
Apr 1, 2019
I am wondering if anyone can help me identify a game from the NES in which I've heard of before, but have forgotten about. I have a couple of clues/hints (spoilers may be in):
  • The main protagonist was a teenage boy who had a hard life due to his classmates making fun of him because of his name, etc.
  • He was sent into another world by a queen & was sent to defeat an evil warlord
  • He had a fairy companion named Chloe (?), who had sacrificed herself near the end of the game so that the protagonist can advance to defeat an evil warlord & have gotten resurrected by the Queen as a human girl to be beside the protagonist for her deeds.
It's been racking my brain thinking of it.


Oct 27, 2017
I am wondering if anyone can help me identify a game from the NES in which I've heard of before, but have forgotten about. I have a couple of clues/hints (spoilers may be in):
  • The main protagonist was a teenage boy who had a hard life due to his classmates making fun of him because of his name, etc.
  • He was sent into another world by a queen & was sent to defeat an evil warlord
  • He had a fairy companion named Chloe (?),
It's been racking my brain thinking of it.



Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017

We have a Winner

Astyanax is a 16-year-old student from Greenview High School who has been having a recurring dream in which a young woman is calling out for his name. One day, while on his way to class, Astyanax is suddenly transported into another dimension. Astyanax meets the fairy Cutie, who explains that he is in the kingdom of Remlia (a possible mistranslation of Lemuria) and has been summoned to rescue its ruler, Princess Rosebud, who is being held captive by the evil wizard Blackhorn. Armed with the legendary axe Bash, Astyanax sets out on a journey to Blackhorn's lair with Cutie in order to rescue Rosebud. In Blackhorn's castle they fall into a trap and Cutie sacrifices her life to allow Astyanax to fight onward alone. He eventually destroys Blackhorn, and is transported back to Earth by Rosebud. Astyanax wonders if he dreamed his entire adventure until he sees Cutie, who has been reborn as a human. As they embrace, he sees a vision of Rosebud saying this is a reward for their bravery.


Oct 27, 2017
played the hell out of the game as a kid. would never in a million years have thought it was Astyanax based on the description but i haven't played it since 1992 or thereabouts so yeah

i remember that game being some hot shit back in the day. i stayed with a cousin for the summer and all the kids in her neighborhood were fighting over being next in line to borrow her copy ... surprised it's sort of the black sheep of the NES 'classics'


Oct 25, 2017
Aicom is easily one of the most under appreciated developers of 8-bit action. If planning to go back to Astyanax, OP, make sure to check out other stuff in their catalog like Vice: Project Doom, or The Legendary Axe.
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Aicom is easily one of the most under appreciated developers of 8-bit action. If planning to go back to Astyanax, OP, make sure to check out other stuff in their catalog like Vice: Project Doom, or The Legendary Axe.
I recently played Vice: Project Doom thanks to the Nintendo Switch Online, and it's really an incredible game with really cool cutscenes.

Looking at the video above, Astyanax looks like a fun time (though maybe not quite as fun as Vice), but I really like its cutscenes as well.

Late era NES games can be very cool because of what they try to achieve.


Apr 1, 2019
Aicom is easily one of the most under appreciated developers of 8-bit action. If planning to go back to Astyanax, OP, make sure to check out other stuff in their catalog like Vice: Project Doom, or The Legendary Axe.

I recently played Vice: Project Doom thanks to the Nintendo Switch Online, and it's really an incredible game with really cool cutscenes.

Looking at the video above, Astyanax looks like a fun time (though maybe not quite as fun as Vice), but I really like its cutscenes as well.

Late era NES games can be very cool because of what they try to achieve.

I remember Vice: Project Doom. One of my favorites that I've played a lot when I was a child.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
I recently played Vice: Project Doom thanks to the Nintendo Switch Online, and it's really an incredible game with really cool cutscenes.

Looking at the video above, Astyanax looks like a fun time (though maybe not quite as fun as Vice), but I really like its cutscenes as well.

Late era NES games can be very cool because of what they try to achieve.

I played Astyan Ax a lot as a kid, but it's not really a good game. There are a ton of cheap hits which makes everything very frustrating.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
I wish more good lesser known titles would come to NES online instead of the usual suspects.

Games like Shatterhand, Little Samson, Kabuki Quantum Fighter, Abadox, Cowboy Kid, Dragon Spirit, Gun Nac, and more.