Oct 31, 2017
The kids are also in custody. They're going to be handled by the system as the system seems fit regardless of whether or not there are judicial shenanigans afoot; nothing anyone says here is going to change that.

It's telling how quickly people are to politicize a story like this and actually want mob justice; outrage culture is a disease

They don't believe in justice and aren't even pretending to


Oct 27, 2017
My brother is serving a 50 year sentence for armed robbery (stole from a house when they were caught a shotgun was found in a car). He was 17 at the time of the crime.

I think severe crimes committed by minors should be punishable by prison sentences which end when the perpetrator hits 30. Give them another chance once the idiocy of youth has worn off.
Oct 27, 2017
In none of the threads about white terrorists and serial killers we've had on here have I personally seen anyone go after their parents as deserving of jail time too. They seem to get the privilege of being lone wolves and standing only for themselves. I could be completely wrong, though; I haven't read every post on here.

I've always been a proponent of punishing the parents. Has nothing to do with race.

The parents of all the white mass murdering school shooters should be punished, especially if they gave the guns to the kids or failed to safely store the weapons allowing easily access.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They say they found stolen guns but not necessarily the murder weapon. The story didn't mention witnesses or anything like a security camera that captured the murder.

Besides the cops charging the kids(which obviously doesn't mean they're guilty), I'm not seeing anything that proves they are guilty so I'm not going to jump into a fit like some people here love to do before we have any facts but we know how outrage culture is these days and the bloodlust stories like these bring out

We can call them "The College Heights Five" and Trump can take out a newspaper ad condemning them.

Hey, I'm perfectly willing to accept they did do it, but as Elegant Weapon here says the story doesn't say there's any video or anything, so just from that I feel the release of identifying information of minors in unnecessary.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah fuck them. Lock em up for life and throw away the key.


Holy smokes though , what are these kids parents been doing? Like what happened to teaching kids the difference between right and wrong?

I mean at that age you should know the concept of death and violence surely, there's no excuse in that especially since it was GTA/robbery as well


Oct 25, 2017
They aren't adults, so they shouldn't be tried as adults. I don't understand what was going on in their minds though to have thought this was a good idea, obviously they've fucked themselves..
The 15 and 16 yr old should be tried as adults and get life.

Watching an episode of Forensic Files, a 16 yr old girl killed her parents and is in for life. It's a shame a human ruined their own life before it reached adulthood, but this shit is reprehensible.


Oct 25, 2017
The 15 and 16 yr old should be tried as adults and get life.

Watching an episode of Forensic Files, a 16 yr old girl killed her parents and is in for life. It's a shame a human ruined their own life before it reached adulthood, but this shit is reprehensible.
But they aren't adults dude that's the whole problem. We cannot try people as adults if they're not adults.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Parent's who dont keep their guns locked up properly should be held responsible, and often are. Granted it's almost always in a civil case and not criminal.
That's a reasonable exception to my viewpoint; however not even the original article says that the guns involved belonged to the kids' parents. Just that it was stolen.

The argument that seems to be being made right now is that basically any parent of any violent criminal should also go to jail with them, which is nonsensical bloodlust and only going to exacerbate the shitty problems with our judicial system and how it already unfairly preys upon people of color.

No thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
and I think you are crazy thinking these "kids" deserve any kind of second chance. Once you get to high school you know what is right and wrong

The legal system isn't there for your own personal vendetta or retribution. It aims to bring justice whilst also rehabilitates the defendant. Jailing a child that could potentially get better will just fuck up their whole sanity. Yes it's fucked up they killed a man, but don't you think they could grow out of this experience?

It's also the reason Australian law can't criminally charge 10 year olds because of the mens rea rule.
Oct 27, 2017
That's a reasonable exception to my viewpoint; however not even the original article says that the guns involved belonged to the kids' parents. Just that it was stolen.

The argument that seems to be being made right now is that basically any parent of any violent criminal should also go to jail with them, which is nonsensical bloodlust and only going to exacerbate the shitty problems with our judicial system and how it already unfairly preys upon people of color.

No thanks.
Yeah that's a bad argument. There are clear examples of negligence by the patent, but saying it should be a given in all cases is just wrong headed.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Who cares about privacy?
"I knew that killing was wrong when i was 13, they knew what they were doing, so try them as adults and put them in jail for life!"
That's the answer you'll get a lot sadly, even here, which is ridiculous to me.

But damn, what a sad story, dying for a damn key, shit is rough

13 is old enough to know better than to murder. Sorry.


Oct 27, 2017
Why wouldn't they be tried as adults? They tried to play adult games, now give them adult prizes.

Because they aren't adults. Being tried as a juvenile doesn't grant them a get out of jail free card, rather a more lenient sentence than being tried as an adult in order to REHABILITATE the children.

REHBAILITATION is the key to a striving society in the legal system. I don't get why people are saying stick the key up someone's ass and lock them up for life. That's not how the legal system works.


Oct 25, 2017
13 is old enough to know better than to murder. Sorry.

But not old enough to be considered as an adult and truly knowing the repercussion of what they're doing... that's why they're not allowed to vote, sign a contract, consent to sex, drive, drink, and many other things... they're kids in any of these cases, why does this suddenly change when it involves murder?

You're all excepting freakin KIDS to grow up the same and everyone having the exact same cirumstances in life? This is ridiculous


Oct 27, 2017
Because they aren't adults. Being tried as a juvenile doesn't grant them a get out of jail free card, rather a more lenient sentence than being tried as an adult in order to REHABILITATE the children.

REHBAILITATION is the key to a striving society in the legal system. I don't get why people are saying stick the key up someone's ass and lock them up for life. That's not how the legal system works.

I mean, source? That's a pretty loaded claim.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
The 15 and 16 yr old should be tried as adults and get life.

Watching an episode of Forensic Files, a 16 yr old girl killed her parents and is in for life. It's a shame a human ruined their own life before it reached adulthood, but this shit is reprehensible.
Why would you try them as adults if they aren't adults?


Dec 30, 2018
My brother is serving a 50 year sentence for armed robbery (stole from a house when they were caught a shotgun was found in a car). He was 17 at the time of the crime.

I think severe crimes committed by minors should be punishable by prison sentences which end when the perpetrator hits 30. Give them another chance once the idiocy of youth has worn off.

How about they become eligible for parole at that point instead of automatically released?

The parole board could take a look at what they've done while incarcerated, and evaluate their overall degree of rehabilitation and whether they're ready for release.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely wrong. The primary aim of any modern justice system is to protect the innocent. Rehabilitation is a very secondary aim.
Which is done through reducing crime. It's been shown that rehabilitation is the best method to reduce crime. Thus, the system should rehabilitate offenders so that crime is reduced.


Oct 25, 2017
Mugshots of children? Mugshots of UNCONVICTED children? Like I know a lot of newspapers have their own internal guidelines forbidding the publication. There's ZERO public interest argument. Maybe the 16 year Old but they're charging them ALL as juveniles. How is this mugshot even possible? . The others? That's not good.

Nope. All the others...as horrifying as it is - they're legally children. And poor children may have to grow up fast but that is not realistic in terms of education and emotional support and maturity.

BTW they can all be disgusting scumbags and guilty of the crime and still be children. Being a child doesn't excuse them or diminish the evil and horror of what they did. In fact at an instinctive level it exacerbates that feeling. But we order society around these principles and they should apply to all children not just the ones we approve of or like or know.

their treatment however, should be based on data and evidence rather than emotional reaction - but the family of the victim are entitled to those emotions and probably feel very understandably different about those kids.

As unpopular as it is I think 16 is an adult. I came from a country where that was legally the case and I certainly was an adult. In fact I moved out of my mom's home, lived on my own and finished high school and then college. But there was a huge range of abilities and levels of maturity. I have no issue with 18 being the delineation tho.

I'm very curious about the adults in their lives from school to home. And I am always cognizant of the innocent NY teens who were railroaded into confessions in Central Park jogger atrocity. And the certain US president who spent some of his inheritance to throw those kids under a racist bus and market them to the citizens of NYC as "animals and superpredators" without a lick of evidence.
Quoted for truth.

Seriously some of yall are fucked in the head. It doesnt matter if they were serial killers, the mugshots of minors should not be released. Despite what they did, they still have rights. Which some of are so easy to throw out.

And before you @ me of course the singer had rights, that's why the kids have been arrested and charged.


Oct 27, 2017
Which is done through reducing crime. It's been shown that rehabilitation is the best method to reduce crime. Thus, the system should rehabilitate offenders so that crime is reduced.

These kids murdered someone in cold blood because he wouldn't let them steal his car. How do you rehabilitate what seems like utter sociopathy? It's not an easy question to answer, and because the primary goal of the justice system is to protect the innocent you should err on the safer side. Aka lock them up for longer.

Also secondary point. Longer prison sentences can go hand in hand with rehabilitation, if you define it from a lowered probability of recidivism rate. This study showed that longer prison sentences for juvenile homicide offenders was associated with a decreased recidivism rate. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JCP-11-2016-0038


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Hey since they've been caught and assuming everything is true, they'll probably get what they had coming. Being tried as an adult may be unnecessary.


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory drive-by.
Let's wait till all the facts come out. Both sides have a story here


Nov 23, 2017
They knew what they were doing when they decided to shoot the man. Lock em up and throw away the key, but they're still minors and shouldn't have their pictures paraded around on the internet. Besides that though I don't have much sympathy for those kids.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
These kids murdered someone in cold blood because he wouldn't let them steal his car. How do you rehabilitate what seems like utter sociopathy? It's not an easy question to answer, and because the primary goal of the justice system is to protect the innocent you should err on the safer side. Aka lock them up for longer.

Also secondary point. Longer prison sentences can go hand in hand with rehabilitation, if you define it from a lowered probability of recidivism rate. This study showed that longer prison sentences for juvenile homicide offenders was associated with a decreased recidivism rate. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JCP-11-2016-0038
Unless you think all five of these kids took turns with the gun and shooting this guy, then really only one of them committed murder and the others were 'along for the ride', so to speak. They probably aren't sociopaths, and simply committing murder does not make one a sociopath, so unless you have an actual medical diagnoses of these children (you don't) then claims like that are baseless. Further, the research shows that the younger an offender is, the more likely they are to be rehabilitated. Here is some relevant reading material for you:

Longer prison sentences have many adverse effects, and make it reintegration into society much more difficult for all types of offenders. See here:


Oct 27, 2017
Basque Country
The fact that these children could do and have done such thing just shows that society has failed them. They now should suffer the consequences, but children should never be tried as adults because they aren't adults.


Oct 28, 2017
some of you have such a unjustified bloodlust, you're not any better than these kids



Oct 25, 2017
Five Kids murder a fucking person in cold blood. That's the story.

Holy shit these fucking posts, defending cold blooded murder....

We're not defending murder, we're arguing against the crazy concept of trying kids as adults, that's not the same...

They're five, some of them are 12 and 13 years old, but you're convinced they're all psychopath,... But oh silly me, you were obviously there, circumstances can't be different than what you constructed in your own mind right?
Like it's not possible at all that the younger one have been coerced or didn't want to go against them in fear of repercussion? And many other things could happen... They're freaking kids, but you already told yourself they're all monster that just decided to kill someone for fun!
And even if they were just that crazy, they're still kids, some of them definitely needs help, just locking them up will not solve anything and make them worse
Oct 31, 2017
Five Kids murder a fucking person in cold blood. That's the story.

Holy shit these fucking posts, defending cold blooded murder....

some of you just want to outrage. I don't think anyone here defended murder but if they did you should quote them directly.

But you might want to wait for a trial before you convict them based on mob outrage, right?

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that these children could do and have done such thing just shows that society has failed them. They now should suffer the consequences, but children should never be tried as adults because they aren't adults.
Correct, when kids do things like this it means society has failed them, and thus society is responsible for attempting to rehabilitate them.
Except in America, where rehabilitation is a four letter word since it would cut into the profits of privatized prison system and people are brainwashed in being ok with it by being "tough on crime".
True, which is why I said "the majority of developed nations" and not "all developed nations".


Oct 30, 2017
In none of the threads about white terrorists and serial killers we've had on here have I personally seen anyone go after their parents as deserving of jail time too. They seem to get the privilege of being lone wolves and standing only for themselves. I could be completely wrong, though; I haven't read every post on here.

This same dude wanted parents punished for raising bullies.



Oct 25, 2017
There are people in here more outraged that Liam Neeson is being crucified than there are that this man was killed.

Let's not pretend any of you care about this man's alleged killer's being rightfully brought to justice you're out for the blood of the accused without any facts or a conviction

You should ask yourself why you're out for blood instead of justice before calling the OP strange

I haven't even commented on any sort of punishment for these kids, so how exactly am I out for blood? I'm commenting on the story as it's presented. A story involving a man that's been murdered, the anger is directed toward mugshots being released and Twitter users. So yeah, that's certainly strange to me. I don't think anyone is actually defending that their mugshots were released. Realistically it would make sense to not release anyones mugshots until they've actually been found guilty of whatever they're accused of.

As far as the guilty until proven innocent thing that you're talking about. That is something that you're afforded in a court of law. Not a court of public opinion. In this case there'd have to be a lot of coincidences for this to all be a mistake. Like for starters, why exactly did they have in their possession a loaded pistol that had already been reported stolen? They also had another loaded pistol in their possession, even though none of them were old enough that they could legally acquire a gun. Ballistic tests on those alone will tell the story.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Five Kids murder a fucking person in cold blood. That's the story.

Holy shit these fucking posts, defending cold blooded murder....

How many fingers on a trigger?

This isn't a get out of jail free card for Liam and anyone else's problems with being responsible for their own shit. What this is is few kids that got caught up in a situation of leadership. Some too young to walk away or object. Some that maybe couldn't. This lynch mob mentality is predictable, and is reflexive. You all do it every time you think you smell blood in the water. It's unnecessary. You're all going to get what you want, some black kids locked up for life or dead, even if you kept your yaps shut.
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