Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yea but she said she stabbing people much earlier than that and she comes in from inside. The OP on the other hand describes it as if the Black woman let the white woman through and the white woman took a knife out. It's why I was confused, though I still don't see the knife because the video is so shaky and low quality but I'll just trust what others say on that one. I think most of the context that's described in the OP happened before the video was being filmed and as such it was confusing at first for me.
There is definitely a knife visible.


Oct 30, 2017
Fucking sick of these cunts, and the piece of shit "police" probably won't do shit either. Fuck them all.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017

i was wondering why my trending twitter mentioned she's 30, she can walk, wheelchair. this makes sense now.
But where's the actual evidence of any of this? People just keep saying it but I haven't seen anything that actually substantiates these claims.

Listen, I'm all for spreading truth especially if it helps give perspective to a righteous cause, but if everyone's spreading unsubstantiated information it's just going to make the entire movement look less legitimate.


Oct 27, 2017
Folks can get a gun for protection, but I'll never be a fan of individuals having guns and just being content with that. They are a safety risk just having them in your home. You need to have a good reason to be armed. People of color (unlike white folks) have real, legitimate reasons to fear for their safety. So yeah go buy a gun, but you also need to coordinate with your family and friends to have a plan of action. And also make sure that you and your family/friends are taking steps to keep their weapons away from kids, teenagers, etc.
Of course. No one should just up and have a gun in their own without precautions, informing family and friends that will be in the vicinity, and so on.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hate to do this cause I don't condone her actions in any way but this tweet in particular may be inaccurate. The third picture of the man laying on the ground was sent by me about two weeks ago from a friend in context of a meme.


e: oh well this got lost in the shuffle
I've removed the tweet. Thanks


Oct 25, 2017
In what aspect? I'm curious to know more about this.

Like maybe not allowing southern states to fly confederate flags and build statues in honor of traitors? I'm in no way saying that this would have made racism disappear, mind you, but it's just an example of how racism and white fragility are coddled in this country. It's part of the culture.
Oct 27, 2017
So I guess her being hit by people for "defending" the store was fake? I knew it was fishy as hell.

Sadly the alt right propaganda is working and a lot of people think she is innocent.


Jan 24, 2018
I hate to do this cause I don't condone her actions in any way but this tweet in particular may be inaccurate. The third picture of the man laying on the ground was sent by me about two weeks ago from a friend in context of a meme.


e: oh well this got lost in the shuffle
It should not be seen as condoning to clarify things that are not accurate. Good for you for pushing truth and still staying on the correct side.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that, after all of that, that woman is still alive while George Floyd is not says a lot about where each side of this stands and what kind of playing field we are dealing with.


Oct 26, 2017
Some are hung up on the "walking without a wheelchair" bit. I know someone who has heart problems, but only uses a wheelchair sometimes on bad days. Not everyone on wheelchairs are physically unable to walk. But besides that, in this case though... she ummm out there fightin'? But yeah there's a lot going on here and clearly she shouldn't even be there... There's definitely some sharp object being shown that she's using to jab at people. I can see all sorts of videos being taken out of context with "old woman getting beat by looters".

Oh, also looks like she was at it for 6 hours.... Defending... the Target? If it was really that bad WHY ARE YOU THERE AND STILL THERE?!
This also shows how she looks... younger.

koxkomb🥂 on Twitter

“and yes, 6 hours!”


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I first saw the video without context. The wheelchair chick let a white chick carrying tons of bags out without doing anything. Right behind her, a black chick tries to come out, and the wheelchair chick (who appears to be white) moves forward to try and stab her.

TBH I assumed it was racism.

Also why the fuck are you defending a Target??????

I would understand if it were like...your family's small business, but....Target? Girllllllll wtf.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I first saw the video without context. The wheelchair chick let a white chick carrying tons of bags out without doing anything. Right behind her, a black chick tries to come out, and the wheelchair chick (who appears to be white) moves forward to try and stab her.

TBH I assumed it was racism.
It is.
Oct 27, 2017
In what aspect? I'm curious to know more about this.
Banning any statues, confederate flags, seizing plantations and land to be re-distributed to the freed slaves, seizing wealth of the southern traitors, instituting education that showed the horrors of slavery and why the south was destroyed, jailing or executing traitor members of the confederacy, making symbols of the confederacy illegal, etc.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 26, 2017
Some are hung up on the "walking without a wheelchair" bit. I know someone who has heart problems, but only uses a wheelchair sometimes on bad days. Not everyone on wheelchairs are physically unable to walk. But besides that, in this case though... she ummm out there fightin'? But yeah there's a lot going on here and clearly she shouldn't even be there... There's definitely some sharp object being shown that she's using to jab at people. I can see all sorts of videos being taken out of context with "old woman getting beat by looters".

Oh, also looks like she was at it for 6 hours.... Defending... the Target? If it was really that bad WHY ARE YOU THERE AND STILL THERE?!
This also shows how she looks... younger.

koxkomb🥂 on Twitter

“and yes, 6 hours!”

If she is out there with an actual handicap trying to fight black people that honestly makes it worse. She is literally letting racism will her out there. Lol.


Oct 26, 2017
The wheelchair's a smart choice. Jennifer ain't about to use her own legs like a sucker.


Oct 26, 2017
If she is out there with an actual handicap trying to fight black people that honestly makes it worse. She is literally letting racism will her out there. Lol.

That's what makes the whole thing worse. It's much more than just implied story of someone "scared of looters in a Target and tried to protect herself" or whatever, she fought for her (lol) store, and STAYED out there until nightfall.

Even when seeing the one Reddit video of the looting in progress, it was weird seeing people just continue to casually shop. That was pretty weird to see.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that, after all of that, that woman is still alive while George Floyd is not says a lot about where each side of this stands and what kind of playing field we are dealing with.
True, I mean she was trying to stab people with a knife and they sprayed her with a fire extinguisher and took the knife out of her hands then let her be. No idea how anyone could spin that as her being the victim...

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Some are hung up on the "walking without a wheelchair" bit. I know someone who has heart problems, but only uses a wheelchair sometimes on bad days. Not everyone on wheelchairs are physically unable to walk. But besides that, in this case though... she ummm out there fightin'? But yeah there's a lot going on here and clearly she shouldn't even be there... There's definitely some sharp object being shown that she's using to jab at people. I can see all sorts of videos being taken out of context with "old woman getting beat by looters".

Oh, also looks like she was at it for 6 hours.... Defending... the Target? If it was really that bad WHY ARE YOU THERE AND STILL THERE?!
This also shows how she looks... younger.
Yea the wheelchair thing shouldn't distract from her actual deplorable and racist behavior. Many people can walk that still are not fully able-bodied that need a wheelchair.

The wheelchair's a smart choice. Jennifer ain't about to use her own legs like a sucker.

Listen, this woman is obviously a racist piece of garbage who deserves whatever bad fortunes are coming to her. But posts like this aren't good because they could be hurtful to innocent disabled people who have similar limitations.

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Oct 25, 2017
someone post the tweet where they talked to her like it was a post game interview

paul pierce clown status
Oct 25, 2017
I watched myself get threatened with death by a dog walker, get suffocated over the course of ten minutes, and now randomly stabbed in less than a week.

I don't give a shit about literal definitions.

What you are missing is how you feel doesn't really equate to better outcomes for you or people like you. Guns impose a danger on everyone, they almost certainly would not have improved any of the situations discussed here. Good guys with guns (black or otherwise) is a myth. It's clear that this is very upsetting to you, but try to make it productive, consider therapy if you persistently feel scared and angry I'm a strong advocate for better mental health outlets. Take a break from the news if you need. But don't pick up a gun, because regardless of if it makes you feel powerful, it's just an illusion.


Oct 26, 2017
Was there anything more to the "she's trying to steal an atm"? The video that shows her get up from the wheelchair has that caption, but I don't see what's going on.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn. I guess gun laws are more restrictive in Minnesota. If she had tried that pretty much anywhere here in Virginia I can guarantee you she would have been shot right in the cabeza.

I hope she goes to jail.