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Oct 25, 2017
Geoff should comment. Or his actions will speak for him.
I don't really know though what could he say? "I apologize for not being aware of the messaging Boogie has put forth". Would anyone believe him? I just hope to see Keighley do better. As I earlier said, I was hoping to see some charity attached to TGA or even just highlighting and raising awareness. But with this, I assume the show won't touch on any of these issues. And honestly I'm not sure if all of the "advisory board" would be okay either with making the show in any way "political."
Holy smokes. Nearly 1200 posts already.
Heh yeah this gathers quite a lot more traffic than the OT =P


Oct 30, 2017
Dude I browse everyday. I moved over from gaf when everything got stupid.

Stop trying to discredit members of this community if they simply disagree with you. I don't like boogie but simply put some of the comments here mirror comments I would read on extreme alt-right forums.

So criticisms about someone's public behavior is akin to extreme alt-right forums?

You know actual extreme alt-righters advocate for truly brutal, violent things, right? How are words that are criticizing behavior anywhere near the same level?


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Dude I browse everyday. I moved over from gaf when everything got stupid.

Stop trying to discredit members of this community if they simply disagree with you. I don't like boogie but simply put some of the comments here mirror comments I would read on extreme alt-right forums.
Hatred on Resetera:
"I hate Boogie because he is an alt-right shill and an awful person who has done *LIST OF DISGUSTING ABHORENT THINGS*"

Hatred on NeoGAF:
"I hate these SJW cucks who are trying to put women, gays and non-white politics in my games"

Sometimes hatred is okay, mkay


Oct 28, 2017
Boogie's behaviour is tied into that though, pulling up all the dumb/disgusting stuff he's said just makes a stronger case for how absurd it is for him to be invited to TGA.
I agree, I think that's where the interesting discussion would be. Just saying if the thread was not really about that but another "look at boogie's trash opinion" thread I thought it would get closed since those usually are. Maybe people want a perpetually open reminder thread though lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude I browse everyday. I moved over from gaf when everything got stupid.

Stop trying to discredit members of this community if they simply disagree with you. I don't like boogie but simply put some of the comments here mirror comments I would read on extreme alt-right forums.

Quote them.


Nov 27, 2017
User Banned (1 week): rationalizing historical atrocities
Clearly it was wrong to write what I wrote.
It can be seen as quote, but i removed it anyway.

Sorry if I offended to anyone
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
That video is an okay recap on SOME things but deliberately leaves out some of the worst things he has said because the creator is literally another "both sides" centrist dipshit when you look into her content.

She says in another video that Antifa is literally worse than Nazis.

JFC... I did wonder why the Jontron and GG stuff was omitted. Well, mystery over.

Deleted member 12379

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Dude I browse everyday. I moved over from gaf when everything got stupid.

Stop trying to discredit members of this community if they simply disagree with you. I don't like boogie but simply put some of the comments here mirror comments I would read on extreme alt-right forums.

Tell me more about your visits to extreme alt-right forums. Stop using language like "disagreements" when discussing things like white supremacy, etc. Trying to put those abhorrent views on the same level as their opposite is ignorant at best. Trying to find that silver lining in the Holocaust isn't some progressive thought experiment. We see this way to often. People calling others racial epithets being "mistakes" or defending Nazis as having "differing viewpoints". Shit ain't slick at all.

Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :

Is this....relevant to the discussion?


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :
We can never forget to keep our humanity and ethics for the progress of science, unlike the nazi did.

But now back on Boogie, yeah's he's an idiot, homophobic asshole.
You should make the thread.
Oct 25, 2017
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :
We can never forget to keep our humanity and ethics for the progress of science, unlike the nazi did.

But now back on Boogie, yeah's he's an idiot, homophobic asshole.

It's really not a good look to espouse the benefits of the holocaust, or any genocide.


Dec 5, 2017
Upon retrospect and mounting evidence that Boogie really is quite fucked up. Yeah I get where you all are coming from. I was wrong.

There have been a few cases on Era where someone was deemed persona non grata and I personally felt it was way too harsh or hyperbolic, but in Boogies case, the dude is sick.

Dude needs some seriously help, and or to just kind of disappear out of the public eye.


Oct 26, 2017
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :
We can never forget to keep our humanity and ethics for the progress of science, unlike the nazi did.

But now back on Boogie, yeah's he's an idiot, homophobic asshole.

Hanukkah Sameach, I guess...


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I don't get some posts here. Why come in, say that Era is being toxic and evil and being a bully towards someone.

But then say, I don't really care about that person anyway. Or I don't know who he is despite there being tons of videos and tweets in this very thread.

I mean, why even come in and post then?


Oct 25, 2017
Between this and the Jaffe thread...

BronsonLee right now


May 7, 2018
i just wish we could all ignore the politics in here, he might have said stupid things in the past but that's just his opinion and you know people have all sort of different opinions!


Oct 30, 2017
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :

But now back on Boogie, yeah's he's an idiot, homophobic asshole.

It's not necessarily a controversial sentiment that a lot of modern medicine was built off the horrors of Mengele and the like. If that was the only shitty thing he ever said it could be read as him making a good point in a shitty way.

But it fits into a pattern of behavior wherein he's such a moral coward that he'll take the middle ground between a reasonable opinion and an indefensible one no matter what it is, so that's why it gets called out as yet another example of his idiocy.

Only place he's willing to take a stand is on fat shaming (because it directly affects him) and on video games.


Oct 27, 2017
Boogie's a mess of mental health and a man that spends way too much time alone and on a computer. He's out of touch, and he's said some horribly unconsidered things, but he's hardly a neo nazi.

Condemn him for what he said. I'm totally cool with that. What he said was ENTIRELY wrong.

Until he starts marching through Charlottesville with Tiki Torches and claiming that Jewish people are devilish conspirators to the genocide of the White Race, you can't really call him a Neo Nazi or even a white supremacist.

His Holocaust comments were incredibly uninformed and distasteful, but he didn't come across like he hated Jews, thought them inferior, or anything of the likes.

At the most, he's unstable, misinformed, mildly prejudiced, and selectively conservative. I dislike him, but I don't think that he's the devil of the internet, and calling him names hardly does anything to address the things that he's actually said -- it simply fires up his supporters and makes his opponents feel self-superior.

The internet, however, tends play up things like this because it's a den for virtue signalling. One cannot have a genuine conversation about prejudice and misconception if, any time one sees somebody that says something even a LITTLE bit out of line, his immediate reaction is "FUCK THAT GUY, HE'S A NAZI!" I commend the people that have actually gone out of their way to challenge the misconceptions in his arguments, and to discuss his behavior in a mature and thoughtful way.

His attendance at the game awards is a mild annoyance rather than some fundamental moral flaw with the show.

To be clear, I'm not defending him. Everything that he's being criticized for is entirely warranted. I simply feel that the shit-flinging and intensely over-emotional reactions are entirely unproductive to actually convincing anybody -- or even HIM -- that he's done or said something wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really know though what could he say? "I apologize for not being aware of the messaging Boogie has put forth". Would anyone believe him? I just hope to see Keighley do better. As I earlier said, I was hoping to see some charity attached to TGA or even just highlighting and raising awareness. But with this, I assume the show won't touch on any of these issues. And honestly I'm not sure if all of the "advisory board" would be okay either with making the show in any way "political."
Heh yeah this gathers quite a lot more traffic than the OT =P

It needs to be political. If his entire goal is for gaming to get the prestige that film does, look to the hollywood award shows. Those people are bashing nazis, the administration, etc left and right. Racist homophobic gamers be damned


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :
We can never forget to keep our humanity and ethics for the progress of science, unlike the nazi did.

But now back on Boogie, yeah's he's an idiot, homophobic asshole.
What the shit does this have to do with the thread, it just sounds like you wanted an excuse to post the Holocaust had "benefits".


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017
So what you're saying is that "typical ERA outrage" around these issues is, as usual, absolutely correct. Good thing you're finally catching up!

No, not always, I've seen a lot of bans for the most ridiculous reasons, I mean, there's is a reason of why almost all the internet thinks that this place is toxic and the reason is not always that they're nazis or alt right, hell, I'm from Chile and all the gaming circles I know barely tolerate this place.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah also I would say that after reading extra insight in this thread I have shifted from "Boogie is an idiot" to "Boogie seems like he has had options to be better and chosen not to."

When I look at his life though, I can't feel hatred, it's just a sad sad depressing picture.


Oct 25, 2017
My impression of Boogie is that he is clearly someone who has mental issues, and I don't mean that in a derogatory way. He clearly has some trauma in his past and he's clearly not 100% stable and it seems like he has good reason not to be. He's also someone that in his attempt to be at peace with everything in life (I'm sure partly to let go of darkness in his past) he has said some pretty ignorant things.

But all in all if him and Geoff are buds I don't see anything wrong with Geoff inviting him. He didn't commit some sort of crime did he? (I feel like someone's about to quote those and show me all the crimes he has committed, in which case I stand corrected....but if not....yeah.)


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Not that I watch the Game Awards, I know now that I shouldn't ever, and also not give a shit about it at all.

I don't get some posts here. Why come in, say that Era is being toxic and evil and being a bully towards someone.

But then say, I don't really care about that person anyway. Or I don't know who he is despite there being tons of videos and tweets in this very thread.

I mean, why even come in and post then?
Cause they're alt accounts and probably think they're "owning the libs".


Oct 27, 2017
I thought Boogie was a low quality human being before entering this thread.

Now I realize he's very low quality.

I am too lazy to write down every single thing that is wrong with him, and it has been done before.

I am also disappointed in Barlog and Keighley for enabling that asshole. He should be shunned.
Oct 25, 2017
I might be throwing myself into the fire. But i'm taking a chance on 1 small topic seem to be throwing around in this thread.
It's seem that if I state, that the holocaust, while one of the most horrible thing to every happen in the last 100 years, actually had some benefits. I'm instantly branded a Nazi.

The medical improvement cause by this horrible event is some of the biggest foundation in the medical field, specially in cancer research. War time tend to speed all kind of advancement in all kind of fields no matter how horrible the methods are use. All in the attempt to get ''ahead'' of the enemy.
This 2004 article on The Guardian really explains what i'm trying to say :
We can never forget to keep our humanity and ethics for the progress of science, unlike the nazi did.

But now back on Boogie, yeah's he's an idiot, homophobic asshole.


Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't really know though what could he say? "I apologize for not being aware of the messaging Boogie has put forth". Would anyone believe him? I just hope to see Keighley do better. As I earlier said, I was hoping to see some charity attached to TGA or even just highlighting and raising awareness. But with this, I assume the show won't touch on any of these issues. And honestly I'm not sure if all of the "advisory board" would be okay either with making the show in any way "political."

He wont and never will. Taking such a stand would be career suicide in this industry. There is backlash all the time for being progressive, and it's fucking mindblowing. Recently with Battlefield for Everyone or Nintendo removing a racist Game and Watch reference, just "giving in to those SJW cucks!" and the list keeps going. Geoff would be lambasted for it, even though it would be great for him to do, if he really wants the industry to change, mature and be as inclusive as he claims it is whenever he tries to give the same shitty sentimental bullshit speech each year, then he needs to be a figure for that change, even moreso if he wants to be the face of a night every year that celebrates the hobby and industry as a whole. Same with eSports, which is also being celebrated tonight, it's riddled with ignorance.

I think Geoff Keighley has a LOT of pull, more than people might think, and he could easily be a force for change. I hope he does. Prove us wrong.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Until he starts marching through Charlottesville with Tiki Torches and claiming that Jewish people are devilish conspirators to the genocide of the White Race, you can't really call him a Neo Nazi or even a white supremacist.
I don't know that anyone called him that, rather that he supports or enables those things, which is also terrible. Fuck Nazis, but fuck people who support them too just as hard.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Until he starts marching through Charlottesville with Tiki Torches and claiming that Jewish people are devilish conspirators to the genocide of the White Race, you can't really call him a Neo Nazi or even a white supremacist.
He would still be a nazi-enabler. One does not need to be a nazi to contribute to the nazi cause. Simply being an enabler is enough. And boogie1488 is definitely such an enabler.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
I'm not joking. Is he just some Youtuber? Has he produced a game or done any actual journalism?
Ya hes just some Youtuber. He just talked about games and did that stupid Francis skit. I thought he was an alright dude until the whole Gamergate thing happened and he showed his ass. Now hes all about puking his personal beliefs all over everyone who will listen to him.


Oct 25, 2017
No, not always, I've seen a lot of bans for the most ridiculous reasons, I mean, there's is a reason of why almost all the internet thinks that this place is toxic and the reason is not always that they're nazis or alt right, hell, I'm from Chile and all the gaming circles I know barely tolerate this place.
All of the Internet thinks this place is toxic? What do they think of the other video game centric forums, pure hell fire?
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