
Oct 26, 2017
That is the whole point of his rant with Mathews. Cancel culture got him fired.
"Cancel culture" is a ridiculous term. It isn't a thing.

It's simply shitty behavior by certain people that their publishing/production companies don't want anything to do with because of obvious economic reasons.

Blame the shitty people themselves for getting canceled. The only difference to past decades is that you can't hide that shit as effectively anymore.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Imagine a convicted mugger being let out of jail, immediately mugging the next person he sees, and then saying "sorry I guess I just didn't understand that times had changed."


Oct 25, 2017
Ok yeah sure but I think what I said about scarce allies stands

and hey not trying to upset it offend anyone. Just watching liberal senators and commentators resign in disgrace while conservatives unite fundamental religious Mormons and neonazis in bot their vote, news channel, and version of reality

also among Bill Maher's points


Oct 25, 2017
I have a feeling bill probably has some shit in hia closet, he defends this stuff way too much. Trump does the same thing and we know how that shit goes.


Nov 18, 2018
This is about the dozenth time during the last few years that Bill Maher defends someone accused of sexual harassment and downplays accusations. There's a very clear pattern going on here.

Draw your own conclusions as to why, but Maher isn't defending Mathews because he has some moral qualm against "cancel culture" or whatever. He's defending him because Bill Maher blatantly has a vested personal interest in downplaying accusations of sexual harassment and the Me Too movement in general.
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Nov 18, 2018
Ok yeah sure but I think what I said about scarce allies stands

and hey not trying to upset it offend anyone. Just watching liberal senators and commentators resign in disgrace while conservatives unite fundamental religious Mormons and neonazis in bot their vote, news channel, and version of reality

I'm not sure if "we should ignore sexual harassment because otherwise the nazis win" is the worst hot take I've ever read on this site, but it might be.
Oct 26, 2017
This forum shits on everything he does. Cancel culture makes everything worst than it is. I'm not going to defend Mathews, but liberals get so sensitive with just about everything now a days. If HBO didn't cancel his show after saying the n word on one of his shows, they aren't certainly going to cancel it during an election year.
The defence force is back with their one tactic: blame cancel culture and portray anyone who doesn't like shitty behaviour to be overly sensitive.

Also you say you're not defending Matthews but then go on to go defend him by saying his critics are overly sensitive.



Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Let me put it this way: with the effects of climate change, it's possible in the future that people will update ethical and moral standards to include our carbon footprint as a kind of offense. We could see revelation of past failings on all our parts in that moral context. If the internet itself consumers 25% of all energy in our electrical system, our very post count here could be used as a measure of our inequity and selfishness and destructiveness.
I don't buy the whole "someday they might come for me" argument. What Matthews did was never okay and I can't think of any instances of people doing their best to do the right thing at the time and it coming around on them in a bad way to any significant degree.
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 Months): Trolling over a series of posts, admitting to not reading the OP, mod whining.
I like Bill Maher. He has really great guests on and its much better than watching pundits scream over one another on the other cable news shows.


Aug 22, 2018
I like Bill Maher. He has really great guests on and its much better than watching pundits scream over one another on the other cable news shows.

Is this just a really passive way of saying you don't think he was wrong to attack a woman for coming forward about sexual harassment? Did you think anyone was going to be fooled?


I didnt ignore everything more than the first two words in the title, but id rather not discuss that because these days even implying that you are for or against a certain viewpoint will lead to a ban.

So that's a yes. You wanted to voice your support but didn't have the spine to say as such.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I didnt ignore everything more than the first two words in the title, but id rather not discuss that because these days even implying that you are for or against a certain viewpoint will lead to a ban.
There's an easy way around that: Go away and be silent instead of telling people that you're really cool with an islamophobic, sexist, anti-science guy who is currently being discussed because he literally defended a sexual harasser while mocking the victim?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I do wonder how many people feel like the real victim in sexual harassment cases are the people who get banned on internet forums.


Oct 28, 2017
This forum shits on everything he does. Cancel culture makes everything worst than it is. I'm not going to defend Mathews, but liberals get so sensitive with just about everything now a days. If HBO didn't cancel his show after saying the n word on one of his shows, they aren't certainly going to cancel it during an election year.
Get the fuck outta here. Let me call the folks you defend "crybaby nation." The moment some dumb personality gets called out for shitty behavior, folks like you jump with your pinch forks to defend these fools.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure if "we should ignore sexual harassment because otherwise the nazis win" is the worst hot take I've ever read on this site, but it might be.

It certainly is a disingenuous strawman job of paraphrasing if I've ever seen one.

This isn't my 1st era rodeo. I'm not sure what I expected to accomplish, so I yield.

You can safely just typify everything I've written here as mistakes, some oldster who doesn't belong any more. Write the future. Make it better. Just because you'll be doing it without Chris Matthews doesn't mean you'll be doing it alone. It might mean you'll be outnumbered. And history is indeed written by the victors. But hey, I have all my hopes that the most progressive and feminist viewpoints win out over the long term.

So please just take my concerns as what they are fear. Fears about tactics and failures and things you can safely ignore here because it's not really the form, flavor, or function of this community.

Been a hard week. My 74 year old ex-Playboy Bunny mom loved Chris Matthews. She's for Biden, and here I am watching 2016 happen all over again in my darkest fears. Let hope by my guide out of this. Peace.


Oct 27, 2017
It certainly is a disingenuous strawman job of paraphrasing if I've ever seen one.

This isn't my 1st era rodeo. I'm not sure what I expected to accomplish, so I yield.

You can safely just typify everything I've written here as mistakes, some oldster who doesn't belong any more. Write the future. Make it better. Just because you'll be doing it without Chris Matthews doesn't mean you'll be doing it alone. It might mean you'll be outnumbered. And history is indeed written by the victors. But hey, I have all my hopes that the most progressive and feminist viewpoints win out over the long term.

So please just take my concerns as what they are fear. Fears about tactics and failures and things you can safely ignore here because it's not really the form, flavor, or function of this community.

Been a hard week. My 74 year old ex-Playboy Bunny mom loved Chris Matthews. She's for Biden, and here I am watching 2016 happen all over again in my darkest fears. Let hope by my guide out of this. Peace.
All your posts are coming off like somebody that tries really hard to sound like they know what they're talking about, but you clearly don't


Oct 25, 2017
It certainly is a disingenuous strawman job of paraphrasing if I've ever seen one.

This isn't my 1st era rodeo. I'm not sure what I expected to accomplish, so I yield.

You can safely just typify everything I've written here as mistakes, some oldster who doesn't belong any more. Write the future. Make it better. Just because you'll be doing it without Chris Matthews doesn't mean you'll be doing it alone. It might mean you'll be outnumbered. And history is indeed written by the victors. But hey, I have all my hopes that the most progressive and feminist viewpoints win out over the long term.

So please just take my concerns as what they are fear. Fears about tactics and failures and things you can safely ignore here because it's not really the form, flavor, or function of this community.

Been a hard week. My 74 year old ex-Playboy Bunny mom loved Chris Matthews. She's for Biden, and here I am watching 2016 happen all over again in my darkest fears. Let hope by my guide out of this. Peace.

Chris Matthews went on national television two weeks ago to compare a Jewish presidential candidate to the Nazis and express fear that he would start executing people in Central Park.

This man is not an ally of leftism or "progressivism." Out of all the cancel culture cases, why is this guy the hill you're dying on lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
This forum shits on everything he does. Cancel culture makes everything worst than it is. I'm not going to defend Mathews,


Too bad this is a thread about Matthews and Maher's reaction to his firing.

According to Maher, Matthews "said some things that are kind of creepy to women," continuing, "You know, I just, guys are married for a million years, they want to flirt for two seconds. He said to somebody, Laura Bassett, four years ago, she's in makeup, he said, 'Why haven't I fallen in love with you yet?' Yes, it is creepy. She said, 'I was afraid to name him at the time out of fear of retaliation. I'm not afraid anymore.' Thank you, Rosa Parks. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ! I guess my question is: Do you wonder how Democrats lose?"

"This forum shits on everything he does."

Wow, I wonder why! It's almost as if the above quote is something every decent person with morals should be shitting on.
Nov 19, 2019
This whole contextualization of Chris Matthews getting fired for harassment is interesting. As many have pointed out, he's been doing harassment on and off camera for a loooong time.

What changed in the past few weeks? Well he compared a jewish man to the nazis and implied that same person would conduct public executions. He had a very shit interview with Warren.

In that light, I gotta wonder who benefits from making this another #metoo debate, while ignoring the fact that he was sorta fucking up across the board during an ongoing season of major news?


Oct 25, 2017
It certainly is a disingenuous strawman job of paraphrasing if I've ever seen one.

This isn't my 1st era rodeo. I'm not sure what I expected to accomplish, so I yield.

You can safely just typify everything I've written here as mistakes, some oldster who doesn't belong any more. Write the future. Make it better. Just because you'll be doing it without Chris Matthews doesn't mean you'll be doing it alone. It might mean you'll be outnumbered. And history is indeed written by the victors. But hey, I have all my hopes that the most progressive and feminist viewpoints win out over the long term.

So please just take my concerns as what they are fear. Fears about tactics and failures and things you can safely ignore here because it's not really the form, flavor, or function of this community.

Been a hard week. My 74 year old ex-Playboy Bunny mom loved Chris Matthews. She's for Biden, and here I am watching 2016 happen all over again in my darkest fears. Let hope by my guide out of this. Peace.
This post is a whole lot of nothing. You whataboutism'd liberal politicians/commentators sexually harassing/assaulting people by saying that the other side is worse.
Just watching liberal senators and commentators resign in disgrace while conservatives unite fundamental religious Mormons and neonazis in bot their vote, news channel, and version of reality
There is no strawman presented by anyone here, just a shitty argument, on your part, that completely dismisses the #MeToo movement.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I didnt ignore everything more than the first two words in the title, but id rather not discuss that because these days even implying that you are for or against a certain viewpoint will lead to a ban.
Blame the guy who apparently put a gun to your head to get into this death trap of a thread to chime in with "hey I like him, and I'm totally gonna ignore the issue at hand".


Oct 27, 2017
Chris Matthews is already a 74 year old millionaire and anyone that's seen has show could tell you he's been a rambling incoherent old man who should've gotten the boot years ago. Why in the ever loving fuck would anyone need jump in defence of his years of sexist impropriety because the backlash finally kickstarted his long overdue retirement that will still remain in great luxury? It's not even like it was a sole factor with all the shit he's been up to lately putting his foot in his mouth.
Oct 25, 2017
Democrats lose because we're not good enough at excusing bad behavior.

I mean, it's technically true (the best kind of true), but the solution isn't to get better at excusing bad behavior, is it?


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't know there was a Chris Matthews defense force, shit is wild
Democrats lose because we're not good enough at excusing bad behavior.

I mean, it's technically true (the best kind of true), but the solution isn't to get better at excusing bad behavior, is it?
The solution is probably to not do bad behavior, like sexual harassment and making Nazi comparisons in the context of a Jewish candidate doing well


Oct 27, 2017
Just watching liberal senators and commentators resign in disgrace while conservatives unite fundamental religious Mormons and neonazis in bot their vote, news channel, and version of reality
yes chris "president bernie would have me publicly executed and we're really better off with a 2nd trump term" matthews, the liberal warrior we all needed


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Didn't know there was a Chris Matthews defense force, shit is wild

The solution is probably to not do bad behavior, like sexual harassment and making Nazi comparisons in the context of a Jewish candidate doing well

"tHe lEfT Is eAtInG ItS OwN"

"dO YoU WaNt tRuMp tO WiN A SeCoNd tErM?"


Oct 27, 2017
i wonder if gimmick can get out of bed without rolling his ankle with that empty head of his


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest looks like he was trying to make a point but ended up sounding like an asshole. He could have made his points and not said all that. Ultimately he needs views and he is going to continue this because it attracts attention to him and his program.
Oct 25, 2017
Please don't confuse me for the banned guy in this thread.

Mahar continues to be trash. I'm surprised people still watch him but I suppose if they weren't, HBO would've dropped him long ago.


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest looks like he was trying to make a point but ended up sounding like an asshole. He could have made his points and not said all that. Ultimately he needs views and he is going to continue this because it attracts attention to him and his program.
To be honest, looks like he was trying to make a shitty point again for the 100th time but ended up sounding like the asshole he really is for the 100th time. Honestly this is far from his first rodeo.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the reasons 'we lose' is because we are infected with "allies" like @gimmmick and Maher that use alt right right talking points and phrases that erode resolve from within. Impressionable and contrarian minded youth see this sort of shit and think it's cool and rebellious to go against consensus and subscribe to dismissing or fighting it, even if that consensus is "abuse is bad and people should speak out about it". Bit by bit they go from excusing it, to internalizing it till they inevitably externalize it whole-sale.

No matter if it starts comically, ironically or ignorantly it always leads to the same conclusion over time and it's never 'harmless'. Brain worms like 'cancel culture' need to be removed from the conversation as well as those that spread it.


Oct 27, 2017
bill maher has declined steadily over the years, he's really insufferable these days... and in some ways, indistinguishable from Trump himself

they had a shot of his audience the other week and it was Boomerville

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
bill maher has declined steadily over the years, he's really insufferable these days... and in some ways, indistinguishable from Trump himself

they had a shot of his audience the other week and it was Boomerville

Um no, he's always been like this. It's you and others here that are finally realizing it.


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest, looks like he was trying to make a shitty point again for the 100th time but ended up sounding like the asshole he really is for the 100th time. Honestly this is far from his first rodeo.

I guess, sure: He is making a shitty point. Still assholes can express themselves and their views in a way that isn't asshole-like. Furthering my other point in my original post, he has to do this, and I think the rub is this is how he really feels and he ain't trying to hide it and he is eating off it.

Dag Nabbit

Apr 23, 2018
Ok yeah sure but I think what I said about scarce allies stands

and hey not trying to upset it offend anyone. Just watching liberal senators and commentators resign in disgrace while conservatives unite fundamental religious Mormons and neonazis in bot their vote, news channel, and version of reality

also among Bill Maher's points

Liberals are forced to resign when accused of sexual harassment, while conservatives often don't. Result: .... Suburban women have shifted more and more to the Democrats, becoming a key reason why the Dems flipped 40 seats in 2018 (mostly in suburban districts) and won control of the House.

Also, people have mentioned Franken's resignation in this thread. He resigned due to a dozen-plus accusations that he groped women's butts without permission. His resignation came right near the end of the Alabama special election for a new senator. In this election, the GOP guy (Roy Moore) had his own sexual scandal - which the GOP completely blew off and ignored. And -Roy Moore then narrowly lost a statewide election in Alabama to Democrat Doug Jones. Now, I can't say with 100% that the difference that Dems and Republicans took on sexual harassment caused the difference in the result. But it was a narrow upset win (in Alabama!) & every little bit helps.

For that matter, without winning that Alabama senate seat, there's an extremely strong chance that Obamacare gets repealed. The big push to repeal failed only because of John McCain's vote -- but then John McCain died, and he was replaced by a conventional Republican who'd support repeal. That should've been the vote that put repeal over the top. But by the time McCain died, Doug Jones was in the Senate, so McCain's old seat was no longer the tipping point vote.

I'm off on a tangent of a tangent, but arguing that Democrats have hurt themselves by taking a stronger stand on sexual harassment than Republicans have ....... I gotta disagree.


Oct 29, 2017
"Liberals always have to fight a two-front war. Republicans only have to fight the Democrats; Democrats have to fight the Republicans, and each other."
The irony in this...

Does Bill Maher not realize that he's a huge proponent of the exact problem he supposedly laments? I don't know of any supposed progressive who shits on the progressive movement more than Bill Maher.


Oct 27, 2017
It's always interesting watching people show their asses in threads like this.
2 people got banned here..
Honestly if Maher is the hill you want to die on, it says a lot about you. I was a fan of the guy even knowing his severe shortcomings..but once it all started piling up, I knew the guy isn't what the liberal need as an ally.


Nov 7, 2017
2 people got banned here..
Honestly if Maher is the hill you want to die on, it says a lot about you. I was a fan of the guy even knowing his severe shortcomings..but once it all started piling up, I knew the guy isn't what the liberal need as an ally.

Yeah I went from liking him, to liking his guests, to dropping him entirely.

Such a piece of shit.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
I don't get it. How does this guy still have a show on HBO? Who is his audience?
Older whites who believe in both sides arguments that can't admit they were wrong for being racist way back when because they "came from a different time" and "it was accepted back then".

At least that's what I have found in my experience.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This forum shits on everything he does. Cancel culture makes everything worst than it is. I'm not going to defend Mathews, but liberals get so sensitive with just about everything now a days. If HBO didn't cancel his show after saying the n word on one of his shows, they aren't certainly going to cancel it during an election year.
Islamaphobia is racism. Maher is a piece of shit for more then just that, and anyone that supports him or tries to rationalise his position is no better.
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