The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
So much effort has been spent having to hit CTRL+Z over and over again on this previous administration, and at a time of crisis.

Great for Biden again. He's been on a whirlwind. This seems like the most active 100 days of any president that I can remember. I'm really hoping they get their landmark legislation through, increase the vaccine supply to hit 100m doses in 100 days (and maybe hit the stretch goal of 150m).


Oct 26, 2017
I hope the Dem enthusiasm behind the 2020 election can be maintained. We need more than four years to cement these policies. It's a long road.


Oct 25, 2017
He has much work ahead of him, undoing Trump's ruin while building back better. Go Joe and Kamala you can do it.


Oct 29, 2017
Good on Joe. that said, its really fucking depressing how fucked up things got that this many low-hanging slam dunks are just sitting out there

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Joe right now.
Oct 25, 2017
Great job, keep it coming. That 1776 report was absolutely vile and completely ahistorical, people should be ashamed of it.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The 1776 commission was an attempt to force "patriotic" education / indoctrination, all because a bunch of fragile deplorables got mad at the 1619 journalism project by NYT.

The commission and the ban are going to be on the pile of shit that future generations will refuse to believe were ever a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
So much effort has been spent having to hit CTRL+Z over and over again on this previous administration, and at a time of crisis.

Great for Biden again. He's been on a whirlwind. This seems like the most active 100 days of any president that I can remember. I'm really hoping they get their landmark legislation through, increase the vaccine supply to hit 100m doses in 100 days (and maybe hit the stretch goal of 150m).
Imagine what Trumpers are feeling, right now. They just lost two important elections, their cult leader is gone, they failed at sedition at the capital, and they just made it through 2020 only to find 2021 looking even worse than last year with the SOCIALIST president destroying all of Trump's work. Mind you most of them do actually believe Biden is a Godless man out to destroy the country and sell it to China.

I mean, I try to and it makes me giddy every time.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope the Dem enthusiasm behind the 2020 election can be maintained. We need more than four years to cement these policies. It's a long road.

Its the honeymoon period but if the Biden admin can keep this momentum going and Congress can follow suit with some actual serious legislation then I think its possible. That and learning from people like Stacy Abrams on how to reach out to voters.


Nov 26, 2017
More has happened in 6 days of Biden's presidency than the last year Trump was in office.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that this took this long to come up and Biden's basically doing constant executive orders since the day he was elected basically shows how deep in the hole Trump has put us. How many months is it gonna be before Biden's done murdering EOs?
Wait, in what context was diversity training banned? That seems completely ridiculous.
This was one of Trump's lame duck EO's out of spite.


Oct 27, 2017
The 1776 commission was an attempt to force "patriotic" education / indoctrination, all because a bunch of fragile deplorables got mad at the 1619 journalism project by NYT.

The commission and the ban are going to be on the pile of shit that future generations will refuse to believe were ever a thing.
That the website was basically gone Inauguration Day was amazing, lol.

Biden not fucking around.