
Oct 25, 2017
Blue Mountains
Fat shaming is wrong, but so is sitting back and allowing people to damage themselves and others. My wife had a friend who must have weighed 150KG at barely 5 foot tall, this was learnt behavior from her own mother who had depression and would take her out of school to keep her company which usually involved sitting around eating chocolate and watching TV, now her son is also very overweight. The idea that obese people aren't harming others is not always true. So what do you do? How do you deal with someone who is perpetuating this cycle of obesity? I would suggest better mental health services, a tax on the unhealthiest of foods and an increase in exercise in schools, preferably to an hour every day.

Saying that, James Corden's a talentless twat and Maher's trash so letthemfight.gif


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think fat shaming should be tolerated but at the same time I don't think being fat should be normalized. Being fat is pretty much a negative in every way imaginable.

As someone who was fit and now is fat, I can personally say the problem with me is just discipline and making bad choices. Almost every meal that I eat has a healthy alternative but I also choose the bad option. I have time to work out and go to the gym but I watch TV and play video games. It's just bad decision making on my part and until I fix that, it won't change who I am.


Oct 30, 2017
Dude you were so close
What does this mean? Why do people not engage in conversation but always post stupid hot takes like this. I said people shouldn't be fat shamed, it's not the right thing to do or the correct way to approach the situation. However, being fat/obese is a problem and it's a problem that should be addressed as a public health issue.


Oct 25, 2017
Just a personal anecdote, I was bullied from a very early age for being fat despite being quite a normal weight (Im a big person naturally)

When I did get fat, none of that shame or bullying I experienced as a kid helped me in any way to get skinnier later as an adult. I can assure you the psychological trauma I experienced did lead to a lot of bad eating habits out of me.

Fuck anyone who thinks bullying or shaming people is the right course of action. And let's not admit that bullying and shaming has actively not worked. If it did work, then these fucks would have already solved the issues associated with obesity.
Oct 25, 2017
What does this mean? Why do people not engage in conversation but always post stupid hot takes like this. I said people shouldn't be fat shamed, it's not the right thing to do or the correct way to approach the situation. However, being fat/obese is a problem and it's a problem that should be addressed as a public health issue.
Ignoring the fact you dont know what a hot take is, you basically said x is bad, but sort of did x anyway. That's what that post means. Like, I'm not racist but ... is usually followed by someone saying something racist.


Oct 30, 2017
Ignoring the fact you dont know what a hot take is, you basically said x is bad, but sort of did x anyway. That's what that post means. Like, I'm not racist but ... is usually followed by someone saying something racist.
Still doesn't address the point I was making. Fat shaming is bad. Normalizing fat is also bad.


Nov 6, 2017
Completely upending the food production system away from +salt, +sugar, +fat foodstuffs, restricting marketing of unhealthy drinks & food, designing urban areas to be less reliant on cars & making them more pedestrian friendly.

So never gonna happen.

The other problem here is if you do all this stuff people will be pissed. People love their sugar and the food they eat. If you take those foods away or increase their prices while making healthier foods more affordable, people will NOT be happy.

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
The other problem here is if you do all this stuff people will be pissed. People love their sugar and the food they eat. If you take those foods away or increase their prices while making healthier foods more affordable, people will NOT be happy.

The question was 'How to fix the problem' not "Fix the problem but still avoid anyone having to make changes to their lifestyles they might find inconvenient or annoying', because that's not possible.


Apr 5, 2018
The other problem here is if you do all this stuff people will be pissed. People love their sugar and the food they eat. If you take those foods away or increase their prices while making healthier foods more affordable, people will NOT be happy.

Sugar is eventually going to be looked at in the way we look at cigarettes and tobacco today. It isn't something that needs to be banned in our society (prohibition, etc.) but it's clearly killing people more than ever. Tax sugar to disincentivize consumption. People may be pissed in the short-term but living longer, healthier lives will result in increased overall happiness long-term.


Aug 20, 2018
as an ex-obese person, i don't believe fat-shaming can actually get fat people to start changing their lifestyle. I know it didn't get me to work out at all then.

on the other end of the spectrum though, i think 'normalizing' obesity ("I am obese and i am proud of it!" - said some fat people) is just an enabler for obese people to continue to live in their vicious cycle.

how i got out of the obese cycle is unique to my country (basically mandatory military conscription) so if you ask me how to solve the obesity crisis 'normally' (instead of forcing people to go through military service like i did), i don't have the answer.


Oct 27, 2017
Bullying doesn't help and it's just cancerous behavior. But i don't want to listen to either.
I can't stand Corden.


Dec 10, 2018
I used to like some of Maher's stuff and ideas, but he has become so fucking insufferable, caustic and mean spirited that I really can't deal with his shit anymore.


Nov 2, 2017
People like Maher just never understand, that body positivity doesn't mean making "fatness" positive, but accepting and representing people who just *aren't* thin. It's not easy to be, or become thin, if you picked up an eating disorder, or if you're actually suffering from illness. No one who's "fat" doesn't know how terrible it is for their health, doesn't mean that it's easy to change, even if some people who used to be "fat" and slimmed down like to parade that it's easy.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 weeks): Body shaming, inflammatory generalisations.
most fat people are a lost cause so fat shaming is unnecessary and cruel, but what we really need to do is find ways to keep them from passing on their lifestyle to their kids.

Deleted member 35077

Self-requested ban
Dec 1, 2017
Having gone from 315 to 165 I agree with this. Everyone has a mirror and camera. Fat people know they're fat, reminding them doesn't really do anything other than make them question how the accuser sees them. The fat acceptance movement needs to fuck right off though. Carrying some extra weight is fine but the movement has devolved into obesity is beautiful and it's not healthy at all.
I agree, when I was starting to loose weight a couple years back I was surprise to hear discouraging comments from friends and especially family. Telling me that it was a waste of time and money and that my body was already perfect. No, it wasn't, and in truth I was overweight with an obvious belly. Just because it may be the new norm of body types doesn't mean its healthy. The hilarious part came later when they started comparing me to a skeleton, even though I weighted 150 pounds at the time.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How odd. A thread where I wouldn't give either of the opposing people a single click. God what a bunch of shitheads.


Feb 17, 2019
Are there actually no studies comparing western populations to the japanese? Compared to most of the rest of the world they managed to stay relatively thin(even too thin in many cases), yet they are working even more hours than everyone else. Stress and a lack of time are rampant.

Identifying the differences between these two populations should give us some nice answers on why the west is becoming bigger so fast.

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone who is overweight ever said "yeah calling me names and bullying me really helps, thanks keep at it".

It seems pretty obvious - being overweight is generally not healthy but making people feel even worse about themselves doesn't and never fucking has worked.
Nov 2, 2017
Are there actually no studies comparing western populations to the japanese? Compared to most of the rest of the world they managed to stay relatively thin(even too thin in many cases), yet they are working even more hours than everyone else. Stress and a lack of time are rampant.

Identifying the differences between these two populations should give us some nice answers on why the west is becoming bigger so fast.

Diet, their junkfood is expensive and comes in much, much smaller portions than the half kilo sacks of potato chips and shit you can buy in North America.

On Bill Maher, fuck him. Fuck you Bill Maher. I lost a lot of weight in my 20s after putting on a lot of it thanks to depression and the fact that a 12-pack of coke and a 300 gram bag of Ruffles is cheaper than a salad, and it wasn't thanks to my dad letting me know what a fat piece of shit I was. Fat shaming just puts fat folk into a darker hole of depression and self-loathing. People who don't want to watch family members eat themselves to death, it's not your God damn job nor does it help in any way to keep harping on them about their weight. Telling smokers that smoking is disgusting doesn't help them either. They have to make the connection themselves, put the work in themselves, etc. Be supportive. Don't fucking shame people. Jesus Christ, have some non-judgmental fucking respect for the people in your lives.

It doesn't help that every piece of shit processed garbage food on this continent has been scientifically designed to stimulate every God damn pleasure neuron you have. You didn't get addicted to it? Good for you. Obviously a lot of people do. Same video game side when it comes to predatory microtransactions. You might not be affected by it, but obviously a lot of people are wired differently and are, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem. Every God damn thing in a grocery store that isn't a head of lettuce on the outside edge is designed to hook you as hard as possible.
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Deleted member 39450

User requested account closure
Feb 3, 2018
Boston, MA
Are there actually no studies comparing western populations to the japanese? Compared to most of the rest of the world they managed to stay relatively thin(even too thin in many cases), yet they are working even more hours than everyone else. Stress and a lack of time are rampant.

Identifying the differences between these two populations should give us some nice answers on why the west is becoming bigger so fast.

We don't need studies comparing the two cultures; we have plenty that already show how bad the typical American diet is and how the food industry is selling us foods loaded with sugar and salt.


Feb 17, 2019
We don't need studies comparing the two cultures; we have plenty that already show how bad the typical American diet is and how the food industry is selling us foods loaded with sugar and salt.
Again, it's a complex issue that doesn't only affect the US. A comparison between the food industries would be a welcome study too.


Oct 27, 2017
In America, of all places, this seems like a weird argument when you have to pay insurance. Now in places with public healthcare I do think there should be some stigma attached to unhealthy lifestyles, but not to the point of bullying or shaming.

In my country, for example, you can actually get a prescription for 3 months of gym membership in certain instances and that seems more proactive than making a person feel bad.


Feb 17, 2019
Which is why most don't. Yes there is a small subset of people who celebrate obesity but they are a small minority. The much bigger problem is shaming.
If being obese is seen as bad arent you automatically shaming them? Whether you say it to them directly or not doesn't really matter. Obese people will still feel a sense of shame and hatred towards them because of societies views of them, and fat in general.


Oct 27, 2017
If being obese is seen as bad arent you automatically shaming them? Whether you say it to them directly or not doesn't really matter. Obese people will still feel a sense of shame and hatred towards them because of societies views of them, and fat in general.
Um no? There is a difference between celebrating obesity and personally reprimanding people. Also, there is a major difference between making information available concerning health and directing criticism to a specific person.


Oct 25, 2017
The science on this is quite clear: Shaming does not work, and encouraging people to build up their self-esteem - yes, even fat people - does.
Just as with fat shaming, I'm not sure blanket statements about positive reinforcement work either. Especially these days when even positive reinforcement is often seen as fat shaming too.


Feb 17, 2019
Um no? There is a difference between celebrating obesity and personally reprimanding people. Also, there is a major difference between making information available concerning health and directing criticism to a specific person.
There is a difference for sure. But the effect it has on obese people might as well still stay the same. If all we did was stop shaming obese people directly the amount of shame they feel on a daily basis wouldn't change one bit.
Our whole culture is opposed to fat people, which is where the desire to shame or make fun of them comes from.

So if your goal is to limit the shame they feel, merely not shaming them doesn't do it.


Oct 27, 2017
There is a difference for sure. But the effect it has on obese people might as well still stay the same. If all we did was stop shaming obese people directly the amount of shame they feel on a daily basis wouldn't change one bit.
Our whole culture is opposed to fat people, which is where the desire to shame or make fun of them comes from.

So if your goal is to limit the shame they feel, merely not shaming them doesn't do it.
I don't even understand what your point is. Yes facts need to be made available about the ill health effects of obesity because they are based on medical science, you can't ignore it. At the same time, your general attitude toward the problem and how you treat people also makes a difference between making the problem worse or better.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What's wrong with James Corden? Genuinely asking, never heard any criticisms

Everyone who's worked with him has said he's a stuck up little prick who thinks he's the best thing going and stabs everyone in the back the second they're gone yet kisses their ass endlessly if he feels he can get some benefit from them. He's quite literally one of the most fake people on TV, and his high horse is fucking questionable since he's known to be a bully as well.

That's before we even address how genuinely unfunny and what a try hard he is. During celebrity AMA's his name is the answer to the question of 'who's the worst person you've met' at least 80% of the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Celebrating obesity and unhealthy lifestyles is also wrong.

An absence of ridicule and shaming people is not celebrating. Having clothing sizes available for people is not celebrating.

What bizzaro world do people live in where they think some model being fat, or someone who is fat not being ashamed, is going to make people actively want to be fat. The world is bloody horrible as a fat person.