you are familiar with the Somalia Affair? The incident where an entire lauded Canadian airborne regiment was dismantled, the military saw massive cuts to it with strong public support, and Canada's perception of a peacekeeping nation was shattered?

Somalia affair - Wikipedia

Even before you get to the beating and murder of Arone. The bit about how white supremacists and neo-Nazis were amongst the regiment's soldiers, makes you wonder just how prevalent these groups are in not only the military but in our policing as well. That whole wiki page is rage inducing. From the actions of the regiment, to the apparent government coverup, and to the pathetic joke of a punishment they eventually levelled against the participants. A special fuck you to the judge who denied Arone's parents compensation for the murder of their child.

What Canada, the US, Belgium, and Pakistan did in Somalia and the subsequent failure of the UN mission there, directly led to the West's chicken shit behaviour in dragging their feet intervening in the subsequent genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda.

"We promised them peacekeepers...and in some cases, we sent them thugs."

— Rex Murphy

Oh look, a time when Rex Murphy wasn't a raging lunatic.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Brian Mulroney calls for bold social changes to prepare Canada for a world after COVID-19

The former prime minister laid out these ideas and principles in what he called an Agenda for Canadian Greatness
Former prime minister Brian Mulroney is urging Canadian political leaders to prepare for a post COVID-19 world by adopting bold economic and social policies including a dramatic increase in immigration, a serious productivity agenda and concrete action to address systemic racism and the injustices faced by Indigenous people.
Mr. Mulroney told The Globe and Mail in an interview Monday that Canadians need fresh new thinking from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and provincial premiers to confront the economic damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the treatment of Canada's Indigenous people – which he called the country's most pressing social issue.
"I consider the aboriginal situation, the Indigenous situation in Canada to be the single greatest blight on our citizenship," he said. "We can't move ahead with a new agenda for Canada if we don't deal with the Indigenous people and systemic racism."
Mr. Mulroney said the federal government needs to study and implement recommendations from the Erasmus-Dussault Royal Commission, which he set up in 1991. The commissioner, chaired by Dene leader George Erasmus and Quebec Court of Appeal justice René Dussault, visited 96 First Nation communities and released 440 recommendations in 1996.
The commission called for "restorative justice by which we mean the obligation to relinquish control of that which has been unjustly appropriated: the authority of Aboriginal nations to govern their own affairs; control of lands and resources essential to the livelihood of families and communities; and jurisdiction over education, child welfare and community services."
Virtually none of its key recommendations have been adopted.
One idea that he says would generate economic growth and enhance Canada's influence in the world is to double the country's population to 75 million.
"Immigration creates a great dynamism and effectiveness in the economy that generates new prosperity. The immigration communities in Canada are highly productive and great job creators and law-respecting citizens in the best sense of those words," Mr. Mulroney said.
Mr. Mulroney, a Progressive Conservative prime minister from 1984 to 1993, faced strong domestic opposition when he brought in a 7-per-cent goods and services tax and negotiated free trade with the United States and later worked to include Mexico in a trilateral trade pact.
On social policy, Mr. Mulroney also urged the Trudeau government to look seriously at bringing in a guaranteed income for those living below poverty.
Greater attention also has to be paid to protecting the environment without harming the economy and key industries, such as the oil and gas sector, he said.
Mr. Mulroney laid out these ideas in what he called an Agenda for Canadian Greatness in the Saturday Globe and Mail, which is asking prominent Canadians to share their thoughts on the current crisis and the path forward as part of the Zero Canada Project.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like all good stuff tbh.
I have to say that I expect a ton of immigration in the coming years from climate change refugees. The northern regions of the western provinces are going to see a big expansion.


Oct 25, 2017
Mulroney sounding more progressive than Trudeau is not something I expected to hear ever.

Records show charity closely linked to Trudeau has received multiple sole-source contracts from Liberal government

According to the government’s online database of government contracts, WE Charity has received five federal contracts worth a total of $120,000 since March 2017

Is this going to be another SNC?
"WE (Charity) made a transition from being a grassroots organization to being very, very tied to the Trudeau brand," Angus noted.

sounds like nonsense by postmedia, per usual.


Oct 25, 2017
Mulroney sounding more progressive than Trudeau is not something I expected to hear ever.

Records show charity closely linked to Trudeau has received multiple sole-source contracts from Liberal government

According to the government’s online database of government contracts, WE Charity has received five federal contracts worth a total of $120,000 since March 2017

Is this going to be another SNC?

Who are Beta Canada? Here's a CBC article because I can't find anything on those guys.

Trudeau's knack of failing to see how the optics looks with the shit he does is at this point an art form. Like he's really good at being particularly stupid at doing this.


Oct 25, 2017
Mulroney sounding more progressive than Trudeau is not something I expected to hear ever.

Records show charity closely linked to Trudeau has received multiple sole-source contracts from Liberal government

According to the government’s online database of government contracts, WE Charity has received five federal contracts worth a total of $120,000 since March 2017

Is this going to be another SNC?

Mulroney was always quite progressive on many fronts.

Who are Beta Canada? Here's a CBC article because I can't find anything on those guys.

Trudeau's knack of failing to see how the optics looks with the shit he does is at this point an art form. Like he's really good at being particularly stupid at doing this. is just a Postmedia portal. It's beta because of reasons unknown.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The responses to that tweet re: Mulroney are as bile as one would expect from such bold suggestions as "we should improve society somewhat".


Oct 25, 2017
Who are Beta Canada? Here's a CBC article because I can't find anything on those guys.

Trudeau's knack of failing to see how the optics looks with the shit he does is at this point an art form. Like he's really good at being particularly stupid at doing this.
Like most things, this will probably barely move the needle when it comes to Trudeau. Though it's true he often does fall down the stairs into optics messes, most people whose votes matter assume it's just foolishness, not maliciousness.

Just saw this Lean Tossup projection and seems like no one cares to really rebuke the Liberals at this time for anything, as they'd rather punish boat rockers? lol:

Federal Model: (Vote/Seats)

LPC: 40% / 203 (+46)
CPC: 27% / 93 (-28)
NDP: 16% / 21 (-3)
BQ: 7% / 18 (-14)
GPC: 7% / 2 (-1)
PPC: 3% / 1 (+1)

(Seat Changes With 2019 Federal Election)


Oct 25, 2017

This may interest many of you. By Frank Graves, the founder of Ekos and prolly the most accurate pollster in Canada
This is terrifying - that the lower middle class and less educated are buying into authoritarianism (keep in mind, I'm boiling this way down) being presented as populism as a means to stem tides they see as turning against them and/or actively agitating them and we as a country aren't prepared..... So much for a good nights sleep


Oct 25, 2017
It is exactly what I had in mind. lol
The Liberals should be thankful JT has baked in this harmless clown image of himself because he's usually just seen as a well-meaning doofus at worst and maybe a passionate idealist at best.

I've also said Singh's main issue is that although he has similar well-meaning passions, he presents and takes himself way more seriously, which does not leave room for even small mistakes in the general public's eye.

I didn't get to read Graves' report on populism/authoritarianism yet because I wanna read of desktop but am having troubles with ROGERS!!!!. Can someone summarize the main points?
Woe to be my phone's data limits..

And Happy Canada Day! Or happy moving day in Quebec lol.


Oct 25, 2017
That CPC vote collapse is just amazing. Same with the Bloc.

Don't get too excited, Liberals were in majority territory just a few weeks before the election... a lot can change in even a little time.

Having said that, current data trends do point to the Tories having been regionalized (largely by their own accord) to Western Canada, so its hard to imagine them winning a majority anytime soon.


Oct 25, 2017
While we may not always agree on politics, I still want to wish everyone in the thread a happy Canada Day.


Oct 25, 2017
This is terrifying - that the lower middle class and less educated are buying into authoritarianism (keep in mind, I'm boiling this way down) being presented as populism as a means to stem tides they see as turning against them and/or actively agitating them and we as a country aren't prepared..... So much for a good nights sleep

You can see the CPC trying to tap into this. Fortunately it doesn't seem to be as effective as in the US.

Their only chance is to lower turnout and/or split the vote.

I'll have to read this more in detail.

Happy Canada Day!


Nov 4, 2017
The wingnuts were protesting on the Hill yesterday. They marched to the US embassy to bring a letter asking Trump to arrest Trudeau (yeah...).
So there's probably a higher number of crazies than usual in Ottawa right now.