
Oct 27, 2017
probably no. people shout down the pro-PT argument that "hey, at least PT expanded the mythos... right..?"

but in truth it did give a framework. what can you do with the ST? 'oh man they're making a star killer base, that first order suuure is coming up strong...'

being intentionally reductive here but i can't really cull many cool concepts from it. luke's jedi camp would be cool i guess


Oct 31, 2017
Wasn't that massively unpopular? It bombed so hard the former President of their parks quit (or was pushed it, who knows)

Disney Parks Veteran Steps Down Amid Sluggish Star Wars Land Attendance

Catherine Powell, who oversees the U.S. and Paris theme parks for The Walt Disney Company, is leaving the studio, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Maybe they can show how Lando was able to convince all those people to help lol

No the parks are, "well were" doing great. Disneyland had a slow opening since for the first few weeks, they limited capacity by making the land reservation only which were gone within a few hours of being released. Disney World's opening weekend was hit hard since Hurricane Irma arrived a few days later and therefore caused most travelers to cancel their trip.

The main ride in the land didn't open until a few months later and over half a year for the Disneyland version. The ride, Rise of the Resistance is hailed as one of the greatest rides ever and is extremely difficult to get on.

You need to be in the park by the time the park officially opens to get a reservation on the app. So if the park opens at 8am, you'll want to be through security by 7:30. Once the reservations drop they are gone in 15-20 seconds and if you didn't get one you will not be riding.

Mr. Wonderful

Oct 27, 2017
Well Clone Wars let me actually enjoy Anakin despite his god awful movie appearances so it'd at least give me a chance to care about the ST cast maybe.
Pretty much this. The biggest contribution of The Clone Wars was to make Anakin not a terrible character. You then go back to Episode III, however, and the terrible character is back again.


May 30, 2019
I'm not really interested to be honest. I was interested in prequels side content because I really liked the setting, but there's not much in the sequel's setting that really interests me. Like I'm sure they could still be great shows, but not because of anything that inherently associates them with the sequels - for me, at least. Maybe other people are more interested in other sequel era stuff?


Oct 27, 2017
The Prequel Trilogy failed in execution, not ideas. It's why ROTS has a genuinely great novelisation.

I'm not so sure you could do a Clone Wars on the sequel trilogy. Maybe something set after it that establishes a new Jedi order founded by Rey or something.
Oct 27, 2017
They keep fucking up all of the potentially interesting backstory with comics and novels right now, a cartoon that already had far less to work with than Clone Wars now has less to work with and a fucking weird set of bullshit retcon parameters to stay within.

So, no. I don't think so.

Also Lucas' involvement helped make TCW tv show what it was. The prequel movies are still bullshit but Lucas clearly had good ideas in there, he just needed someone else to bring them to fruition.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't want a cartoon, I just want them to make an Episode X that actually continues the story of VII and VIII. They can actually fight the First Order this time, Poe and Finn and Rose can have character arcs, Rey can find her own identity. They'll have to contrive a way of bringing Ben Solo back, but apart from that nothing from TROS needs to be retconned because that movie is so self-contained; we can all just pretend it didn't happen. Rian Johnson writes and directs. Episode X, let's go.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what they can do. There aren't many interesting gaps or time periods to be filled between 7-8-9. Lucas, for all his faults, clearly had the vision to build a world where there are so many interesting stories you can tell inbetween his movies.

It is kinda damning on the sequel trilogy that the period between episode 6 and 7 is the most interesting place to put new media related to the sequels.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what witches or nightsisters are in terms of star wars, but I'm with you.
There are witches on Dathomir called the Nightsisters, and Asajj Ventress was one of them. It's stuff from The Clone Wars but had its roots in the old EU.
Not canon, since wrong cartoon (this Clone Wars cartoon came out before the other Clone Wars cartoon), but I love this fight between Anakin and Asajj.


Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
The prequels may have sucked, but as with the original trilogy, they had tons of throwaway lines and slivers of worldbuilding that formed the basis of countless other stories set in the era. Like, remember that dorky line from kid Anakin about padme looking like an angel from the moons of Iego? People rolled their eyes when they heard it in theaters, but then Filioni and co. made a whole episode of the Clone Wars TV show where they actually went to one of those moons, and we actually saw one of those "Angels." And this was just in the context of a larger plot that played out over two episodes and tied into the planet of Naboo.

The sequel trilogy, in contrast, gave other creators practically nothing to work with. Instead of countless little tibits of lore that could be expanded upon, JJ and co gave other creators massive gaping holes. And yet, simultaneously, the removal of tiers of canon AND the insistence on the movies taking priority, meant that nothing in all the comics, books, and TV shows matters in the end, because the only times the comics are allowed to fill those holes is if the movies don't intend to. So, the Knights of Ren finally have a backstory, because neither JJ or Rian were willing to provide it? Who cares, cause they sat their asses and did nothing over the course of the trilogy apart from being killed off in all of 30 seconds.

And in contrast: "so Rey finally has an answer to her who her parents are as of the Last Jedi. Maybe we can explore more what that means for her as a character and... wait, you want us to ignore what Rian set up so JJ can make the Emperor her grandfather? I guess she'll just have to have some entirely inconsequential adventures with the rest of the core cast."

(I have no idea if that conversation actually happened, but it's telling that, looking over wookiepedia, what Rey canonical did between TLJ and TROS is very scant and sounds thoroughly uninteresting.)

And even if some of this shit WASN'T mandated (like there being no tiers of canon), JJ's disastrous final movie killed what little interest people might have had in this era. It's all about The Mandalorian now, plus Clone Wars returning. Speaking of which: I saw a youtube video recently that argued that, due to Clone Wars TV show already having jumped back and forth across the timeline during its original run, there's no reason that Disney can't greenlight more episodes that take place before the 4 part finale.

And George always said they had enough material for 10 seasons, and the wiki entry on canceled episodes seems to collaborate this, cause it's rather long. I'd be far more interested in seeing some of these stories realized on-screen than ever spending anymore time with Rey, Fin or Poe. And if enough people agree.... well, there's money to be made, and there's nothing Disney loves more than the almighty dollar.
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Ctrl Alt Del

Jun 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
probably no. people shout down the pro-PT argument that "hey, at least PT expanded the mythos... right..?"

but in truth it did give a framework. what can you do with the ST? 'oh man they're making a star killer base, that first order suuure is coming up strong...'

being intentionally reductive here but i can't really cull many cool concepts from it. luke's jedi camp would be cool i guess
Well they can come up with a backdrop for all that stuff and also come up with original ideas. The ST actually has quite some locations/character that could use a deep dive.


Oct 25, 2017
I would appreciate an epilogue that shifts Rey's training to studies on the living force. Go full Qui-gon and embrace gray Jedi stuff.

Doubt that happens as Lucas really really hates the gray Jedi concept, and Abrams seems to have consulted him on this.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It might not even be worth doing an Episode X let alone expanded media on this era because it's rotten with not much to leverage from, they screwed it that bad. I think they will go elsehere and hope it overtakes the mainline saga.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
I don't know how other people feel but the ST animation series they've set up is the most excited I've been for a Star Wars project since Episode 1. I was a huge expanded universe nerd as a kid and this will be the first series that has the potential to go wild and get creative with stories from that era. It can and I think will take the series into a new direction.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017

The sequel trilogy cannot be saved with a cartoon, comic, novel or any other extended media.

Unpopular opinion here, but the only decent thing to come out of Disney buying Star Wars was Rogue One. Everything else has been average or trash. Can somebody else please buy Star Wars from Disney?


Oct 29, 2017
I'd rather have what's in the sequel trilogy than witches, the nightsisters, and this ridiculous shit:

all of that stuff is awesome


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Well, the prequel trilogy did set up interesting world building for The Clone Wars to use. The sequel trilogy just doesn't have very interesting world building, so idk if a really good show could be made from it when the foundation is so lacking.


ST is very bland, and even the settings feel like a rehash of what we saw in the OT: Jakku/Tantoine, Crait/Hoth. TLJ tried with the war economy/slaves... but TROS ultimately tosses that aside. The animated show we did get (Resistance) was just as bland and barely had a tie in other than a "blink and you'll miss it" ship cameo in TROS's final arial battle.

Also, are we sure the Sabine/Ashoka series is still happening since
Ashoka is in Mando season 2?


Oct 28, 2017
Hopefully. I enjoyed the quality of TFA (despite how rehash-y it was) and the breath of fresh air that was TLJ (on rewatches and despite its flaws), but TRoS is an unsalvageable movie. So you have actually two good movies in the bunch, it's already looking better than the PT and with all the experience they've gained from previous cartoons (I thought CW first two seasons were quite awful until they turned it around), it might be a lesser bumpy road ahead of them.

This is my feeling as well - there's a lot of interesting characters and themes were raised in the first two movies (well, more in TLJ for the latter) that are ripe for exploration in new EU media, particularly as TROS clearly didn't feel the need to do so.


Nov 2, 2017
I had an interest in TCW because of Anakin and Obi-Wan. We knew what their futures held, so seeing their younger lives expanded upon was neat because it's something we'd never seen.

But with the handling of the sequel trilogy, I really have no interest in seeing those characters again.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
TROS ruins a lot of that potential, but the time before TFA is ripe for storytelling.

At this rate though, they might as well work with what comes next.


Nov 1, 2017
Side stories can't fix the ST plot direction, but there is nothing stopping them from telling good stories in the time period. Give us different characters, show us different content that fills in the world of the ST era that the movies completely ignored as they were awful at world building.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I had an interest in TCW because of Anakin and Obi-Wan. We knew what their futures held, so seeing their younger lives expanded upon was neat because it's something we'd never seen.

But with the handling of the sequel trilogy, I really have no interest in seeing those characters again.

Pretty much. The Clone Wars also had the advantage that an event of some relevance and scale could be explored in greater detail. What can a cartoon based on the sequel trilogy even explore? The year between The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker perhaps would work, but they'd probably need a miracle to make that interesting.

So then a cartoon set before The Force Awakens has greater potential to be interesting, but how can you sell anyone on a cartoon without Rey and call it a sequel trilogy cartoon? I'd love to see something about Luke, but at the same time I'd much rather see him in a cartoon set in the years just after the Empire fell and that would have basically nothing at all to do with the sequel trilogy itself and instead act as the final part of the "Filoni trilogy".


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
There being so few gaps between movies in the sequel trilogy really kills the "fill the gap" potential.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem with this is that the very setting itself of the sequel trilogy is boring.

The Clone Wars as presented in the movies gives a spinoff unlimited potential. Massive armies covering a huge number of worlds and a huge number of different species with insane amounts of unique ships and weaponry. A show set there can go anywhere and do anything.

Sequel trilogy? The bad guys are in hiding and the good guys are going through elections.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like they'd be better off making something set after the sequel trilogy, if only by a few months, than a Clone Wars-style prequel. Galactic Reconstruction (for the second time, I suppose) is more fertile ground for storytelling.

If we're to assume that, like The Clone Wars, a sequel trilogy cartoon would revolve around animated versions of major characters from the movies, while introducing major new characters alongside them - Anakin and Ahsoka, Rey and _________ - I just don't feel like there's much room to do anything interesting with a prequel or an interquel there. A sequel, though? Sure.

Oh, and make Rose a huge part of it, 'cause:
1. She really is a good character.
2. Fuck the haters, and extra super duper fuck TROS' sidelining of her.

Regardless, the next series of movies should be set well clear of the sequel trilogy--like, a hundred years or more. Create a new, interesting galactic status quo with some depth to it, that feels meaningfully different from both the Rebellion era and the prequel trilogy Republic.
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Oct 30, 2017
Who would've thought that nostalgia-pandering and copying story elements from the Original Trilogy wholesale would leave the Sequel trilogy lacking in terms of story hooks for further development? Probably better to just start new and fresh from another side of the galaxy or from a timeline several decades into the future rather than reference anything from the dry, boring and misused Skywalker saga.


Mar 28, 2018
I feel like they'd be better off making something set after the sequel trilogy, if only by a few months, than a Clone Wars-style prequel. Galactic Reconstruction (for the second time, I suppose) is more fertile ground for storytelling.

Yeah, they can also bring phasma&hux from dead and political (not everyone okay with republics even they fight alongside with the rebels/resistance)


Story Director
Oct 30, 2017

The Prequel Trilogy is bad movie-making, but a good story. To make it good you would just need to flesh it out or reshoot it, but without changing the story.

The Sequel Trilogy is well shot, but vapid, aimless, directionless nothing of a story that's a cynical rehash of themes, characters and story beats of past movies that actually makes everything that came before worse. You cannot make it better without retconning the whole story.


Oct 28, 2017
I think Last Jedi taking place like 10 seconds after Force Awakens is the bigger problem.


there is so much things to do between the spark at the end of tlj and episode 9.

the resistance being rebuild.
supreme leader Kylo Ren
Jedi Master Rey.
Finn recruiting stormtroopers
Hux machinations behind Kylo
Poe struggles with his new leadership role
hints of palpatine coming back

there was soooooo much for jj to have done. and then using a cartoon to explain how we get there.

but jj is an idiot x2


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Literally nothing can save the Rise of Skywalker in my eyes. That film did permanent damage to my feelings on the whole Star Wars franchise.


Oct 27, 2017
Now more then ever would be the perfect time to get something Thrawn rolling. All the old Empire shit is out the window and with Thrawn at the front you could have a complex, charismatic villain for a while who sets the new Empire movement up as something less black/white.
It would also be fun to see them come up with some thought out space war strategies for a change and be done with these stupid deathstar retreats.

I also wouldn't mind if this was a TV show, but I would like them to make it movies.

Nothing is able to salvage ToS same as nothing is able to salvage AoC as a movie. Both of them are terrible and the Clone Wars doesn't change that. It saved that era of Star Wars but it doesn't make the movies better.


Oct 25, 2017
No, and I'll go further and say that TCW and Rebels didn't fix or redeem the prequel films. At least to me, showing Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship and even the line Anakin had been toeing for years amidst the missteps the Jedi had taken throughout the war didn't change how badly executed Revenge of the Sith and its predecessors were and some of the direction taken there.

Unfortunately, there's nothing even to expand here that isn't already being handled by other media releases, and nothing they'll do will change the fundamental issues in the ST.


Oct 28, 2017
Now more then ever would be the perfect time to get something Thrawn rolling. All the old Empire shit is out the window and with Thrawn at the front you could have a complex, charismatic villain for a while who sets the new Empire movement up as something less black/white.
It would also be fun to see them come up with some thought out space war strategies for a change and be done with these stupid deathstar retreats.

I also wouldn't mind if this was a TV show, but I would like them to make it movies.

Nothing is able to salvage ToS same as nothing is able to salvage AoC as a movie. Both of them are terrible and the Clone Wars doesn't change that. It saved that era of Star Wars but it doesn't make the movies better.

i dont think anyone thinks the clone wars make the movies better.

they actually make them worse, because you see these jedi masters these jedi knights being fleshed out.

and then you have them being fucking idiots and dying in seconds in the movies.