Oct 27, 2017
Sure, but that's their fault for applying their own scale improperly.

People seem to be misunderstanding me. Something can be enjoyable and mediocre (or even bad) at the same time. Like fast food or boring sex.
Mediocre means moderate quality/ not very good

A mediocre donut doesn't taste good. It may satisfy hunger but it isn't good. So it's not enjoyable. If I enjoy crackdown 3, to me it's not mediocre even tho it may be for tou. Average is the word you probably are looking for.


Apr 6, 2018
I like MS' focus on MP games but the quality just hasn't been there for me to be tempted this gen. This is just another example of "what could have been" sadly.


Oct 29, 2017
Seeing media still saying thing that "it will be great in the long run" after Anthem and Ghost Recon is really, really unprofessional.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

Bleeding Edge has a good foundation but doesn't have enough content right now in my opinion. Anthem had a bad foundation and is in the process of completely ripping out the foundation in favor of a new one.


Feb 28, 2019
You are comparing apples and oranges.

Bleeding Edge has a good foundation but doesn't have enough content right now in my opinion. Anthem had a bad foundation and is in the process of completely ripping out the foundation in favor of a new one.
That's not the point.
The point is you can't be sure of what post launch will be, no matter what the foundations are.


Jan 21, 2018
Destructoid - 6.5
There's a decent multiplayer action game concept buried in here, absolutely. Some of these characters deserve to live on in future projects. At the same time, it feels like there are only so many team dynamics to experience. It's all too fleeting. Once you've hit that point of no return, there's no real motivation to continue. I'd like to pick this back up one day, but realistically, I don't see that happening.
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno. It irritates me personally. I love that studio (NT) and when they consistently make these fantastic games and then something like this comes out with basically no fanfare or apparent care/purpose AND is not a great game it's not a win for anyone. I don't know why NT suddenly started making this type of game but it's so different from what they are good at. I suppose maybe this was the team that isn't doing H2.

Great games are better for everyone, no? I just wish MS exclusives would, for once, actually make me want to own an Xbox. Especially going into next gen. Not trolling, I've owned their consoles before, but what they put out these days, bar a few exceptions, just seem so pointless.

Honestly, I think it's their pre-production that is out of touch and not worked on enough.

If I look at 360 exclusives and OG exclusives vs now I don't get how they've ended up here. If you're gonna buy a studio like NT they should continue producing at the level they always have.

This is still blatant and uninformed trolling. I won't really waste my time arguing with you, but two weeks ago Xbox had a 90 metacritic game, if that's your thing.


Nov 2, 2019
Feels like alot of the score term confusion is from people thinking mediocre = average. That's not the case, "mediocre" is 1 step down from "average", just as "good" is 1 step up from "average". However, I will say that a 7/10 game isn't "good" by critical consensus. The majority of games score in the 7 range and if a game falls into that, it's no more special than most games critically. Seems perfectly apt to call them "average" games at that point, objectively speaking.

Of course, critical scores aren't be-all-end-all to user enjoyment. It's a metric you can choose to follow or not. Ultimately you have to conduct your own research and see if a game appeals to you subjectively, as that's where your personal enjoyment is going to be.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2019
Are you sure? The team behind this game has always done this kind of game.
You don't know much about the studio.
Clearly you don't. Tameem Antoinades has always said the studio was based upon storytelling. They put everything into narrative and build gameplay around that.

Are you going to tell me Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, Hellblade are of the same cloth as Bleeding Edge.

People here are way too sensitive. What I'm saying isn't baseless at all. Accept the facts.
Oct 25, 2017
Clearly you don't. Tameem Antoinades has always said the studio was based upon storytelling. They put everything into narrative and build gameplay around that.

Are you going to tell me Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, Hellblade are of the same cloth as Bleeding Edge.

People here are way too sensitive. What I'm saying isn't baseless at all. Accept the facts.

Huh, weird. That's not what Rahni Tucker, the combat director on DMC and director of Bleeding Edge says at all (Source)

"See, my kind of personal passion to work on is combat action. I did the combat on DmC, so I wanted to keep making more combat. Ninja Theory's had a rich heritage in making combat action games, and I was drawn to the studio by Heavenly Sword... I really wanted to do more with that and see where to take that next," she explained.

However, she also has a lot of experience playing a lot of other online multiplayer games. "The genesis of the idea was okay, 'A thing Ninja Theory are good at making and have a lot of experience with and that I personally like to make' and then 'A thing I like to play at home.' Where is that game? I feel like that doesn't exist right now."

Also, about this not being really based around storytelling

Yeah, I think it's fairly representative of the difference between me and Tameem as Creative Directors. Tameem is the Creative Director for the other projects in the studio. Their direction is kind of a product of his personal passions, where Bleeding Edge is a product of mine. So I can't really talk too much about Tameem's projects because I'm not involved, but I think that's the reason for the difference you see between those projects.


I guess you're just not as well informed as you thought you were? Because the facts are clearly different from what you imagined.


Oct 31, 2019
This is still blatant and uninformed trolling. I won't really waste my time arguing with you, but two weeks ago Xbox had a 90 metacritic game, if that's your thing.

Won't waste my time with you either.

Ori does look great. But the releases are few and far between.
The problem you face is when a company is bought if the new owner just comes in and says scrap that and do this it doesnt really set a good precedent.
Fans also constantly want MS to let developers diversify and do something different then when they do they respond with but that sucks so why did you do that.

Yeah I agree with this. But MS should have the foresight to actually delay a game and let devs spend more time getting it to a point where in its release state it is considered great. This is precisely what I mean. I expect them to have bought this team more time than they were given or had as an indie. It's the entire appeal of having backing like that. The reviews speak for themselves as well. The game is not cohesive or developed conceptually.

People get so touchy about this stuff. I really am looking at it from as objective a standpoint as possible but I am subjective obviously because I've seen what NT produces as a studio without serious backing. Hellblade was what they accomplished without MS. Bleeding Edge is probably their worst-reviewed console game in over a decade.

Don't care if mods want to call this trolling because it really isn't. Expressing an opinion of how something turned out isn't trolling. This is a review thread. If you only want people to agree that the game is good then start a dictatorship.


Oct 27, 2017
Been playing this game with some friends, it's not bad and it's enjoyable but needs more polish and less lag/FPS problems. Also needs more characters and game modes


Oct 31, 2019
User Banned (2 days): trolling
Huh, weird. That's not what Rahni Tucker, the combat director on DMC and director of Bleeding Edge says at all (Source)

Also, about this not being really based around storytelling


I guess you're just not as well informed as you thought you were? Because the facts are clearly different from what you imagined.

You are correct with what you are saying. But Tameem has been the main vision behind most of their titles, especially the acclaimed ones.

"Antoniades described creativity and narrative as "core" to the studio. The team emphasised story over gameplay, believing that if the game's story was well-written and intriguing, the quality of the gameplay would also improve since it would attract players to continue playing."

What you're saying is correct but all the scores point to is that said Director's vision was purely gameplay and reviews point to that direction as not solving the game's issues. Not saying it is their fault. But from a reception perspective it's nowhere near the level they typically produce. There's no point in making an excuse for that. Chilled if you like it though? But how much better could this game have been with an actual story? Seems like it was just something cheap to add to Game Pass in truth.
Oct 25, 2017
You are correct with what you are saying. But Tameem has been the main vision behind most of their titles, especially the acclaimed ones.

"Antoniades described creativity and narrative as "core" to the studio. The team emphasised story over gameplay, believing that if the game's story was well-written and intriguing, the quality of the gameplay would also improve since it would attract players to continue playing."

What you're saying is correct but all the scores point to is that said Director's vision was purely gameplay and reviews point to that direction as not solving the game's issues. Not saying it is their fault. But from a reception perspective it's nowhere near the level they typically produce. There's no point in making an excuse for that. Chilled if you like it though? But how much better could this game have been with an actual story? Seems like it was just something cheap to add to Game Pass in truth.

I think it's absolutely fine if you don't like it too, it has a lot of stuff that could and should get better, but much of what you are saying simply isn't true. Bleeding Edge has been in development for 4 years, way before any acquisition was even considered, so it was not though as a "cheap Game Pass title", and it is, in launch, an extremely polished game.

I don't think Tameem's shitty story for DmC was the reason for it's critical acclaim, btw. Tucker had way more influence in it being praised for me, but that's more subjective. The "facts", however, are not what you say they are, that's it.

People get so touchy about this stuff. I really am looking at it from as objective a standpoint as possible but I am subjective obviously because I've seen what NT produces as a studio without serious backing. Hellblade was what they accomplished without MS. Bleeding Edge is probably their worst-reviewed console game in over a decade.

Don't care if mods want to call this trolling because it really isn't. Expressing an opinion of how something turned out isn't trolling. This is a review thread. If you only want people to agree that the game is good then start a dictatorship.

You disliking or criticism the game isn't trolling, the other stuff you said is, because they aren't true.


Oct 27, 2017
The art style looks the exact opposite of what you just describe, honestly.
Sorry, what?
Graffiti samurai, zombie with a robot snake, fire-breathing goth rocker. Basically every body height/shape represented. Characters from multiple different countries. How in the seven planes of hell are you getting "focus tested" from these characters?
I don't really think representation has anything to do with art style and overall visual and tonal approach, which is what I was talking about. The oni mask design has been done in like three other character shooters already and the character designs feels like someone gave a designer Apex, Fortnite and Lawbreakers and said "Can you do something kinda like this?". It's not even explicitly bad or anything, it just looks exactly like what you would think one of these would look like. Nobody would be able to pick this out of a lineup. Anyway I don't mean to derail the thread, like I said, I just don't get "Wow this looks unique!" from screenshots and trailers. It's exactly what's popular right now and has been for years (wacky bordering-on-cartoon-violence with quippy one liners straight out of GOTG or Thor Ragnarok). This honestly feels like the modern version of brown / greyed out military shooter.


Oct 25, 2017

I don't really think representation has anything to do with art style and overall visual and tonal approach, which is what I was talking about. The oni mask design has been done in like three other character shooters already and the character designs feels like someone gave a designer Apex, Fortnite and Lawbreakers and said "Can you do something kinda like this?". It's not even explicitly bad or anything, it just looks exactly like what you would think one of these would look like. Nobody would be able to pick this out of a lineup. Anyway I don't mean to derail the thread, like I said, I just don't get "Wow this looks unique!" from screenshots and trailers. It's exactly what's popular right now and has been for years (wacky bordering-on-cartoon-violence with quippy one liners straight out of GOTG or Thor Ragnarok). This honestly feels like the modern version of brown / greyed out military shooter.
Very much so, it's incredibly unique, has a lot of personality, and doesn't at all look the way you describe.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
the character designs feels like someone gave a designer Apex, Fortnite and Lawbreakers

Can you post some pictures and elaborate on this? I haven't played Lawbreakers but I've played some Fortnite and a lot of Apex Legends, and these games really don't seem similar to Bleeding Edge, and Fortnite & Apex have different art styles compared to each other as well.

(Haven't really played or cared about Lawbreakers so I can't comment on that)

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
I enjoyed the beta. The little that I played anyway, and I really like the character designs.

Its nice to see a character based shooter like this where you can't look at it and go "that's the tracer one" "that's the widowmaker one" etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Very much so, it's incredibly unique, has a lot of personality, and doesn't at all look the way you describe.
I don't agree and I think I made it pretty clear why. It's not that they're the exact same games, it's just that visually and tonally I feel it's borderline indistinguishable from the rest. Nothing makes it stand out to me. You can point to a wacky design or two but even that feels like a trope at this point, looking at stuff like Battleborne designs and the fact that they put a fucking hamster in Overwatch. That and the dialogue is so played out it's (literally) not even funny.
Can you post some pictures and elaborate on this? I haven't played Lawbreakers but I've played some Fortnite and a lot of Apex Legends, and these games really don't seem similar to Bleeding Edge, and Fortnite & Apex have different art styles compared to each other as well.

(Haven't really played or cared about Lawbreakers so I can't comment on that)
Again, really don't want to muck up the thread with this stuff since there's people who genuinely enjoy it in here but if you don't see the similarities between the visuals and tone of those games then I'm afraid we're just going to have to disagree. I'm not saying those three games are exactly the same, but they're going for extremely similar looks and this game just looks like a synthesis of that. It's somewhere between Apex and Fornite in the cartoony-real sort of spectrum. The dialogue just adds to that. I don't really think we can go anywhere from "Wow, this game has the exact same visual and tonal identity as almost every other character shooter from the last three years" and "No, I don't think it does".

Don't really think I have anything else to add other than reiterating what I already said :)


Jan 21, 2018
Laptopmag - 7/10

Bleeding Edge is impressively complex, superfun and an overall great start to what could be the hottest multiplayer of the game of the year. Unfortunately, this won't be enough if Ninja Theory doesn't plan for the future.

What Ninja Theory needs to deliver is a post-launch road map, so that gamers have something to look forward to. But most important, Bleeding Edge needs to be eSports ready. It's only so much fun playing competitively before gamers realize they're not getting anything in return.

I'm disappointed to see that not much has changed with Bleeding Edge since the beta, but I am still hopeful for the brighter future it could be a part of.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I'd probably give it a 6/10 from what I've played, but I use the full scale. So a "3 star" game if you like; competent and mildly enjoyable, but in no way essential and it won't keep me coming back.


Oct 25, 2017
Won't waste my time with you either.

Ori does look great. But the releases are few and far between.

Yeah I agree with this. But MS should have the foresight to actually delay a game and let devs spend more time getting it to a point where in its release state it is considered great. This is precisely what I mean. I expect them to have bought this team more time than they were given or had as an indie. It's the entire appeal of having backing like that. The reviews speak for themselves as well. The game is not cohesive or developed conceptually.

People get so touchy about this stuff. I really am looking at it from as objective a standpoint as possible but I am subjective obviously because I've seen what NT produces as a studio without serious backing. Hellblade was what they accomplished without MS. Bleeding Edge is probably their worst-reviewed console game in over a decade.

Don't care if mods want to call this trolling because it really isn't. Expressing an opinion of how something turned out isn't trolling. This is a review thread. If you only want people to agree that the game is good then start a dictatorship.
They have been developing that game for about 2-3 years it was being shopped around when MS acquired them. It seemed to be a game they wanted to make to give them a proper change of pace and something new to try. Not every game is going to be the likes of Hellblade etc sometimes games are just going to be something fun they try and people should encourage that.


Oct 28, 2017
Won't waste my time with you either.

Ori does look great. But the releases are few and far between.
Games are in development. I am super glad they are not rushing. Ori is amazing as is but 2 months more of polish would have been icing.

Im sure hellblade 2 will be a highly reviewed game given the firsts reception.


May 5, 2019
Its amazing Ninja Theory has gone full circle.
First game they developed for Xbox.....and now they are back developing for Xbox.

But seriously.....give us another Kung Fu Chaos game.
Are none of the Ninja Theory team on Resetera? During development of Hellblade they seemed like a really open honest studio I figured atleast one member was on ERA.

Also a remaster would be appreciated.

Heck, even just the crane mini-game. °_°

What's sad is that Kung Fu Chaos isn't even one of the BC Xbox games.
An Xbox 1st Party Cult favorite being ignored by the BC team for what ever reason.


Jun 14, 2018
Glad gamepass will give it more exposure. Mid 70s from a small team with limited budget sounds about right.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 19, 2019
I can't tell if this is a joke or not, cause like, everything you just said is a perfect example of a focus-tested style. It's covering like, every single base you can cover.

Can't blame them either. Worked for Overwatch.
I don't know what people want then. A few years ago it was "it's all brown-grey grimdark and bro shooters" and now multi-coloured and diverse is "bad" because it's "focus tested". Why is diversity/variety bad? The characters aren't even diverse for the sake of ticking boxes, they make thematical sense.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 19, 2019
People aren't going to do so because it's just another game in a sea of other games, from the least popular of the Big 3 consoles, with plenty of more important things going on in the world, but I still think people should at least try and put this game in context; it's a side-project, made by a small team, that may only have actually seen the light of day because MS gave them a green light. Do you really think if PS had signed NT instead this game would've ever materialised? And to be clear, this isn't a slight on PS cause they just have a different thing going with their portfolio, but I think this type of smaller yet still polished game is perfect for Gamepass and could easily see it getting expanded on or a sequel down the line.

If the choice was between only Senua 2, or Senua 2 as well as smaller projects like this coming to a sub service no less, why not option 2?
Oct 25, 2017
People aren't going to do so because it's just another game in a sea of other games, from the least popular of the Big 3 consoles, with plenty of more important things going on in the world, but I still think people should at least try and put this game in context; it's a side-project, made by a small team, that may only have actually seen the light of day because MS gave them a green light. Do you really think if PS had signed NT instead this game would've ever materialised? And to be clear, this isn't a slight on PS cause they just have a different thing going with their portfolio, but I think this type of smaller yet still polished game is perfect for Gamepass and could easily see it getting expanded on or a sequel down the line.

If the choice was between only Senua 2, or Senua 2 as well as smaller projects like this coming to a sub service no less, why not option 2?

Bleeding Edge got greenlit four years ago. Not by MS, but by the higher ups of NT.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
My point still stands, do you think if Sony had picked up NT this game would've come out? I don't think it would've.
I don't know, how many players did/does ReadySet Heroes have? Sony occasionally greenlights and publishes some smaller mediocre stuff too. Predator isn't looking too hot either and will face the same challenges next month as a multiplayer only game, albeit the IP itself might have a little pull there.

Third parties continue to dominate the multiplayer landscape, outside of Switch of course. And new challengers continue to struggle. Probably why Sony has been so focused on single player games this gen.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
My point still stands, do you think if Sony had picked up NT this game would've come out? I don't think it would've.
Sony releases smaller games with little fanfare all the time.

I still remember Drawn to Death, small title developed by Jaffe, his team, and Sony. It it was including on PS+ as well I believe. It was kinda fun, nifty art style, but some serious balance issues & needed more polish (I think I only played 3-4 matches tho, seemed easy to me)



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 19, 2019
Hmm okay, might've been hasty with my assessment of Sony's smaller game output.


Oct 26, 2017
My point still stands, do you think if Sony had picked up NT this game would've come out? I don't think it would've.
Most likely, they aren't just going to cancel a game well in development, right after acquiring a studio just because it won't do all that well, be a terrible start to the relationship. Though they'd probably send it out to die in a similar way.


Feb 23, 2018
I played some of it and I kind of liked it, but what's up with the blurry textures? I played it on PC too, was the same as my Xbox One X.


Nov 15, 2017
In The Netherlands. As it's above average on a scale 1-10.

If you have a 5.5 on all your subjects in this country, you pass and get your certificate or degree.

Yeh but to be fair. Thats the bare minimum, anything under a 5.5 is a fail. 6-6.5 average. 7 is good but not great. 8+ is great and guarantees you entrance to medicine/dentistry/aeronautical engineering.