Having buyers remorse?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 5.4%
  • No

    Votes: 917 77.3%
  • Not yet

    Votes: 206 17.4%

  • Total voters


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No remorse yet. I hope people aren't spending money they don't have on these consoles, though. That can significantly increase stress.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
My only concern is around being an early adopter and getting hit by hardware failure etc

I'm sure buyers remorse will kick in if I see crazy good January sales etc - but I'm kind of expecting that the low prices we are getting are due to covid and that means we won't be seeing a significant discount on these consoles for a long while

Vandal Deca

Oct 21, 2018
I'm starting to feel a little remorse over my PS5 preorder. I'm thinking I should have sprung for the 3080 instead.


May 2, 2018
I've both new systems pre-ordered, though am suffering remorse on my PS5 one, and weighting whether I cancel it. Was so excited , but the game and accesory prices here ($125 a game, and $100 for a controller) are extremely repulsive, and the paid remasters on top of all this has seriously undermined the whole value proposition of the system; I've easily the money to finance it, but am a bit uncomfortable supporting these prices on principle alone. It's especially egregious when contrasted with MS's approach they've the most powerful system (meaning multiplat king), are doing free next-gen upgrades, I have 3 years of Gamepass locked in for $150 AUD, and I can re-use my old controllers.

If Sony announces their TLOU2 upgrade is paid, I'm out. Would personally consider that a huge middle finger given the game only released 3 months ago.
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Nov 12, 2017
No. I have a decent PC with Gamepass so I essentially already have a Series X, and I preordered a PS5 for my son for Xmas, so no regrets. Can't wait for Demons' Souls, as my son was just a newborn when it launched but he's getting his own PS5 now at age 11. I played the original with him sitting next to me in his baby swing. Great memories.

Dance Inferno

Oct 29, 2017
I grabbed a XSX via Walmart, and they don't charge until it ships so I have time to reconsider. I have a PC so I could cancel it and just go console-less for a year or two, but I dunno. Will depend on what the XSX launch lineup looks like.

Total Cereal

Oct 28, 2017
No remorse yet. I hope people aren't spending money they don't have on these consoles, though. That can significantly increase stress.
I preordered a both a Series X and a PS5, but I'll probably cancel the PS5 since the big 1st party games will be $70 vs free with Gamepass on Xbox. It really can't be overstated how good of a deal Gamepass is. You could literally spend $500 now +$15/month and play a good chunk of the best games on the console.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
How you gonna have buyer's remorse when the sale isn't final and the product isn't in your hands? If it weighs on you at all, cancel.


Dec 8, 2017
Nope. Secured myself a PS5, 3D Headset, Spidey, Demons Souls and an Xbox Series X. I've been eager to move onto these new systems for a long time now so I doubt there will be any regrets.


Oct 25, 2017
Get the X. If/when you upgrade the TV, the X will be ready. Plus you get the extra storage (it looks like you'd have to pay the $200 anyways for the expandable cards), but the more powerful system with its improvements to BC. You'll also have the 4K Bluray drive available if you wind up getting a physical collection or want to watch Blurays.

This is also what I opted to buy to replace my 360 slim (and to properly replay some of the gems from the 360 and OG). You eventually get more storage, more power / performance and more options since I'll opt for the 4K Bluray when I eventually buy a physical copy of a movie (I still buy a few each year). It's also more options for BC since some titles are only playable from the discs such as Forza Horizon (featuring the Xbox One X enhancements) and the usual cycle of playing the supply and demand by buying / reselling physical copies of games if desired.


Nov 15, 2017
Get the X. If/when you upgrade the TV, the X will be ready. Plus you get the extra storage (it looks like you'd have to pay the $200 anyways for the expandable cards), but the more powerful system with its improvements to BC. You'll also have the 4K Bluray drive available if you wind up getting a physical collection or want to watch Blurays.

Yeh makes sense. But BC does not interest me that much since I have never owned an Xbox before, but I guess it's handy for all the Xbox One games on GP.
Also don't need a drive since I plan on using the Xbox only as my GP machine, and the PS5 for everything else


Nov 21, 2019
Cancelled my PS5 order after the Zenimax bombshell. I'm just gonna ride out the console wars for a bit and stick with my PC for now.

£80 games and charged HD patched also soured me a little bit. And then the size of the PS5.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm feeling it now.

Game Pass is cool but I spent $700 on a console so I could play a game that runs on PS4.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I got both an x and a disc ps5...i dont regret it yet, but also ive been saving for like a year for these things always knowing i would buy both


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
No, not feeling remorse, but we have recently made some large purchases and it's clear we're going to have to tighten the belt to afford everything without touching the credit cards.


Apr 12, 2018
No, but next generation is going to be more expensive. I live in Europe and have bought a PS5 for 638$ and pre ordered Demon Souls for 85$. and an xtra controller for the same price.
Oct 30, 2017
the ones who are feeling remorse are probably the ones who haven't told their significant other about the $500 purchase they made lol


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
the ones who are feeling remorse are probably the ones who haven't told their significant other about the $500 purchase they made lol
I sheepishly told my wife yesterday that I'd preordered both and was probably going to cancel one or the other. She said "fuck it, you enjoy it and since lockdown I've spent loads on clothes". She's a keeper.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't order for too the way both consoles look but I did save £1k in advance for the launch so no I wouldn't have had remorse.

I'm more just disappointed with how both consoles look which prevented me from getting I've. I did secure a few preorders for family members though so I will be able to see it in real life to decide if its really as hideous as the renders.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I'm hyped. Actually putting the order in was the big hurdle, but now that I've done it I'm just excited to play with my new toys.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope. Sold my ps4 pro for $325 and Xbox one X for $320 yesterday. I'll be consoleless for like a month or so but I preordered the Series X and a S for now. I'll eventually get a ps5 when a mini comes out and when more exclusives come that appeal me.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
I pre-ordered a series s. I'm basically hoping that I can get 1080/60 performance for the next 4 years. If so, it will be a fantastic purchase for me, alongside gamepass ultimate for 3 years. So in total I've spent $500 usd to cover my ass for gaming for the next 2 and a half years

My brother pre-ordered the PS5 so I'll just play on it occasionally


Nov 11, 2017
Not at all. Probably would have if I'd pulled the trigger on the XSX I had lined up. Cleared it out of my cart for someone who might want it more. Just couldn't think of anything I needed to play on it right away. I'll be busy with DeS in November and have GP ultimate for one x and PC. I can wait for now.


Jan 17, 2018
Not at all. I always consider the things that I buy very carefully.

I also have been working from home due to Covid 19 since March and have not purchased anything fun related in this period. This upcoming console is fully deserved in my opinion.
Oct 27, 2017
Kinda. With all the news surrounding Microsoft, I kinda regret investing in the Sony ecosystem. I vastly prefer it to Microsoft's, both in software and services, but I fear that I'll be locked out of a ton of games now that ZeniMax is owned by Microsoft, and potentially others like SEGA.

I don't have the money to buy both consoles at launch, either.
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda. With all the news surrounding Microsoft, I kinda regret investing in the Sony ecosystem. I vastly prefer it to Microsoft's, both in software and services, but I fear that I'll be locked out of a ton of games now that ZeniMax is owned by Microsoft, and potentially others like SEGA.

I don't have the money to buy both consoles at launch, either.
Lucky for you the ZeniMax deal isn't going to bear fruit in the next 2 months so you don't need to buy both consoles at launch any more than you did before the acquisition.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm second guessing my PS5 pre-order some. Know it'll eventually be great, but none of the launch titles wow me.

the ones who are feeling remorse are probably the ones who haven't told their significant other about the $500 purchase they made lol

Lol my wife came running in saying "We have to call the bank! Somebody hacked one of our credit cards and spent $600 at Wal-Mart!"


Apr 30, 2018
Honestly no I expect years of interesting stuff on the PS5 and I had enough stimulus money left to make it a negligible financial impact.