
Oct 25, 2017
I assume you're not vegan because you didn't instantly declare yourself as vegan so that everyone knows you're vegan, so I assume you're just being hypocritical about what animals are fine to kill for food and what aren't based on your personal arbitrary standards.
And again, if you think killing a dog then chucking it onto a pile of other dog corpses to burn is "respect for the dead", you have never been to an animal shelter.

If someone ate them at least there would have been some point to their miserable existence.
This is pure whataboutism. I eat meat but ive lowered my intake and i think people should eat less. There's no hypocrisy there.


Oct 27, 2017
This so ridiculous. This happens in how many cases? Zero? Any documented evidence this is even a thing? No. Buying / selling dog meat is already illegal and this is just a fluff policy to divert attention away from the real issues. Obviously I don't agree with people eating dogs but this is such political stalling and diversion.

"Hey, look we didn't get a deal sorted with the EU so we are totally fucked but now no-one will eat their own dogs! And people love dogs so we're the best! If we were still in the EU we'd have been stopped from doing this by the European dog eaters but now you're dogs are saved.......form yourselves!"


Oct 27, 2017
They should probably keep it legal at least until we get through the post-brexit food shortages.


Oct 30, 2017

Feel like elaborating on this or do you just want to let the dog whistle speak for itself?

No. Im not explaining a simple joke that most people in the UK would get.


Oct 25, 2017
you're saying that you don't have double standards because you eat meat but think eating dog would be 'disrespectful' where you see no disrespect in other animals.
you have double standards
Fine. You have a dog? Give him to me so I can eat him. If you don't you're a hypocrit too.


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned : Posting graphic images depicting animal cruelty.
ResetEra regarding eating dogs

Who cares??? It's not a big deal at all!! We eat cows lol

Mod edit : Remove images depicting animal cruelty.
Last edited by a moderator:


Oct 25, 2017
Where did you grow up? There are farmers that totally do that.

On their own accord. Your post implies that he is hyppocrite unless he gives you his property for no reason other than you demanded it. It's his animal, he has no obligation to give it to anyone, regardless of how legal it is to eat. Heck, not even animals. You can replace dog with any other object somebody may have. "Hey give me your ps4, or you are a hypocrite"

Like for the record, I am not advocating fro eating dogs. If anything I wish we could not eat any animals at all. I just find this particular point that if somebody thinks eating dogs is fine, they are obligated to give away their own dogs to first guy that asks. That's not how it works. He can believe eating dogs is ethical and still not want to give you shit. It's his shit, you are not entiteled to his shit. Regardless of how edible it is.


Oct 27, 2017
This would look just as bad if it was any other animal though

I don't disagree, but to simply state "meh we eat cows we're hypocrites otherwise!" is just dumb.

Anyways the handful of nations that eat dog certainly don't kill them in humane ways. See, as an example, the Yulin dog festival in China.
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
On their own accord. Your post implies that he is hyppocrite unless he gives you his property for no reason other than you demanded it. It's his animal, he has no obligation to give it to anyone, regardless of how legal it is to eat. Heck, not even animals. You can replace dog with any other object somebody may have. "Hey give me your ps4, or you are a hypocrite"

Like for the record, I am not advocating fro eating dogs. If anything I wish we could not eat any animals at all. I just find this particular point that if somebody thinks eating dogs is fine, they are obligated to give away their own dogs to first guy that asks. That's not how it works. He can believe eating dogs is ethical and still not want to give you shit. It's his shit, you are not entiteled to his shit. Regardless of how edible it is.
My point is that if eating strays is ok, why is eating a pet suddenly off limits?

My greater point is that he's arguing in bad faith that a person be totally for or totally against something and if they're not they're a hypocrit. My argument isn't that eating all meat should be banned. It's that eating dogs should be banned. That's not hypocrisy, that's nuance. Hypocrisy would be if I call for banning eating dog meat while I was eating a poodle sandwich.

Deleted member 1726

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What an odd thing to make the news, almost like it's aimed at the "we'll be stockpiling food soon due to Brexit" brigade who may start looking at Rover to eat him when Tesco run out of canned food.


Oct 28, 2017
Can we just argue that humans (understandably) view dogs and cows as different and have different views on eating them without posting dog torture photos.


Oct 27, 2017
Can we just argue that humans (understandably) view dogs and cows as different and have different views on eating them without posting dog torture photos.

But if dogs are farmed the same way as pigs (I assume that's what happens in Korea) is there anything wrong with eating them?

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My point is that if eating strays is ok, why is eating a pet suddenly off limits?

My greater point is that he's arguing in bad faith that a person be totally for or totally against something and if they're not they're a hypocrit. My argument isn't that eating all meat should be banned. It's that eating dogs should be banned. That's not hypocrisy, that's nuance. Hypocrisy would be if I call for banning eating dog meat while I was eating a poodle sandwich.

No, you're saying that dead dogs being eaten is "disrespectful" but you couldn't give a fuck about dead _____ being eaten.
I'm saying that I don't particularly think eating a dead dog is magically more "disrespectful" than throwing them on a pile of other dead dogs then burning them.

Nobody is actually eating fucking dogs. This is clearly a PR stunt by a dog charity. But if people were eating dogs that were otherwise just going to be thrown on a pile of other dead dogs then burnt, thats not a thing you need to have a moral panic about.
Oct 26, 2017
They even say there's no evidence to suggest this is happening in the UK. So the whole story is.. nothing?

Can we just argue that humans (understandably) view dogs and cows as different and have different views on eating them without posting dog torture photos.

Not really 'humans' but 'western humans' sure. Cows are sacred in Hindu populations.
It's all relative. Different cultures have different animal hierarchies.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't eat my pets. Then again, I wouldn't be mad at people who do eat dogs. I just wouldn't want them near mine. lol


Oct 28, 2017
But if dogs are farmed the same way as pigs (I assume that's what happens in Korea) is there anything wrong with eating them?
You can probably make an argument that morally it's the same thing but in most societies I think it's understandable why dogs might be seen as more taboo to eat than pigs/cows.

Not really 'humans' but 'western humans' sure. Cows are sacred in Hindu populations.
It's all relative. Different cultures have different animal hierarchies.
Well we can just make generic categories of 'animals that are typically pets and not eaten in society x' vs. 'animals that are typically not pets and commonly eaten in society x'. Just saying that someone could make a conceptual argument that on some level eating both of those are the same but that it's easy to see why people would be more against eating one group than the other.

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
Can they eat monkey meat? Dead human meat? (That you didn't kill yourself preferably). Understandably these would be ultra fringe just wondering if it's technically illegal.

In any case it feels like a betrayal of the highest order (they were uniquely bred as pets, not food, and human and dog developing are uniquely intertwined) but I can see why people would not see a difference with a pig.


Jul 17, 2018
Considering you can pretty much only buy dogs from pet stores and shelters I feel it would be cruel and unusual to buy one for the sake of killing and eating it personally. It's different when it's officially bred and sold to eat or however it should be phrased.

Why would you have an issue with buying a dog for food from a shelter? A lot of those dogs don't get adopted by anyone. My family has always raised and eaten pigs so I get curious as to why other animals such as dogs and horses should be exempt.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Well at least the World Dog Alliance have stepped up their preparations for a no deal brexit.
I'm just waiting for the cat, rat, mouse, gerbil and hamster alliances to follow suit.


Nov 2, 2017
What the fuck is wrong with people in this thread.

"Moral consistencies" my ass. Most of you are replying off tech that was made by basically slave labour yet bilittle the rich (as you should). GTFO moral shaming people for being disgusted by dogs being eaten. Weird shit to hear from people here
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Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda tired of this Dog Meat shit... I love my lil dude, but it means nothing to me that people eat dogs. We also eat pigs, considered one of the more intelligent land mammal. People need to get over themselves.
Oct 29, 2017
It always amused me how eating horse in the UK is abhorrent, but on the continent it's absolutely fine.

Horse is bloody delicious and, you know what, if dog was good then I'd eat that too. I'm not condoning going out and eating peoples' pets though!

I'm also a massive fan of foie gras, veal, you name it.



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
In my opinion, eating dog meat is fine.
However, I do feel that it should be mandatory that you inform the seller of your intentions in the probably common case that the animal is sold as a pet.
Since the assumption is there in our society that the animal will live a long, happy life and die a natural death if possible, as a pet, I'd want it made clear if an animal is bought for meat instead.


Oct 28, 2017
Era in general on this topic is reminiscent of a run of the mil barely educated edgelord going out of their way to upset people. "You eat cow and pigs so you're all hypocrites, at least I'm morally consistent in my views!"

Pat yourselves on the back for being so surface level.