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Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
Shit, not watching game awards now.

I believe that people like Boogie and their centrist bullshit are not only a problem but they are THE PROBLEM. You see.. An open Nazi/bigot, you can see them coming from miles away and deal with them accordingly, shut them down, deplataform them, punched in the face, what have you.

But centrist "hey let's just talk about it, let's make questions" idiots like boogie are not as easy to spot and provide a tolerant environment for people with these views, always with the option to deny responsibility and always giving bigots the option to deny responsibility also or to rationalize their views.

I am glad that this has been picked up, maybe not everywhere, but at least here in ERA and being called out, this narrows also the plausible deniability window for people like Geoff Keighley who is very much aware of this thread (or at least the person who handles his account, who should be very close to him)


Oct 30, 2017
Is there a clear reason why so many are attacking the Game Awards aside from the single tweet sent from Keighley? Is it the fact that he was invited in the first place?

Keighley is the one leading this and he has been aware of all these issues for a long time, and not only did he invite Boogie despite all of this public knowledge about his behavior, he did so publicly, which means he either doesn't give a shit or is doing it as a cynical ploy to get his audience to tune in.

He is tacitly supporting this behavior in either case.


May 17, 2018

Yeah poor guy his dad, but you know those victims from the Holocaust? Fuck them because something "good" apparently came out of that.

Fuck this dude.


Dec 5, 2017
A lot of people are chewing you up for this but I just want to point something out. You have no fucking clue whether the person you wrote this to had an abusive parent or a nightmare childhood. You literally dont know. You just assumed they couldnt get it because your whole angle here has been to assume shit. Assume shit about posters. Assume shit about Boogie. Assume no one really gets it but you.

You are not being open minded and pure hearted in your analysis of this situation. You're just being willfully blind and that shit is not admirable.

Boogie is a piece of shit. This info is littered all throughout the thread. "He isnt kind heart wrong implimentation". People with good intentions dont have a problem admitting when they fuck up and apologizing. When has Boogie ever done that?
Yeah I had severe emotional reaction, and it maybe in some ways hit too close to home so I took it personally.

Sorry everyone. I'm broken.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Boogies has very fucked up views on women. Trust me when i say that whatever your guesses are, its ten times worse.

His defense of sex workers during the whole tax scandal was one of the most hypocritical, two-faced steaming pile of bullshit I've ever seen or heard. He's no ally, don't believe him.


Oct 25, 2017
By the logic of this thread is someone is a shitty human being that excuse to act as shitty human beings in response. If you are better than him act like it.
I already did, by not making excuses for nazis, by not blaming feminists for charlotesville, by not blaming gay people for getting civil rights too quickly, by not blaming harassment on a company making cards with minority representation.

It turns out that it's actually pretty easy to not be complete human scum.


Oct 25, 2017
Boogies has very fucked up views on women. Trust me when i say that whatever your guesses are, its ten times worse.

His defense of sex workers during the whole tax scandal was one of the most hypocritical, two-faced steaming pile of bullshit I've ever seen or heard. He's no ally, don't believe him.
What did he say about this?


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
By the logic of this thread is someone is a shitty human being that excuse to act as shitty human beings in response. If you are better than him act like it.
I do. Every day. For example, I don't validate bigots. I don't validate hate movements. I don't downplay the holocaust. I don't hold my spouse as a hostage with emotional abuse and cry victim every time someone calls me on my shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Holy shit this thread is hateful! Just go back and read shit that you guys are writing. Trump threads tend to be less hateful than this insanity.

(Once again, I don't care about Boogie at all. Barely know who he is.)

i know you were banned, but this is usually your MO in every "provocative" thread and i'm not at all surprised you got what was coming to you.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
hey, boogie, i thought we should listen to all sides? why are you threatening violence on people who don't think like you? :^)

I can live with the guy trying to deal with the fact that his dad did some really horrifying things while recognizing that they still may have had some level of emotional bond, or at least that he wishes that he could have had one with people who had that level of power over him at the time. Hell, I'm not on board for torture as a punishment even for violent rapists. If the shit he claimed above actually happened then I can at least understand why he's conflict-avoidant the way he is.

Of course, when he says something like this while at the same time laughing about his first wife dying in almost the same way, it's revelatory about what his attitudes are, and is all anyone would need to argue that he should not be allowed to do anything publicly-facing, like, ever. For all that his upbringing would lead him to normalizing exceedingly disgusting behavior, these are not attitudes that he has no control over.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
By the logic of this thread is someone is a shitty human being that excuse to act as shitty human beings in response. If you are better than him act like it.

I mean, yes, to a certain extent. I think that's a pretty common view. Like, most societies agree that you can, say, imprison a criminal for a certain duration against their will, or force them into psychological treatment, which you aren't allowed to do for non-criminals. It's generally agreed on that you treat people a little differently depending on the circumstances involved.
Oct 31, 2017
Wow, Balrog is a Nazi sympathizer too?

lol no.

How is Cory one of the most progressive people in the entire gaming industry?
Yeah, i'm kinda scratching my head at that one.
He made a game they liked.
Because he made a sad game about being a Dad.

I don't know how progressive or conservative many developers are, but as one of many who follow him on Twitter, anything political he likes is progressive.

As does Shawn Layden, actually.


Dec 24, 2017
Idk anything about him other than that viral video embedded tweet but why are we surprised ?
Oct 27, 2017
By the logic of this thread is someone is a shitty human being that excuse to act as shitty human beings in response. If you are better than him act like it.

Lol are you dropping that tired ass BE BETTER shit?

We already are better. We don't cape for Nazis and white supremacists and supporters of a white ethnostate. Guess how a country gets to an ethnostate? Hint: they don't ask nicely for everyone else to leave.

Stop posting. Not just in this thread but on Era in general. Just go away.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Keighley is the one leading this and he has been aware of all these issues for a long time, and not only did he invite Boogie despite all of this public knowledge about his behavior, he did so publicly, which means he either doesn't give a shit or is doing it as a cynical ploy to get his audience to tune in.

He is tacitly supporting this behavior in either case.
He was also online before the thread originally got locked and while people were tagging him.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, people who don't see psychological problems as valid are people that I just can not have a discussion with.
If you really think that was "handwaving" I am done with this discussion. No offence.
You said he was dumb and didn't know what his points really are because he is purely reacting to others. That is giving him a pass that I do not think he deserves.


Oct 27, 2017
Horrid little man. Glad I caught this here before tuning in, now I don't think I'll bother.


Jun 7, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
tbh, as someone with a complicated relationship with an abusive parent, i cannot stand the caping that happens every single time a boogie thread pops up. it's insulting.

i have a sliver of empathy left for the guy. very small, almost microscopic, but still, a sliver. abuse fucks you up. i know that.

but that's no excuse for being a horrible human being. child abuse survivors aren't sad, small, uncontrollable children who aren't responsible for their actions. they still have agency. they still choose. and boogie chose to spill his sister's trauma for everyone to see, and then wish her rapist had a better life. boogie chose to laugh at his ex girlfriend dying of cancer. boogie chose to weaponize suicide back in the sunken place.

what happened to him was awful, but what we do after abuse is up to us. boogie chose to crystallize his grief into raging misogyny and spineless cowardice.

no excuses.


Oct 28, 2017
Why shouldn't it be, closing it just helps people ignore Boogie's behaviour.
I don't know if it should be closed but I thought it was re-opened to discuss the role of the VGA's and maybe what they should or should not do in this situation. If it's just another shit on Boogie for his daily garbage tweets thread then not sure there is a point because I think the majority of people here already know how bad his opinions are.


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
Yeah I had severe emotional reaction, and it maybe in some ways hit too close to home so I took it personally.

Sorry everyone. I'm broken.

You got dogpiled pretty hard, and fuck everyone who responded to you like an asshole.

Folks here are more concerned with getting internet points for snark, which is evident in how they responded to a self confessed victim of abuse. I don't agree with your mindset in your initial post, but thank you for sharing your opinion and experience.
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