
Oct 25, 2017
AOC's inexperience might be a legitimate mark against her, but I'm effectively over appealing to moderates. I genuinely don't think conventional wisdom applies anymore. The republican party is small and unpopular, which is why they need to resort to gerrymandering, voter suppression and electoral college shenanigans to remain competitive. Eliminate those things and go by sheer numbers and democrats never lose another election.

Meanwhile, as far as leftists policies go? The democratic party saw a surge in voter registration when the BLM protests started over George Floyd's death, every swing state pro-healthcare democrat won their seat, and a Stacy Abram's grassroots movement registered 800,000 voters, flipping fucking Georgia of all states.

Progressive policies are things people want. It's just a matter of how to deliver them.

I don't know if AOC is ready for the presidency at so young an age, but I think we need to stop framing america as inherently anti-progressive. There certainly are a lot of people who are and there's certainly a lot of propoganda around that, but our current way of dealing with it has been to, at best, meet this mentality halfway - somewaht progressive, but not too much. And it's just not a strategy that works out very well because it curtails the effectiveness of any leftist policy, making moderates notice and use it to justify their presumption that progressivism doesn't work.

So what if we fixed the system and framed progressivism as AOC does, with facts and logic and compassion and efficacy to back it all up. I think that's worth trying. That, and I am fucking through playing the game Republicans want to play.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty sure he's only going for one term, he accomplished his mission of beating Trump, what happens next depends on how popular Harris is by the end of it,

if she does good, she's the president easy even against super old Trump if it goes down.
Why can't Biden run a second term, retire immediately and give it to Kamala?


Oct 25, 2017
That's a losing ticket right there

Facts. (Sadly but yeah facts. I'd gladly eat the crow if I was wrong though).

Just having a woman president with a male VP will have the sexists crawling out the woodwork and we barely beat Trumpito and his maggot army.


Oct 27, 2017
The Republican machine has already made her into the new Hilary in terms of someone people "should dislike" even when they don't know why. This is a bad idea, and you should let her continue doing good work and helping to push progressive causes in the house.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
America isn't ready for such a ticket.
I doubt they ever will be.
They'd sooner end democracy and put the Trumps in control for life until humanity is destroyed.


Nov 23, 2017
sounds like a good way to lose so badly that the Republicans win the popular vote for the first time since 2004

El Beefo

May 9, 2018
I get why people like AOC (and I do too) but she's only been a congresswoman for two years. Having good ideas and positions isn't and shouldn't be the only qualifications for being president, it requires someone who has deep experience with Washington politics, international relations, good connections and more. If she decides to run in 2032 I'd be happy to vote for her, until then we need someone who has proven they can handle the office. (I have similar complaints about Buttigieg, how someone who's only political experience is being mayor of a midsize town got so far in the primaries will forever be a mystery to me.)


Oct 25, 2017
AOC just had an interview where she doubted how long she wanted stay in politics so idk
Oct 25, 2017
Its astonishing how much people here think AOC is non viable because of what conservatives think of her. I wonder y'all thought of Barak Hussein Obama when he first ran. Presidentials elections are about firing up your base, if your using republicans as an excuse not to run progressives congratulations your 3d chessing yourself into a corner.
I'll be convinced of this when someone like AoC overwhelmingly wins a primary.


Oct 27, 2017
Lmao thats a peak losing ticket right there. AOC is cool and all but some of you need to face reality.
Dec 11, 2019
I hope to see AOC as president one day, but America is not ready. In 20-30 years though? Well if the country hasn't fallen into a fascist hellscape by then and instead (thanks to The Squad) America has shifted more progressive, then maybe?

I am not holding my breath.


Oct 25, 2017
Not happening.

Harris wouldn't pick AOC.

a Harris/AOC ticket is a lost election. Two minority women of the left of the party? America would resoundingly reject that. America isn't ready for that, yet.

AOC has a long time left in the political game, why push to the theoretical ceiling (VP/POTUS) so early in her career, let her do more good work on Capitol Hill.

People need to let go of their infatuation with AOC. She isn't the be all and end all guaranteed fix for the country. Glad she's revitalising the game somewhat and bringing some progressive conversation and modern tact to the role, but let's not put her on a pedestal that literally no one could live up to.


Jan 22, 2019
lmao cmon now OP

Hard truth is that Harris would need to pair up someone "moderate" to prevent too much damage from fake news (calling them the communist ticket etc). But I certainly see her winning with a strategic VP choice.


Together, we are strangers
Oct 25, 2017
Easily one of the worst suggested tickets I've seen unless you want a huge red wave.


Oct 25, 2017
Cannot imagine it, and I think neither of them, to be honest.

Hope that Kamala truly delivers.
My guess is that she will not be, at all, what most are hoping for. But let's hope she and Biden really does raise to the occasion.


Aug 1, 2019
No, I can't imagine it. That sounds awful for everyone involved. I think AOC is a fantastic person who could someday be president. I'd want her to be president. She's not going to get there rushing into the next presidential election with a person she has limited policy agreements with.

AOC has all the benefits of Sanders, practically none of the negatives, and an ability to connect with people who will be voting for the next 50+ years. Let her build her career first. If she can get both parties and the media to obsess over climate change on a near-constant basis in her first year just imagine what she can do by the 2030s.

Also it's not getting talked about, but I think it's pretty telling that the Democratic Party managed to both lose seats in the House and also see an increase in leftist victories. It's not an accident that super red Missouri (St. Louis specifically) just elected DSA member Cori Bush. DSA made several gains this time around. That's going to matter 12+ years from now when a DemSoc like AOC decides to run for president.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Sep 12, 2019
Kamala will be a good Presidential candidate but she will need a more moderate VP to help win the all-important rust belt states. The country won't be ready for an all progressive ticket as soon as 2024, we are still a couple of stepping stones away from that. If we keep moving the ball at a steady pace the goal can be to have an AOC type candidate win in in like 20 years.


Oct 27, 2017
Kamala will be a good Presidential candidate but she will need a more moderate VP to help win the all-important rust belt states. The country won't be ready for an all progressive ticket as soon as 2024, we are still a couple of stepping stones away from that. If we keep moving the ball at a steady pace the goal can be to have an AOC type candidate win in in like 20 years.
Do moderates win rust belts? Or do populists? I know people who are conservatives, wouldn't vote for Biden against trump but would vote for Bernie. I'm not saying this is normal but I think this single axis view of politics is only true for political pundits. It's possible for two progressives to be on a ticket and win imo.
Nov 8, 2017
Note she wouldn't be old enough to occupy the presidency as of the time the ballots are finalized but would be by inauguration day. Nevertheless, that's the kind of tiny nugget of bullshit that would probably have the Republicans generating legal challenges to the ticket from day one.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Look, AOC is a long term pitch for president. Biden and Bernie have decades of political experience and being respected members of congress. We need to let the newer generations grow up seeing and respecting AOC in congress, and letting the older "red scare" gens die out. Let her grow into being the next Bernie figure in a, hopefully, better future political climate that won't instantly kill her chances at the presidency, like what has sadly happened to Bernie.