
Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
If somebody started wearing a costume and beating up criminals at night in New York would you assume it was Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk or whatever? Or just some random nut job?


Oct 25, 2017
bruce wayne's that guy who sucks at polo tournamenta and parasailing

it's a good thing he's kinda rich and smart


Oct 25, 2017
I love Joker's face here


Joker basically never targets Wayne Enterprises, right?

I like to think that he knows everything, he just doesn't care and wants to have his fun with the batman

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
If you didn't know who Batman was you probably wouldn't suspect a rich person was Batman. Funded and supported by a rich person absolutely but I doubt you would think someone like Wayne himself was beating up criminals.

And yeah with modern facial recognition software Superman's identity would probably be discovered within minutes since Clack is at least somewhat well known and probably has multiple pictures of him online. I remember a Supergirl episode last year where the President demanded that his subordinates figure out who she really was and I just laughed because he could just call up the FBI and run facial recognition on her.
Superman has super hypnosis. Super Hypnotism: This power enabled Superman to hypnotize anyone. He could make people forget incidents or obey his commands. This power was often used to safeguard his identity.


Oct 27, 2017
exactly this.

the batcave is a stupid idea tho, he should have a randomly rotating base location in various underground bunkers acquired through various shell companies and fake identities, so if anyone did track it down it would look like batman was squatting on a rich prepper haven.

the only thing related to batman he should have at wayne manor is a top secret extremely discreet form of underground transportation to the bunker network (capable of being sealed off at every junction by controlled remote demolition) and a top of the line incinerator for disposing of things related to closed cases. everything else should fit in highly mobile equipment cases and stored at the rotating base.
He does have a series of bunkers all throughout Gotham. One just happens to be underneath his house. He also has one on the moon. They're all connected via the old and unused subway tunnels Gotham ditched after they upgraded to new ones. The current Deathstroke book goes over some of the reasons why no one noticed he has a secret base under his house.



Oct 30, 2017
In bats v. Supes, WoWo puts her hair in a ponytail and throws on some glasses and looks completely different. It is not far fetched especially for people that interact with Clark on a daily basis.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
Nah Clark Kent is, he literally just walks around with glasses and street clothes on and ppl can't figure out who he is...


Oct 27, 2017
a shame clark has never put that much effort into it

Superman doesn't go to the hairdresser and change his whole look every time he dons the suit. He literally just takes off his glasses.

This is what Clark does basically, even if they don't go through the effort to draw it every time in the comics/shows.

Uses a deeper voice and taller stature. Clark also pretends to be clumsy & not confident and wears clothes that hides his muscular frame.

Combine this with Superman being an alien being public knowledge and generally no one is looking for him as a normal dude.


Oct 25, 2017
Joker basically never targets Wayne Enterprises, right?

I like to think that he knows everything, he just doesn't care and wants to have his fun with the batman
I don't know if that was always true of the Joker, but I do think that's how he's portrayed now. He seems to really get off on the idea of corrupting Batman through manipulation.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Wealthy enough to be batman
Not the only one in Gotham who this applies to and, on top of that, is probably the least likely of those people to actually go out and be Batman based on his public image.

Owns a company that researches fringe tech
Wayne Enterprises has its hands in everything.

Has a tragic history
So does literally everyone else in Gotham.

Missing whenever batman is
He's been seen in the same place at the same time as Batman and has also been seen in entirely different places when Batman is seen somewhere else. This is especially relevant during No Man's Land when Bruce was known to be stuck outside of Gotham while Batman was still operating inside.

Most people don't have a good idea what Batman's build is.

Bruce is easier to trace as Batman based on the Robins, but even then only people who encounter him frequently would be able to put that information together.

Joker basically never targets Wayne Enterprises, right?

I like to think that he knows everything, he just doesn't care and wants to have his fun with the batman
Exactly it. He knows and has known for a very long time. He just has no interest in Bruce Wayne.


Oct 27, 2017
Joker basically never targets Wayne Enterprises, right?

I like to think that he knows everything, he just doesn't care and wants to have his fun with the batman
Current canon, he does know. He even broke into the Batcave a few times in recent memory. As stated already, he just doesn't care about Bruce Wayne.


Oct 27, 2017
Wealthy enough to be batman
Owns a company that researches fringe tech
Has a tragic history
Missing whenever batman is
Same build

It also brings me to the batcave

How the hell has no one found the batcave it has about 9 secret entrances some are usually a wter way or a road turn off that for some reason every person ignores. How has no villain thrown a tracker on him at any point and just walked right into his secret base

Who the hell built the entrances? Bruce? Does he have that kind of construction skill?

At least Clark Kent isn't a huge celebrity and multi millionaire with world wide reknown. There's a handful of people who could figure that out.

Oops wrong side. Mods please move

1.) You got the first two from the movies. Companies own tons of other companies. WayneCorp is a multi billion dollar corporation. The films always make it seem like he's going directly down to Lucius Fox and asking him to make some weird shit, instead of simply having it shipped to a location where someone else picks it up, delivers it to someone else, who delivers it to a Bruce Wayne in disguise.

2.) What's a tragic backstory got to do with anything? This is where you're letting your outside information help you make connections you wouldn't actually be able to make. His parents were killed, and in the comics he actually does a lot of philanthropy to make up for it. Why on Earth would someone go from "dead parents" to "I'm gonna go work out a bunch, buy a bunch of strange gadgets and fight crime even though I'm a fucking billionaire"? There's no reason to.

3.) ....Missing how? He's a super star playboy, he's got nowhere to be. This ain't Clark Kent, who's supposed to be at his desk writing a story but is always zooming off to save Metropolis. He's a CEO sometimes, a playboy the rest. He doesn't suit up in the daytime, and at night he's supposed to be living it up. There's no reason to look for him, so no reason he would ever be unaccounted for.

4.) Same build? White guy over six feet who weighs 190? Yup, put out an APB for that guy.

5.) No one ever comes to Wayne Manor, so how are they finding the Batcave, exactly? And if a villain ever tracked Batman back to his location considering HE'S supposed to be the tech guy, he deserves to get his ass beat. Bane did, and Bruce deserved his beatdown.


Oct 27, 2017
5.) No one ever comes to Wayne Manor, so how are they finding the Batcave, exactly? And if a villain ever tracked Batman back to his location considering HE'S supposed to be the tech guy, he deserves to get his ass beat. Bane did, and Bruce deserved his beatdown.
This especially. Batman even got anti-magic shit to enchant the place so that magic users couldn't find it. Something Dick Grayson forgot about when he became Batman for a bit, which lead to him teleporting into the Batcave.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Plenty of folks found the batcave. Then Alfred kills them and feeds the bodies to the bats. It's the sacrifice Gotham needs.
Oct 27, 2017
They're all stupid. The only reason that they are accepted was because there's 70 to 80 years of history with some of these superheroes which established the genre at the time which was made for children. Could you imagine if the first comic book/ movie like Batman/Superman just came out for the first time nowadays trying to play to a mature audience? It would get out utterly destroyed.

Aegis Renfro

Jan 11, 2018
The Superman disguise works just fine.

Shoot, Henry Cavill went to Times Square wearing a Superman t-shirt and NO glasses... AND STOOD UNDER A BILLBOARD FOR BATMAN V SUPERMAN... and nobody noticed him.

Batman/Bruce Wayne has the advantage of Bruce being, traditionally, the day guy and Batman being, traditionally, the night guy. Height and weight/build don't really mean anything - Elon Musk has a similar build to Batman. Countless professional athletes have the Batman build (6'2"/200-ish lbs). LexCorp, Stagg, and Ferris are just 3 other mega corps in the DC Universe. Bruce has plenty of alibis.

The "WORST" is Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. She goes from extremely beautiful woman with an amazing figure to... extremely beautiful woman with an amazing figure and a tiara. Like nobody will recognize an extremely beautiful woman, no matter what kind of outfit or makeup you put on her.


Oct 27, 2017
Minas Gerais, Brazil
From everything I ever read about superheroes and Batman/Superman, the fact that some of them can hide themselves in barely eyes is because both of them use different tricks to distinguish their personas from the heroes.

About Superman, it's not a glasses or how that he always try to be some kind of moron that makes Clark being different from Superman. It's Clark Kent that's the secret identity (thanks Tarantino). When the reader inside his mind, Superman never thinks like Clark or pretends to act like him while analyzes a situation. It's actually the opposite: Superman always stops himself from acting in a way because he's always on the dilemma of acting like a human even being a Kriptonian.

About Batman, it's a different story: The true Bruce isn't neither Batman, neither Bruce Wayne, the bilionaire: It's an amalgam of both and can only be acessible by few people on that question: Alfred, the justice league leaders, the love interests and mysteriously Ra's al Ghul. All them can look into a different perspective over Bruce, Alfred being his tutor generally faces his insecurities, while Ra's can pretty much look at his impetus. The fact that Bruce Wayne can actually act like a Howard Hughes and Hugh Hefner (in some of his incarnations) to move away and uncharacterize any similarities with some kind of night vigilant makes Bruce Wayne the perfect counter-balance for Batman.


Oct 25, 2017
The Superman disguise works just fine.

Shoot, Henry Cavill went to Times Square wearing a Superman t-shirt and NO glasses... AND STOOD UNDER A BILLBOARD FOR BATMAN V SUPERMAN... and nobody noticed him.

Batman/Bruce Wayne has the advantage of Bruce being, traditionally, the day guy and Batman being, traditionally, the night guy. Height and weight/build don't really mean anything - Elon Musk has a similar build to Batman. Countless professional athletes have the Batman build (6'2"/200-ish lbs). LexCorp, Stagg, and Ferris are just 3 other mega corps in the DC Universe. Bruce has plenty of alibis.

The "WORST" is Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. She goes from extremely beautiful woman with an amazing figure to... extremely beautiful woman with an amazing figure and a tiara. Like nobody will recognize an extremely beautiful woman, no matter what kind of outfit or makeup you put on her.

I thought in most recent depictions Diana was mad about being called wonder woman in the first place, but I don't remember what the movies did and haven't read DC comics in a while.


Jan 9, 2018
For those saying Clark Kent, well, depends...



This is what Clark does basically, even if they don't go through the effort to draw it every time in the comics/shows.

Uses a deeper voice and taller stature. Clark also pretends to be clumsy & not confident and wears clothes that hides his muscular frame.

Combine this with Superman being an alien being public knowledge and generally no one is looking for him as a normal dude.

You two beat me to it. Whenever I see this debate, I make people watch this scene. You can see a distinctive difference between the way he portrays Clark Kent and how he is as Superman.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
It's Clark Kent that's the secret identity (thanks Tarantino). When the reader inside his mind, Superman never thinks like Clark or pretends to act like him while analyzes a situation. It's actually the opposite: Superman always stops himself from acting in a way because he's always on the dilemma of acting like a human even being a Kriptonian.
This is flat out wrong.

The real Clark Kent is somewhere between Clark and Superman, but he leans much closer to Clark. Much in the same way the real Bruce Wayne is somewhere between Bruce and Batman, but leans closer to Batman

Bill was wrong. That's the entire point of the scene. Bill's whole monologue is ripped almost directly from that time Lex Luthor actually discovered Superman was Clark Kent and refused to believe it because no one that powerful would choose to be that.

Because Beatrix is Clark. A normal person blessed with extraordinary gifts who is willing to use them, but would be happier just leading a regular life. And Bill is Luthor. A prideful, arrogant man who thinks no one could possibly have the kind of power he does and actually want to just be normal.



One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Clark kent is like a reverse yugi muto. He stays cleary the same with or without the mask(at least, on the editions that i read) and no one ever questions it. I don't mind it, but even as a kid that was weird.
so if he's a reverse yugi muto, wouldnt he shrink 3 feet, have a high pitched voice and lack self confidence?

dont take this seriously, it was my intial thoughts


Oct 27, 2017
It works cos Alex Ross's faces all look like they same old country club-going asshole.