
Dec 4, 2017
Newsom says California will pay off all past-due rent accumulated in the nation's most populated state because of the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, promising to make landlords whole.

Left unsettled is whether California will continue to ban evictions for unpaid rent beyond June 30, a pandemic-related order that was meant to be temporary but is proving difficult to undo.
Federal eviction protections also are set to expire on June 30. California had passed its own protections that applied to more people than the federal protections.

Goddamn this is incredible. ERA people in California, good for you. đź‘Ť

Pay my rent if old.

California to Pay off all Past Due Rent Accrued During COVID Pandemic

California has $5.2 billion in funds to pay off past due rent that has accrued during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
That's awesome.

I sure hope I don't read a story a year from now about how all this money went to rich people, and none to those who really need it.


Oct 30, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Wow. How many months of rent are past due right now on average? I'm not sure how it works in the US. Anybody here on Era impacted personally?

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
Cue people whining about how they paid their rent the whole time and others just get to skate by.


Oct 25, 2017
That's fantastic. It might suck for some people who scraped just enough by to pay rent on time without knowing, but this type of thing can't really be announced in advance without running the risk of landlords temporarily jacking up the rent since they know the government will pay for it


Oct 27, 2017
While I feel bad that those that barely scraped by their rent won't get money, this is great for those that literally could not pay theirs.

Also, sorry folks, that money is going to the rich cats, who do you think owns those properties?


Oct 28, 2017
These are the sorts of bailouts working people needed. Certainly a much better response to disaster than 2008.

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
Can landlords reject the money? In some cases I would bet large amounts of tenants are rent controlled and in terms of maximizing earning potential they would actually sacrifice the lost rent to kick them out and get market rates. Hopefully they can't get away with that.


Oct 26, 2017
the real question is how long to extend the eviction protections. right now it's june 30 which is definitely not enough time for the state to distribute all the money to pay off the back rent.

but, even after the money is distributed, a lot of people aren't working yet, or aren't working at the same income they were before the pandemic -- so they won't be able to pay rent going forward. it's hard to determine a good date. maybe another 6 months?


Oct 25, 2017
Can landlords reject the money? In some cases I would bet large amounts of tenants are rent controlled and in terms of maximizing earning potential they would actually sacrifice the lost rent to kick them out and get market rates. Hopefully they can't get away with that.
This seems to be about debt so it only affects money that's already owed during the eviction freeze I think

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
This seems to be about debt so it only affects money that's already owed during the eviction freeze I think

right but effectively by denying the debt repayment the tenant is effectively not in compliance with the lease. Kick them out and hike up the rates for a new tenant and they profit regardless while the old tenant is shit out of luck


Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense really. It's simultaneously a handout for the rich, middle, and poor.


Oct 26, 2017
Any idea if this applies to small business owners who haven't paid the rent on their building?


Oct 25, 2017
Bet the same people complaining about this also complain about the homeless problem too.


Oct 25, 2017
"Socialism!"- Most Republican voters out there.

Also most Republicans out there, secretly:

"sniff I want free rent. It's not fair! Trump would have done it for us Red States..."


Oct 25, 2017
User warned: Historical Reference Implying Violence
How will conservatives and shitheads spin this and trash it?

Well there you go

fuck em


UBI would be THE game changer here in the Bay Area.

Fuck around and find out, Newsom.


Oct 27, 2017
How will conservatives and shitheads spin this and trash it?

Well there you go

So, let's go this route. I'm sure she cares about the "poor landlords", so let me ask a question: what then are the landlords supposed to do? Evict the tenants and be shit outta luck on their money? Sue the renters for money they obviously don't have? Fucking THINK before you say things, people.
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit.

(I should have stopped paying rent lol!)

Nah but this is amazing news, I know for some people this is literally life changing news.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
A majority of the people who own those properties are going to be "rich people" so...

I guess it really depends on your definitions.

Sure, but that's not what I mean. Badly phrased, I admit. What I mean is, I hope a bunch of people who need it aren't left still owing, while people who don't need this aid get it. It's happened every time COVID aid has been doled out so far.
Oct 27, 2017
I know individual renters are the priority but I hope small to medium sized businesses can take advantage.

Please pay off the Arclight rent so they can come back.

Also, if the individual or business was evicted(which shouldn't have happened for individuals), the landlord shouldnt get shit.


Nov 14, 2017
How about actually solving the homelessness problem, ridiculously poor infrastructure, and housing in CA instead of these brownie points? This is just a freaking political stunt. I'm glad some people are getting some help but CA infra and housing are a disaster, fix that shit!
Oct 27, 2017
How will conservatives and shitheads spin this and trash it?

Well there you go

Well-to-do thankless cunts...

The same essential workers / hourly wage earners that kept your spoiled rich asses alive and fed by putting their own health on the line during the pandemic are the ones most likely impacted by financial hardships like backrent.