
Dec 4, 2017
In light of all this grumpy news about Sapkowski wanting more money, I thought maybe ERA would appreciate this. Just some random thought from this wonderful author. I'm sure CDProjekt hasn't more than enough on their plate but who wouldn't love this?

Saw this originally on /r/gaming


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Nov 1, 2017
I would love to see them work on something like Mistborn. And best of all he's an author who wants to work with them, the team up would be mind blowing.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA]
A Mistborn RPG by them would be would amazing. There's enough lore there to build something real special.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I mean don't give it away for free. Just ask for royalties. They clearly don't mind working with creators of interesting fiction IPs and universes, see cyberpunk. They seem to have a fantastic relationship with the creator when the creator wants to be involved.


Oct 29, 2017
Man that would be cool, can you imagine the AllomancySystem in a game? I imagine a movement System akin to spider man just with less regard to physics.
The landscapes and city's dipped in ash and displayed in 4k could look great.
I thought Sanderson had already sold the rights to a games to another compnay but seems like that was a dud.


Oct 25, 2017
Not that I want CDPR to do it but honestly Sanderson magic systems seem like they would translate pretty decently into game mechanics in theory. In a way they always had something very gamey about them, I guess in the way how they're kinda like rule sets for cool stuff instead of just mere explanations for the fantastical.

Deleted member 28474

user requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
Mistborn or Stormlight Archive with CDPR would be immense.

Would be intereting to see how some of the concepts would be executed.


Oct 28, 2017
Could be great as a game. It has a really cool magic system. I can't see it right away how it would transfer to a game but potential is great. Characters in the Mistborn books are a bit weak but so are most characters in games really if you compare to literature.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure I want cd project be the one to do mistborn series. Reading the book, all the leaping and traversal, I want someone who can really nail the game feel/control. Something that I feel Witcher 3 is really lacking.


Oct 26, 2017
I would prefer if they did the Stormlight Archive setting personally. You have so many things to utilise in that universe of his. Granted the Mistborn universe is amazing it's just with the whole Shardblades and Shardplate stuff mixed in the with whole Heralds and Knights Radiant they would have a field day with it all.


Oct 28, 2017
I think a company like CDPR should stick to one major fantasy IP. There's still so many places to take the Witcher series minus Geralt. We're going to be waiting 5+ years for another of those due to Cyberpunk. Then that will get a sequel eventually as well. It gets to be like Rockstar wherein we wait an eternity between RDR and GTAs and there's no time for anything else beyond small offshoots.


Oct 25, 2017
I would prefer if they did the Stormlight Archive setting personally. You have so many things to utilise in that universe of his. Granted the Mistborn universe is amazing it's just with the whole Shardblades and Shardplate stuff mixed in the with whole Heralds and Knights Radiant they would have a field day with it all.

And [spoilers]all the connected universe and travellers from other realms[/spoiler]

Hell, Shadesmar alone would be trippy.


Oct 25, 2017
Why them?

Sanderson brings up the very obvious and excellent point. CDPR has made an incredible adaptation out of The Witcher.
I imagine same reason as me. Sucker punch and insomniac can make really fun traversal
I'm not sure I want cd project be the one to do mistborn series. Reading the book, all the leaping and traversal, I want someone who can really nail the game feel/control. Something that I feel Witcher 3 is really lacking.


Oct 26, 2017
A game series for Cosmere would be interesting. I'd think either Mistborn or Stormlight Archive would fit well for a game adaptation (or as setting for new story).


May 2, 2018
A Mistborn RPG where you play as a Mistborn, pushing and pulling yourself through Luthadel, kinda like Insomniac's Spiderman, then venturing out into the wilderness with a finite number of coins to push yourself to a nearby city, would be beyond amazing.

Allomancy could easily be repurposed into game mechanics. Tin for detective mode/see through walls/super hearing, Pewter for physical buffs/Rage mode, Bronze for gauging enemy levels and stats, Zinc for taunting, Brass for conversations or dispelling agro, electrum for quick-time events (or not), Atium for slowed-time, etc.
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Oct 27, 2017
Why them?

Sanderson brings up the very obvious and excellent point. CDPR has made an incredible adaptation out of The Witcher.
Mistborn's magic system lends itself to that Superhero game style of traversal. As much as I love CDPR's games they couldn't even make Geralt walk properly never mind whip through the air by telikentically pulling on metal.


Oct 27, 2017
Sanderson is the good guy fantasy author..
I still remember when he did a light jab at Martin saying that he manages to deliver his book on a timely release because he doesn't spend time caring about films..

That being said, cdpr would be able o handle most of it, but environment traversal power tied to specific metal would be quite hard to replicate, lest they transform those in "action animation" and not in real time action ;)


Oct 29, 2017
I'm reading through Book 1 of the Stormlight Archive right now, and all I could think of, especially during the early parts is how well some of the stuff would translate into a video game.


Editor at
Oct 27, 2017
Sanderson is probably the second biggest living and active fantasy author there is. Mistborne is fantastic and his Reckoners universe is one of the most interesting takes on superheroes aswell.
It's also telling that he was the one chosen to finish the Wheel of Time series.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope Sanderson of all people asks for royalties.

"for free"? You have to be kidding me.
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Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
I talked to him briefly about the possibility of a Mistborn RPG a while back (I knew it was a longshot, but I was in his creative writing class back when he first started teaching so we weren't complete strangers) and what he said about what he'd like and what he thinks the fans would want in a Mistborn game makes me picture Gravity Rush-style superhero stuff combined with an old-school Western-style RPG which is definitely a game I would play.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yep, a normal person would LOVE to have their work adapted to a popular medium and expose it to millions of people, its a pretty smart business move as well.


Executive Editor for Games at Wccftech
Oct 26, 2017
Yes please! Sanderson is my favourite fantasy author. Any of his works would be great adapted by CDPR. Too bad they have got their hands full, I think.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Lmao what a fucking opportunist using the news to attack and to offer like that. Just pathetic.

I would rather first see CDPR get their shit together and provide better working conditions.

Gamers don't care about that part. Well, if it comes from beloved companies. CDPR is one of the idolized companies much like Naughty Dog, Rockstar and other ones with similar problems.


Oct 26, 2017
Sanderson writes good YA stuff but nothing more.

I rather CDProject keep doing what they doing, with more interesting authors and settings


Oct 31, 2017
Awesome! I enjoy Sanderson's work. Would be so cool.


I'd rather have The First Law video game adaptation, in terms of my personal fantasy novel turned video game wishlist.

Joe Abercrombie is an avid video game fan that often details and records his latest playthroughs on his blogs. He'd be perfect and probably also highly willing to collaborate.


Imagine playing Logen Ninefingers, or an Eater, or Monza Murcatto. Sigh, a pipe-dream...

Another role-playing game crack at Game of Thrones would be epic, too.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd really prefer to see an RPG game set in the Stormlight Archive world. There is SO MUCH they could do.

Mistborn is obviously perfect for a great open-city action game (like a darker gothic Spider-Man) but I'd want a developer who is more adept at the traversal mechanics that the game would be so well suited for.


Oct 26, 2017
Awesome! I enjoy Sanderson's work. Would be so cool.


I'd rather have The First Law video game adaptation, in terms of my personal fantasy novel turned video game wishlist.

Joe Abercrombie an avid video game fan that often details and records his latest playthroughs on his blogs. He'd be perfect.


Imagine playing Logen Ninefingers, or an Eater, or Monza Murcatto. Sigh, a pipe-dream...

Another role-playing game crack at Game of Thrones would be epic, too.

Yes, I rather CDProject does something with Abercrombie, who is so much better than Sanderson.

And if not CDProject, someone else.


Aug 23, 2018
Sanderson writes good YA stuff but nothing more.

I rather CDProject keep doing what they doing, with more interesting authors and settings

He's one of the biggest fantasy authors in the world. Can't just dismiss his work as 'YA stuff'.

A Mistborn RPG where you play as a Mistborn, pushing and pulling yourself through Luthadel, kinda like Insomniac's Spiderman, then venturing out into the wilderness with a finite number of coins to push yourself to a nearby city, would be beyond amazing.

Allomancy could easily be repurposed into game mechanics. Tin for detective mode/see through walls/super hearing, Pewter for physical buffs/Rage mode, Bronze for gauging enemy levels and stats, Zinc for taunting, Brass for conversations or dispelling agro, electrum for quick-time events (or not), Atium for slowed-time, etc.

The way you describe it, seems like Rockstar would be a great fit for this. Open world, powers, great interactivity etc.


Apr 13, 2018
For those who don't know him he's one of the biggest fantasy authors out there.

It's a great idea but I doubt cdpr would want to keep working on adaptions of novels. They are large enough and have enough funding to start their own project. A benefit of having your own ip is that it's your ip and you may use it or do whatever you want with it.
Oct 29, 2017
The thing about Sanderson's action, is that it is totally out of superhero comic books, so I would echo the thoughts here about Insomniac or Rocksteady.
Oct 31, 2017
Stormlight Archive games by CDPR? PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
Regardless of their possible interest for the IP (which I'm not familiar with at all, quite honestly) I'd guess that the real problem now is that CDPR most likely has the next 6 years of work already planned in the pipeline (Cyberpunk, their unannounced project that many expect to be a new Witcher game, who-knows-what-else).


Oct 25, 2017
I hope Sanderson of all people asks for royalties.

"for free"? You have to be kidding me.
I mean, the dude is a workhorse, and his books sell well, and he has many, many books, not to mention he's a teacher. I think he's pretty successful as is, which is why he was contemplating this. I think the idea was that he was thinking in terms of having more successful book adaptations, and he would be happy just for that.

But yeah, if they actually sat down and made a deal, no doubt he would take royalties.