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Oct 28, 2017
I mean we wouldn't be the only country voting for populists so we're probably entirely typical there. Aren't the EPP terrified of these elections and their ability to dominate the EU after them?
After this whole brexit fiasco not even Lega or LePen want to leave the EU. Most of these populists are nowhere near as hostile to the EU as UKIP or some of the tory MEPs.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
Don't know where the rules stand on elections, but pretty sure it'd be anti-democratic to disallow the UK to hold elections for its own MEP's while its membership is current. What would happen if Article 50 was cancelled? Would we hold late elections for our own MEP's? Do currently elected MEP's just continue getting paid? What is EU parliament hodls votes?
As long as the UK is part of the EU, it must hold EUP elections in May. There is no if's and buts about it.
That is one of the reasons why the EU27 have a say in agreeing or denying any extension.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't know where the rules stand on elections, but pretty sure it'd be anti-democratic to disallow the UK to hold elections for its own MEP's while its membership is current. What would happen if Article 50 was cancelled? Would we hold late elections for our own MEP's? Do currently elected MEP's just continue getting paid? What is EU parliament hodls votes?

I would guess we'd have late elections for our seats but yeah, I get it's not as straightforward as that.


Oct 28, 2017

If he was in the TA, he was no doubt trained to make full use of a subsidised bar - definitely a skill you can transfer over to working in the Houses of Parliament.

In all seriousness though, Regulars rip the utter piss out of TA (or Army Reservists as they are now) that do this, it's pretty much the first thing they tell you not to do.


Oct 27, 2017
After this whole brexit fiasco not even Lega or LePen want to leave the EU. Most of these populists are nowhere near as hostile to the EU as UKIP or some of the tory MEPs.
Of course, but they are also not members of the European People Party. It has no UK members, so for them, it is better to have no UK.

Don't know where the rules stand on elections, but pretty sure it'd be anti-democratic to disallow the UK to hold elections for its own MEP's while its membership is current. What would happen if Article 50 was cancelled? Would we hold late elections for our own MEP's? Do currently elected MEP's just continue getting paid? What is EU parliament holds votes?
UK would have to hold elections, but the spots of the UK have already been redistributed. Which is why nobody wants the UK to have elections.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
Why would it suddenly pass now? Even if half the ERG does a 180 and votes for it, it is still not enough. Especially now that Remainer's tails are up after No Deal being supposedly ruled out

The general belief is that if it is close those Labour MPs in leave seats will come across and vote for it
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Oct 25, 2017
The general belief is that if it is close those Labour MPs in leave sits will come across and vote for it

As much as I worry about MV3 being passed, if it does I don't think Labour will be involved. There's ben 2 meaningful votes now and only 3 have actually voted for the deal so far. They don't want to take the political hit on accidentally passing a vote that close.

And this time they have the added impetus to vote against in the MV3 failing almost definitely brings down May or forces an election.
Oct 27, 2017
May's deal may well pass on the 3rd go unfortunately. Also how easy is it for me to move to Ireland, those poll numbers make me want out of this shithole country


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
What the hell is happening? I dont get it.
The majority voted for no to no deal scenario, and are being punished for it?
Only way forward is May deal, however, no one wants it.
No one wants a new referendum, cause everyone is butthurt?


Oct 25, 2017
What the hell is happening? I dont get it.
The majority voted for no to no deal scenario, and are being punished for it?
Only way forward is May deal, however, no one wants it.
No one wants a new referendum, cause everyone is butthurt?

Voted no to mays deal by massive majority. 24 hours later vote no to no deal. Obviously that means another vote on the massively defeated deal. Obviously.

Seriously Bercow - block it.


Oct 26, 2017
Voted no to mays deal by massive majority. 24 hours later vote no to no deal. Obviously that means another vote on the massively defeated deal. Obviously.

Seriously Bercow - block it.
Yeah, this needs to be blocked, its a waste of time.

I suppose the only hope is for EU to go, "yeah sure, we will give you an extension but you must organise a 2nd referendum. "
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Oct 27, 2017
It's going to pass the 3rd time. The ERG will become so desperate that they'll vote for anything rather than lose their beloved brexit. Add in some Labour MPs voting for the government like last time and we get a narrow pass. That's how I sadly see it going.
Oct 27, 2017
Seriously, is there no way of stopping May from bringing this back for a THIRD AND FOURTH time? I thought it was undemocratic to vote again until you get the correct result /s


Oct 28, 2017
Just caught up on the madness. Feeling slightly optimistic for the first time. If the ERG accidentally canceled Brexit by shitting on May's Deal I'll die from laughter.


Oct 29, 2017
I could see an MV3 passing but tonight's events ought to mean the leash is off for Remainer Tories. I know it's not binding but they should be emboldened that no deal is off the table and there appear little consequence of voting against the govt, so the wind is in their sails.

Amendments tomorrow are going to be super important again but I'm hopeful they lead towards some sort of consensus now (and fingers crossed it's revoking Art50!).

Potentially, that's still all wishful thinking though!


Oct 25, 2017

How are people seeing this and think it would be a good idea to vote conservatives?

I'd rather Labour, but Corbyn and his repeated crap about this alternative plan is infuriating me.

If he's proposing a permanent customs union, then why don't we just stay the fuck in.

Basically, labour have not been the effective opposition I'd have hoped for.


Oct 28, 2017
I could see an MV3 passing but tonight's events ought to mean the leash is off for Remainer Tories. I know it's not binding but they should be emboldened that no deal is off the table and there appear little consequence of voting against the govt, so the wind is in their sails.

Amendments tomorrow are going to be super important again but I'm hopeful they lead towards some sort of consensus now (and fingers crossed it's revoking Art50!).

Potentially, that's still all wishful thinking though!
I don't see any significant amount of MPs advocating for revoking Article 50 until there is a second referendum. Even though it's clearly the best option they are just leaving themselves open for all the "attack on democracy" claims by doing that. It will still be the same by pushing for another referendum but at least they are giving the people another vote and not deciding for themselves. If we then voted Brexit again, in whatever form that takes, then perhaps we deserve it.
Oct 25, 2017
It's too bad that Theresa May is such a virulent racist because just dropping her red line on free movement would achieve a deal that everyone except for the lunatics and the ERG could live with.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see any significant amount of MPs advocating for revoking Article 50 until there is a second referendum. Even though it's clearly the best option they are just leaving themselves open for all the "attack on democracy" claims by doing that. It will still be the same by pushing for another referendum but at least they are giving the people another vote and not deciding for themselves. If we then voted Brexit again, in whatever form that takes, then perhaps we deserve it.

Look at those voting figures and tell me a second referendum wouldn't end in leave winning again. I want to be optimistic as anyone else but I just can't see a reality where that happens. If we want to actually get people to understand what the EU even is let alone what leaving means we need the media in this country to be completely reformed. Fighting against propaganda is always going to be an uphill battle.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been out of the loop with the papers, but has the Daily Mail turned somewhat more pro remain given the change in editor?


Oct 28, 2017
Look at those voting figures and tell me a second referendum wouldn't end in leave winning again. I want to be optimistic as anyone else but I just can't see a reality where that happens. If we want to actually get people to understand what the EU even is let alone what leaving means we need the media in this country to be completely reformed. Fighting against propaganda is always going to be an uphill battle.
I'm not inclined to put too much weight in the latest polling data. A snap election was called two years ago because of what the polls said and it's undermined May ever since.

Either way, I don't see how we get to the point of scrapping Brexit without another public vote. I don't think any vote should be leave or remain again, whether it's May's deal or something else we need specific options on a ballot to provide a mandate and get us out of this parliamentary deadlock. I genuinely don't know how this is ever going to be resolved otherwise. It's just MPs voting on what they don't want. Sometimes I have to wonder if BBC Parliament are showing reruns.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't we all wish she'd walked away...and never stopped walking?

Her behaviour today should live in betrayalton infamy even over Cameron fucking off after the referendum.
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