
Nov 7, 2017
What a horrible problem to have, I know. There are some really good deals for these titles for boxing day and im wondering what platform to buy it on.

My pc with a 6700k and a 3080

Or on consoles? Xsx or ps5? Which runs better and does the ps5 now support vrr? Both are connected to an oled. Thanks !


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
I didn't play either of them, but if it's just a matter of performance it surly would be a no brainer to play on the 3080 equipped PC...


Oct 25, 2017
Ubi PC ports are notoriously screwy.
I have both on XSX and they look and run great so given those options I would say XSX


May 9, 2018
Your 6700k isn't bottlenecking the 3080? I have a 6700k and thought it wont be enough.

OT: I honestly enjoy console more b/c of the quick resume and resale ability.


Apr 7, 2019
Use the $700+ graphics card.
Ding Ding Ding The PS5s GPU is comparable to an RTX 2070 the XSX is closer to the 2080 Super

Your 6700k isn't bottlenecking the 3080? I have a 6700k and thought it wont be enough.

OT: I honestly enjoy console more b/c of the quick resume and resale ability.

Bottlenecking is not a hard and fast thing. if you could get a frame rate of 175 with a i9 10100K it means you are getting like 115 and you only lose more frames the higher you go. A cpu bottle necks will impact you more if your goal is 144fps and even then you will still get more with a better GPU than with the weaker one. aiming for 60 Fps 1440p your cpu is fine.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Buy both on console. Ubi`s open world-games tend to have performance issues/hitching/stuttering on older CPUs/CPUs with low core counts.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm buying Fenix on Epic as that's the cheapest I can find it. AC prolly on XSX but I'll wait for at least 50% off. Have a backlog to clear first.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
PC always. There's some multiplats I would consider for my PS5 but not those and your PC will smoke the consoles so just go that route.

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
There are some really good deals for these titles for boxing day and im wondering what platform to buy it on.

Contact Ubisoft, as they could easily resolve these kind of issues for every customer by providing cross-buy and progression for their games. Then you could easily just buy the game, play on any device and change to another when feel like it.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I have your same setup OP, and I just bought Fenix (I have a 3080, 32 gb of ram, and a Ryzen 1700), I have AC as well on PC and Xbox, but believe it or not I get worse framerates on Fenix than I do on AC, it usually hovers on the 50-55 mark, which is annoying, and this is on 1080p.


Oct 29, 2017
I have your same setup OP, and I just bought Fenix (I have a 3080, 32 gb of ram, and a Ryzen 1700), I have AC as well on PC and Xbox, but believe it or not I get worse framerates on Fenix than I do on AC, it usually hovers on the 50-55 mark, which is annoying, and this is on 1080p.

the ryzen 1700 is bottlenecking tha 3080 an insane amount, even more so than a 6700k would.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I have your same setup OP, and I just bought Fenix (I have a 3080, 32 gb of ram, and a Ryzen 1700), I have AC as well on PC and Xbox, but believe it or not I get worse framerates on Fenix than I do on AC, it usually hovers on the 50-55 mark, which is annoying, and this is on 1080p.
Sounds like something isn't right there. Get a locked 60 on my 3080 at 4k Ultra with Fenix. 9900k.


Nov 19, 2017
I mean, you could just get a couple months of uPlay+ and play both for less than the price of one game if you play enough to make it worthwhile :)


Nov 27, 2017
The real question is why do you have a Series X when you have that kind of GPU?

If you want the best graphics: PC. If you want DualSense and Activity Cards: PS5. I want to add to that, that it looks and runs great on PS5 in performance mode.

It really depends on what matters more to you: Dualsense or Quick Resume.

That's a little apples and oranges, isn't it? A controller and an OS feature (that might or might not be coming via an update in the future). Better compare Quick Resume and Activity Cards/Switcher then.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
For all this CPU sucking talk, avoid those games save for the CPU upgrade. Also sell the Xbox your PC is the best Xbox on the market with a nice new CPU in it.


Oct 25, 2017
So what would you all say if a 4690k was the bottleneck instead for a 3080? Asking for a friend.
Oct 27, 2017

As good as the next gen consoles are. A 6700k isn't going to slow you down enough to still not out perform the new gen consoles with a 3080 for this game. Remember this is still a last gen game. Look at the quad core benchmarks for this game you should still be hitting 60 pretty often as a minimum and anyhow you have gsync to back you up on your oled it sounds since you are asking about VRR.


Oct 25, 2017
Your 3080 can handle 4K full 60 all high. No dynamic Rea. The PS5 will hover around 1440p. If you want best quality just set environment to Ultra and lower resolution scale to 90 + Dynamic Res and call it a day. Beautiful game. Source: I am playing this in a 3080

Re 6700k... afaik this is a DX11 game but at the same time it runs in switch and base consoles. I think you'll be fine.