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Nov 6, 2017
Winnie the Pooh for Smash

In all seriousness: this is probably the worst thing I've seen in gaming in a long time. What the fuck.


Apr 13, 2018
If they had taken no action the winner spreading his support wouldn't have gotten much traction. But now his message has gone far and wide and acti/blizz by trying to silence have just spread it more instead. There's always a silver lining.


Oct 25, 2017
League of Legends music video featuring some of their characters as a mock K-Pop group. Very popular and cleaned up a lot of the gender discrimination controversy that Riot had going on at the time.

To be fair, there was barely any fire to begin with. People let Riot off the hook with that shit so quickly it was hilarious. Riot is a trash company, but it seems like people must like them enough to look the other way when Riot does awful shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like a pissed off western fanbase could easily get an online game banned in China, especially if it's esports.

I mean you could make a concerted effort to VPN onto Chinese servers and just spam pro HK comments. You could sit in the background of esports events with oversized jars of honey. Hell, just Blizzard trending right now is probably enough unwanted attention to freak out shareholders.

Seems like you just need a few incidents and you're done in China.

Not that I'm saying that I hope that happens of course.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
At the very least it's sobering to see gamers across the board condemn this, with little apologia or rationalizing. The Blizzard subreddit is refusing to eat the BS from both the reddit mods and Blizzard themselves. This could be a shared learning experience about the dangers of relying on a totalitarian regime for labor and investors.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels like since Blizzcon 2018 they've been fucking up way more lately. I don't know what happened to Blizzard, but they've been off their shit for a long time. Blizzcon 2018 was the beginning of it.
It seems like it's been going on for a bit before that. From what it sounds like, Activision is getting it's tendrils deeper into Blizzard and all of this is a manifestation of that.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope Jason from kotaku will try to investigate the morale and what the employees are going through. The 2 core values "vandalized" / covered up by employees is very juicy.


Oct 25, 2017
Always good when an American company reveals that they don't actually believe in or support free speech.
It would be such a shame...


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


But the gun is photohshop


Feb 25, 2018
I have to say this is a very bad look given the current situation, even though blizzard as a company have to right to censor things from their own platform, but amid the NBA things this make them look extra bad.

And as someone who grew up in China I can tell you appease to Chinese censor knows no end. A friend of mine use to admin a public forum in china, he describes it's like constuntly getting slapped while you lick the 'department of culture's boots, and they never tell you why they slapped you, so you simply go out your way to lick them harder.

So to the people think they are actually offended by certain words, they don't, the CCP did things much worse then things the western called them out for, and more morally corrupted then your curse word able to insult, they simply strategically picking bones from things to slap these company to keep then in check, so once you comply more slaps will sure come.

And lastly, for companies like NBA and blizzard, and I guess Hollywood too, they have more power than they realise in this situations. You know why they can do business in China? Because Chinese people love them, if it's up to the party they would never risk to allow these western to come in to begin with.


Jun 19, 2019
User Banned (permanent): troll account
I'm a little afraid to get involved, but I feel like I need to say something.

Where does a situation like this even end? Like this is getting more than just disgusting, its crossing a line into the legitimately frightening territory at this point, I'll keep the (SUPER CRAZY) radical stuff to myself. Since literally no one is on board with that in this day to begin with, and I'm a clumsy bumbling idiot outside of my comfort zone.

I will say I think people are actually blowing that Winnie the Pooh stuff out of proportion, as someone who is similarly hated in certain circles, (Though in my case, its for very stupid reasons for the most part). Taken at face value, comparing the leader of China to that bear IS very childish, I mean what? You can't come up with a more clever way to do it? Thats also similarly subtle? It seems like its wasting everyone's time to keep referencing it. Most things in life are two way streets though. Its disingenuous to imply they don't potentially have legitimate reasons to ban Winnie the Pooh. If I was leader of a country, I would personally ban the game Fortnite, since its weirdly popular despite doing very little right, and most people don't improve from playing games like that. (They tend to have skill Plateaus from what I've seen). I'm not gonna harp further on something that potentially gave some people some solace.

Yes Blizzard is a business, but what IS the right answer here? To seem demonstrably psychotic? They DON'T have a leg to stand on here, this is a risk you run when you do business with a country like that. I don't understand why people do business with China at all to be honest. Regardless, they already signed up for this ride a while ago, and judging from people's reactions, this won't be forgotten to quickly.

Was this also the same company that fired everyone for doing too GOOD a job? I seriously don't know. If it is, we really shouldn't be ignoring them. We SHOULD be making sure they don't have the potential to harm anyone else, because the sky is the limit at that point. Its not like they are the only such industry in America either. Americans have relatively easy ways of fixing things, yet no one is taking any initiatives. You'd think somebody would take a shoot at it.

Theres certainly ways this could blow up further! You people have VERY shallow perceptions on the precedents that are potentially being set here! (potentially leaving a LOT of people dead, depending on how far certain entities want to take this) I dare not speak those things, because I don't need to give people in power any more ideas.

To be fair, Its completely possible this is just a sign, and NOT a CAUSE, of things to come. I'm not so arrogant to think this wasn't brewing for a while.

I redacted certain things, because I don't need police showing up here over something I'm completely incapable of starting.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like these Hong Kong protests are a real tipping point for China. We have to turn Western corporations in support of HK and against China. China has let Western corps in to the point that the government removing them en masse would likely cause unrest internally.

Blizzard shouldn't just be ashamed of what they've done and apologize - they should categorically reverse course for the greater of good of the world population.

It's like the dilemma where one person says "what good can I do? I'm just one person among millions." But with corporations, it's one company among hundreds - so much easier to positively affect change if consumers can really dig their heels in the ground to impact corporate sentiment with regard to China.

Fuck Blizzard, NBA, Disney, Nike, Vans and everybody else. Review bomb everything. Cause a fucking mess. Unsubscribe. Create incendiary memes. Whatever.


Oct 27, 2017
Xi is triggered by Winnie the Pooh comparisons that is what Winnie is censored in China

This is why people are using the Winnie the Pooh meme, not because of some latent childishness


Oct 25, 2017
Feels like since Blizzcon 2018 they've been fucking up way more lately. I don't know what happened to Blizzard, but they've been off their shit for a long time. Blizzcon 2018 was the beginning of it.

Its been longer then that it started with the merger with Activision and an increased focus on a higher profit margin especially with Blizzard reaching on all time high with World Of Warcraft they need ways to offset the now lower subscriptions, and alot of age old talent has left and has caused alot of low moral.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I will say I think people are actually blowing that Winnie the Pooh stuff out of proportion, as someone who is similarly hated in certain circles, (Though in my case, its for very stupid reasons for the most part). Taken at face value, comparing the leader of China to that bear IS very childish, I mean what? You can't come up with a more clever way to do it? Thats also similarly subtle? It seems like its wasting everyone's time to keep referencing it. Most things in life are two way streets though. Its disingenuous to imply they don't potentially have legitimate reasons to ban Winnie the Pooh. If I was leader of a country, I would personally ban the game Fortnite, since its weirdly popular despite doing very little right, and most people don't improve from playing games like that. (They tend to have skill Plateaus from what I've seen). I'm not gonna harp further on something that potentially gave some people some solace.

Xi banned literally all of Winnie The Fucking Pooh because of a low effort meme comparing them. The Winnie The Pooh stuff absolutely deserves to be mentioned and mocked because fascists are insecure motherfuckers who can't take the slightest ribbing. They will kill or brainwash anyone that poses a threat. Fuck China, and all glory to Pooh.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Oh fuck, I forgot Blizzard's HQ is in my town. I should see if they're still standing when I get home this week.


Oct 27, 2017
Twitter have been dragging Ellen DeGeneres and Blizzard non stop for a whole day now and am here for it!


Oct 26, 2017
if anything, this is the type of action that would increase their value

Sure, but the consumer response can end up decreasing it. So, we'll see.

Btw, I used to have Activision stock and I sold it not long ago, but if I hadn't I sure as hell would sell it now (I'm talking about as an investor here)

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
US Senators are taking notice of this. It's going to be much bigger than Blizzard though. Can't wait to see their answer.


Oct 31, 2018
Sydney, Australia
You, and everyone else echoing this sentiment, need to understand that apolitical statements are political statements. A side was chosen whether Blizzard recognizes or not.
Assuming you're right, a political statement taking a side is very different than being politically neutral. I see everyone else' arguments and I dont think they are wrong or anything, I just dont think we have a definitive understanding of the whole situation and there is a lot of jumping to conclusions. I also really understand not wanting their games and events to be a platform where these kind of statements can be made.

So let's try and look at it from Blizzard's point of view; they had 3 choices:
1) Do nothing - This can mean 2 things, either that they are in support of the people of HK, or that they are neutral but are fine with their platform being used for these kind of political statements.
2) React positively - Basically taking sides and supporting the HK protests
3) React negatively - Which is what they did, which can either mean they are on China's side or that they are not fine with their platform being used this way.

From my point of view, we do not know for certain why they went with the 3rd choice. We dont know what would happen if a Chinese player came on stage and had a pro-Chinese political statement made; of course, if they allowed that then there would be little guess work.
I think the first step is for them to come clean and be very clear on why they did what they did. I think that's probably their big mistake here.

But either way, I still think the punishment and reaction towards the player and 2 hosts was over the top, specially given their rule book is vague.


Oct 28, 2017
Blizzard has been on a slow downslope for multiple years, this story just shows the decline is worse than we thought. I'm done with Blizzard.
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