
Oct 27, 2017
Just lost 1125 armory points in such a stupid way. Bought a contract for kills in domination and then played a game of War like I always do to warm up. It was too late when I noticed that only had 9min left to finish the contract. I thought the time only counted when you were playing in the designated game mode :(
Also, I agree with those who said that there shouldn't be contracts attached to weapons. Playing a game of TDM in USS Texas with 3 guys from the other team camping inside the main area with shotguns with fire shells is not fun...


Oct 28, 2017
This is either a menu design error or uniform glitch. I have a legendary and epic but only can equip the epic. The way the menu is designed you have to select something twice to equip it. Thing is, my epic uniform is in the secondary selection with no option to choose the first selection.

If that makes any sense.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Getting beat at long range by sub machine guns.



Oct 25, 2017
This is either a menu design error or uniform glitch. I have a legendary and epic but only can equip the epic. The way the menu is designed you have to select something twice to equip it. Thing is, my epic uniform is in the secondary selection with no option to choose the first selection.

If that makes any sense.

It's possible, it's just really messy and counter-intuitive.

Just keep pressing X on PS4, not sure what you're playing on and eventually you will equip it, it has to take you to a sub menu for that particular uniform. If you ever press O to back out, then it won't equip it, you have to keep pressing X until it takes you to HQ with your newly equipped uni.

If that makes sense? Probably not, it's hard to make sense of it, but it is possible. I was in the same position as you initially but figured it out accidentally.


Oct 25, 2017
10 bayonet kills is too many. I don't even have one. How do you do them without getting killed, aside from sneaking up from behind?


Oct 28, 2017
It's possible, it's just really messy and counter-intuitive.

Just keep pressing X on PS4, not sure what you're playing on and eventually you will equip it, it has to take you to a sub menu for that particular uniform. If you ever press O to back out, then it won't equip it, you have to keep pressing X until it takes you to HQ with your newly equipped uni.

If that makes sense? Probably not, it's hard to make sense of it, but it is possible. I was in the same position as you initially but figured it out accidentally.

Tried that. The menu is not very well thought out. The sub menu is where the 2nd outfit is with no option to choose the first. I don't get how that's suppose to work.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
Can somebody give some advice on the best way to utilize the airbone class?

I have about a 1.45 K/D ratio with Infantry and Mountain. But with Airbone it's like 1.08 and it's trending downward.

I just don't get it? I don't know how to play with it. SMG's with infantry I use prime, and basically turn my SMG into a pseudo-Assault Rifle with faster firerate and quicker control since I can load the SMG up with every attachment there is. With Mountain, I use prime to get a good amount of attachments, and get the benefit of silent movement with my SMG's.

But with Airbone, I get a silencer which comes with inherent flaws (reduced damage/range), and it's technically not a stealth class because you can hear my footsteps. Unless I equip the concealed basic training, but that limits my attachments down to 2.


Oct 25, 2017
I just got the "Ricky Recruit" trophy for doing 21 daily challenges and it's considered ultra rare – less than 5% of people have earned it. I thought they'd be more popular than that.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bayonet kills should be really simple in any close quarter areas. Just charge it up anytime you move around and you have like a 50% chance to kill something.
I'm glad I'm not the only person annoyed by the quickscoping. I don't play much COD so I forgot how widespread it is.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Domination on Sainte Marie du Mont.
Double capped, spawning out from C.
Run into the middle building, and get shot(fucking quick scoped at point blank range)gunned.
Run out from spawn again & get sniped from the the same guy.


Deleted member 11976

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As someone who plays Mountain almost exclusively, this is the only time SRs really feel they have high utility. I find the best counter to SRs at static objectives is still Smoke Grenades. Use those and you'll effectively shut down Mountain players and force them to either relocate for a better shot or for them to wait it out.

Smokes are so good that I cloned one of my Mountain classes and swapped my explosive for Smokes in case I'm getting countered by opposing Mountain players.


Oct 25, 2017
Were they only testing the dedicated servers or something? The hit detection has gone to crap tonight, definitely doesn't feel as good today. Could just be playing like booty tho.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, I'm at 100 hours on Steam and have everything except the Pistols/Shovel/Rocket Launchers to Prestige 2 and almost every Division to Prestige 4. The overall balance of the game is definitely weird right now, I can't really comment on console balance because I don't play console but on PC if you're really trying there's a severe lack of genuinely viable options all around in basically every slot regardless of what mode you are playing.

This is caused by a few compacting issues:
* sprint out timers are horrendous compared to even the PC beta where this was fixed, this change alone makes Quickdraw as an attachment basically pointless as the only time it works is if you play conservative and don't sprint a lot, but if you play conservative and don't sprint a lot/ADS around corners then Quickdraw is pointless.
* Most of the attachments don't provide enough value, leaving Extended Mags/Rapid Fire/Advanced Rifling and on some assault rifles the 4x scope the only impactful options. Grip provides almost no adjustment, Quickdraw is useless because of the above, Steady Aim isn't as good because of the sheer amount of headglitching in the game you need to ADS for, almost any weapon with a bad ironsight has a variant with a better ironsight so you don't gotta put a scope attachment on, etc.
* You can only have 1 Basic Training but there's about 3 really good Basic Trainings and the rest are either decidedly mediocre or outright useless because they do not provide as much stuff as the really good ones or are made bad by the other problems (e.g. Flanker, even on Airborne with suppressor people will still hear your footsteps regardless)
* footstep sounds are the loudest they've ever been in modern CoD, on PC where basically everyone who games has a good (if not great) headset/sound setup renders it near impossible to be not be heard, unless you are Mountain.
* Recon Aircraft are way too hard to shoot down now that they doubled their health since the last PC beta so unless you run Counter Recon (and can get it often) or are on Mountain you're gonna be on the map all the time.

Basically every single one of my tryhard class loadouts is either Mountain or Armored (only for modes like Dom/Hardpoint/War), a very small list of weapons that all have the same 2-3 attachments on them, and then Primed or Lookout (useful in stuff like War to counter smokes since it likes to red name people through smoke unless they're behind it, or maps with thin walls it likes to wallhack people through). This is all I see other top players use too.

Feels bad.

Deleted member 11976

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
* footstep sounds are the loudest they've ever been in modern CoD, on PC where basically everyone who games has a good (if not great) headset/sound setup renders it near impossible to be not be heard, unless you are Mountain.

Feels bad.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

They're so loud that I often mistake them close friendlies for far enemies, if that makes any sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Is the campaign in WW2 as good as Sledgehammer's Advanced Warfare? It's by the far the only COD in new gen systems that I end up replaying specific missions every now and then, just to get a kick out of it. Such a well made campaign with top notch set piece moments!
Oct 27, 2017
Man I traded in my Legacy Edition of IW for this game and I'm seriously thinking of taking it back. not a good game. Hit detection is a fucking mess, spawn points are shit and encourage camping, the maps themselves are poorly designed outside of British Docks, the gunplay feels like I'm shooting BB guns instead of weapons of destruction, the UI navigating the game is terrible and counter-intuitive, etc.

Like I feel like they did not play test this game at all. For as much shit as IW got from everyone, the game runs like butter and is actually fun to play unlike this piece of shit. Fucki getting longshotted by SMGs and OMFG 360 nO ScOpEz!!! has made a terrible return.


Oct 27, 2017
Is the campaign in WW2 as good as Sledgehammer's Advanced Warfare? It's by the far the only COD in new gen systems that I end up replaying specific missions every now and then, just to get a kick out of it. Such a well made campaign with top notch set piece moments!

I haven't played a COD in a long time and I think the campaign is excellent. If your playing with a X or Pro in 4K with HDR it's really a damn good looking game with awesome set pieces. I haven't finished it yet but it's seems to be a decent length.


Nov 2, 2017
LOL That's not something you want to be saying only 2 weeks after your game drops. Even if he were a hacker, I've had that happen from just the shitty hit detection. This game has issues.

I can find you hacks for every AAA PC FPS game within a week of launch

The hit detection is shit and half the fucking maps are awful but that is just a hacker plain and simple

Deleted member 10847

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
im having a problem, i am playing the xbox one version and the campaign is stutering like hell, like every time the hud displays a new information (like objective) or when loading a new portion of the map, is really anoying to the point i cant continue playing anymore. Anyone have this problem?


Oct 27, 2017
I can find you hacks for every AAA PC FPS game within a week of launch

The hit detection is shit and half the fucking maps are awful but that is just a hacker plain and simple
That's on Xbox One, so probably not a hacker. The team was a man short, so it looks like he was dropped off the team but not from the server. He showed as red to both teams, but nobody could kill him and he couldn't interact with anyone.

But yeah, leap to the super aggressive defense bud.

Deleted member 31423

Account closed at user request
Nov 6, 2017
Started a game of hardpoint. Immediately start 1-4. Get 3 hit markers on the next guy at point blank range with a stg. Immediately get dropped with no notification. Guy had been shooting me for days in the killcam. Finally deleted this trash off my hard drive. Feels good.

I wanted to like this game so bad. I had been waiting for a big ww2 shooter to finally make a return. But after 15 hours of mp. I just can't. Its not worth the frustration. I'll just have to keep waiting.


Nov 2, 2017
That's on Xbox One, so probably not a hacker. The team was a man short, so it looks like he was dropped off the team but not from the server. He showed as red to both teams, but nobody could kill him and he couldn't interact with anyone.

But yeah, leap to the super aggressive defense bud.
I've heard this CoD is a mess on console but this just so happened to be my first time staying on PC, between that and the drop outs SHG is lucky the competition is shit

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Call of Duty: WWII has a truly decent campaign, but it feels like a wasted opportunity to create a modern version of Medal of Honor: Underground. Stealth mechanics, female lead, Paris, etc. Playing as an American soldier in Call of Duty is... really, really done to death at this point. And they went to all that effort to introduce a female protagonist that is used for one mission. Not just one mission, basically half of one mission. It's a big half, sure, but she would have been a better protagonist for the entire game.

Deleted member 1726

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It really winds me up how I get flinch so bad when I'm shot yet when I get hit markers on a sniper he can still magically manage to aim at me and kill me, id say they are skilled, but it's every single one of them.

It shouldn't be possible.

I can't believe how they've pandered to them in this game.

Deleted member 31423

Account closed at user request
Nov 6, 2017
It really winds me up how I get flinch so bad when I'm shot yet when I get hit markers on a sniper he can still magically manage to aim at me and kill me, id say they are skilled, but it's every single one of them.

It shouldn't be possible.

I can't believe how they've pandered to them in this game.

Its the lag compensation. There one shoting you because your bullets havent touched them yet.

They obviously refuse to take out quick scoping. The least they could do is make every sniper rifle a 2 shot weapon unless its a head shot to give the rest of us a chance, but that would make too much sense. I mean battlefield has bullet drop along with damage drop off depending on distance. You shouldn't be able to one shot someone from hundreds of yards away by shooting them in the arm. Its just dumb.
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